
Monday, March 16, 2020

"Color of Life" by Linda H.

I look around me in this beautiful world I was born in and wonder about the endless possibilities
that come with the vibrant colors of my surrounding environment. Red is my favorite color
because it represents the school I go to, the blood that was bled through many pains, and the
infinite love I receive daily by those around me who care. High school has allowed me to grow
as an individual and as a leader through an amazing program like the marching band. Although
some of the classes I took may have been challenging, I learned through those courses some life
skills and time management. Through all my experiences so far, life hasn’t always been easy as
knees were scraped and cuts were made from words said by others. Love is the one thing that got
me through it all and the support that came with this from my family meant the world to me. The
nights around a fire bonding with friends at the beach or cooking s’ mores while camping
reminds me of the dangerous red that can lead to vulnerability and the radiant glow of orange
that lit up each face as we sat in the presence of each other. Many memories were made sitting
around the fire, talking about whatever came to mind without the worry of time passing by too
fast. I can’t remember a time where I had a bad experience around a bonfire whether it was with
my family, team, or friends. Happiness always reminded me of a yellow sunflower growing in
the direction of the guiding light source. From when I was young, my parents would say that the
sun was big, bright, and shining a precious yellow-ray filled with many smiles to last the whole
day. Looking out the window of my car, watching as the trees stand tall and the hills so broad, I
think about the exciting adventures that will soon come with time. I usually try to pass this time
by playing with my dog on the green grass which gives me a type of joy that I can’t express with
words. All the little journeys that me and my family go on, trudging through nature and
exploring new places, have left many stories for my children to hear someday. As we go across
the calm river, our shoes and socks get soaked, making us all a little blue. We continue on the
trek nonetheless but stop at our destination and look up at the blue sky above for a minute as I
begin to think about the numerous blessings we have been given with the sounds of the river
flowing through our bodies. Upon observing the beautiful sights, I start to wonder about the
things unknown similar to the color indigo. No one knows many items are correlated with indigo
but they still acknowledge its existence. The vast ocean deep that is still yet to be fully
discovered and the universe that has so many wonders and scares. These unknowns make life
interesting as there is much more to discover in this world that we live in. Passions that come
from learning about the things untold by man create this violet aura that expresses how no skill is
perfected without practice and patience. The drive of desire allows this color to show through
their achievements as they are accomplished over time. Learning unceasingly to find my true
passion and make it my purpose here, I am in awe of everything that I have become so far. There
are white clouds floating in the bright sky that make me dream about the beauty of life with each
breath I take. As I think about how I will achieve my dreams, there is this black darkness that I
have to fight my way through to reach the white light that gives me all the colors I can imagine
with no bounds. There are still some gray areas in my life that I am still figuring out as I am
learning and growing every day, but there is nothing that will hinder my will to continuously try
if my passions, desires, and love for it remain. There is one thing that I know to be true and it is
that the rainbow won’t always shine and there will be rain that causes me to fall, but if I look at
each situation in a different light, the rainbow will be what gives me opportunities to experience
the endless possibilities of this wonderful universe. 


  1. Wow! What a wonderfully written blog post! First, I just wanna say I can totally relate to everything you are going through! Many times, I really just go back and think, ponder, and reflect upon what I’ve done in my life. I also absolutely love the way that you described your favorite color red as “the blood that was bled through many pains, and the infinite love I receive daily by those around me who care.” I completely feel the pain of high school, and honestly, that’s a mood. I also really loved the way you made analogies to describe your feelings, with like a “yellow sunflower” representing your happiness, the “vast ocean deeps” representing that there is still much to learn, and many others. I really enjoyed reading your blog! Good job!

  2. Linda, the way you used the colors of the rainbow to demonstrate your experiences and emotions was such a creative way to do so. Your memories are precious and obviously very dear to you, so thank you for sharing them. Great job! :) - Zoe Picon

  3. Linda, I absolutely love this piece !! The way you used imagery allowed me to picture the things you were describing. Good job !! :) - Breana Plascencia

  4. The way you correlate the colors of the rainbow to your life story is very inspiring because it gives another definition to the rainbow. Good job on your entry!

  5. This is a very beautifully arranged piece. I love the amount of imagery you used to really bring out how vibrant the colors are and highlight the focus of your piece. I was easily sucked into your writing. Great job!

  6. Through the colors of the rainbow, with a little touch of black and white. Seeing your perspective of your life through colors of the rainbow brings a whole new meaning to this and makes this so much easier to understand using colors as a guiding principle to each what they mean to tell your perspective on life to which you have the mixtures of black and white to show that the dullness of black, the struggles in life have yet to be overcomed and has yes to shine out like all the other personality of all the other colors you have demonstrated in the piece. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

  7. Depicting life as a rainbow is an excellent way to give it some "colour". I noticed how you started at the beginning of a rainbow at red and going down the list and alluding experiences you had and aspects of life to each colour. Great form. I don't know if it is possible but a good addition to your work would have been to make each line longer to shorter illustrating a "word-rainbow" so to speak. Well done.

  8. I have never seen color put into this concept and I find it so fascinating. At first I thought it would focus solely on red, but as your life experiences slowly transcended down the colors of the rainbow, I began to see what the purpose of this piece was. The structure itself being so simple yet intricate in the correlation of colors and how you view the world you live in is so clever, both literally and visually. Love this, Linda!

  9. Connecting colors with the experiences of your life is truly unique. I like how the colors brought about different experiences and feelings. Although, some colors may be more positive than others, I could see that they all connect into a singular concept: you. Good job!

