
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

It's Your Lucky Day! New Reading!


 All Students:  Be sure to read the entries for this group --March writers).  Everyone is required to comment on at least THREE different pieces of writing.  You must submit comments on Canvas (for each one, include the name of the author and the title of their piece, and then your positive, specific comment ) by Friday, April 12 on Canvas.

Remember, comments must be positive, original, personal, supportive, constructive, and SPECIFIC.  No "Good Job!" comments, unless you follow that with specific things you thought were done well in the piece.  Show them you actually took the time to read and enjoy their work!

“Balance what?” - Zahra G.

Balance: is having the right amount — not too much or too little — of any quality, which leads to harmony or evenness.


The word ‘balance’ has many meanings to many different people. Most of the time, the word balance means equal when comparing two things. If you were to ask a young child, they would look at you confusedly and shoot back another question. If you were to ask a young adult, they would respond with not just the definition but also include the balance of their life. Balancing one's life is not something that comes easily to many or the idea of balancing doesn't come in an instant.

If I were to ask my middle school self what balancing your life means, my response then would be “What do you mean?” and say something ridiculous. As I grew and slowly went into high school, balance was being introduced into my life. Not only would I begin to learn the definition of balance but also what it meant for me in my everyday life. Coming fresh from middle school plus isolation from quarantine into a new environment meant for a 14-year-old, the idea of balance was completely out of my mind, and even if I tried to maintain balance, it would not be stabilized at all. Finally being adapted to a new environment, I slowly began to realize how important balance was to have in one’s life. From 10th grade until being senior right now, I only grew to understand what balance meant. Not only the definition from English class but also what it meant to be balanced in life. I learned to balance home and school life, personal and social life, and even family & relationships I have with many people. It was not an overnight skill I learned but it took me years and tons of new experiences. Each event I have gone through, whether it be sad, happy, upsetting, or some type of emotion, I still have managed to gain a new insight on how to balance each thing in my life. Each experience impacted each view I had on the balance and would continue to change. It would change for the better or the worse but nonetheless, each time I  gained a new perspective on learning to balance from these opportunities.

It is not always easy to find balance and some may never be able to experience balance. Most of the time, many people are bombarded with stress from work, depression, or their own problems that get in the way. There are many aspects in life to be balanced but to be able to stabilize those, you must stabilize yourself and the things that are most important to you. I did not only learn from experiences that personally happened to me, but I also learned by seeing others close to me how they were managing balance in their lives through their familiarity and understanding of a steady life. Balance means to have the right amount, balance in life is to strive in each and hopefully every area of your life.










"It’s A New Year " by Samantha R


Alone. Although I was surrounded by friends I had never felt more alone. I first noticed it in eighth grade, but when we got to high school it became obvious. It was like I was a placeholder, saving the spot of someone unknown. Feeling like an outsider; invisible and ignored, with people I had known most of my life.

I was the friend who didn’t get an invitation when there was a “limited” amount. I was the friend that walked on the grass when the sidewalk was too small. I was the friend who would stand when there wasn’t enough seats during lunch. I was the friend that took the pictures, but wasn’t in them. I was the friend that didn’t get the memo about when to wear what. I was the friend that they “forgot” to add to the group chat.

Despite all of that, I still somehow thought they cared about me. Maybe it was because I was also the friend that they came to for the homework answers. I was the friend they came to, when they wanted to rant. I was the friend they talked to when they needed advice. I always told myself that things would be different. They’ll grow, they’ll change, things will be better, it's a new year.

But they never did. I was always excluded, or forgotten. I felt horrible and began to wonder why this was happening. So I searched for a reason. Maybe it was something I’d done, maybe it’s me, maybe I need to change. But I already didn’t feel like myself, I had already changed so much.

 If there was a cause, I couldn’t find it, I still didn’t understand. But it didn’t bother me, at least not anymore. They began to fade out of view, for I had turned to look in a different direction. I had met someone, someone who made me forget about how they made me feel, someone who made me happy, someone I could be myself with. Something new and exciting had begun.

Lonely nights turned into long talks. Dull weekends into date nights. Taking the long way home for those extra five minutes. You smiling, and turning the radio louder so I can sing along, because you liked to listen to my voice. The feeling of your arms around me when we were looking at the stars and listening to the waves crash on the shoreline. Sadly, like most things, it didn’t last.

At first, it was hard to breathe, everything reminded me of us, of what we used to have. I tried to not think about it, still I couldn’t help but wonder if you felt the same, how can you not? It’s not like you were faking it when we were together, right? Is it even possible?

