
Monday, February 22, 2016

"The Time I Got Curved" by Adam B

            Throughout high school, I have fallen victim to the constant want for a relationship. While it’s very understandable why one would want a relationship, as a significant other is very appealing, it should not be one’s primary focus in high school. However, too often I have let my desires take over my actions, and become a main focus throughout high school. While this has progressively gotten worse, it stemmed from a previous relationship that had fallen through, one where I was not completely satisfied with the ending. This unsatisfactory ending had given me the persistence to keep trying continuously to fall into a relationship, even at times when it was wiser for me to focus on school work rather than just one girl. However, as high school progressed and I began to enter my senior year, I encountered one rejection that changed my whole outlook on what I was doing.
            In the beginning of senior year over the next couple of months, I had fallen for one particular girl, deemed impossible to win over by both myself and my peers.. Although seemingly impossible, I had decided to give it my all and go for said girl. While I shall not address her personally, I shall give her an epithet; Alyssa Tandoc (she allowed me to use her name). As said before, Alyssa was seemingly impossible, but my persistence had lead me to believe that she could be “the one”. Although I failed numerous times to get into a relationship before this, for some odd reason I continued to carry on with the chase. I then proceeded to being the process of going for this impossible yet seemingly amazing girl, as I constructed my 36 month plan to get into a relationship with the girl. Although I had such careful planning and the persistence to go with the plan, a measly 4 days into the process is where the plan started to go down hill. I decided to make a small move, asking her to homecoming. While this decision did not come easily, I decided to go for it, as it was senior year and I could only think, “Why not?” While it took a few weeks to decide what to do and how I should ask, I finally created the plan I believed would be foolproof. With a mixture of her favorite movie, flowers, and cupcakes, I had worked up the courage to finally ask her. I received a surprising and hopeful answer of “yes”, giving me confidence as I could see and feel the happiness she had on her face when I revealed the poster asking her to homecoming. Homecoming was extremely fun, but it ultimately lead to a few problems that marked the beginning of a fall through. I had developed a sense of confidence that made me more detached from the “chase”, as she ultimately lost interest in me. This confidence had given me a false sense of security and hope, as I believed that maybe she could be the one I was looking for all throughout high school. I had lead myself on and realized that ultimately, rejection would soon follow.  
            While my endeavors were for naught, I still learned a valuable lesson and changed my outlook on how to find my own happiness. After different confrontations with my own thoughts and input from my friends, I learned that relying on others for happiness is not the way to go about living. One of the main reasons I personally went for a relationship was merely for the happiness it appeared to bring about. While relationships at this stage in life are very appealing, most of the time they show no other importance other than the development of each other’s characters. However, this is not important if I fail to realize that I must further change and develop myself first before I could help any other person become the best they could possibly become. Another lesson learned was to never expect anything to happen. One particular friend of mine helped me realize to never look for expectations. If we expect good things to happen to us and we never act upon these things, then we will get nothing accomplished. High school has become a learning process for me, and while many of us would like to have a memory we can reflect upon for happiness during high school, many of us should realize that this is a transitional phase. As I remember my high school years, I wish to look back and see how I have developed my own character and see how far I’ve progressed.


Unknown said...

Good job on writing this piece, Adam! I appreciate that you felt comfortable enough sharing this experience with everyone and embracing it, rather than feeling embarrassed. The lesson learned and taught by this experience is very motivational and something that everyone should try to take into consideration. You've also demonstrated tremendous growth in your mindset about happiness/relationships, and that's really impressive as well! I hope that the next time you pursue Alyssa, or anyone for that matter, you take the W because after writing such a great piece you really deserve that strong relationship you've yearned for so long.

Unknown said...

I love the way you constructed this piece because you began with an intimate and brave experience sharing it with the readers and transitioned into life lessons, where one cannot live the rest of their life relying on others for their happiness and two to never look for expectations, which at this stage in your life and in life in general is very mature and advantageous philosophy for the rest of your life. This experience has ultimately made you grow as a person individually and socially with those you choose to surround yourself with. I truly appreciate you sharing this piece, because love, especially in a high school setting, is completely underestimated and overlooked as insignificant when in actuality it may leave something permanent. Well written and great piece!
-Samar Elshekh P.3

Unknown said...

I loved this piece mainly by the fact that this is very relatable to any high schooler and wanting to find a relationship. I agree having a relationship in high school is not a necessity. That you should help develop and care for yourself first before preparing to care for someone else. That happiness is something you find within yourself and not in someone else. That's an awesome mindset to have and high school has taught you well. Good job with this piece!
Arianna Serna
Period 3

Michelle Sanchez said...

Great piece! I loved how open you were and how you were able to use this experience and turn it into a valuable lesson that you hold true to. My favorite part was when you spoke about happiness and how it will need to come through within yourself first. Its a great mindset to have and a great way to live!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your open honesty and constructive self-evaluation. I hope you are able to find happiness within yourself. A girl too, but as you so truly pointed out, yourself first.

Unknown said...

Adam, I appreciated, but was also surprised, that you shared a personal story like this and that you were comfortable sharing it. The lesson you learned and how high school is a transitional phase is something everyone should take into consideration. I'm glad that you grew into a strong individual and that you learned from your experiences, something that everyone should do. Thanks for sharing this piece!

Anonymous said...

So your name is Adam, let me start off with this, your title had me dying. Like whoa this is funny but anyways thanks for the laugh (no offense) and great job.

Marco Garcia~Ordaz

Anonymous said...

