
Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Being Jamie's Twin" by Jeremie A.

      It’s true, I could’ve died because of Jamie, but I’m alive and the oldest. We are identical, but easily mistaken for fraternal because of our appearances. Our personality and style sets us apart to where people who first meet us can’t recognize our resemblance. She is not someone who likes eyeliner or mascara and she will never agree to wearing a dress or putting on heels. I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. People who know us can testify to this and agree that we are very different individuals. Being Jamie’s twin is a perfect example of how two people are never really alike and we are our own person living two distinct and unique lives.

      Throughout high school, we have made a number of friends and became so involved with multiple organizations on and off campus. To start, I was the “cheerleader” and Jamie was the athlete. I was never an actual cheerleader, but I was her #1 fan cheering her on while she played basketball. She was on the freshmen and JV team her freshman and sophomore year while I danced at Valverde School of Performing Arts. She liked the court and I liked the stage.

     As time went on, our honors and AP classes piled up and we both struggled with the work load. You would think she helped me, but it was more of me saving her from her own procrastination. She’s lucky we had some classes together. I don’t know where her motivation really came from, she always got distracted with music. She has a corner where she plays piano, ukulele, and guitar for hours. I can’t do that. I know how to play the piano and ukulele, but I don’t share the same motivation to play like she does. Instead, my motivation is in photography. I would rather express my artistic talent with a camera than a musical instrument.

     Now, it is senior year and we both developed into different leaders. She’s the President of Key Club and I’m Photo Editor for Yearbook. Through our varying interests, personality and style we have developed into different people. Being Jamie’s twin is not at all identical or stereotypical.


Unknown said...

Well to start it off, I thought it was pretty awesome that you and Jamie wrote a piece about each other. The way you compare and contrast yourself to Jamie is pretty awesome. I love how you even described different situations, but for the most part I know both sides of the story. It makes the piece interesting though.

Anonymous said...

I think you and your twin sisters stories and how you guys did one on each other is very cool. I like seeing the different views on how you both feel. You and your sister seem to love each other very much. You did a great job!
Bethany Stitt
4:57 PM
period 2

Anonymous said...

Jamie... dang it, I mean Jeremie! I like the nice and easy transition from Jamie's blog post to yours. Your short and simple story describing how it is like being Jamie's twin truly captures the key differences you both have. Twins, whether identical or fraternal, are different in many aspects, and I like how you mention that throughout your story by pointing out key differences between the two of you. I found it cute when you said how you were the "cheerleader" for her, showing how you truly care about all that she does and you support her. Overall, this blog entry was cute and to the point, and I enjoy being friend with the two of you and seeing how you both are in fact two different people. Good job! :)
Simran Bajwa
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I liked your story. Many people think that twins are alike and do everything the same. Your story clearly says otherwise. even though one may look alike they are so different in many ways.
-Isaac Garcia
per 6

Tedman Nguyen said...

Hi Jeremie (:
It is pretty funny how you and Jamie have similar titles to your blog entry. I really liked how you differentiated your life and Jamie’s life. Although being twins, there is clearly a fine line between you two. Whether it would be fine arts such as photography and music, to sports and dancing, everyone around you guys can clearly distinguish you two as different individuals. That being said, I have seen both of you prosper and achieve your own individual goals. Great job!
Tedman Nguyen
P: 1

Anonymous said...

Ugh why can't I have a sister! I thought it was perfect how you both decided to write about what its like to be a twin! I think its really cool how you guys aren't the typical "we are exactly the same" type of twins(if you even understand what I meant by that). The bond you two have is absolutely adorable.
Alexis Huizar
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I love reading Jaimie's story than your story right after. Both stories are amazing and definitely capture your guys individuality. Your blog definitely captures the uniqueness and strong bond you two share. I admire the scenarios you include to emphasize on you and Jamie's distinct personality, but how towards the end you to share the common trait of developing into leaders of your own interest.

Anonymous said...

i love how you guys decided to write about being a twin. Both of your pieces are inspirational and touching. I loved how you talked about being her number one fan because i can relate. Supporting your sibling with everything they do is extremely valued and important.I admire how you described the different characteristics between the two it gives the audience more knowledge of you two. Overall great piece!
-Leah Hernandez

Unknown said...

I love how you started off your story as if you're answering questions that people had from Jamie's story. It's cute that you guys decided to write a story not only about yourselves, but practically about each other. I like how through your stories, the reader is able to establish the difference between the two of you rather than your guys' physical appearance. It's as if your guys' stories are proof of what your story omits. Good Job!

Unknown said...