When I was broken and in pain, doubting myself and my worth, looking for comfort from people I thought were my friends. “You’ll be fine”, “You’ll get over it” was all they said. But it wasn't until she tried to be your next, that I realized, it had to end. I could endure the passive aggressive behavior, and exclusion; but hearing her bolster and brag about you, I wouldn’t be able to listen to that.

 It was a new year. I was not going to think about them. I was going to make new friends. I was going to distract myself. I was going to put on a brave face. I was not going to let them know they hurt me. So I threw myself into my work. I looked for an escape between the pages of a book. I focused my energy on anything that kept me busy.

It was the end of the year. I had reconnected with an old friend, someone on whom I can depend, someone who genuinely cares about me. We started spending more time together and we grew close. She opened my eyes to the truth, things that deep down I knew, but I didn’t want to admit. She may not know it, but she saved me. When others ignored, excluded, and broke me down, she listened to me and helped me see my worth. She welcomed me into her friend group where I met and got to know others who’s friendship is sincere.

Sparks of an old flame flickered. And a few midnight mistakes later, secrets surfaced. The bitter cold, and screaming winds of winter extinguished the fire, and realization came with the pouring rain.

It’s a new year. I’m happier, healthier. I have friends I can rely on. Friends who are there for me. Friends who show up. Friends who care about me. Things are better, It’s a new year.

"The Forgotten Note" by Romiwa O

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled among rolling hills and whispering pines, there lived a girl named Lily. Lily was known for her quiet nature and her love for books. She spent most of her days wandering through the town's library, lost in the worlds of fiction.

She didn’t have many friends at school. Most of the kids in the town thought she was weird but this did not bother her because she found a love in  reading and believed it to be more valuable than any friendship.

One rainy afternoon, as Lily was browsing through the shelves in the town library, she stumbled upon an old leather-bound book tucked away in a corner. Its pages were yellowed with age, and the cover was adorned with intricate golden designs. Intrigued, Lily carefully opened the book and discovered that it was a collection of letters and notes written by the town's residents many years ago.

Curiosity peaked, Lily began to read. Each letter revealed a snippet of the town's history, its joys and sorrows, its secrets and mysteries. She rummaged through several of them. All the families she knew, all the people around her, and even the ones she’d wave hello to had some sort of connection to the stories. She spent hours going through the box in awe of what she was reading. But one note, in particular, caught Lily's attention. It was a small piece of parchment, hidden between the pages, its edges worn and frayed. On it were scribbled the words: "To whoever finds this, seek the truth beneath the willow tree."

Intrigued by the mysterious message, Lily decided to embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind the note. With the book clutched tightly in her hands, she set out into the heart of the town, following the winding streets to unveil the message behind the letter. She spent hours trying to find where the rest of the town's secrets lied. She was almost ready to give up until she reached the outskirts where a solitary willow tree stood tall against the gray sky. “At Last! I Found it”!

As she approached the tree, Lily noticed a faint glimmer at its base. A glimmer that would be blind to anyone unsuspecting.  Kneeling down, she brushed away the fallen leaves and discovered a hidden compartment carved into the earth. Inside, she found an old tin box, its surface rusted with age. Crafted into the box was a date aging farther back into the beginning settling of the town, With trembling hands, she pried open the lid and gasped in astonishment at its contents. She could not believe what was before her eyes.

Nestled within the box were more letters, each addressed to a different person in the town. Some of the letters were so old that Lily could tell they were written with a feathered pen and black ink. Some typed with a typewriter. These letters were from so many different time stamps in history, they showed the development of writing throughout time. There were letters of love and longing, of heartache and regret. But among them, one letter stood out—a letter addressed to Lily herself.

With trembling hands, Lily unfolded the letter and began to read:

"My dearest Lily,

If you are reading this, then you have discovered the truth that has been hidden for so long. You see, many years ago, our town was torn apart by greed and betrayal. Families were torn apart, friendships shattered, and trust was lost.

But amidst the darkness, there was still hope. Hope in the form of a promise—a promise to never forget the power of forgiveness and redemption. And so, we entrusted our stories to this book, hoping that one day, someone like you would come along and bring light to the shadows that have haunted our town for so long.

Lily, you have the power to heal the wounds of the past and pave the way for a brighter future. Remember that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but of strength. Only by embracing the truth and letting go of the pain can we truly find peace. There is knowledge and learning and power in what you read.

