
Monday, April 13, 2015

"20 Things I learned In High School" by Sophie R

1. High School is the time to try new things- A new hobby or hairstyle It won't really matter in four years.
2. I hate math with a passion. - For the past four years math has been my biggest obstacle in school. Countless hours of studying and tutoring and I still struggled. I've tried to love it, but you can't force love.
3. You'll end up with a few close friends- I started high school with a million friends. As the years passed, some stayed and some didn't and some came into the picture along the way.
4. Ask for help- Asking for help doesn't mean make you less of a person. Don't continue to suffer and struggle when there are plenty of people around you who can help.
5. It's okay to be alone sometimes- My freshman year I couldn't even stand walking alone to class. Now I'm able to sit on a bench by myself, studying or doing homework, and not caring if people are thinking that I'm a loner.
6. Monday's actually don't suck.- Everyday you're alive and well should be cherished. I look at Monday's as the day my dad has work off and can actually take me to school, pick me up, and since he doesn't cook I can have whatever my heart desires for dinner.
7. "Life only gets harder, but you have to get stronger" - High School prepared me for how to deal with difficult situations and difficult people.
8. You're gonna cry in public. -It's fine. Nobody cares. Just cry.
9. Change is going to happen- You're going to change your mind so many times. Everybody is going to change their mind so many times. You're going to make friends and lose friends. You're going to like one thing one day and hate it the next.
10. There's no such thing as bad or wrong timing- Time is the most accurate thing and God, destiny, fate, or whatever you believe in is the most precise planner. And one day you'll look back and say," So this is why that couldn't happen."
11. Take the once in a lifetime opportunities- My junior year of high school I was able to go to Europe with three of my closest friends and the experience was something I'll always remember and look back on.
12. Everyone is going through something- I know it's been said a million times, but sometimes when something is not being made aware we forget about the things that someone else could be going through.
13.  Forgive. But don't always apologize.- Forgive. Not for them, but for yourself. But that does not always mean you should apologize. Sometimes it's okay not to be the bigger person and just apologize to get rid of a problem. Demand the respect you know you deserve.
14. Best memories are the ones you won't feel the need to take a picture of and share with the world.- Put the camera down for once. If it's really a great memory you'll remember it forever.
15. You'll meet a million bad guys, and one great guy- All it takes is one great guy to change your whole perspective on love and even life.
16. Love can take many forms- Love isn't always between two people who are "in love". As I went through high school love became something between friendships,family, and also relationships.
17. It's okay to be lost- Some people find who they are in high school and others it takes them a little longer.
18. Getting involved in something really makes high school a better experience- I was in yearbook for my last two years of high school. I learned so many new things that I know will follow me throughout my life. I also made so many new friends and I was able to talk to so many people throughout the school.
19. Someone will change your life- Or maybe a few people will change your life. I became a teacher assistant for the special needs children class. Every day is a new experience and something new to be learned. I had never been close to someone who had special needs. The kids I became close with are some of the most unique, happiest, and loving people I have ever met.
20. It goes by so fast- Right before I started high school I was constantly being told that I needed to cherish every moment. I never believed them but I'm less than a month away from graduating and I still remember my first day of freshman year.


Unknown said...

You gave "20 things you learned in high school" and I can't give you 20, but I'll give you 5 things I enjoyed about your blog entry:) First, I love how simple you wrote. It was easy to understand and the structure of the piece made it more fun to read a list than a big paragraph of reasons. Second, I enjoyed the many kinds of advice you gave the readers. Third, I like how you helped me gain a new perspective. For example, the way you look at Mondays. You made me want to spend more time looking at the brighter side of my bad days. Fourth, this piece was straight to the point and there was hardly anything I could find to disagree on. Lastly, I liked how you made the list where everyone could relate to something. Overall, great piece! You made me reminisce about everything in high school.

Anonymous said...

Your piece is absolutely true and honest, and I like it a lot. I’ve learned dozens of things throughout high school, including most of the things listed in your entry, and it’s good to recap and evaluate them. I also like the appeal to emotion that you conveyed in this piece because of all the similar things that others have gone through as well.
-nate s p.1

Anonymous said...

Sophie, with the school year ending, this blog post made me realize just how much time had past. I loved the format of the post, separating each lesson with each number. I thought that your messages were very well thought out and I wished that I had learned some of them a long time ago as well. I think #19 was my favorite one out of all of them. Awesome job!

Isabelle Huynh

Unknown said...

As a freshman I really enjoyed this piece because its definitely something that can help me throughout high school. I liked how simply you put the list and how you really made me understand what high schools going to be like. Thank you for the advice and the good piece.

