
Monday, March 16, 2020

" So This is Love? " by Justin L

     I didn’t even know what that meant. I had “love” for select people and that was my
family and friends but holding out so long on my own, I couldn’t bear to hold any more. I
expected people to come around, but I held fast because holding onto myself was enough. It was
the peak of high school and there was too much going on. Life was too busy, too stressful, and
too emotionally taxing as it is, why add another's burdens to it all? Why carry the weight of
someone else’s world and be their hero with no guarantee that they would be yours?
     Relationships were tiresome (they always were) and loving someone like that meant giving a
piece of me for them to do whatever they pleased. It meant vulnerability and commitment, things
I didn’t have to spare.  It didn’t seem worth it to give myself up and to put my heart on my sleeve
hoping that someone wouldn’t break it. But then again, I had never met you. 
     You came on a Summer breeze, although I barely noticed when you waltzed into my life.
I blinked and there you were. Nothing overtly special, but just… there.  It was slow at first.
     When you came, there wasn’t an introduction. There never really was a need for one. First it was
a hello in the hallways. Next came the chit chats in the classroom. You clicked so well into my
daily routine that I just came to expect the habitual acknowledgements.  It was slow at first.
     Slowly the chit chats grew into midnight messaging and my understanding of you deepened. I
didn’t know everything and I didn’t need to, knowing you were there for me was enough.  Knowing that even if neither of us ever said a word that we could read each other like open
books, like the menus to our favorite restaurants, like the backs of each others’ hands. Hands we
began to hold.
      Our relationship started on an Autumn day. I remember the golden leaves on the trees as
I looked at the golden gleam in your eyes. All I cared about was being there for you, to carry the
weight of your world even if it meant putting mine down, to be your hero even if it meant taking
the beating and the bruises that life dished out. All I cared about was seeing you happy. Seeing
you smile. I remember the early September days and the late October nights as time passed us
by. I remember a kiss. Short and sweet, but I remember well. A soft touch of lips. A longer
embrace. Time rolling slow and hearts beating fast. I thought to myself. So this is love? Love
wasn’t the butterflies in my stomach. Love wasn’t the static in my head. Love wasn’t the beats
my heart skipped. Love was you. Everything I was feeling was because of you. I felt vulnerable
yet safe, committed yet free, I wore my heart on my sleeve trusting that you wouldn’t break it. 
     The fighting started on a Winter night. I don’t even remember what it was about. Maybe
it was something I said, or something I didn’t. Maybe it was something you did, or something
you didn’t, I don't know. Maybe it was nobody’s fault.  There wasn’t any yelling, or screaming.
     Just disappointment, confusion.  With every argument, it seemed like we were just getting in
each other’s way. Every day it felt like we were becoming each others’ problems, not their
solutions. We kept lying to ourselves, telling each other, “Hold onto hope for better days” or
“We’ll work things out” but we both knew the truth… 
     It ended on a Springtime’s rainfall. When we left, there wasn't really a goodbye. It didn't
seem like there was a need for one. Midnight messaging turned from fighting to faintness to
nothing at all. It faded. I knew everything about you but stood powerless to keep you by my side. With all my efforts at trying to keep the world up and playing your superhero, it didn't work, you
still had to go and I was stuck here waiting to see if you came back.
     It's been months now and yet I still know your favorite songs, your favorite time of day,
your favorite movies and TV shows, your favorite seasons, your favorite holidays, your favorite
bag of chips, your favorite everything. I still knew what you wanted to be when you grew up. I
still knew the sound of your voice after all this time. After all this time…  I still knew the back of
your hand as if it was my own, it was just no longer there to hold. 
     I should've appreciated the fact that you were there in the first place, that I found you and
got to be with you, but after months of puzzling I finally figured it out. It was love and I’m sorry I kept asking if it was. With all of the good and the bad, when you were there or not, with all of
my sadness and my grief, feeling so vulnerable and still so committed. I still wear my heart on
my sleeve but it beats a different rhythm, no longer does it sing “So this is love?” Instead it cries,“So is this love?”