With love,

Your ancestors"

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes as she realized the weight of the words written before her. With newfound determination, she knew what she had to do. Gathering the letters and the tin box, she returned to the heart of the town and began to unravel the tangled web of secrets that had plagued her ancestors for generations.

One by one, she delivered the letters to their rightful recipients, sharing the stories of love and loss, of hope and redemption. And with each letter, she felt the bonds of the past loosen their grip on the present, paving the way for a future filled with forgiveness and understanding.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the town, Lily stood beneath the willow tree, surrounded by the whispers of her ancestors. And in that moment, she knew that she had fulfilled her destiny, bringing light to the darkness and restoring peace to her beloved town once more.

Years later Lily had grown up. She got married, had kids, and lived in a big house where her own. She had changed the outcome of the town because of what she had been doing. However, she never felt like her work was completely done but she knew her time was reaching the end. As she was reaching the end of her days Lily planted a new box below the willow tree. A new one, for the next chosen one who would come across it. She carved the top of it with the date of that specific day, just like how it was when she found it years ago. She carved “June 24, 2019”. And she wrote her own letter that she placed inside for the next curious little girl who would be tasked to complete the work of her ancestors before her.


Are you wondering what the letter said?  "To whoever finds this, seek the truth beneath the willow tree."


"The Divine Dilemma" by Nya C



Professor Evelyn Hartley, renowned for her extensive study of gods and goddesses, found herself in a most peculiar predicament one ordinary afternoon. As she sat surrounded by ancient texts and artifacts in her cluttered study, a loud knock echoed through her cozy home, disrupting the tranquility of her scholarly pursuits. Curious yet slightly annoyed by the interruption, Professor Hartley made her way to the door, muttering about the timing of unexpected visitors. To her surprise, standing on her doorstep was a figure that could only be described as divine—literally. This being, a god that had been freshly created, exuded an aura of an otherworldly presence that clashed with the mundane setting of the professor's home.

"Professor Hartley," the god bellowed with a voice that rumbled like distant thunder, "I seek your guidance on how to navigate the treacherous waters of godhood. I may be newly minted, but I aspire to be more than just a cliché”. Suppressing a chuckle at the melodramatic introduction, Professor Hartley ushered the god into her study, where shelves sagged under the weight of ancient tomes and artifacts that chronicled the exploits of deities both adored and hated.

Seated across from each other, the god leaned forward with an air of earnestness that was borderline theatrical. "Tell me, wise professor," they began, "how does one go about being a god without succumbing to the egocentrism and self-centered behavior that seem to plague so many of my divine predecessors?"


Professor Hartley raised an eyebrow, unable to resist a playful jab at some of mythology's most notorious figures. "Ah, yes," she mused with a twinkle in her eye, "avoiding egotism is key. Take Zeus, for example—constantly shape-shifting to woo mortal women while his wife Hera fumes in Olympus. Not exactly a shining example of fidelity or humility."

The god nodded thoughtfully, clearly taking note of Zeus's less-than-stellar reputation in matters of divine decorum. "And what about Hades and Persephone?" they inquired tentatively.

The professor couldn't help but smirk at the mention of the infamous underworld couple. "Ah, Hades and Persephone—a classic case of 'opposites attract' taken to extremes. Kidnapping brides and ruling over the dead aren't exactly relationship goals". The god winced at the critique but seemed eager to learn from these cautionary tales woven into the fabric of mythology. "And let's not forget Hera," Professor Hartley continued with a mischievous glint in her eye. "The original queen bee of Olympus—jealousy personified and never one to shy away from exacting revenge on Zeus's lovers or their offspring."


The god chuckled nervously, realizing that even divine beings were not immune to scrutiny when it came to their less-than-divine behavior. As their consultation continued, Professor Hartley shared insights on how to embody virtues such as compassion, wisdom, and humility—qualities often overlooked by gods more preoccupied with power plays and divine drama. "Remember," she advised with a grin, "being a god isn't just about flashy displays of power or epic battles—it's about connecting with mortals on a deeper level and using your influence for good rather than mischief."


The god nodded earnestly, absorbing every word as if it were ambrosia for their newfound divinity. Before bidding farewell, the god turned to Professor Hartley with newfound determination gleaming in their eyes. "Thank you for showing me that being a god doesn't have to mean being larger than life—it can also mean being kinder than expected."

As they departed into the heavens from whence they came, they left behind an echo of divine presence that lingered in Professor Hartley's study. She couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of critiquing gods like Zeus and Hera as if they were characters in a divine sitcom.

