
Monday, March 16, 2020

"I Lov- I Miss You…" by Kira S

     I walk up slowly from my car, after driving for much too long, with my head facing down with a picnic basket containing a blanket, some homemade sandwiches, and water bottles. Along with that, I had some beautiful magnolias in hand. I stop walking, lay out the blanket in the basket, place the flowers beside the basket, and take a seat on the blanket.
    “Hi. Long time, no see. I have so much to tell you.” I take a deep breath so I can blabber nonstop to him. “I got a letter in the mail saying I got accepted into college. I’m so hyped that I did. Graduation is so soon too. It’s going to be insane. I’m honestly ready for it. The family is doing alright as always. They’re living their best life right now if I’m honest. Oh, and guess what happened? I fell up the stairs today and almost broke my arm. A ten out of ten situation if I do say so myself.” I let out a small giggle.
      I take a pause and pull the sandwiches and water bottles out of my basket. Taking a bite, I look up at the bright blue sky taking a deep breath. I start eating the sandwich, taking a drink of water shortly after. I’m sitting, observing other people having picnics and hanging out with their friends and family.
     “You know what’s crazy?”  I pause to make sure you’re paying attention. “I haven’t had a picnic for the past, like, 14 years of my life. Mom and Dad didn’t really like them. It’s okay though, because I can have them with you now.” I started laying down, it had been a while and my back hurt. Gazing at the sky, I think about how the past year went. “Oh, random train of thought. Remember that time we went to Disney a few years ago? Honestly, best time of my life. I couldn’t have asked for a better day with you, hanging out, doing absolutely nothing and going on all those rides together. I miss that a lot. I miss being able to hang out with you.” Breathing slowly, I sit back up. 
     “It’s been six months I think. Six months since your funeral Grandpa. It was really hard at first. We all knew it was coming, but we… I couldn’t believe it. You were and are seriously the most important person in my life. I got the news and I couldn’t function at all, I stopped being able to eat, talk, or even move. I eventually got up and started functioning again, I had to. I couldn’t lay in bed for the rest of my life, starve until the end, stop talking for all of eternity. I visited every day for about 2 weeks straight and weekly for 4 weeks after that. I’m sure you remember our conversations about school and life. There’s no way I could forget.” I started getting teary-eyed and had to pause. I stood up, understanding that there was nothing I could do but move on. “It’s really hard Grandpa, and I honestly can’t understand why everything had to stop so suddenly.” I stopped before I started crying. I couldn’t cry in the middle of a cemetery in front of no one I know. That’s terrifying. 
     I started packing up my things, folding the blanket nicely, throwing everything back into the basket. I picked up the flowers and placed them right by his headstone. After I gathered my things in my arms, I took one more look at the headstone. “I lov- I miss you Grandpa. I miss you
more than anything and love you beyond compare. I'll see you later.” I walk away, back to my car and throw everything into the trunk. It had been a hard couple of months, but I’m starting to manage. It is something that should have never happened and it definitely happened too early in his time, but that’s life. There is nothing we can do to stop the circle. I drive away, looking in my rear-view mirror at the flowers. I love and miss you Grandpa, more than anything. 

Author’s note: This is all based on a dream that I recently had and my imagination. It’s one of my deepest fears and pains me any time I think about the possibility, but it has not happened. :)


  1. Wow, the description and detail involved from the start to finish had me thinking this was real and I was witnessing everything happen from a distance. Grandparents are held dearly to my heart as I see the same with you. The possibilities can be frightening but from this I can tell you have a strong bond with him, overall great writing. - Jaeyeon Romero

  2. Firstly, I am sorry for your loss, Kira. :( From your blog post, it seems you had a great relationship with your grandpa; I love that! When I was a kid, I also had a great relationship with my grandpa. One of the first few things I noticed about your blog was that it was very heartwarming with good description. I could just imagine myself sitting on that green lawn watching you set down your stuff next to your grandpa enjoying a picnic. Additionally, what I thought was great was your reflection, expressing your thoughts, how you’re feeling, reminiscing your memories, just very nostalgic. Keep up the great work!

  3. Wow, I was very immersed throughout your story the whole time I was reading it. I love that twist in the end even I didn't expect it. I can sense how close you are with your grandpa just by reading this and I admire how you still converse with him despite him not being physically there. Overall, I love everything about your piece.

  4. I really liked how you described the different scenes and imagery within your piece. It's hard losing someone who you connect close to, but overall great work

  5. Your story was so touching. I love the way made the story had a shift towards the middle and finally let the reader know the true setting and situation. The development was great as well as heartbreaking. even though it can be difficult to write about, great piece. :)

  6. I understand. It really isn't easy to lose someone you're close to, which in my case, my dog. My dog passed away the day we had our band banquet which was a real devastation to our whole family. Seeing her go in front of our eyes was honestly the worst feeling possible, so I completely understand the concern you have for your grandpa. Glad he is still alive and kicking! Just embrace and enjoy the moments you spend with him. Thank you for sharing the sentimental dream you have had with us.

