
Monday, April 13, 2015

"Amnesia" by Dominic T

Week 7 day 4: My name is Thomas Mason I am 25 years old I woke up 4 days ago at 7:53 AM with a headache and a sore back but I had realized something. I noticed I had not been in my apartment I am in my old room i had as a child in my parents house. Before I decided to go downstairs to find my parents and ask how I got there I saw this leather journal sitting on my night stand with a note that had told me to read the entries and I would  understand. As I began reading 6 long summaries of the last 6 weeks worth of entries able to confirm my handwriting, as I finish I’m left in shock. I had spent 2 hours reading and rereading every word I could not believe it. In the middle of my frantic reading my door had slowly opened and my parents were standing in the doorway looking at me. My mother's eyes were swollen swollen and red from crying, I could tell she was resisting to let anymore tears show. They had confirmed everything… they had explained the car accident I was in ”It was a dark night and it was raining hard... you were going home from a late night shift from work the truck… the truck hadn’t see the stop sign at the intersection you were passing… you were in the hospital with serious head trauma for 2 weeks, you were in a coma for half the time the doctors did what they could and when you finally woke up the you had no idea where you or how you got there.." her voice broke as her lower lip began to quiver. I sat on my bed stunned in shock with disbelief. My father then explained that my condition was more than just the loss of my memory of the last few months prior to the accident but now I can not remember anything that  happens after, roughly, five days and my memory resets. My parents did their best to explain what happened in the last 7 weeks since the accident. They said I will still be sore for a few more weeks the headaches will come and go and to just rest. Slowly explaining to me I stayed with the night before my memory reset this week because we knew the cycle for my amnesia would repeat soon and did not want me driving. As they  started explaining more about what has happened since the accident the more I could not believe it me and my girlfriend Janet had gotten married a week after I got out of the hospital and that after the shortened honeymoon just last week Janet and I told my parents that she is pregnant. Finding this all out was insane and hard for me to believe I'm somewhat excited to know I am having a child. However as I thought more and more about it the news only depressed me I will never get get to share or cherish the memories I have with with my child and wife the thought of my child growing up with a father who would not always know that he is a father or even husband to Janet. Today I even went with Janet to see the ultrasound to see my baby it was incredible... With everything that had happened this week I had a lot to accept in only a few days because now that 4 days have passed I won't remember anything by tomorrow. But no matter what happens even if I wont remember any of this my wife, my child, or the accident. Though it is a frightening at first it will be a blessing to wake to a family of my own as a surprised every 5 days that the cycle of my amnesia repeats.



Anonymous said...

Really beautiful piece ! Made me sad but also made me appreciate my life.

imalla ramirez

period 6

Unknown said...

Wow...I don't know what to say. Dominic, this piece brought a tear to my eye! It was so well written and such a tragic story. I always knew you had this type of writing in you. This piece showed me that I should be thankful for the life I have now because in could have been a whole lot worse. Fantastic Job!

Anonymous said...

This was an amazing story! I like how u wrote it kind of like a journal entry and included the dates and times. I like how u included what happened briefly in the accident and then went on to his father explaining to him the things he didn't remember. great job!- Tatiana Nunez per 6

Unknown said...

This is a really moving and somewhat scary story. It’s scary because its reality and sadly reality for some people. and it sucks that people have to go through this and have to cherish the week they have but not being able to remember it. I like how the story was formatted like one of his journal entries so you are able to see and experience the emotions he may feel when reading the summary. And you get the descriptions and emotions so accurate it makes you feel like you were there with him or that I was his journal or even conscience, because we don’t know what happened to him either. But overall amazing story and keep up the writing, you are very good at it!
mariah rhodes
period 6

Anonymous said...

well written! favorite one so far. i loved all the details. and i liked how everything was like a diary of his. Great job !

Anonymous said...

what a sad story i really liked and appreciated how you put lots of emotion which made this story even better . Also its a very unique theme to write about great job.
Valerie Perez
period 6

Unknown said...

why is writing heart wrenching pieces so interesting to read? I just love reading the words, it's as if they were floating into my brain and I absorbed every single word. The main character has such an interesting way of thinking and I love his journal entries. When I think of someone with Amnesia I would think of this. Having to write what you do everyday in order to keep yourself updated on your own life which is kind of sad. I also felt connected to it because I wrote a play entitled "amnesia" as well but the story line was completely different. This truly reaches down to the core of the emotion and allows the reader to understand how hard it is to lose your memory and not being able to regain any bit of it. It's sophisticated and melancholy. Nice job Dom. Great minds think alike.
-Katheryn Valle
P. 1

Unknown said...

Dom, nice story bro. To get into more detail, just the story itself was impactful. Memory loss is a sad ordeal for some, whether it's permanent or temporary. This piece really grabs at emotions and makes you actually think about how life can just be a lost memory. Keep up the good work Dom.

Anonymous said...

Great story! I love how it is coming from his perspective, it is as though we're experiencing and learning the same thing he is learning. You captured the damage amnesia has on a family, but created the characters understanding of it and made his perspective to be positive towards the end which ended the story on a lighter note. Great diction really captures the emotion of the parents, the main character and Janet.