And so it was that in that cozy abode where gods sought advice from mortal scholars and humor mingled with wisdom, Professor Evelyn Hartley continued her exploration of divine mysteries with a newfound appreciation for both the grandeur and absurdity of gods and goddesses throughout history—a reminder that even immortals could use a good dose of humility now and then.

“Nightmares Hold Some Truth” by Tristian A


The man’s eyes open with a start. Fear and anxiety washed over the man, wrapped in a cold sweat, soaking the surface of the couch. The image burned into his mind. He felt dread etched into his body, terror coursed through his heart. He slowly took a look around the room, observing his surroundings, but failing to take in anything as his heart raced. The moments passed were an eternity to the man, until a sound reverberated throughout the room, originating from the ottoman beside him. As the sound continued, he stared at the ringing object, holding his arms, closing himself into a ball as he sat on the couch in a skittish manner. A mouse crawls out from the corner and crawls under the ottoman. An indescribable sound escapes from his shivering, chapped lips, as light footsteps approach the living room with hushed swiftness. Fear, followed by a drop of relief, soon turned to indescribable despair as he glanced upon the face of his lover. Every gaze upon her appearance made him recall that scene, stressing what felt like his very soul, causing his body to eject the contents of yesterday’s meal in her direction.

“Disgusting,” she said, with disturbing calm, as she walked away at a quickened pace.

“Hey… Wait….” He stood up shakily, taking small steps forward, nearly tripping over himself, as he tried to pursue the woman who hurried away. The man with shortened breath and an unsteady gait, soon collapsed in a pool of his own sweat, eyelids slowly closing as a loud three-series knock rings through the door, and hurried footsteps approach it.



He awakes to a ringing object in the distance behind him as he lies on the floor, covered in his own sweat still wearing yesterday’s clothes. The object stops ringing, and as he gets up, it starts again, followed by a knocking at the door. As the man glances at the object, he realizes that it is his phone, and is reminded of the night before. As he recalls that night, he is reminded of the torturous image that floods his mind. His fear takes a different form than last night, as his worries shift from himself to his lover, and he rapidly calls her. Putting the phone to his ear, he pleads to whatever higher power saw him for her to answer.




The call boots to voicemail, he attempts to call her again, but to no avail did she answer. The sound of knocking becomes a banging at the door, snapping him back to reality, and readying himself for his unknown guest. Stricken with fear and worry, he approaches the door deep in thought, unaware of the hushed whispers of several men outside. As he unlocked the door, he realized his mistake, and the door swings open, forcing him back. A large man in dark clothing pushes in, aiming for a punch, to which the now surrounded man attempts to duck, falling onto his behind. A swift, lithe man swoops in to blindfold him, as he begins to black out, hearing the assailant’s confirmation of victory.

“Objective 2 has been completed, moving to detain…” The man hears before he finally faints.



He rises to his same surroundings this morning, with the same knocking at the door and the ringing phone, but he quickly assimilates, and searches the house for her.

“Alice! Alice!” The man shouts as he examines the entire house twice over, with fear and anxiety growing with every step, until the knocking at the door stopped, followed shortly by a large slam into the door. As the man inspected the front room, he found his door broken on the floor, his former assailants funneling in, and his adrenaline soaring. “I need to get out of here!” With this one thought in his mind, he charged through the room with incredible speed, and made it outside, to which he rushed to the nearest neighbor’s house, sensing his hungry pursuers. As he sprinted down the street, he rushed to the front door, and without skipping a beat ran through the front door protecting his head, with impressive hidden strength. Shaking his head from the impact, the smell of smoke and fire fills his nostrils, and he looks up to see the image he never wished to see again, cursing his vision. Alice and their kid, surrounded by the burning debris, pass out from the lack of oxygen. The man left with no choice, dives into the raging fire in a desperate effort to rescue them. Burn marks and cuts from the falling debris covers his limbs as his vision cuts out mere inches from his family.



The man gasps for air, as his parched throat heaves and desires the smallest ounce of water. After a moment of respite, he realizes he is still blindfolded, and his arms are tied behind him. He hears voices coming from in front of him, and calls out in fear, “Hey! What’s going on here?”

“Be quiet back there, or else,” A deep, but anxious voice answers back. The man keeps his mouth closed as he searches for any method of escape, but alas none come to him. His fear continues to grow until a familiar voice whispers to him.

“Tom, is that you?”

