
Monday, March 16, 2020

All Students:  Be sure to read the entries for this group  (March writers).  Everyone is required to comment on at least THREE different pieces of writing.  You must post the comment here on the blog (below the post is the "comments" link to click) AND cut and paste your published comments, complete with dates and time stamps, on to a Word document and turn it in to me by April 2, on Google Classroom.  You must do both to get credit for comments this month.

Remember, comments must be positive, supportive, constructive, and SPECIFIC.  No "Good Job!" comments, unless you follow that with specific things you thought were done well in the piece.  Show them you actually took the time to read and enjoy their work!

"Su Amor " by Hazel C

     In her 40 years of life, there have been many impactful events. I know for sure that one of
them happened on December 4th, 2001. At such a young age, she stopped thinking only about
herself, she stopped worrying only about herself. She now had one of the biggest responsibilities
a woman could ever have. She now had to make choices and decisions selflessly, because the
consequences of her actions would not affect her only anymore. As the years passed, she realized
that to take care of her daughter she needed to work extremely hard and try to do her best to raise
a good woman. She knew she was not perfect and she knew it was not going to be easy. But I
can assure you, she definitely did more than that. 
     During my first 14 years of life, my mother always showed me the importance of family
and made sure that I never forgot that my family will always support me unconditionally. She
taught me the significance of respect. She always emphasized the valuable importance of being
humble. She always found ways to make me learn something new, ways to motivate me to excel
in my academics. She taught me how to control my emotions, and how to clearly express my
thoughts in ways I wouldn't hurt other people. She showed me how powerful forgiveness can be,
and how living without grudges is the key to being happy. She even blessed me with a sister. The
only thing she wanted for me all those years, was the best. 
      On July 13th, 2016, both of our lives dramatically changed. I moved to Rancho
Cucamonga and started living with my father. For me, leaving El Salvador was one of the most
difficult experiences I’ve been through. Honestly, the first couple of months were not that bad.
The idea of starting high school in a completely different country was sufficiently exciting to
distract my mind and emotions from the fact that I didn’t live with her anymore. The first couple
of months were full of enthusiasm and anxiety as I had to assimilate to new customs,
academically and culturally. Eventually, I made new acquaintances which later on became very
close friends. Luckily, I can still call some of them my best friends. At home, I constantly
worked on my relationship with my father’s side of the family, people with whom I had never
lived with before. It later started to hit me. The fact that nothing was the same. It did take me a
while to adapt to the community I had settled in. But it was all for the best, it was all for a better
     Over time, I got over all of this. All my relationships, at home and at school, were great
and I had already gotten used to visiting El Salvador every six months. Also, thanks to my
mother's new job she was able to visit me pretty often, which relieved me and emotionally
helped me cope with such a drastic change at such a young age. It's life, you know. I understand
stuff happens. I understand it's a process that many people go through and react to it in various
different ways. However, what I will absolutely never be able to understand is how this woman,
the one that brought me to this world, was able to handle this situation. I genuinely don’t
understand how she was capable of letting me leave and stay 2,000 miles away from her. How
she could go more than one day without holding me in her arms, without yelling at me for
procrastinating and not cleaning my room (I mean, whenever we facetime she still yells at me for
not cleaning it). But that is one more lesson this incredible woman taught me. Regardless of the distance, I can still say that our relationship is the ​most ​ valuable thing I can have in this world. She sacrificed so many delightful moments together, so many cheerful laughs, so many
heartwarming hugs. That’s what this is all about. True love is really about putting someone else’s
happiness before your own. No matter how bad it’s going to hurt, no matter for how long it’s
going to hurt. At the end, as long as the other person ends up happy in a better place, you won’t
mind going through whatever you have to go through. Her love is what keeps me going. Because
her love is patient, her love is kind, her love is not self-seeking, and her love always perseveres.
There’s nothing that I admire and treasure as much as her unconditional and heartening love.

"Color of Life" by Linda H.