  10. The seamlessness of your transitions left me in awe! It was clear that you took a lot of time to think about the meaning and experiences connected with each color. The visual and sensory imagery was impeccable! My personal favorite was when you wrote about violet and the patience through vast unknowns that it represents, because violet is my favorite color and I believe that there are so many hidden meanings within that majestic color. This piece perfectly portrays life as colorful and beautiful even during the most difficult times. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Much love!

  11. Isabella PattersonMarch 24, 2020 at 1:53 PM

    The use of the different colors of the rainbow to tell a story was amazing. It reminded me of a modern way of using the seasons to show passage of time. This new way of telling the story through the different colors of the rainbow was not only sophisticated, but also brought so much beauty to the message being conveyed. -Isabella Patterson

  12. I love how you used colors in defining and associating your life experiences. The transitions with mentioning different colors painted a very vivid picture.

  13. I found it absolutely captivating how you connected your life experiences and feelings to the different colors. We often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, we rarely stop to admire all the colors and beauty in the nature around us, and this was a great reminder to stop and smell the roses sometimes. Beautiful writing!

  14. Angiolina SeminarioMarch 30, 2020 at 10:14 AM

    This is a beautiful and well written piece Linda! The way you used color to describe happy moments, sad moments, etc. is really great. You were able to define your experiences through colors and through light and dark. Your piece automatically drew me in and I feel that all of us can relate to those feelings as we go through our own ways of life. In all, a great piece!

  15. Identifying the little things in life that make this world beautiful was brilliant, I also loved how you related a lot of emotion towards the colors of life it was very intersting.

  16. Alejandra AmezquitaMarch 30, 2020 at 2:27 PM

    This is such an amazing piece! I love how you use imagery to explain what each color means to you, remembering the fun times you have had with people you care for. Also, the detail you use which gives more definition.

  17. This is amazing! I loved your use of color to describe the environment and the emotions felt in correlation with each color. One thing I really loved was how the transitions between each color flowed quite smoothly, adding to the effectiveness of the imagery. The ending of the grey after all of the colorful imagery of everything adds to the meaning of the piece as a whole. Amazing writing!!!

  18. thank you for sharing your experiences with us! i like how you used much imagery to describe your fond memories and experiences. i could see them as though i was there. this piece made me smile :)

  19. The beauty of this piece made me as a reader, engaged on your representations of color. I adored how you used colors to connect with your life experiences and even perfectly transitioned from color to color. The connotations you gave color really enlightened me to see life as a rainbow now. So thank you for sharing!

  20. Great piece! I love how you connected colors with your life experiences. The imagery was great and helped me create a vivid picture of the different colors.

  21. Annabelle EricksonMarch 31, 2020 at 2:44 PM

    this piece poses a wonderful perspective of the universe. i enjoyed hearing about the questions you had for life! -Annabelle Erickson

  22. This piece of literature is very creative. The way you used the different colors of the rainbow to show and ignite your emotions truly impressed me. This is an A+ piece of writing.

  23. This is a great piece! I like how you started with the color red and shared your experiences with that color and how you transitioned to the other colors in the rainbow in the order that the colors are arranged in a rainbow. I also like how towards the end, you basically said that life is going to have it's up and downs while using the colors of light. Great piece!

  24. Wow Linda, I really liked that final sentence, if a situation is one way in one light, just look at it in another light, and it'll appear different, really is all about perspectives in life. The kind of color you want to see things in is how it is going to be portrayed in the ending. The emotions that attach themself to their own respective color really is something spectacular.

  25. I really loved the association of color and emotions and memories.The way you described the sunsets and the rays of sunshine and trees as you drove in your car evoked a heavy emotion as you poured description into it. Further through color, you allowed the readers to access your thoughts on abstract concepts such as friendship and love which is a powerful message. Overall really enjoyed your writing -Justin Lim

  26. This was such a beautifully thought out piece about your positive outlook on life. I loved the use of colors to reflect different parts of life especially how you went through the colors of the rainbow in order. I enjoyed the last part where you talked about trying to reach the white light amongst any darkness which is a very important lesson to learn in life.

  27. Its kinda crazy that I came upon your piece because i feel like senior year has been my year of reflection and I see that vividly in this piece. I like the idea of reflection because it takes you back to different experiences and you get to see your out come of learning from those experiences. -Kerin Bynum

  28. Isabel QuintanillaApril 2, 2020 at 1:40 PM

    Linda!! This was so beautifully written and I love the way you not only used colors to express emotion but also the way you related each color with a memory that was precious to you. Great job - Isabel Quintanilla

  29. This was amazing! Your use of color and combining them with memories and how you think back on your life and those memories create for a very vivid and wonderful use of imagery and sensations while also being absolutely relatable in your feeling. Great job!
    -Rebecca Clinton

  30. This blog post was such a lovely, well written piece. The way you used colors to represent your life experiences was just so unique to me and I loved it. - Camren Littlejohn

  31. What a wonderful piece! I love your use of detail and imagery to demonstrate your experiences that carry so much meaning to you. As well as the purpose of the colors allowing us readers to gain an understanding of your emotions.

  32. This piece is amazing! Reading this was a wonderful experience because It was so well written and the use of detail and imagery made it come to life. The use of color really tied it all together, this piece was truly amazing and great!!! Please keep it up

  33. I really enjoy how you use the color to describe life. As well on how you connect it to events that happen to you.


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