Every thought of fear, and nervousness that flooded him evaporated in an instant, as he recognized the voice to be Alice, “Oh my God, Alice! I’m so gl-”

His speech was cut short by the sudden blaring of several police sirens surrounding their vehicles, quickly followed by the revving of the engine of their occupied vehicle. The men up front frantically shouted their commands to the driver, as many large turns were made in an attempt to dodge their pursuers. The constant turning made the man feel retched, to which he assumed the same of his lover. With the movement, the vehicle was unable to keep up, and they eventually tipped over. Moments passed, until the police shouted over the loudspeaker, “Come out quietly with your hands up.” From the man’s perspective, it sounded as if they were giving up, and let out in laugh in shock, “Looks like we’ll be fine, right Alic-”

A sudden explosion erupts from in front of the man, launching him out of the vehicle, covering him in cuts and burn marks. In his surprise, he called out to his lover in vain, as his voice wouldn’t come to him. He blacks out for minutes to find he is being dragged away when he comes to. He asks his rescuer where she is, but his voice still does not reach him. He faints, and the scene of fire is cemented into his mind as he recalls his nightmares.



The man awakes surrounded by fire, seeing Alice and the child walking through the door of light. Trapped by fire, the man resigns to his fate praying they find peace, as the debris falls upon him.



A beam of sunlight fills the room, forcing the man to squint, as he rises to find himself in a hospital bed. A nurse as she examines the man, calls in the doctor and leaves the room for the next patient. Alone he sits in the loudest silence, until quiet greets the doctor and a busy looking police officer. They speak to him, but none of the words appear to register until the “I regret to inform you sir,” the officer takes his hat off, “your wife has unfortunately passed away.”

The man’s eyes widen, and the memories of the kidnapping rush back to him. The officer continues “We would like to ask you a few questions about that incident, to ensure nothing like that happens again. Do you know why?”

The man without a moment’s hesitation lies to the man’s face, as he glances to his arms. Without a doubt, he recognizes the cuts from his vision of the burning house fire, and he asks the doctor and officer to leave, as tears stream down his face. The man knows why he was targeted. It was because his nightmares hold some truth.


"New Beginnings" by Lola B


The Oxford dictionary definition of beginning is “the point of time at which anything begins”. I think of it as an opportunity. The opportunity to start over and expand my horizons. The opportunity to do what I’ve never done before and live life with no regrets. While everything must come to an end someday, that means the start of a new beginning. I know and have personally experienced how new beginnings bring upon personal growth, unique experiences, and room for change.

It can be difficult for one to make room for change in one’s life, which often leads to a fear of the unknown. Many people would rather stick to their accustomed routine than start a new chapter in their life. I could relate to this nearly 4 years ago when I started high school. The thought of starting over as the youngest grade in the school, in a new environment, with so many new faces scared me. However, my perspective completely changed once I started school here at Etiwanda High School. I didn’t think this experience would compare to my good times in middle school, but I was proven wrong once I met new people, experienced new surroundings, and grew to enjoy my time here. Since then, I’ve made so many more connections and have learned so much from this school. My high school experience has been consistently positive and fun, and if I never underwent this new beginning I wouldn’t be the same person I am today. This adventure has proven that facing change head-on is the first step in one’s new beginning.

Once one finally comes to accept the change in their life, they can prepare for the thrill and excitement of embarking on a new beginning. Many of us high school seniors are preparing for our new beginnings after we graduate high school. No matter where we’re going, what we’re doing, or what’s staying the same, a new chapter of our lives will begin after graduation. While saying goodbye to this chapter of our lives won’t be easy, the beginning of this next chapter will urge us to move forward. As we all go on our own paths, we will undergo the beginning of adulthood. For me, this new beginning will be especially hard to accept as I reminisce about my time in grade school and watch this time come to an end. It’s hard to believe that I’m ready to move on into the real world and start this new chapter in my life. With the help of my previous experiences and exposure, I will face yet another new beginning with confidence and excitement.

Throughout one’s life, one will face change, opportunities, experiences, and possibilities. Without these aspects, life wouldn’t be nearly as exciting or worthwhile. Instead of fearing the beginning of something new, face it with the knowledge that your life is about to change for the better. Face it with the knowledge that you have countless more beginnings to embrace and explore. Essentially, a new beginning is a fresh start for one to live life to the fullest.




Work Cited

Oxford Languages. “Oxford English Dictionary.” Accessed 13 March 2024.


"True Failure" by Ivan G


"The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times."