I look around me in this beautiful world I was born in and wonder about the endless possibilities
that come with the vibrant colors of my surrounding environment. Red is my favorite color
because it represents the school I go to, the blood that was bled through many pains, and the
infinite love I receive daily by those around me who care. High school has allowed me to grow
as an individual and as a leader through an amazing program like the marching band. Although
some of the classes I took may have been challenging, I learned through those courses some life
skills and time management. Through all my experiences so far, life hasn’t always been easy as
knees were scraped and cuts were made from words said by others. Love is the one thing that got
me through it all and the support that came with this from my family meant the world to me. The
nights around a fire bonding with friends at the beach or cooking s’ mores while camping
reminds me of the dangerous red that can lead to vulnerability and the radiant glow of orange
that lit up each face as we sat in the presence of each other. Many memories were made sitting
around the fire, talking about whatever came to mind without the worry of time passing by too
fast. I can’t remember a time where I had a bad experience around a bonfire whether it was with
my family, team, or friends. Happiness always reminded me of a yellow sunflower growing in
the direction of the guiding light source. From when I was young, my parents would say that the
sun was big, bright, and shining a precious yellow-ray filled with many smiles to last the whole
day. Looking out the window of my car, watching as the trees stand tall and the hills so broad, I
think about the exciting adventures that will soon come with time. I usually try to pass this time
by playing with my dog on the green grass which gives me a type of joy that I can’t express with
words. All the little journeys that me and my family go on, trudging through nature and
exploring new places, have left many stories for my children to hear someday. As we go across
the calm river, our shoes and socks get soaked, making us all a little blue. We continue on the
trek nonetheless but stop at our destination and look up at the blue sky above for a minute as I
begin to think about the numerous blessings we have been given with the sounds of the river
flowing through our bodies. Upon observing the beautiful sights, I start to wonder about the
things unknown similar to the color indigo. No one knows many items are correlated with indigo
but they still acknowledge its existence. The vast ocean deep that is still yet to be fully
discovered and the universe that has so many wonders and scares. These unknowns make life
interesting as there is much more to discover in this world that we live in. Passions that come
from learning about the things untold by man create this violet aura that expresses how no skill is
perfected without practice and patience. The drive of desire allows this color to show through
their achievements as they are accomplished over time. Learning unceasingly to find my true
passion and make it my purpose here, I am in awe of everything that I have become so far. There
are white clouds floating in the bright sky that make me dream about the beauty of life with each
breath I take. As I think about how I will achieve my dreams, there is this black darkness that I
have to fight my way through to reach the white light that gives me all the colors I can imagine
with no bounds. There are still some gray areas in my life that I am still figuring out as I am
learning and growing every day, but there is nothing that will hinder my will to continuously try
if my passions, desires, and love for it remain. There is one thing that I know to be true and it is
that the rainbow won’t always shine and there will be rain that causes me to fall, but if I look at
each situation in a different light, the rainbow will be what gives me opportunities to experience
the endless possibilities of this wonderful universe. 

"I Lov- I Miss You…" by Kira S

     I walk up slowly from my car, after driving for much too long, with my head facing down with a picnic basket containing a blanket, some homemade sandwiches, and water bottles. Along with that, I had some beautiful magnolias in hand. I stop walking, lay out the blanket in the basket, place the flowers beside the basket, and take a seat on the blanket.
    “Hi. Long time, no see. I have so much to tell you.” I take a deep breath so I can blabber nonstop to him. “I got a letter in the mail saying I got accepted into college. I’m so hyped that I did. Graduation is so soon too. It’s going to be insane. I’m honestly ready for it. The family is doing alright as always. They’re living their best life right now if I’m honest. Oh, and guess what happened? I fell up the stairs today and almost broke my arm. A ten out of ten situation if I do say so myself.” I let out a small giggle.
      I take a pause and pull the sandwiches and water bottles out of my basket. Taking a bite, I look up at the bright blue sky taking a deep breath. I start eating the sandwich, taking a drink of water shortly after. I’m sitting, observing other people having picnics and hanging out with their friends and family.
     “You know what’s crazy?”  I pause to make sure you’re paying attention. “I haven’t had a picnic for the past, like, 14 years of my life. Mom and Dad didn’t really like them. It’s okay though, because I can have them with you now.” I started laying down, it had been a while and my back hurt. Gazing at the sky, I think about how the past year went. “Oh, random train of thought. Remember that time we went to Disney a few years ago? Honestly, best time of my life. I couldn’t have asked for a better day with you, hanging out, doing absolutely nothing and going on all those rides together. I miss that a lot. I miss being able to hang out with you.” Breathing slowly, I sit back up. 
     “It’s been six months I think. Six months since your funeral Grandpa. It was really hard at first. We all knew it was coming, but we… I couldn’t believe it. You were and are seriously the most important person in my life. I got the news and I couldn’t function at all, I stopped being able to eat, talk, or even move. I eventually got up and started functioning again, I had to. I couldn’t lay in bed for the rest of my life, starve until the end, stop talking for all of eternity. I visited every day for about 2 weeks straight and weekly for 4 weeks after that. I’m sure you remember our conversations about school and life. There’s no way I could forget.” I started getting teary-eyed and had to pause. I stood up, understanding that there was nothing I could do but move on. “It’s really hard Grandpa, and I honestly can’t understand why everything had to stop so suddenly.” I stopped before I started crying. I couldn’t cry in the middle of a cemetery in front of no one I know. That’s terrifying. 
     I started packing up my things, folding the blanket nicely, throwing everything back into the basket. I picked up the flowers and placed them right by his headstone. After I gathered my things in my arms, I took one more look at the headstone. “I lov- I miss you Grandpa. I miss you
more than anything and love you beyond compare. I'll see you later.” I walk away, back to my car and throw everything into the trunk. It had been a hard couple of months, but I’m starting to manage. It is something that should have never happened and it definitely happened too early in his time, but that’s life. There is nothing we can do to stop the circle. I drive away, looking in my rear-view mirror at the flowers. I love and miss you Grandpa, more than anything. 

