
Monday, April 13, 2015

"Best Family Memories" by Idalys M

Have you ever just sat there and thought about the most screwed up things that have taken place in your life? Ha. Yeah that’s what I am doing right now… So much fun.
When I look back at my life growing up, the memories that have taken place in my house have always popped up first. Sadly, they aren’t the happy ones. Let’s take a trip down memory lane.
Running into the family room to see my dad and uncle assisting her up the stairs. Thinking it was all fun and games, I acted as if I was a person who directed planes ready for takeoff, telling them where to go. She is such a mess right now. Why isn’t she making any sense right now? Hmm weird.
As time went on, I found out what was really going on with her. She thinks it is okay to just walk around the house like this while my friends are over. What is her problem? Acting like such a fool in front of 9 year olds… stupid drunk. Like who in their right mind would decide to go water the cement then try running slightly after causing herself to fall and break her leg. What would make this situation better? Her doing it while I have company over… My friends must think she’s insane.
My baby sister is now here. Great, she’s going to have to grow up with the same crap I’ve dealt with. I don’t want this for her at all.
How lovely, I’m just lying in my bed watching TV when BAM I hear a loud bang and yelling. Of course! It’s my drunk grandmother arguing with my father… just to make it worst… she swung on my dad completely miss and hit my 2 year old sister. What a wonderful family memory I have here.
Because of her stupid mistakes, my father has to pay… she kicked him out of “her” house… as if she pays the bills here. Since that is one less adult here to help with her, looks like it’s time for this 12 year old to grow up and take some responsibility.
My mom is working late tonight and I have a feeling like something is up. I go downstairs to investigate and what do I find? My drunken grandmother passed out on the couch looking like a slob. She has food everywhere and can’t even make it into her mouth… what is wrong with her?! It’s absolutely disgusting…Oh hey, there is a bottle right there. Let me grab it while she is asleep and dump it down the drain. As I reached for it, she awakes from her drunken slumber. She realizes what I am doing and decides to chase me down and pin me up against the wall and fight me until I give her the bottle. Good thing my roommate was home to help get this mad woman off me. Like who does that? Attacks their own granddaughter for a bottle of vodka.
Damn... just a few wonderful memories I always look back on and my grandma wonders why I look at her with disgust. Too bad she doesn’t remember any of the pain, physically and mentally, she has caused me. 


Justin Le said...

Hey Idalys! I liked the sarcasm you showed throughout your piece and the title shows it. It was probably one of the worst memories you remember that will keep being brought up in your life. But how can your grandma even chase you down? My grandma can barely walk, haha. But love this piece. It gives me a different perspective of you, in a good way and the things you go through with your family. I especially liked the end because your grandma cannot even remember what she did to you, great irony.

Unknown said...

Hello, this piece had me feeling really emotional because it is so raw, and I love the fact that you could talk about what happened to you as a child and I am really sorry about that. I commend you for being brave enough to talk about something so personal.

Unknown said...

Heartbreaking, yet knowing you toughed it out and continue to stay strong doesn't make it sad anymore but hopeful. Your sarcasm gives the piece a light humor, like a distraction. The title totally made me believe I was going to read something cheerful and heartwarming. the irony! Great work.

Anonymous said...

Dang, that's awful. I really do commend you on being able to talk about your family situation. But, I really like how it sounds as if your talking to the reader face-to-face. The sarcasm is unreal throughout the story, its really well put in.
Great Job!

Elisabeth Domond
Period 5

Unknown said...

What an insightful and eye opening piece Idalys! I haven't experienced this within my family but your story definitely helped me realize what it must have been like to know an alcoholic. As a reader, I could feel your emotions that you put into this. I loved your use of sarcasm to, in a way, ease the tension. I liked how you incorporated irony to show the readers the insane truth of what alcohol can do to the drunk as well as the people around them. Thank you for expanding my knowledge on this topic by your creative story, great job!

Unknown said...

Your sarcastic tone makes the piece very intriguing to read. However it also makes me realize how heart breaking this story is. For a moment a reader can be caught up on the sarcastic tone they forget the reason behind it. I love your word choices and the intensity of your piece. Every word just felt stronger than the last and then came the climax and I had to take a moment and pause. Pause not out of its length but because I felt like I honestly would start to break down if I kept going. Beautiful piece.
-Katheryn Valle

Unknown said...

This piece gives the reader a good view into the lives of those families that are affected by drunkards and alcoholics. The progressive beginning shows how the innocence of a child can hide the actions that are happening in front of them. A high point in this piece was when the child attempted to dump the vodka down the drain in order to create a change for the better. Overall a very well written piece.

Unknown said...

Wow. I have never seen you right so good. I mean my mind is blown fam. The use of sarcasm suits your personality very well (I would know because you use it on me all the time lol). I feel like i saw your true writing voice come out in this piece. Great job!!

Anonymous said...

Man that is rough. It is always hard to deal with alcoholism especially when it is with someone you love. I had this same problem with my mom, just not to that extent. My mom kicked me out the house when I was only eleven. Alcohol abuse is no joke, it is hard to deal with. Great Job.
Nehemiah Barnett
Period 4

Chris Medina said...

wow great job this is was a really emotional p[iece and i personally can relate to this situation sadly. I liked how the story unfolded and i really liked the experiences and that slight pause that you had in the piece. Really great writing it was really impactful and it was a short story with a million words.

Anonymous said...

Wow very interesting story. I thought it was great. It must of been hard to have a grandma like that. Good Job.
Period 6
Luis Toro

Unknown said...

Very nice story! It shows the struggles that families have to go through and not everything is as good as it seems. I can totally relate to this story. Overall, I am very impressed with this story!

Unknown said...

This story was really good! Good job Idalys! I realized that a lot of adults do things in the past and think since you're a child that you won't remember it. But I like how it shows that even if we were so little and usually shouldn't remember these types of things but we do because they affected our life is such a huge way. Also good use of imagery I can just seeing the grandmother passed out on the couch. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a very good story!!! This story can impact a person so much and what the moral lesson was very clear. GOOD JOB!!!
~Clarissa Rojas
Period 2

Tedman Nguyen said...

Hey Idalys! This really was an eyeopener to me and I have so much respect and love for you and the amount of bravery it takes to write about this. Honestly I could relate to a similar situation and the fact remains that despite being a child it affected you so much. Overall great job and it truly has played a part in shaping the amazing person you are today

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is crazy how the grandmother caused all this damage to the family and she really didn’t know what she was doing. Good job!!!
-Angel Gonzalez

Unknown said...

This was a very interesting story and very interesting choice many people think of family and think of good memories. However for some people there aren't any "good" memories. This story gives a clear perspective of one famiky that seems to be broken. It shows with great detail that not all familys' are perfect. I like how you went into specifics it was able to paint the picture in my mind as I read. Good job with this story I really enjoyed reading this story.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Very deep story, and something we all in some form can relate to. I admire your bravery to write about such a personal topic, and I'm sorry that this was something you experienced. Your piece really shows the strong impact alcoholism has on everyone, but your tone gives an element of strength and hope. Although you experienced something negative you gained a strong resilient attitude. "It is not the bad memories that define us, but how we overcome them that shows who we are."(your story reminds me of that quote)

Unknown said...

wow, that was really interesting. I felt as if the title and the story itself were ironic because usually when you think of a family memory, most people just think about the happiness that their family brings them, and your story just shows the opposite feeling, I like how you did that because you were able to draw in my attention. I also like how you used sarcasm because it relates to how people now-a-days talk and it is easier for the reader to understand the type of emotions that you are feeling.