
Monday, May 4, 2015

"My Families Attitude!" by Aiseosa I

            Let me give you some background of my family’s history of attitude. My family is from West Africa, more specifically Edo State, Benin City, Nigeria. I have the pleasure of being blood tied with the Ibude, Edekere, Egbon and Ogiamien families. My heritage is so full of surprises and wonderful people. I learn new things every day. To Benin City, my family is known for speaking their mind. They don’t mind fighting anyone who disrespects their own. I just love that. My Edekere and Ogiamien side of the family are considered royalty in their village. Both of my Step-Grandfathers are chiefs in their tribes. My grandmother and my step-grandmothers call me Eyoguea (E-yo-gay) which means mother of future kings. However, only males could be chiefs of the village so I am considered “The Chief’s daughter” or princess of the tribe. Which I am upset about because I am a queen! I have a queen since the day I was born but, they don’t see to understand that. Anyhow,  seeing as though my older brother is the first in line, it’s most likely he won’t be chief because one, he doesn’t like the responsibility and two because he’s not even in Nigeria and three because can’t deal with the mindset of everybody  all at once!   On my mother’s side she has 21 brothers and sisters. I know right! It freaked me out when she told me. But she went on to explain how my grandfather had 5 wives. At that time I was too young to understand what polygamy meant. I have yet to meet all of them! That’s probably why everyone in my family has an attitude because they have too many people in one household to deal with.
The woman that really peaks my interest in my family is my albino step- grandmother. The woman is pure white! Like, she’s as white as snow. She glows in the dark, that’s how white her skin is. Yet, she has the biggest mouth I’ve ever seen. The woman tries to fight every one that looks at her for more than three seconds! She once came to America to visit us. We took her to the African market in LA to get vegetables and egusi soup. Because she was wearing our native clothing and she was as white as she is, everyone was staring at her. Knowing her she started to yell at people with the little English that she knew.  “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!?! HAVE YOU PEOPLE NEVER SEE WHITE?  AM WHITE. SO? NEVER YOU SEE ALBINO ‘FORE?  I have never been so entertained and so embarrassed at the same time. I honestly don’t know where I would be without her. She takes care of my family. She is always praying for protection over us because she believes that Americans are coming after the African people….
There are so many more people to talk about but I would need a book the size of Britain’s Encyclopedia to finish.
My own attitude has gotten in a lot of trouble but there is never one time I didn’t have a reason for it. It’s just the way I am and I am proud of who I am and where I come from. Though these people can hit nerves I never thought was possible to reach mentally, I have learned to be strong for myself, learn to deal with my mistakes and fight for what I want. They have a huge part of making me who I am today. And I love me so…..


Justin Le said...

I loved your blog, Aiseosa! I like how you describe your family, especially your step grandmother because she is different from others. I liked the literary devices you used, such as imagery and simile to describe how she is and how she is not afraid to stand up for herself. Also when you said "I am a queen", it shows more of you and how you have a funny personality:) Great blog!

Anonymous said...

"And I love me so….." that part of your reflection described you perfectly. I love that you love yourself. That confidence is contagious and I adore how much you just want to be you. The history of your family is amazing. All hail Queen Aiseosa!! Your uses of imagery and descriptions of your family members was very creative and detailed. The dialogue was also nicely contributed. Great job!
-Evelin Conde

Anonymous said...

Christian Black
Period 1

Haha. I started laughing as soon as I started reading this because I could hear your voice the whole way through. I really enjoyed learning a little of your family heritage and I also liked the point of view it was told it. It was very entertaining. Well Done Aiseosa!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your piece! I really like the insight you provided on your family and culture. The culture seems very family oriented and I admire that. The piece was also humorous and totally relatable specifically the part about your step grandmother she reminds me of my own grandma. The detail was great and the perfect amount for the piece.
Merosa Uiagalelei
Period 5

Unknown said...

Very interesting piece! Loved how you told us about your family and your culture. well written. good job.
-Ashlyn Barnes P6

Anonymous said...

This piece was very interesting to read, due to the view of family and how it is intertwined with your culture. As well as being informative of the culture being quite family oriented it was humorous and very fun to read. Good job.
Dean Garcia period 6

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your story. It was nice to learn about your African family history. I feel as if I know your grandmother. I also like the lesson to be who you are, because it is important that you be you.

chris medina said...