Author’s note: This is all based on a dream that I recently had and my imagination. It’s one of my deepest fears and pains me any time I think about the possibility, but it has not happened. :)

" So This is Love? " by Justin L

     I didn’t even know what that meant. I had “love” for select people and that was my
family and friends but holding out so long on my own, I couldn’t bear to hold any more. I
expected people to come around, but I held fast because holding onto myself was enough. It was
the peak of high school and there was too much going on. Life was too busy, too stressful, and
too emotionally taxing as it is, why add another's burdens to it all? Why carry the weight of
someone else’s world and be their hero with no guarantee that they would be yours?
     Relationships were tiresome (they always were) and loving someone like that meant giving a
piece of me for them to do whatever they pleased. It meant vulnerability and commitment, things
I didn’t have to spare.  It didn’t seem worth it to give myself up and to put my heart on my sleeve
hoping that someone wouldn’t break it. But then again, I had never met you. 
     You came on a Summer breeze, although I barely noticed when you waltzed into my life.
I blinked and there you were. Nothing overtly special, but just… there.  It was slow at first.
     When you came, there wasn’t an introduction. There never really was a need for one. First it was
a hello in the hallways. Next came the chit chats in the classroom. You clicked so well into my
daily routine that I just came to expect the habitual acknowledgements.  It was slow at first.
     Slowly the chit chats grew into midnight messaging and my understanding of you deepened. I
didn’t know everything and I didn’t need to, knowing you were there for me was enough.  Knowing that even if neither of us ever said a word that we could read each other like open
books, like the menus to our favorite restaurants, like the backs of each others’ hands. Hands we
began to hold.
      Our relationship started on an Autumn day. I remember the golden leaves on the trees as
I looked at the golden gleam in your eyes. All I cared about was being there for you, to carry the
weight of your world even if it meant putting mine down, to be your hero even if it meant taking
the beating and the bruises that life dished out. All I cared about was seeing you happy. Seeing
you smile. I remember the early September days and the late October nights as time passed us
by. I remember a kiss. Short and sweet, but I remember well. A soft touch of lips. A longer
embrace. Time rolling slow and hearts beating fast. I thought to myself. So this is love? Love
wasn’t the butterflies in my stomach. Love wasn’t the static in my head. Love wasn’t the beats
my heart skipped. Love was you. Everything I was feeling was because of you. I felt vulnerable
yet safe, committed yet free, I wore my heart on my sleeve trusting that you wouldn’t break it. 
     The fighting started on a Winter night. I don’t even remember what it was about. Maybe
it was something I said, or something I didn’t. Maybe it was something you did, or something
you didn’t, I don't know. Maybe it was nobody’s fault.  There wasn’t any yelling, or screaming.
     Just disappointment, confusion.  With every argument, it seemed like we were just getting in
each other’s way. Every day it felt like we were becoming each others’ problems, not their
solutions. We kept lying to ourselves, telling each other, “Hold onto hope for better days” or
“We’ll work things out” but we both knew the truth… 
     It ended on a Springtime’s rainfall. When we left, there wasn't really a goodbye. It didn't
seem like there was a need for one. Midnight messaging turned from fighting to faintness to
nothing at all. It faded. I knew everything about you but stood powerless to keep you by my side. With all my efforts at trying to keep the world up and playing your superhero, it didn't work, you
still had to go and I was stuck here waiting to see if you came back.
     It's been months now and yet I still know your favorite songs, your favorite time of day,
your favorite movies and TV shows, your favorite seasons, your favorite holidays, your favorite
bag of chips, your favorite everything. I still knew what you wanted to be when you grew up. I
still knew the sound of your voice after all this time. After all this time…  I still knew the back of
your hand as if it was my own, it was just no longer there to hold. 
     I should've appreciated the fact that you were there in the first place, that I found you and
got to be with you, but after months of puzzling I finally figured it out. It was love and I’m sorry I kept asking if it was. With all of the good and the bad, when you were there or not, with all of
my sadness and my grief, feeling so vulnerable and still so committed. I still wear my heart on
my sleeve but it beats a different rhythm, no longer does it sing “So this is love?” Instead it cries,“So is this love?”