Jeremie, good job on conveying to the reader the importance of individuality. I love the that you described your relationship with Jamie with clarity and rawness. You didn't try to sugarcoat it, and described it for what it really is, shattering the misconception that you must have the perfect relationship with your sister simply because you are twins. Reading your description of your relationship with Jamie was refreshing because it wasn't the stereotypical "sisters by chance, best friends by choice" type of relationship. The way you described your relationship was applicable to the relationship I have with my sisters, and reassured me that it's okay for family members to do different things and go separate ways. Great Job Jer.
P.S.: I love you both for staying true to who you are. Love you Jeremie!

Delia Munoz
Period 1

Unknown said...

I liked that you and your sister wrote a piece about one another and how it feels to be one"s twin, your story was very detailed and well wriiten

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this writing. I liked how different the mood was in this then it was in Jamie's piece. I also liked how you described how your paths were different, but the same in a way. Good Job!

- Pierce Bryant

Anonymous said...

I really liked how your piece was a bit of a continuation from Jamie's in the beginning. It's cute how you both expressed the different perspective of being a twin. Although you guys are twins, you're both completely different. It shows the readers, who do not have twins, that not all twins are identical or how other people stereotype it. I really enjoyed reading your piece, good job. :)
Grace Panjaitan
Period 4

Miranda Santos said...

I enjoyed reading this entry, especially after having read your sister's right before. I like how in this entry you gave descriptions of the differences you and your sister share and how they show your different personalities. I like you showed that you two are unique and have your own individuality. Good job!

Unknown said...

Jeremie I love the fact that you distinguished the differences in both of you, but at the same time expressing the positives in each of you.I am glad that you guys both could stick to the person that you are without the stereotype of being the same.I love the descriptions that you used such as "cheerleader and athlete" because it is so true.Great job!

Anonymous said...

REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed this piece and how well written this story was about how being a twin is because i always wanted to find out how it feels.
Period 6

Anonymous said...

i just got back from reading Jamie's blog entry, and its nice to see you praising her for her accomplishments in this piece because it actually shows that she is appreciated, which I don't think is how she felt in her piece. I agree that you guys are completely different, and I love both of your personalities, yet you guys seem to complement each other, just like how you said that you helped her through her procrastination. Just as you said, this goes against that stereotypical idea of twins being exactly alike. Great job!

Anonymous said...

^^Dang, I totally forgot my name.
Anthony Hurd
Period 4

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really love your story. I found it really heart warming how you mentioned you were always there for her and how she was always there for you. Also I found it hilarious how you guys are totally different. Which is totally why you two are very unique and have different passions from each other. Great job!
-Daniel Alaniz
Period 4
Period 4

Unknown said...

Jeremie, I love how you connected the intro to your story with Jamie's story. I loved how your story compared the person you are- "the cheerleader"- and the person Jamie is- "the athlete." The way you compared your enjoyment of photography with Jamie's music expressed to me the way you two are truly individual people. Even though you guys may be twins, you guys are nothing alike. You both are amazingly great individuals! It was great seeing your point-of-view of being a twin as compared to Jamie's view! Great job Jer!
-Sophia Bobadilla

Anonymous said...

I really loved this entire piece. I liked how you made the point that even though you two are twins you're both opposite of each other. In the beginning you connected yours to Jamie's and that made the piece interesting and instantly got my attention. Very creative!
-Haylie D
Period 4

Anonymous said...

From reading Jamie's piece to reading yours, I really like how you started it off as if you were answering any questions that anyone had about the beginning of hers. Your story is much more simple and sweet on how you guys are different and what makes you who you are and who makes Jamie who she is. You made the point clear that you guys are opposites and you made sure to back it up with several examples. Great job and I thought it was cute how you guys did your pieces on each other and being a twin. Shows everyone that looking alike doesn't mean you have to be the exact same.
Idalys Martinez
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Christian Black
Period 1

Wow this was really creative, your use of diction was very informative and it provided the reader information about you and your twin. it was not one sided which is what I admire the most. Well Done.

Aiseosa Ibude said...

The fact that both you and your twin wrote pieces about each other amazes me. Both of your poems are different but similar just like how you guys described each other. This is absolutely fabulous and I want to read more of your pieces!

Unknown said...

I was really excited when you told me that you were going to do a companion piece with Jamie's. I was expecting you guys to write somewhat similar pieces, just from different perspectives. But I found it really interesting that you constantly mentioned Jamie throughout the piece. When you mentioned Jamie's hobby, you would mention a hobby that was somewhat similar. I found that it was ironic that both of your pieces stated that you are two different people, yet by writing similar pieces, we are still comparing you to your sister.

Unknown said...