  7. Wow, the amount of detail and description in this story was amazing. I could really see myself there in that situation. It seemed so real, like it has happened to you in your life. By reading this, I can see how close you are with your grandpa and its beautiful. Very well-written!

  8. After the author's note, I couldn't believe that that was actually all just a dream. Your imagery and emotional references and words made it seem totally real, in which it could very well be. Well done.

  9. I completely understand how you feel and I have the exact same fear with my grandparents. It bothers me often and I struggle to find peace knowing I will be one day lay my grandparents to rest but your writing was well done and I definitely connected with what you were saying.

  10. Just based on the conversation that you had during the picnic, it was clear how important your grandpa is to you. Going through all the memories you had with him as well as pouring out details of what's going on in your own life really shows the emotional connection you have. Although it was just a dream, the level of emotion made it seem real. Good job.

  11. The detail was so interestingly incorporated that I thought that this was true until I saw the author's note. This seems like it was an extremely vivid dream and I am sorry that you had to have it, it is terrifying to think about losing someone you love. I am very glad that your dream has not come true as it is a fear you have.

  12. This is also one of my greatest fears. Losing a close loved one is a very scary thought to have. The emotion conveyed through the story is amazing and the imagery presented makes the story come to life. Great job :)

  13. you did a great job structuring this story. I like how you didn't initially introduced the location of the graveyard. At first I thought that you were talking with a friend or another loved one.
    -Dahrien Trotter

  14. I'm sure all of us were reminded of our loved ones, this is such a relatable topic and you were able to create that connection with everyone.

  15. i really enjoyed how you subverted the audiences expectations. You made us believe it was a normal picnic with another present person, and made us question why you were the only one talking. it made actually revealing the situation a lot more emotional. Good storytelling!

  16. The great amount of detail and imagery made the passage so vivid! The dialogue and description gets the audience more into the story. You did amazing at conveying your feelings and it was a moving story. Good job!

  17. WOW! Reading that honestly was so heartbreaking it seems like a lot to handle if the moment was real. I am glad to know that this was a dream and not a reality, I cannot imagine life without my grandparents. But I sadly agree, we cannot stop life. it is a cycle that must continue.

  18. Kira I know how hard it is to lose someone you love deeply. I recently lost my grandpa last week and my me and my family could not hold it in too well. Time has passed and its no time for sadness anymore lets just celebrate the long lives our grandparents lived. This piece was very emotional and relating. Good job on this piece of literature.

  19. Hey! I love how much imagery and thought you put into this because in the end it worked really well towards your piece. Whenever I dream, I feel like it is very real and I believe that for the same reasons, this dream stuck with you.

  20. I’m so sorry that you had such a bad dream! I know how much you love your grandpa, and how much you would miss him if he was gone. I’m always here for you whenever you need, my friend! This story legitimately made me a bit sad, so I recognize and applaud the emotion you were able to infuse into your writing. Amazing job! - Eddie Yanez

  21. This was a great story. Although it was a dream it can still feel very real and painful. I wish my past couple of weeks were a dream, but I had to watch my grandma's life take its course. Make sure to treasure the time you have with your loved ones because you never know, especially with what has been happening in the world. Again well written story.

  22. I love how descriptive you were of the scenes and memories you have with your grandpa were, there was a lot of emotion put into the piece, overall very well written :)

  23. It's real and it's something I can relate too with loss in my family. I appreciate all the emotion and even the painful memories that were brought back. This is a good, strong piece that brings nostalgia and feelings to the forefront.

  24. The detail that used to write this was absolutely amazing and even had me thinking it was real. From reading this I can tell you have an unbreakable bond with your grandpa and love him more than anyone. Great story and writing!

  25. This was such a beautiful and heartwarming piece. I loved the amount of detail you have of the scenario and how it felt like I was there with you. I believe that this is a story anyone could relate to when you lose someone you love. With the amount of description you were able to capture my attention from the very beginning. You are such a great writer and thank you for sharing. - Aneika Madrigal

  26. Your description and narration made this piece feel very personal and emotional. Although it was only a dream, the pain and emotion is real and is something we see reflected through your writing, good job.

  27. Annabelle EricksonApril 2, 2020 at 2:32 PM

    This is also one of my greatest fears. you managed to produce a great deal of emotion and sentiment into this one piece. nice work! -Annabelle Erickson

  28. Wow this is so great, your descriptions throughout is amazing and I can picture it all. I myself know the fear and reality of losing a grandpa. Such a good story!

  29. Nathaniel PattersonApril 2, 2020 at 4:36 PM

    Wow, thank you so much Kira for sharing your dreams with us, Your description of your dream made me seem like i was right there with you watching it. I was especially moved by your emotions that you showed in this, thank you so much.

  30. Sabrina MusharbashApril 2, 2020 at 4:54 PM

    This was actually so sad to read and I was right there with you emotionally throughout the entire piece. Your use of detail when describing the picnic and specific events, like the Disneyland trip, really made the whole story so nostalgic which just added to the overall feel of this piece. Can't believe none of this actually happened.


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