"How to Change the Oil in Your Car at Home " by Tyler D

     Most people spend a lot of money to get the oil changed in their car multiple times a year.  It is
actually very easy to do at home, and it will save you time and money throughout your life.  It is
also important to understand why you even need to change the oil in the first place.  Over time,
the oil in your car engine gets diluted with dirt which can corrode your engine, shortening it’s
lifespan.  Also, since oil serves as a lubricant in the engine, if it completely runs out of oil, the
parts in the engine will get so hot that they could warp or melt, possibly damaging it beyond
repair.  This is why it is important to change your oil about every 3,000 - 5,000 miles, or every
few months if you don’t drive that much. 

Tools needed:
● The correct oil for your car
● A funnel
● An oil pan
● Rags or paper towels
● A wrench
● Car ramps or a jack to lift the car

     The first step towards changing your oil is to know the right type of oil needed for your car.  You
can check this by opening the hood and reading at the oil cap, or you can read the owner’s
manual.  You can buy oil at any auto repair shop, and you will probably need anywhere from
five to eight quarts to fill the engine, but be sure to check your owner’s manual.  Be sure to buy
the new oil before you drain out the old oil because you won’t be able to drive your car until you
put the new oil in. Now that you have the right oil for your car, you need to remove the drain
plug to empty out all of the old oil.  It will usually be underneath the car, so you will need to lift
it.  You can lift it by using either a jack or ramps.  It is extremely important to make sure your
car is stable when lifted so that it doesn’t fall on your head.  Ramps are a lot easier to use for
people who are inexperienced, but you still need to be extra careful. I recommend using chalks
and having somebody help you if possible.  Before you can drain the oil out of your car, it first
needs to be cool or else you may get burned.  If you have been driving a lot, you should wait at
the very least thirty minutes or longer before draining, but if you had only driven the car for a
few minutes or just onto the ramps, then you should be good to go. 

     Next, you will need to get your wrench, oil pan, and rags ready as you will need them to drain
your oil.  Place the oil pan on the ground beneath the drain plug, and keep a rag nearby in case it
spills or splashes.  If any oil gets on your clothes, it will ruin them.  When you are ready, use the
wrench to open the drain plug, and be sure to move the wrench out of the way quickly, or else it
will get caught in the stream of oil.  It will take a few minutes for all of the oil to drain out, and
after it does, replace the drain plug and tighten it with the wrench. 


      Now that you have successfully removed the oil, clean up any spills and remove all materials
from underneath the car.  You will now need a funnel, and the new oil that you bought at the
store.  You may need a step-stool if you used ramps, but if you used a jack, you can just lower
your car.  You will need to find the oil cap, when you do, remove it and place the funnel in the
hole.  Pour the new oil into the funnel, and check to make sure it is full after you finish filling it,
don’t forget to replace the cap when you’re done.  Now you can lower your car if you haven’t

     Lastly, to dispose of the dirty oil, you can take it to most auto shops and they will properly
recycle it.  And that’s it!  You have now successfully changed your oil on your own.  It is
recommended that you note the date and mileage of the car after changing the oil so that you’ll
know when you need to change it again.

"Guardian Angel" by Ariana H

     On January 10, 2020 my life changed forever. A very close family friend of mine was admitted into the hospital. She was super sick and she refused to go to the hospital because she believed nothing was wrong and that she was just coughing. In the middle of the night she woke up coughing and she was bleeding. Her husband immediately took her to the hospital because he knew something was wrong. I got the text the next day from my mom saying she was in the hospital. I couldn’t believe what my mom had told me and every night I prayed for her to get better but she only got worse. My mom and few others were the only ones who were allowed to see her. My mom would come home and tell me what she looked like and that she wasn’t doing so well. I was hoping for the best but expecting the worse because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. She was such a strong and intelligent woman and I couldn’t have imagined my life without her. It was so hard to think that our 5 years of friendship could just end so soon. Two weeks later on January 27th I got a call from my mom during 6th period and when I didn’t answer she text me and told me that she had passed away. I have never Experienced a death of someone who is close to me and I would never wish that upon anybody. When I saw the text message my heart broke into 1 million pieces and as I sat in sixth period I began to cry because it did not seem real. When I came home I saw my mom and we both just started bawling her eyes out. It was such a hard time for my family because we were so close with her. For a whole week any time that I saw anything that reminded me of her or someone talked about her I would just cry. I didn’t understand why it happened to me and to her family. On the day of the funeral I remember getting ready and I told myself that I wasn’t sad. I thought to myself I cried about it for a week and a half and I think I have gained closure. But boy was I wrong. With my family and I went to the church the moment we walked into the room I got so overwhelmed. My entire family started to cry and I couldn’t believe what was going on. My mom was asked to give a speech but she decided not to because she couldn’t handle it. I decided to get up and go and speak about our friend because someone in our family needed to recognize all she had done for us. When I went up and talked I remembered all of the memories and who she really was as a person. After my speech I feel like I finally got to say goodbye. I held onto guilt because I wasn’t able to visit her in the hospital due to school and work. I felt  like I never got to say goodbye and it tore me to pieces. When I walked off after speaking I felt like I could breathe again because it felt like she was right next me and I was able to say goodbye. Since the funeral my family and I have visited countless times and it’s almost like she is always with us. I know people haven't experienced a loss yet but it takes a big toll on you. I have learned so much in the past month about myself and who I want to be. I remember her every single day and I will not forget the lessons that she has taught me. I have been able to connect more with God and just understand that her death shouldn’t take over me. I should always remember her and remember the good. I pray for her everyday and hope that she is finally free. Even though I wished this wouldn’t have happened you cannot cheat death and what God has in store for you. I have also used this
experience to live my life to the fullest and live with no regret. I think about her all the time and I wonder if she watches me and subconsciously helps me through my everyday life. I am so blessed to have been able to know her and her family because she was such a big asset in my life. She supported me and went to my games and cheer competitions. She is my guardian angel and I wish I could just hug and talk to her one last time. 