I got drawn into your piece solely based on the title, and i dont regret reading it. I feel like not only i can relate to your story but i feel like just about the whole student body can relate to your story. It seems that everyone feels as if its a requirement to be with someone and make all these amazing memories in high school when in reality it isnt even the most important part of our lives --like you said its only the transitioning phase in our lives. You did a good job creating a sense of vivid imagery and really connected with your readers. I also like how you ended off, with a self-reflection. Overall good job!
-Alicia Alcaraz
Cogswell period 5

Anonymous said...

This was a very interesting story. I'm glad that you decided to share this story with everyone instead of being embarrassed of it. Don't feel bad about the rejection, 99.9% of the time it ends that way. Anyway, loved the story.
-Michael Retana P.1

Unknown said...

This is an interesting story Adam, your piece is very relatable to other high school students. We think a like about happiness, I also say to find happiness in yourself and then find it in others. Also, kudos to you for writing this piece and telling sometimes people you don't know about a personal story and how you felt.
Miren Cancio
Period 5

Anonymous said...

The title of your piece was one of the things that really drew me in and I'm happy that I decided to take a look at your piece. I love how honest you were; it is really quite refreshing to know that there are still some hones people out there. Everything that you mentioned is so true. I feel like people in high school need to stop worrying so much about relationships and just focus on finding out who they are. Also, i really enjoyed how you included a self-evaluation of yourself and hope that one day you find the happiness that you are looking for. Great job!
Kayla Weathers

Anonymous said...

First off I was drawn to this piece because of the title. It made me laugh. I feel this piece was really cool because most people, whether they want to admit it or not, can relate to it and have been through some form of rejection. It's sad but it’s apart of life. I like how you decided to tell your own personal story and I enjoyed reading it.

Dominique Washington
Period 2

Anonymous said...

This was so well written and funny, and well thought out, Adam! Great job!
-Kelene H

Unknown said...

Hi Adam. I found it interesting that you called high school a transitional phase. We all know relationships are a waste of time and temporary, but we all love to chase them again and again. I agree with you when you said it develops character though because through my failed relationships I have realized more and more who I am and who I am not and how to have confidence with the two. I learned to let go of things that have happened because soon we are gonna let it go and it was just a place to wing assignments and develop as people and get closer to the people we are going to become.

Unknown said...

Wow this was great it captured the humor of all this want for a relationship and I agree with you all this high school love stuff is just a phase, none of this will really matter in the future we will meet different people and find someone that we really care for as much as they do to us.

Alexa Ayala
Period 2

Unknown said...

This piece is so awesome! I love how you felt comfortable enough sharing this experience by writing it. Rather than feeling upset and embarrassed it really shows what kind of person you are! Her Loss!
-Sydney Vargas

Anonymous said...

Yo this was super good Adam, so good that I feel that my blog post needs tons of improvements! All joking aside, this was really well done and really captured how you were feeling when this all happened. I'm sure that all who read this have learned from your experiences. Thanks for the great read yo!
-Antonio Barron P:3

Anonymous said...

I love this piece because it shows your maturity and growth over something that mustve been really hard to go through. You reminded me that its ok to get rejected in high school and have given me hope to never stop trying! Thank you for sharing this story with us, it gave me a good laugh and brought a very important message as well!

Unknown said...

I must admit that when I read your title on the left hand side of this blog page I laughed out loud (Guts!). I thought your piece was going to be a funny story about an experience you got being curved and rejected but it ended up being a well-written reflection of how you've grown as a person. This is awesome because a lot of people, including myself, can see themselves in your writing.

Unknown said...

I thought this piece was so good! It helps me remember that relationships aren't the main focus in high school. Overall, you did great.

Anonymous said...

Adam, this was a hilarious piece. I really loved the epithet of Alyssa Tandoc. But honestly, I couldn’t stop laughing while reading your piece and I wish I could of read your drafts of this as well. Wonderful job my friend.
JJ Jacinto
Period 5

Unknown said...

The title of this piece is what caught my attention almost instantly. I admire your courage to share a personal story. That is something most people would not do. Well done!
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I love the title, it instantly caught my attention. But it was more satisfying to get to the ending and read that you took this more as a lesson rather than another curve for the books.Really good job Adam.

Allyson Bol
Period 2

Unknown said...

Adam, I really like your piece I loved how detailed it is and how you were open on your experience and it was pretty funny keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I admire your courage in telling us about your rejection, personally I would feel embarrassed to tell anyone. Although I saw courage as being one of your main messages, I see it was beyond that, being about happiness. I have come to think most of our society today need materiel items or like you said a significant other to be happy, rather than focusing on oneself and becoming better. I enjoyed your piece, and seeing you've had personal realizations.
-Diana Godinez

caguilar said...

I loved how you are able to be open and tell us your rejection. What really caught my attention was the title. Right away i knew that i wanted to read this piece. Such great story of rejection showing that high school isn't all about relationships.
-calaya a
-period 1

Unknown said...

When I first saw the title of your story on the left I thought it would simply be a humorous story based on fictional characters. Your piece however, was so much more than that. I loved how you added so much more meaning and depth into this piece by using your own personal story and provided a message that I think a lot of high school students should hear. I admire your great use of vocabulary and tone that was used in order to keep us intrigued. You managed to take humor to another extent and bring some reality into your piece and for that I think you did a wonderful job! Good luck finding your happiness!

Janus Baetiong, P.3 said...

This narrative was really cute. Adam, you gotta keep chasing bro. Do it for tilapia and happiness. Blessed.

Unknown said...

This was very well written , I'm glad you were comfortable enough to share this with us and embracing it . There is plenty of girls out there , keep trying . Great job !!!