  1. Your imagery and descriptive details regarding your previous relationship made your heartbreak all the more real and I really liked how you incorporated the seasons and tied them into the stages of your relationship. The usage of flashbacks helps your reader see your point of view and relate to your pain. Your line "Why carry the weight of someone else's world and be their hero with no guarantee that they would be yours?" was so well written and really made your piece shine. Great job ! :) - Zoe Picon

  2. Justin !! For starters I love how you incorporated a subtle reference to Cinderella by naming your piece, "So This is Love." This was a very personal and touching piece and I enjoyed reading it. Good job !! - Breana Plascencia

  3. Wow,this is so beautifully written. Every line was filled with such deep emotion and're an amazing writer!Your usage of seasonal imagery worked beautifully with what you were trying to convey. I really loved reading your piece. Nice work!

  4. Lim! The vivid and definitive description of love in this piece was so beautifully handled. From the time-line to the simplicity of knowing a person's joys in life to memorizing the grooves of their hands to reflecting on arguments and meeting an unwanted end makes the question of love so evident as personal emotions begin to jungle what the mind seems to know, and maybe not know. I enjoyed reading this, but also had some of my own reminiscing while doing so and I don't know whether to thank you for that yet (haha). Amazing work.

  5. This was a very touching story for everyone that reads it. I loved the way you used the seasons to describe the time changes and help the story flow perfectly. You had a tremendous amount of imagery and it worked very well. You made it easy for the reader to feel your emotions. Well done. :)

  6. As always Justin reading your writing or hearing it is a pleasure. Last year in Mr. Hall's literary moments you captured my attention with your trademark consistent clever rhymes and rhythm that is in your writing. It feels very similar to music and your use of imagery goes fluidly with your style. Keep writing, you may be onto something.

  7. I liked how you started your piece with your views on relationships and then transitioned to end up in one. I loved how you incorporated imagery and how the story develops as the seasons change. You did a great job at describing the attachment and how everything felt afterwards. The story was very touching! Good job!!

  8. This was really great. I liked how you described the emotions you were feeling and the progression of the relationship as the seasons also began to change. You also had some clever wording to convey the relationship like "like the backs of each others’ hands. Hands we
    began to hold." which I really liked. Good job and I wish you the best!

  9. I enjoyed all the moments of parallelism within your piece since it made it feel as though everything came full circle. Uncertain and paradoxical feelings associated with love such as vulnerability yet safety were beautifully told in a cohesive narrative. The transitions of stages in the relationship mirrored the changes of seasons and added depth to the described experiences. Your ending was especially powerful when tone shifted from blissful curiosity to remorseful truth. Good skill!

  10. You made this piece flow together so well. I felt like I was watching your life as I read it. I couldn't even sense the transitions that were happening (which is a good thing). This is my favorite thing I've read all year haha, great job

  11. Isabella PattersonMarch 24, 2020 at 1:37 PM

    Per usual this is amazing. The imagery in this story is pure art. My favorite part was the description of how you remember everything about the person. It was beautiful as well as heart-wrenching to see that memories don't go away when a relationship ends. There will always be a piece of better time in the hearts and minds of those involved. -Isabella Patterson

  12. Wow! This piece was absolutely amazing! I love how you opened up and let us know your perspective on love. I also like how you used imagery to convey your emotions. Overall great piece.

  13. I love how you referred to the seasons to time mark the relationship. It really made the story that much more sentimental. I also enjoyed the different attitudes that you touched at different stages in your story.
    -Dahrien Trotter

  14. Your incredible attention to detail helped me as a reader be able to clearly envision everything that happened. You were very descriptive on things like what type of day it was when you two met and starting dating, conveying how much you truly cared about this person. Your story reminded me that no matter how busy you think you are, you still should make the effort to spend time with people you care about and appreciate them, because you never know when you might lose them.