"Hello! You Are Alive! " by Izaiah R

  Hellooooo. Yes. Hi there. Yes you. Silly little one. Making wretched noises. Welcome to the world little bag of hungry cells. In essence a literal sponge, with the highest brain plasticity and capacity to learn you will ever have in your existence; before your great decay and return into the elements of the sandbox universe. All of this on the floating asteroid you call home... I’m sorry that was a rather strong introduction. Maybe enjoy this pacifier a little, while I share some basic average human life problems. Oh, what's that? You’re more interested in your thumb? Ah yes the thumb. A wondrous sucking apparatus and wonderful choice. Very comforting … but you’ll upgrade to sucking your mother’s nipple in a few short hours, because sustenance and all. It’s important, trust me. It allows you to better grow and become a young healthy grub of subsistence to where you’ll be expected to do some things here and there. Minor in the start. Kinda big in the middle. Meaningful in the end. Or maybe you’ll waste it. Eventually after a couple many full moons you will find yourself going to a stereotypically brick structure with no clue what anything is, with other small walking squawking little cherubs that just know how to say, “HIIIII!!” really loud awkwardly in a damn adorable manner or that the sky is blue. You’ll say, “HIIIII!!” back. Suddenly it’s a friend. The hieroglyphics on the wall will start to make sense. Drawing the connection that a DHA, OH, and JUH equals a fluffy companion that is commonly referred to as a ‘dog’. Congratulations, your first step to being a more exceptional human being was taken. Few years of memorizing irrelevant things, parents divorce, grandpa passes, cousin marries, adopt a vertebrate friend and to remember barely a third of everything. One must love the brain for its storage efficiency. The game of life continues on but it’s principals are the same. Most do a few years on a larger campus with more buildings, mostly retaining Hitler equal bad and how to sparknotes. Graduate with a paper that probably came from the Amazon saying “YOU ARE READY FOR LIFE”. Realize you don’t know what you’re doing. Panic. Continue on. Go thousands into debt for college, or enter the workforce or the military. Not that one cares what you want anyway, you’re just another breathing corpse. They don’t share your goals or desires. On each application remove any personality and be ‘normal’, because no one cares about your sock collection passion, how impressive your card tricks are or any other of your idiosyncratic pleasures; only just how well you can follow rules. No one
believes in you, until one day they do. For the time being stick with your side hobby and the chosen path. Fondly reminiscing on the happier times. When life was Mario Kart or dancing with cousins past midnight. In comparison to the utter hell you live in now. Give it some years. Some depression. Lack of purpose to spice it up. Get Lost. Age more. Maybe suicidal thoughts? Alcohol. Sex. Lots of that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . Both are excellent coping mechanisms and while doing that perhaps consider finding someone who will tolerate/deal with your quirky nature and not just do it for the looks/pleasure. Hit the 10,950 day mark also known as 30. Congratulations. You made it past the worst, maybe but you still let your crippling fear of others hold you back despite being GROWN. Ironic how we still are victims of basic instinct despite advancements Galileo, Socretes or Einstein would’ve wet themselves over. We don’t have Atlantis but if you were to tell people 100 years ago what today is like, they wouldn’t believe you. Have the mid life crisis understanding a typical natural death is closer than ever somewhere in between the 30 to 40 year marks or anytime after realizing how much time you wasted. Vow you won’t waste anymore time. Vow you won’t hesitate anymore. Then forget that because of your fear or self sabotage. Continue the path you’ve taken. Play it safe. Stay in your lane. Keep the course. Don’t kanoodle. Stay in the miserable, easier path. Sacrificing your happiness and unwillingness to be remarkable in the name of image for people you don’t care about. We all have debts to pay and you apparently can’t pay them if you compromise your perception or inability to be flawed. Get older. Get wiser. Regrets start to pour in as life reflection begins. Queue the why questions you already know the answers to. Why did I let the one run away from me and not tell her that I loved her and just wanted to adore her for our lives? Why couldn’t I get over my embarrassment and give mom one last hug and “I love you”? Why was I too ‘busy’ to cheer up grandma down the street after she lost grandpa? Why did I hesitate and question everything? Why did I care so much about what people perceived of me? What one would do if time could fall back. Return the in-exchangeable currency of time for the better hopeful outcome of a new life. Instead only gaining wisdom and allowing more reflection. Yet you still fear exposure. Realize that no one really knows why they are here or what they are doing here and that we are all trying to cope with that. Everything breathing dies eventually; nature, she is under no obligation to grant you another successful beat, but at will start another new one and so is the cycle called life. One day
you will follow suit in whatever manner you believe in, passing on into whatever you think is the right answer to death; but the universal answer will be the return of life into the ground which it was borne from; in a grave. In your final waking moments, as the life hourglass empties you will probably be there afraid and unaware of your future, the same principles which dictated the majority of your life. Hopefully moments before your passing you’ll wonder of the good moments, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly. Hopefully it’ll flash through and you’ll be content. Or maybe you wasted it all. Still, yet to think this is all predicated from your decisions and choices you make in the ‘today’ but most don’t see that. So please dear little one, choose wisely and It’ll serve you some good. Choose the stars, not the ground. Choose happiness, not misery. Choose solace in the wrongs and empathize. Take good action, for it will determine your destiny. 
*Just a small note to those who finished reading this. First, thank you, secondly if you were wondering yes I am fine and thirdly this is not intended to convey a sad message and if it doesn’t make complete sense that is also a way to interpret this. Though if it did make you sad, I would advise to eat some oranges. Those always make me feel better. 