— Paulo Coelho


There’s no feeling worse than failure. If you’ve ever stayed up all night studying for a test, just to bomb it the next day; if you’ve ever perfectly followed a recipe online and had it come out nothing like the picture; if you’ve ever poured weeks into preparation to try out for a sport, just to not make the cut; if you’ve ever tried, and failed—you understand the feeling of defeat.

Failure is defined as the lack of success. However, this definition does not consider three things. The first of the three is persistence. When you keep getting back up after a loss, no matter how intense, it’s inevitable that you will get better. Oftentimes we take on tasks with the idea that we will be able to get it right on the first try, and while that may be true sometimes, the fact is that the key to success is to fail many times.

The second thing the definition of failure does not consider is patience. You might solemnly shut yourself in your room after not making the team, or give up on a class after failing that test, but the one who failed just as you did and understands the value of patience and persistence, and continues to reach towards his goals, is the one who ultimately reaps the rewards. A common saying by Stephen McCranie reads, “The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”

The third, and arguably most important thing the definition of failure does not consider is humility. Being able to see the bigger picture is a crucial step in motivating yourself to achieve success. And even after you do achieve success through patience and persistence, humility is ultimately the final cog in the wheel that allows us to see past our own abilities. It allows us to understand that there’s no such thing as perfection and to strive to go the extra mile, breaking records and making history, truly achieving success.

The antithesis of failure is humility, patience, and persistence. To get up after an especially nasty fall, knowing that you’ve come back with a new lesson learned, and to keep repeating that process over and over until you’re satisfied with your capabilities. It’s easy to associate repetition with futility. However, it’s abundantly clear that failing over and over is a major step to achieving success. Each failure brings new knowledge that allows you to improve upon every new attempt.

This brings us to the definition of failure. Failure is being unable to see the value in every mistake made along the journey to success, and being okay with mediocrity. Oftentimes, we mistakenly see failure as something permanent. Why try again when your last attempt yielded no results? It’s easier to keep trying something new until you land on something that you’re able to get right. This is a flawed way to go about life, and the value of humility, patience, and persistence when dealing with loss cannot be understated. To truly fail, is to give up.

"The Teenage Adult " by Nicolai M

In 2023, I was just a teenager in my junior year of high school, wanting to make my own money. It was that time when you first get your driver's license and suddenly the world seems a little bit bigger, and everything seems more exciting and a lot more real. So, I decided it was time to get a job. The job search was a journey, and not one I would want to do again. I remember scrolling through Indeed, sending application after application, at times just for the fun of it at this point. My resume was pretty boring, just volunteer work and many hours of shadowing done at a hospital up north. But I kept at it, every day applying to anything and everything, just hoping for a shot.


Then, one day, I got a call. A real person asking if I was still looking for a job. They wanted me for an interview. I was super excited, finally a response after many companies completely ghosting me. The company looked serious, and they were interested in me. I felt like I was stepping into the adult world. Many things ran through my head and feelings of nervousness and excitement were the main senses of emotions at this point. After an interview that I completely killed, I got a call later that night. I got the job. It was a Hospice Patient/Office Admin position. It sounded so mature and so serious. I was just blindsided by one thing, the pay. I was living the dream, or so I thought. Junior year was finishing up, summer break was almost here, and I had a job that made me feel like I was ahead of the game.


But then, reality hit. Working in an office wasn't at all like I imagined, it was a whole different ball game. My coworkers were much older, stressed, and sometimes they'd take out their frustrations on whoever was around. There were deadlines, many phone calls, and meetings where every little thing you did was evaluated. It felt like that scene from the beginning of "The Incredibles" where Mr. Incredible is stuck in his little office cubicle, dreaming of leaving his job. This job was my first big step into growing up, but it became a turning point in me really learning more about growth and responsibility. It wasn't just about earning money or feeling all grown up, it was about finding balance and recognizing my limits. At first, I powered through, especially over the summer when I didn't have school to worry about. But then senior year started, and everything got harder. Balancing school, work, and my personal life became very hard. Patients would call, upset about something beyond my control, and I felt like I was drowning in responsibilities that I wasn't ready for.


From getting so excited about hearing back and being so happy from landing the job to not even wanting to go to work for those four long hours in that place. That's when I really thought that just because another door opens doesn’t mean you have to walk into that door. Taking on a job that sounded good on paper had really messed up my perception of doing what was good for myself. I realized that moving too fast, and grabbing at opportunities without really thinking them through, might not be the best approach. I learned to value my own well-being over the title of a job or a paycheck.