Unknown said...

Hey Sophia.I really loved this piece. I don't think I've ever read anything as honest as this. I really wish I knew some of this before going into high school. You are very real and I believe you really did effectively compact the high school experience into 20 simple statements. My favorite of your "20 things you learned" were number 5 and 12. I, personally, have discovered those two to be one of the most important things I've learned as well and I think that's what makes this piece so good. For anyone reading your piece, there is always one statement that they can relate to. What we learn from high school really is universal and I like how your piece kinda embodies that. Good job, Sophia! You're making me simp about high school.
Ellamae Armado
P. 1

Anonymous said...

The amount of advice was overwhelming and can really help other freshman to think what their going to for rest of high school. These were really helpful, nice job.
Melvin Sanchez
Period 6

Anonymous said...

The amount of advice was overwhelming and can really help other freshman to think what their going to for rest of high school. These were really helpful, nice job.
Melvin Sanchez
Period 6

Anonymous said...

Wow. These tips will totally come in handy for my years to come in high school. You did an amazing job on give us advice. Also, I liked how you went into detail and added your own experiences.
Jocelyn Rangel

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love how as your progressed through the list, you could tell the memories and hardships faced as one grows and grows. I could totally relate to this list and I find it inspirational that maybe it could help a freshman survive their first year of high school. Your diction was very straight-to-the-point in addressing the issues to the reader and this could possible making a very lasting impression on what to expect from high school and to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly. Great job and I enjoyed reading your piece.

-Andrew Trinidad
Period 1

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this list of twenty items because for the most part all of them are accurate. You accurately conveyed how temporary everything in high school is, but how important it is to get involved. The tone of this piece made it easy to understand, and can genuinely be used as a guide for incoming freshmen. Good job!

Unknown said...

I loved how optimistic your outlook on high school is and you gave really good advice with it. Great Job :)
Megan G
Per 1

Mika Ocampo Per.1 said...

I really enjoyed the honesty of this piece and how realistic it is; I agreed with almost everything on this list especially the "it's okay to be alone" one, and I'm sure everyone can relate to many items on this list which is what makes it so enjoyable. I feel like this is a list that all incoming high school students should read to get them prepared and give them guidance throughout their High school years. I really enjoyed reading your reflection.

Anonymous said...

Simply put, this is straight fact pulled form every kid in high schools life, including myself. Optimism isn't always a bad thing and it helped your piece in this case. Great job!

Katelynn Gutierrez p.4

Anonymous said...

Amazing piece. I really liked how you gave high school advice. Its funny because most of the things listed are true. Though we all handle things differently. I really liked how the structure was so simple and easy to read. Which made it great for advice and it was to the point.
Great Job. Grace Panjaitan P4

Anonymous said...

Christian Black
Period 1

Very simple, but that's what made it amazing. This seems like great advice that you could give to up coming freshman great work!

Aiseosa Ibude said...

I cried at the end because its so true! We have less than a month until we separate from our friends and teachers that we have seen for a long time. This piece would be really inspiring to incoming freshman and the under classmen that take high school for granted. Great job!

Unknown said...

Awh this was really great! I really enjoyed reading this! I love how you not only stated what you learned, but you also gave it a life lesson. I really loved reading all the things you enjoyed and I loved how it was vague yet really detailed and informative at the same time! Great piece!

Anonymous said...

I like this because it sums up highschool in 20 bullets. You did a great job in that not only did you give an idea, but you also gave an example about how you came to this realization. Great job!
Nehemiah Barnett
Period 4

Anonymous said...

I really liked this story a lot. this is because it is very true. My favorite was number 20. it is so true. Im only a freshman but this year went by in a blink of the eye great job.
Jesse Jauregui

Charles Purcell said...

I'm glad you chose the bullet point format. Something about the look and feel of a list helps to bring this piece extra meaning. It comes across as more... sincere? Because of the subject matter? If that makes sense? It probably doesn't, I'm sorry. Even though not everyone might not be able to relate to each of the 20, at least half of the advice will apply to every reader. The information is pivotal to know at the high school ages, because adults tend to let bureaucracy do the emotional education, assuming ticker tape gives the answers. Long unread comment short, this is very important for students to read.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I really liked how unique and fresh your piece was. In addition, it was very relatable. My favorite was #8 because I'm going to miss everyone. <3
-Philip Ahn

Unknown said...

Oh gosh where do I start with this piece. I can totally relate to literally everything you listed. I can definitely agree with #20. We have 18 days! It went by so fast....Anyways, I loved your blog entry

Gian Velasquez said...