“Date Cake” By Vibhuti P

     Do you have something in your pantry that you haven’t liked all your life? Was your mother able to turn that into one of your favorite desserts? Well, when I was little, my mother went on experimenting with different recipes to see which ones would be tasty and would be beneficial to my health. She soon came across a recipe called “date cake” and for a while, she didn’t tell me what it was made of.

(pictured without cashews or walnuts)


 - 18 dates
- ¾ cup milk (to soak the dates)
 - ¾ cup sugar - I cup all-purpose flour
 - ½ cup oil (or ¼ cup oil + ¼ cup applesauce)
 - 1 tablespoon cashews + walnuts (optional)
 - Chocolate chips (optional)

1. Soak the dates in warm milk
2. Add the sugar and grind them to a smooth paste
3. Add oil and mix
 4. Sieve together the flour and baking soda
5. Add flour 1 tablespoon at a time and mix slowly
6. Add nuts and chocolate chips and mix
7. Preheat oven at 350F and bake in a greased pan for 35 - 40 minutes

     As you can see, this recipe is really easy to make and also eggless! One of the reasons it has stuck with me for so long is because this recipe made me realize that if I didn’t like a certain
type of food, I could always turn it into something better! Also, this is the cake that my mother prepared on any given occasion, no matter what.

"How to Make a Carnation Lei" by Jaelani P

     We all know graduation is coming up in about two months which is getting closer and closer each day. As to prepare, my family is making multiple kinds of leis to celebrate graduation. Since my mom was born in Hawaii and is Filipino as well, it is tradition on my mom’s side to make leis for those who graduate, whether from middle school, high school, or college. Now some may ask what is a lei? The original definition of a lei is a Polynesian garland of flowers but a lei can now be made with all kinds of different material (ex. candy, ribbon, and even money). A lei is used for greetings, farewells, congratulations, friendship and more. In Hawaii, leis are given to you and placed around your neck when you arrive on the islands with a kiss on the cheek to show affection and welcome. In addition, the ancient Hawaiians wore these leis to beautify themselves, give to one another, or give to the gods. Today, there is such a wide variety of leis you can make that can be used for numerous occasions. However, some leis are easy or difficult to make and can be very time consuming but a carnation lei is a simple and fairly easy lei to make. 