My time in that job didn't last long, but it left me with a lesson that continues to influence how I handle opportunities and challenges today in my everyday life. It taught me to weigh the potential benefits of a decision and its impact on my life in my current situation. Emphasizing the importance of being self aware and the bravery needed to make tough choices. Admitting the job was too much for me wasn't easy, but necessary for my personal growth, and where I want to be in the future, teaching me to listen to myself. This experience showed me that stepping back isn't failing or feeling behind but a crucial step in understanding myself better and where I see myself growing and moving forward. It showed the power of saying no, understanding the importance of being the right fit, and putting my needs first. These lessons were earned the hard way, have made me more mindful in my decisions, and taught me that unexpected detours like this one are where the most valuable lessons happen. This encourages me to embrace every downhill and uphill because its all part of growing up.


"The Meaning of Family" by Jonalynn V


Family defined by Britannica : a group of persons united by ties of marriage [or] blood.


When one thinks of the word family they usually portray a mother, father, and a child living in a happy home together, similarly to the definition above. That’s what we have invariably been taught what a family looks like, that’s how we played family when we were young, that’s what we’ve always known to be a family. However, ‘family’ is not a definitive description of a group of people, it's actually an ambiguous description of the relationships with people that you build throughout your life.

Everyone can have a different company of people that they call family and that might look different compared to those around them. But the important aspects that makes the company around you a family is the love and graciousness that holds everyone together. The foundation of a family isn’t solely built through ancestry, it’s also built through genuine relationships and connections that love glues together. The word family has no boundaries and can be created endlessly within deep connections of genuine people who are alway there for one another.

Within my own experiences, outside of my biological family, I have a family of girls that are always by my side regardless of the circumstances. My soccer team has brought me nothing but the love and graciousness that creates this said family. Within this team there have been nothing but joyous memories, endless laughter, and so many lively people surrounding me with the utmost positivity and bliss. The comfort I found within this team and the connections I was able to make are what make this team more than a team, we created a family that I’ll forever cherish.

Family goes beyond the ties of biological relations as that can be proven through my own experiences. Having the opportunity to have a family outside of my very own is something that I am so grateful for. The memories, lessons, and opportunities I have gained from this group of girls goes beyond my ability to say ‘thank you’. I’ll forever look back at these memories as I spend my very last with them. We have faced many ups and downs but we stuck together and conquered complications with each other, as that is how we are supposed to do both on and off the pitch. As our time together draws near we will face the obstacle of the future together as a family and keep each others’ heads up for the road that we face ahead of us.

I will eternally be appreciative of the second family I was able to be a part of. Furthermore, I am thankful for being able to understand that family is not just those you share a home with, it’s also those who make you feel at home when you’re far away from your own. The importance of family comes from within the hearts and souls of those around you. That is what family means.

Works Cited

Barnard, Alan John. "family". Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 Mar. 2024, Accessed 12 March 2024.



The Field of Music Production " by Joshua R

From being a young child with multiple older siblings and parents involved in a variety of music programs and instruments, I also naturally pursued the field of music starting in elementary school. This single decision has greatly impacted the course of my life, and has allowed me to meet many different people with similar interests regarding music, both peers and instructors alike. I have recently been able to contact a very experienced instructor to give their own ideas, perspectives, and insight on the topic. A new instructor at Etiwanda High School, Travien Sears, had been affiliated with the art for nearly 20 years, having both performed and composed songs. While performing and producing music are very different paths within the field, Travien has had a lot of experience in both. In response to the question of “Which path do you prefer?”, he stated that, while both are very enjoyable, the spread of inspiration that he has experienced when teaching other people has been much more fulfilling. In addition to asking about his personal experiences, I also asked him about common misconceptions that many people would not typically know of. The most significant misconception in his perspective is the belief that being a good performer also makes them a good educator. In his own words, he stated that “[he has] found that the student that struggles the most and works hard to find strategies to break down that set of 16th note triplets at 187 BPM (just music slander) is ultimately able to teach music to the wide array of students” that he instructs as a music educator. In short, the ability to fully comprehend different ideas in music is much more important when teaching others, and merely being able to play notes is not deep enough.


