
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Tsekuno's Life" by Bryan A-D

    Naruto was sitting by the fireplace and remembering his lovely wife, Hinata. It’s been ten years since she died at the hands of Pain, a member of the Akatsuki. After all these years he still perceives her death as a result of his carelessness. As she took her last breath h promised to protect their child, Tsekuno, as much as possible. Tsekuno came running into the room. “Dad, I passed the first round of the Chunin Exams." "You did son. That’s amazing." Tsekuno had his father's hair and burning spirit. He had his mom's special chakra eyes. Tsekuno also had the soul of the nine tailed fox coursing through his veins. "Cool shows me what you got. Use some of the justsu you learned." Jutsu are moves that require chakra, energy. Tsekuno use his Clone jutsu. Suddenly there were 20 copies of him and they all attacked Naruto. “You can’t beat me with that type of jutsu." He blocked all of the clones repeated attacks. "Now try demon fortress." Tsekuno focused his chakra into the ground causing a star insignia that has 9 points to appear on the ground. Naruto walked on it and there was a great pressure forcing him to the floor and sucking his chakra out of him. “Good work son. Go to bed the second part of the exams is a tournament tomorrow." They got up early the next day and arrived at the stadium where the tournament will be held. The first round Tsekuno had to battle a ninja that uses water jutsu. Tsekuno progressed all the way to the final battle. He was facing Josiah, the son of Gaara. Gaara was the finalist Naruto faced when he was younger. The battle begins. Tsekuno rushes at Josiah with his dagger. Josiah evades it effortlessly. He uses his Sand Grip jutsu to get a hold of Tsekuno it looked like the end. Suddenly something was something to Tsekuno. His eyes were turning red and he started transforming into the nine tailed fox. Tsekuno unlocked a new form. He started to attack using all his strength at once. Josiah falls in pain losing the match. Tsekuno looks up into the sky and says “I finally did it mom."


Unknown said...

Wow this is really good Bryan. I thought it was sad how Tsekuno felt how he had to prove something to his mom, but also nice that he did. Overall I believe that this was was a good story with a good plot.

Anonymous said...

Someone has finally written something about anime. Yay! Well I like your story it's really interesting and detailed keep up the work.
-Vymian San

Anonymous said...

Love your story! It's very well written.
Chiquitita Annisa P.2

Anonymous said...

This story was very interesting! I really enjoyed this story, good job!

Anonymous said...

This story was very interesting! I really enjoyed this story, good job!
Joseph Mendez

Unknown said...

I love Naruto, so i loved this story. I haven't finished the manga but i enjoyed the picture of the future life of Naruto that you painted.

Anonymous said...

I just started watching Naruto, and I'm really glad to see someone write with great detail and emotions about the show. I love this future life you created for them and the incorporation of Gaara and the different skills Naruto's son possesses. Just from the dialogue and character description about Tsekuno I can already see a young version of Naruto. Great story!

Anonymous said...

Well described story. Those are some interesting choices for names, to be completely honest I don't know if I could pronounce half of them.
Josie Starr
Period 2