Materials needed:
 ● Two dozen batches of carnation flowers (any color of your liking will do) - Be careful when choosing the bouquets, some carnations are too small and won’t look as nice when put together for the lei. Look for a well bloomed carnation that is fully to almost bloomed, DO NOT get carnations that are barely bloomed or are still buds.
 ● Thread or floss (the line of floss not the sticks) - I recommend the line of floss (as long as it’s not a scented one)
● Scissors
 ● A small tub of water - warm water and wide in width
  ● A long thread needle 


     To make the lei like the image above, you will first need to separate the flowers from your bouquet and cut the flower part away from the stem, so that you separate the flower bud part from the stem. Do this for every flower with your bouquet and gently fluff your flower buds so that the petals will look fuller on the lei. After fluffing, place them in the tub of water so that they stay fresh while you weave them together. Now get the sewing needle and place the thread through the needle. Once through the needle tie the end with a knot as if you’re sewing, make sure it’s a big enough knot so that the thread won’t slip through the flower while making the lei. Select a flower bud and carefully poke the needle through the center of the bottom of the flower and carefully push through until it goes through the other end. When you get the needle through and place another flower make sure the bottom of the second flower is on top of the previous flower, place them so that the bottom of the flower bud is hidden within the flower petals. After that, continue this process until you reach your desired length, place the lei around your neck to measure. Once you reach your desired length tie the end of the threat and make sure it is secure and tight. If you wish to keep it fresh overnight place the lei in the fridge and take it out the next day, keep it in the fridge no longer than a day. Now you are ready for your graduation! Now you can either make that lei for a friend, family, or even yourself! I hope this was helpful or even just an interesting tip to know and if you want other tutorials on how to make other kinds of different leis let me know. 

" Number 518 " by Katera P

      “No no no no-Please!” As I was being pried away from my husband’s arms I fought for my life...I fought for him. I’m finally seeing the effects of this new “utopia” and it’s not great. Love is prohibited, no more independence, we are all “equal”, slaves to the higher class, and we are hurting, “Please let me say one more thing to him-please!” My fight ended as quickly as it started once I’m thrown into the back seat of a car.    The pictures outside my window are only blurs of a town I once lo- I mean liked. The blurriness of my town disappears as the car ride gets longer and longer. We’ve been driving through dirt and shrubbery roads for what seems like ages. A building finally comes to view and it towers over the car with its grey and reflective glass windows. The car door opens and I’m yanked out of the car. The sun is blinding and my feet feel like a thousand small needles. I’m pushed to follow a line of people entering the building. All of them are women...why? We are led down a long brightly lit hallway that looks like it stretches for miles. I let my fingers pass along the grey bumpy wall as we walked farther and farther down. We finally reach a door and we are told to sit on the floor. There's a man on the podium looking at us settled onto the floor, “ Thank you all for being here.” The man says once we are all sat, “Today we will be filming an educational video about the old world.” I can’t understand where this is going and why there's only women in this room.   “Today we are going to get rid of your pain. Since you won't understand the procedure on how we will rid you of this pain I’ll simplify it for you...brainwash.” I questioned if I heard him correctly, but my body reacted before more. Goosebumps and tears roll down my face, and my breathing shortens. I’m terrified of what this means for me. I don’t want to forget my husband,friends,family, and myself. I don’t want to be a blank canvas like the people I see on the news. The man continues to speak, “ We will start with releasing section by section so please remain seated.”   The next hour consisted of yelling, crying, slapping, shoving, kicking, and praying. I was actually in a living hell. I couldn’t run or attack. I just listened to the women being taken into the rooms and then silence until another wave was taken in.    It was my turn next and I was too numb to even fight it. Two men pulled me into their arms and walked me toward the door. Inside was a brown chair, in front of it was a camera, and next to the camera stood a man with thick black glasses. I sat in the chair and waited for what would happen next. The man spoke, “Hello Bex I am Aspen and I will be helping with today's procedure. I will be recording you as you speak your last thoughts. During this recording there will be series of flashes each one washing away your memories. As you will soon be able to tell this is painless...any Ok let's get started.” The camera started rolling as the man says the time and date and looks at me to start. I began to think maybe this is a good idea and maybe getting rid of my memories won’t be a bad I can forget this day. All I wanted to do was talk like this is normal, so if I have a chance to look at this I can look at the women I used to be. So I began  “Hey it’s Bex...I’m 30 years old...a psychologist and I have a pet dog. Um I- ok I’ll start my final statement ….I once knew love. It was like yesterday I was able to hold I’ll never forget the fuzzy feeling when you asked me out on a date...and we both showed up late ha! And I dropped my food on the floor haha...I’ll miss that. I’ll miss your smile and your hand in mine….why? Why can’t I scream your name from the rooftop, dance with you, sing for you…die for you?” I pause and look at the monitors watching me. I just look at it’s blinking red dot mocking my failure. “Huh! Why! What’s so wrong with loving another being and being ourselves!I will NOT be a puppet!! Why God!...why.” The pain no- the anger I’m feeling is almost unbear- flash! I was blinded by the first flash, “ WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! This isn’t right! You CAN’T change everyone-“ another flash ends my sentence. I don’t want to forget but I feel my memory sloping already, “I will never forget! This world you created will crumble just as quickly as it was built...I promise” flash…

Number 518
Year 3020
Subject: Bex Mare
Video log part 2

   “Ok Bex let's continue the video shall we? Ok first question… Are you excited for your future?” Bex looked into the monitor with a smile on her face, “I look forward to what is to come and I support every decision made for me with open arms”. 