I love how you guys showed the different point of views on how it is to have a twin and how you guys are similar yet different. I love how you still show the love and support for her, being her "cheerleader" even while taking honors classes, you still fit time in for her. I've always wanted to know how it would be to have a twin and you definitely showed it. Great job!

Unknown said...

Dang Jeremie, I liked your post! I had just finished reading Jamie's post, and then I end up scrolling down and seeing yours, I was like oh shoot, I'm about to read Jeremie's blog post, this oughta be good:) I like how you showed your side of the story behind having a twin, and again gave us a perspective on what having a twin really entails. This was really good, and I think what I like the most, was being able to read what the both of you find different about eachother, but also seeing the both of your writing styles side by side. Just that alone shows a huge difference between the two of you. Your writing was calm, but also very organized and styled.

This was really funny to read! (Maybe not the first sentence! But it was still overall, good:)

Anonymous said...

The overall writing style of the writer is completely different from her sister's. The writer focuses on the aspirations, talents, and passions each have strived for in the past to the present. The writer uses the style that by makes her piece complementary to her sister's. Even though the writer expressed her life vividly, she could not reveal more detail of herself without bestowing her sister with credit in what she built in numerous talents simultaneously. The writer proves that point that regardless that she is older, she tries so hard to treat her sister as an equal, and individual, and a sister who's opposite characteristics from her sibling make their love, relationship, and bond, one of the most unique and bittersweet loves sisters can have for each other. Well written and the time lapse from early age to the current details of the present give the reader a sense of incredible growth for both sisters.
-Andrew Trinidad
Period 1

Anonymous said...

The twin stories that you and your sister did had me wishing I had a twin myself. It is very nice that even thought you guys have different interests and strengths, you are still close and relate to each other strongly. I love your ending aphorism that lets the reader know even thought you're identical to Jamie in features, you're not in personality and charisma.

- Frederick Sagoe

Anonymous said...

I like how you relate your twin to the opposite of what you are and how you make a point that's saying that you are both different in many ways even though she's your twin.

Luis Toro

Unknown said...

First of all, great job Jer! I enjoyed how you and your sister explained what it is like to have a twin with two different perspectives. I also appreciated the fact that both of you gals became independent yet still have that sibling bond. I loved reading your piece and I hope you and Jamie continue to love and cherish each other.

Unknown said...

It is very evident in both pieces that you and Jamie are two completely different people with opposite interests. I loved how you added that fact about cheering on your sister and supporting her in her sports while you were involved with dance. It is nice to see how you two both became leaders in your separate fields of interest. The idea to write this piece with your sister was very creative and enjoyable to read!

Anonymous said...

This was a really enjoyable read, Jeremie. First i read Jamie's and then yours right after, and you guys have similar point of views. Its a blessing to be twins of each other, so embrace it! Never take each other for granted. You guys are both great :) great job!
Melany M
Period 1

Unknown said...

Did you two plan this? I liked it. No not liked it loved! It was simple and it referred to Jamie's piece so well. I love your description on how you two are different. I have had both of you in my class before and you're right. You're opposite but you are connected by the same heart. You guys have this special relationship with each other which is expressed with both of these pieces. Great job.
-Katheryn Valle p.5

Anonymous said...

I honestly didn't see this coming! It was adorable seeing you two communicate in a way that is described even through your text and applying it in real life. It's refreshing to read the contrasting aspect between the two of you and being able to hear two different perspectives of the same situation. Great piece, both of you.
Thuy Cao
Period 1

Unknown said...

As I finished commenting on Jamie's piece, I saw your title and inside i was like "OMG twin perks!". You have clearly structured this piece well, and it is obvious that yours and Jamie's pieces are clearly not identical sending out the strong message that all twins are not mentally identical. I am fascinated with you and your sister's works throughout high school and it was great meeting both of you guys this year, and Jer, you did a beautiful job!

Anonymous said...

Merosa Uiagalelei
Per. 5
I thoroughly enjoyed your piece. I loved the sincerity and emotion the writing provided. Although I can not personally relate to your situation due to the fact that I do not have a twin, I definitely felt where you were coming from . Your personal examples made the piece all the more relatable. Great work!!

Anonymous said...

Jeremie!! I really loved the insight I gained from this secret world of twins. Its amazing that although you guys are different, you still share pretty strong qualities such as your destinies to become leaders and take rigorous courses that require a lot out of both of you.
-Jacob Valdez
Period 4

Anonymous said...

Madison Pierce period 4
I really enjoyed your story about you and Jamie’s experience. It was great how you both wrote about the same point in your life’s and to see he differences in perspectives was awesome. You did a great job with the structure and leading from one thing to the next