  15. Justin this is actually really good! I didn't want to stop reading, as it was really captivating. I think the way you broke up the story into the different time lines was very engaging. The imagery was very well done as well. Great job!

  16. Justin this is really good! I didn't want to stop reading as it was very captivating. The way you separated the story into separate timelines was really engaging. The imagery was also very well done. Great job!

  17. This piece of writing is so beautiful for so many different reasons. I felt your emotion through your words and it flowed together so nicely. You have done an amazing job!

  18. I personally really like your description of how you felt during the whole situation. The imagery of all of the events and places beautifully written. Throughout the piece, there were many well written lines that really showed your personally emotions and thoughts, especially you ending line of "I still wear my heart on my sleeve but it beats a different rhythm, no longer does it sing “So this is love?” Instead it cries,“So is this love?” The flow of the piece was also very well thought out and smooth. Very nice writing, as usual lol.

  19. I love the imagery and the use of detail within this piece. I also like how there are transitions of the that showed the development of the relationship. Overall it was very well written! Good Job!

  20. I love how beautifully and poetically this was written. You have a way of telling stories that not only captures, but maintains the readers' attention throughout the piece. I also loved your use of nature imagery to highlight the beginning and end of the relationship. Thank you for sharing such a personal story!

  21. Wow the way you described every part of this piece was fantastic. Your use of imagery was extremely evocative and beautiful crafted. I really liked how your title wasn't a statement, it was a question, as if you were question what love really is. Great job!

  22. I was able to feel all of the emotions that you were describing so vividly. One of the elements that you used that really stood out to me was your use of repetition. Towards the end you repeated words like "your favorite" and "I still knew". The repetition packed a really powerful punch since I was able to endure the feelings that you experienced. Awesome piece Justin!

  23. Amazing piece! I really liked the flow and the use of each season within. I think that the questions you posed at the beginning were very intriguing as it made me ponder upon the "why" aspect of having a relationship. I also appreciate the little details that you remember about them and how you described love as being the other person instead of the actions you felt. Great job! -Linda Hung

  24. Justin, the amount of effort and emphasis you put into your work is something unmatched by many others. I have not met a single person who evokes such emotion into every piece of writing they create, and can relate it to nature, personifying it to mean more than just words typed out. By using the word "my" throughout, it is evident that you have felt these emotions, which adds to the ability to relate to this experience. I've said it once and I will say it again, this piece is amazing!! -Sofia Riccobelli

  25. I like how you are able to learn something through the experience of going through love, the experience of love is always worth it to get and gain, as it is something that'll most likely happen more than once. its a spectacular thing but also a double edged sword, you can be full of bliss or full of wounds, it really all depends on fate and the two in the relationship. Your emphasis on this really goes out to show your truest emotions that you experienced from this encounter with love, and that's very beautiful.

  26. This was a very well written piece about the struggles of learning what love is or isn't. Your details and figurative languages used helps display a lot of the emotions you've felt. Amazing, good job.

  27. I appreciate your vulnerability and honesty when talking about such a deep and confusing topic that is love. I truly love the way you write and the way each topic flows on from itself and your use of imagery is inspiring. Your use of nature and how peaceful the whole piece sounded has me interested in any type of writing you could come out with. - Hannah Colunga

  28. Isabel QuintanillaApril 2, 2020 at 1:50 PM

    This piece was very well written. The vivid imagery and description you used made me feel as though I was watching the time go by almost like a movie. I love how you talked not only about the good, but also the bad things of this relationship as well as the differing emotions you felt going through them. Great job!- Isabel Quintanilla

  29. Sabrina MusharbashApril 2, 2020 at 5:01 PM

    This was actually such a good page to read oh my gosh! I love your use of imagery and the way you had symbols recur at the end of the passage to symbolize the breakup instead of your initial feelings for each other. Your vulnerability throughout all of this just made the whole thing so raw and beautiful to read. Really great writing.

  30. I liked how you presented the emotions you felt, and how the relationship changed as the seasons also started to shift.


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