Number 518
Year 3020
Subject: Bex Mare
Video log part 2  Complete

"The Man in the Clouds" - Melody M

     Many people question whether God exists or not. Many question whether you believe in the “right” God. God is the base of most religions. Whatever a believer calls him/them, he/they is a higher being with immense power and love that wants all good in the world. Who are we to question what someone believes in or if they believe in the right thing? Why is it a problem to many people that others find comfort in the belief of God or any other higher power? I ask myself these questions almost everyday. As a Catholic, I have gone through my ups and downs in my faith and a fair share of hate. I have always grown up with God, but it was more of an obligation. I went to church on Sundays because I had to, not because I wanted to. If we had something really fun to do that week, we missed church that Sunday. Then when I was around 8 years old my parents found God. And it was deeper than just starting to actually want to go to church. They started to go to church more than just on Sunday’s, they would prioritize church, they would start to talk to my brothers and I about God more. My parents found something worth living for and learning more about. With all that excitement and curiosity they gained, they took us to a bible study group every week with them. Being in that environment surrounded by people who seemed so complete with the idea of a man in the clouds that created every living thing on this planet mesmerized me. That’s when I started to find my faith. As the year went on I continued to grow in my faith and learn more about it. My religion is my rock and the one thing I have always been able to fall back on in every situation. As a little girl I believed that repeatedly saying “Jesus” out loud would make the “monsters” under my bed go away. It did, and to this day I still believe that doing that helps scare all evil away from me. Even the times when it’s 3 A.M. and I have to run downstairs to the fridge and run all the way back to my room in the dark. Believing in God and his entire divinity helped me get through my Grandpa and cousin’s death. No matter how bad it hurts not having them with me, I feel a million times better knowing they are somewhere in heaven watching over me and protecting me. Knowing heaven exists lets me know that I will see them again one day and I’ll never know when that day is. I don’t fear death, because I look forward to one day walking with Christ. I look forward to the day God calls me into heaven, because that will be the day I have done what God put me on this Earth to do. To me, it is so amazing how every single living and non living thing in the universe was made by God to have its own purpose, hold its own beauty, and live in harmony with one another. It is truly amazing how every single person is molded into their own unique self with a distinct personality. God also helped me through heartbreak. Someone I truly cared about and always made sure I was okay. A person that made me feel beautiful in my own skin and helped me gain my confidence. The person that made me happy to be who I am, see the beauty in everything, brought me closer to my family, and continuously encouraged me to prosper as an individual. My better half. Just when I thought I found someone I could be with forever, it was gone. At first, I wasn’t sure why God wanted to take him
away from me. Why would he give me someone that made me so happy just to take him away? I was hurt, angry, and sad. I prayed about it hoping for some sort of answer. I got nothing. I continued to pray for him and myself. Then I realized God was doing it to teach me a lesson. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me or punish me for no reason. Everything happens for a reason. It might have been the biggest lesson I have ever learned in my life. It taught me a lot. Whatever the reason was, it was something that no longer belonged in my life. The whole heartbreak had me praying every single morning and every single night, but not just for myself and the other person. Those endless prayers in my room at night turned into prayers for me, my friends, my family, those who are sick and in need, and my ex. The prayers strengthened my religion and despite the pain, I wouldn’t give up that experience for anything in the world. Prayer took away all the pain from my suffering and made me feel comforted. It felt like I was talking to my best friend. It taught me to pray for those who wouldn’t pray for you. Although it's been months with no communication whatsoever and lots of awkward tension, I occasionally keep him and his family in my prayers. Not necessarily because I care like I used to, but because it’s something I feel in my heart as a Christian that I should do. I pray for those who have attacked me over my religion. Those who find it funny to ridicule me for believing in God or those who try to tell me what I believe in when they are not remotely educated on what I believe. People that try to speak for me when I can speak for myself. Many people have tried attacking me online through the years, trying to make me seem like a fool, asking me questions about my faith that I still don’t know the answers to. There have been those that have publicly humiliated me or made jokes accusing people of my religion of “worshipping statues.” Forgiveness was the first step to getting over it, then prayer. Wishing them the best and asking God to lead them the right way was the best I think I could do with what I had. I could go on and on about all the events that have occurred in my life that have strengthened my faith or made me question it, but it’s too many to even list. The final thing worth mentioning is respect all religions and beliefs. We live in a time where a person should be able to express what they believe in without fear of being picked on or attacked. People have their reasons for believing in whatever they believe in. They have their right to freedom of religion or right to not believe in anything. Whatever it is, one must be open to listening to others, even if they do not agree with what is said. We must spread love and positivity, especially in the world we live in today where hate can be spread through the use of technology. Spread love, not hate.