Sosa, you always find a way to make people laugh even when you write i read this in your voice. I really enjoyed your piece and i actually learned alot from it. I really the family history and how you tied that together with the women your becoming because of them. Your story is really inspiring and i can really see where your anger comes from! Really good peice good job.

Unknown said...

Aiseosa, this was such a great piece! I really could imagine you speaking through it. You were so real in this piece. I couldn't help, but laugh while reading this. I always admire people who never entirely let go of their culture or how they grow up. I think your piece really embodies that. I love how the littlest details in your piece pretty much show off the attitude that you practically describe. It's always nice to see people so connected and interested in their heritage, but you did much more than that when you described how it shaped how you are. I really enjoyed reading this and learning more about you and your family:) good job!

Miranda Santos said...

I really enjoyed this piece and found it very interesting to read about your family background. I like how you showed how you were connected to it and how your family has influenced the person you are. I especially enjoyed the description of your step- grandmother and liked the humorous tone to it. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Nice Aiseosa,

I loved this piece because it shows so much of your personality. I enjoyed reading about your family's background. I thought it was nice seeing where you come from, and I honestly laughed when you started talking about where your attitude comes from. This was a great piece, it made me laugh at times, and see a different side of you. The writing style was very casual, but feisty just like the personality you described about your family.

Great Job girl!

Elisabeth Domond
Period 5

Unknown said...

Aiseosa, I loved your piece! I instantly read this in your voice and I couldn't stop laughing. You did such a great job describing your family and the deep history it has, as well as the universal attitude your family has. It really shows the love you have for your family and it reveals so much about your personality. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Lol I love this piece Aiseosa! explains everything! I can really hear your voice and your Nigerian accent when you quoted your grandmother. This story showed your comedic side, and gave a beautiful brief history of your family. I love the way you transition from describing your culture and women in your family to the way it made you, you. This style of writing perfectly embodies your personality which really made me hear your voice, and Nigerian accent, I could really see the parallelism between you and your grandparents.

Unknown said...

Man Sosa! This was an amazing piece I loved it so much! Your piece is really well developed and honestly this is so you. I like they way you described your family and your culture. This piece was really satirical and I admired the way you wrote about your grandma. I could honestly picture you throughout this completely and its just funny that I get to see your stories on paper. I love how you really explain your family and you could really see you through this! LOVE IT DUDE. (:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Aiseosa how come I was laughing the whole time I read this. I loved this piece so much and I loved how it completely described you as a person and where you came from. It's so interesting learning about other cultures and different families and reading yours was so amazing and funny at the same time. I love the culture and your attitude in this piece. You really explained so much information into a small story which was so powerful and significant at the same time. Great piece! I loved it!

James Phillips said...

James Phillips
I totally feel you my family is the same way, but that a good thing correct you have people you know that will be there for you through the good and bad, GREAT JOB AISEOSA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really loved your piece since family is such a big pert in our life including our heritage since it makes us who we are and how people see us I also can relate how you feel about your family and how they can get on your nerves easily but at the end of the day you dont know what you will do with out them
Valerie Perez
Period 6

Unknown said...

Aiseosa, I loved reading your story! The way you presented the story in the first person and explained each person with such detail and great imagery allowed me to see where you come from. I like that you made the story so personal because it allowed me to get insight on different cultures and people. Also, I really liked how you explained each character in a serious yet comical way in which I could easily imagine meeting each one. Overall, great job Aiseosa!
-Sophia Bobadilla
Period 1

Unknown said...

Aiseosa! I really enjoyed your piece and now I definitely know where you get your personality from! I really enjoyed how you explained your families story through what your grandparents have told you. That makes these stories even more interesting. Again, great job and thank you for sharing this piece with us!

Unknown said...

Aiseosa! I had tooooons of fun reading your piece. Your use of conversational diction and simple syntax really created a more personal, comfortable tone. Great piece!

Anonymous said...

This was a great blog submission. I really enjoyed learning about your family and culture. It was really personal, detailed, and funny too.
Faisal Haque
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Thank you for an insight into your family and your culture! I was shocked to read that your mom has 21 siblings. I can hardly stand to have the 5 that I have. Learning a little about your Nigerian culture has opened my eyes a little bit more and has interested me to inquire why your step- grandmother believes Americans are coming after Africans. Overall, great imagery and detail. This was a very insightful piece.
Leasia Spicer
period 4

Anonymous said...