In addition to his ideas and experiences through music, Travien also gave his thoughts regarding the field as a whole. When asked the question, “What is one thing that you could change about the music field in its entirety?”, his response was to remove the “toxic and cruel” people that exist. While many people (including me, originally) would not immediately think of this as a response, his statement goes to show the reality of the career and how there are still unfavorable conditions that exist, just as any other career path, despite the lack of attention that is brought onto it. Although there are people who exist that damage the reputation of music production, a different response from Travien shows a contrasting idea regarding the inspirational effects of other members. He stated that the most inspiring part of his experiences is how good other people are, and how he sees them as more competent than he is himself. He stated that he is “in awe every day on social media at a new venture with a new musician, and seeing their lives become so filled with love through music.” Despite his already-impressive amount of time he has spent pursuing music, the ability to look up to other people and admire the proficiencies of other people is still extremely captivating and inspiring. Being able to find a new life story of a new person nearly every single day has made him enjoy existing within the field of music as much as performing it himself.


For closing ideas and questions, he provided his reflections of his past decisions and continued to give new and interesting information, both encompassing his emotions on the significance of music in his life and providing advice to other people, musicians or otherwise. When asked about the most enjoyable part of teaching and writing music, he stated that the first time hearing a piece played produces a wide variety of thoughts in a very raw form. He also directly said that hearing a final draft of a piece is not nearly as exhilarating as the original occasion. Hearing a piece of work, especially one of personal sentiment, for the first time brings out emotions in a pure way in his perspective, even though most people would expect a more polished version to be more popular. A different question that he responded to in regards to his career path was “Would you change any past decisions with your current knowledge?”, to which he responded “No.” He additionally gave the very impactful statement of “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for a reason, and I have to live up to that reason.” This powerful statement can also be applied to other paths in life aside from music, and does an extremely effective job of showing his love for the field of music. The final statement that he gave included advice for people considering a similar path is that it is extremely rewarding if it is something that a person really enjoys doing, and that passion is the most important part. Travien’s accomplishments and experiences within the field of music have shown the immense impact that it has had in his life, and also expands to show how it can impact others’ lives as well, including my own and any other person involved with music. He showed how his passion led him through life, and included a very expansive and influential closing line for any person in any field to interpret: “There’s always someone around who can do the job just as good, if not better than you - the difference between you and them, absolutely, without a doubt, has to be the passion. If we don’t have passion for what we do, there is essentially no point in continuing because we are taking away from that artwork’s beauty.”

“Lovers Love” - Sahadev P

Love. The most sought out thing in the world. Some may say it's even the hardest thing to find in the world. According to Marriam Webster's dictionary “Love” is defined as “strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties”. Although this is the definition that is imprinted in books, love comes in all different forms, shapes, and sizes. I have heard of stories about people finding love in lust yet also people finding love in the little things like presents. I have also heard that you can only love just one person. I even heard of people searching for love all their life and never finding it, but me, I got lucky and found love in the twelfth grade.


Although love may be confusing for teenagers and it may be just a word that they throw around, I know what I feel this time. I have gone through many hardships and many different stages of life and dilemmas so that I have matured enough to realize what love is. I have found love in my girlfriend. She is everything I have ever wanted and more. True love. The kind of love where I trust her to do anything and trust and know that she only wants the best for me. Yet I also love her so much that I want nothing but the best for her. She is my girlfriend and best friend. I have both love for her.


            This year has taught me so much about myself and the people I surround myself with. For me love comes in different forms. I believe you can love different people but in different ways. I said previously how I have both love for my girlfriend because I have the love for her as my significant other but also the love for her as my best friend. One person I love very dearly in my heart in the best friend way is Ian Moon. We have been through thick and thin together. We first started off as not even being friends and thinking we both hated each other. To becoming closer than ever our senior year. We have told each other our deepest most darkest secrets and have cried to each other about our most hardest hardships. He is my best friend because of the bond we have built over these things, because of what we have been through I would do anything for him and I have a certain kind of love in my heart for him, now and forever.


            For love in my life it only stops at 3 forms. My significant other, best friends, and family. I have so much love for my family but it does not compare to the others. Family love to me is very hard. This is because of all the hardships we have been through together and that they have put me through. I don’t feel too comfortable going into depth but my love for my family is hard because of past events and it's hard to love certain family members because of how they have acted or what they have done. Although at the end of the day I still have that love for them because they are still my family.


            Though love is so sought out and so desirable no one ever realizes it's there right in front of them. Sometimes all you need to do is take time and stop for a second to think about all that you have and to think about who and what you truly love. The most important part about loving though is that you must love yourself in order to love others. The hardest step in loving is loving yourself, but it is something that anyone can overcome. There is no definition to love so you make your own definition. Love the way you want to love. Love has no label. Love triumphs all