I find your list of things that you learned over the past four years of your life as easily relatable and fun to connect with. Especially your second and very valuable information provided above, that you hate math with a passion. Many of us share the disdain of math and how it can be quite irksome at times. I also appreciate the openness of your principles and values, as you mentioned that it is okay to cry in public or be alone. It is okay to live your life independent of what society wants you to be or act a specific way. We are not machines or cogs or screws in this grand thing we call a world… We are humans and we have a right to be independent and happy the way we want to be happy.
Gian Velasquez Period 1

Anonymous said...

I could relate to everything in this piece! Great job! It was really easy to relate these things to my own experiences- such as being lost, afraid of being alone, gaining a few close friends- and I'm sure that they are things that nearly everybody in high school can relate to! The emotional appeal of this piece was really well thought out. Again, great job!

Melany M
Period 1.

Anonymous said...

Dangg this is a very true and good story. In high school all these things happen and we will have to deal with them n matter what and good job on the story, yo truly understand how your high school years were.
~Clarissa Rojas
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I truly don't believe I could relate to this anymore..I agree with you 110% on every single statement. If only I read this going into freshman year so many things would be different..but then again its through our experiences is how we grow and form these beliefs..I love how you numbered each statement in a list format because it makes the reader stay focused on what you're saying. Great work!
Haylie Duncan Period 4

Unknown said...

This piece really allowed most of us senior readers to reflect on our high school experiences. The structure of the list is so fitting because it numerically distinguishes one lesson from another which allows for readers to not only gain information from the lesson but also connect with you more personally in your reflection of what is is you've learned. Great Job!
Period 4

Unknown said...

Madi Cordura P.1

This is exactly what I needed to read right now. Thank you for signing up as an April writer because I know that a lot of us can agree that it's really nice to realize all the really great things about highschool. It really made me reflect on what I've gone through and how I've changed over the past four years. This is really great advice not only for incoming freshmen, but for someone of any age. This is all so relevant and it's amazing. My favorite one is the one that says you're going to cry at school, and it's okay to do so:)

Just for the record, I hate math too.

Anonymous said...

Wow this was amazing and I'm going to save this piece. I really loved this and #7 almost made me cry. All of these things are true(for me) and I also needed to hear this right now. I needed to be reminded of everything I learned and experienced from highschool and as I read each number a flashback from freshmen year till last week happened. This piece made me think of everything I experienced in highschool and everyone who I met, The good, and the bad, the neutral. This piece made me realizes how grateful I am to have experienced everything I did in highschool and the more I write about the more of a realization i'm coming to that I am almost done with highschool and that the 20 things you listed I experienced and know to be true, and will take with me on my journey in life. Beautifully well written and it evoked a lot of emotions and reminded me to cherish the last moments of highschool. Wow I just really admire how all 20 things are so true and how each of these things will really help me in life. Thank you Sophie! and thank you highschool experiences!

Unknown said...

As I was scrolling down the blog frantically finding a piece to comment on, yours immediately caught my eye because of the way you formatted it. Your piece isn't some extravagant story relaying the information you wanted to us, it was a legitimate list, and I think that the simplicity of the piece made it that much more sincere. This piece is so dead on accurate, and I honestly wish I had something like this to help guide me through high school when I first started. Awesome piece, Sophie.

Miranda Santos said...

This piece made me smile. I enjoyed how simple and honest it is and liked how you shared your experiences and new perspectives you gained since freshman year. It makes me think about how much everyone has really changed and gone through so much in high school, to become who we are today. Great job!

Unknown said...

This piece was really heartwarming and relatable. All of the lessons you've learned from high school serve as great pieces of advice for others who don't know what to do. Your piece was easy to relate to because it's high school, and for most of us we are seniors. It gave me nostalgic feeling when I read it, even though I haven't graduated.

Unknown said...

This is a great way to show freshmen that many that many things will change by the end of Senior year. I think you did a great job showing your ideas that have changed throughout your high school life.

Unknown said...

Man.. if i were given the opportunity to go back in time and give my freshman self advice, this would be the one. As i read your advice memories started to pop up in my brain, some made me smile, some made me laugh in embarrassment, and some made me wonder why did i do that. Not only did you successfully portray a general professional tone on your piece, but you also incorporated your emotions and personal stories in which made your piece truly genuine. Amazing!

Jaena Lauren Fabia
Period 4

Anonymous said...

This is cool because my first couple days here I was learning the something's you are learning now but this is very useful for some kids if they are scared of high school or just need help with something around school when no one is around you to help you or you are just scared to talk to people.

Anonymous said...

-Adrian Jones