First I just want to say that I was legitimately laughing while reading your piece, especially when you were describing your albino step grandmother. I really liked the conclusion that you reached at the end of the piece when you said that even though your family can get on your nerves, you wouldn't be the person you are today without them, and I think that's the case for all the families out there, and even though they annoy you, you love them. I really enjoyed reading, good job!

Anthony Hurd
Period 4

E said...

Aiseosa!! I really love you and your sassy attitude!! It makes me oh so happy whenever I here you boldly say what you believe in! You did a great job mentioning the many people that have blessed your life and I think you did a great job at sharing the funny experiences you have had with your family members. You have a great voice when writing and I enjoyed hearing it as I read this piece.
Eva Badal
Period 1

Jack Myers said...

I found this to be extremely interesting. As much as we Americans hate to admit it, we are pretty uncultured. To get a look at a culture so different from my own is fascinating. I love how you describe your grandma. She seems pretty entertaining. Thanks for sharing this. Like I said, it is very interesting.

Unknown said...

I love that you explained your family tree. A lot of people are embarrassed about their family, but you embrace it and even mention that they are the reason you are who you are. This is one of the most personal pieces I have ever read (without being sad), which is one of the reasons I love. Also, it taught me about different cultures, which is always a good thing.

Unknown said...

Aiseosa, I freaking love you! YOU ARE QUEEN. This story about your culture and family was entertaining and definitely humorous. The experience you had with your step-grandmother in the store was very descriptive, I could almost imagine myself there with you. Overall, this piece was enjoyable and I loved your energetic tone throughout, great job!

Unknown said...

Hey Aiseosa!
I loved how personal you made your piece! Your tone and voicing was so hilarious, I literally started laughing out loud at the remarks you would make with yourself. I think it's truly beautiful how proud you are of your family and your heritage. Your vivid use of detail and imagery really allows the audience to experience your culture first-hand. Your writing also offered a unique perspective on the international ties between Americans and their native countries.
Congrats on such an eye opening piece! :)

Unknown said...

Aiseosa, I read this in your voice and I was dying! I loved hearing about the different aspects about your family and your humorous descriptions of each of them. It is very cool to learn from your perspective about your big family and their culture. I loved you piece and you will always be the queen!

Unknown said...

Im inlove with the personal touch you left on this piece, I loved how you expressed your family and how it connects to me because my family has similarities

Erick A. Vazquez said...

It was amazing to see how you talked about your family and culture with such detail. With the vivid imagery and similes that you utilized, you were able to clearly express your feelings for your family and culture. Great Job.

Fernando Mauri P1 said...

First, I love your attitude. Second, I enjoy reading and learning about different cultures, and now I can say that I know a bit more about Nigeria. It pleases me that you're so in touch with your culture and where you came from, which is something that I wish I took more pride in myself. Your personality shines through this piece, and you indeed are a queen. I enjoyed reading this, I had a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

This was a really funny piece! I enjoyed it very much. You have such an interesting family background and I am glad you shared it with us. I love the humor put into this. Thanks for sharing with us!

Melany M

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really enjoyed your piece. It was very refreshing and enlightening! Thank you for sharing it on the blog!

-Andrew Trinidad
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really enjoyed your piece. It was very refreshing and enlightening! Thank you for sharing it on the blog!

-Andrew Trinidad
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I love your anecdotes explaining why you have this big ole attitude. It also explains so much haha. Well i truly enjoy hearing these stories which are very funny. Thank you, and keep writing.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Valdez
Period 4

Frederick Sagoe said...

This was very different and nice. Great way to end of the year with an amazing story that is inspiring and hilarious. My family is also interesting but your story made them seem less refreshing Great Job!

Unknown said...

Reading your blog made me remember my oh so many cousins in the Philippines! I truly enjoyed your piece and how personal you made it sound. All i know is, i couldn't stop smiling! I think it's fascinating that you are queen but yet again I am not so surprise because girl you are always strutting it. The "queen-ness" has always been in you ever since I met you in the 8th grade! Amazing job!!

Jaena Lauren Fabia
Period 4

Anonymous said...

marian Hollinquest
Period 4
This story is so relatable. I am so surprised the similarities between our families
Great job!

Anonymous said...

Aiseosa, loved this piece. Through your ability to write clear and distinct memories, as a reader, I was able to relate to your story more. I loved your humorous tone you produced when you explained what kind of person your step-grandmother is. I find it very admirable that you have so much love and respect for yourself and how you attribute these qualities to your family and culture. Awesome job!

Isabelle Huynh