
Monday, March 16, 2020

"Su Amor " by Hazel C

     In her 40 years of life, there have been many impactful events. I know for sure that one of
them happened on December 4th, 2001. At such a young age, she stopped thinking only about
herself, she stopped worrying only about herself. She now had one of the biggest responsibilities
a woman could ever have. She now had to make choices and decisions selflessly, because the
consequences of her actions would not affect her only anymore. As the years passed, she realized
that to take care of her daughter she needed to work extremely hard and try to do her best to raise
a good woman. She knew she was not perfect and she knew it was not going to be easy. But I
can assure you, she definitely did more than that. 
     During my first 14 years of life, my mother always showed me the importance of family
and made sure that I never forgot that my family will always support me unconditionally. She
taught me the significance of respect. She always emphasized the valuable importance of being
humble. She always found ways to make me learn something new, ways to motivate me to excel
in my academics. She taught me how to control my emotions, and how to clearly express my
thoughts in ways I wouldn't hurt other people. She showed me how powerful forgiveness can be,
and how living without grudges is the key to being happy. She even blessed me with a sister. The
only thing she wanted for me all those years, was the best. 
      On July 13th, 2016, both of our lives dramatically changed. I moved to Rancho
Cucamonga and started living with my father. For me, leaving El Salvador was one of the most
difficult experiences I’ve been through. Honestly, the first couple of months were not that bad.
The idea of starting high school in a completely different country was sufficiently exciting to
distract my mind and emotions from the fact that I didn’t live with her anymore. The first couple
of months were full of enthusiasm and anxiety as I had to assimilate to new customs,
academically and culturally. Eventually, I made new acquaintances which later on became very
close friends. Luckily, I can still call some of them my best friends. At home, I constantly
worked on my relationship with my father’s side of the family, people with whom I had never
lived with before. It later started to hit me. The fact that nothing was the same. It did take me a
while to adapt to the community I had settled in. But it was all for the best, it was all for a better
     Over time, I got over all of this. All my relationships, at home and at school, were great
and I had already gotten used to visiting El Salvador every six months. Also, thanks to my
mother's new job she was able to visit me pretty often, which relieved me and emotionally
helped me cope with such a drastic change at such a young age. It's life, you know. I understand
stuff happens. I understand it's a process that many people go through and react to it in various
different ways. However, what I will absolutely never be able to understand is how this woman,
the one that brought me to this world, was able to handle this situation. I genuinely don’t
understand how she was capable of letting me leave and stay 2,000 miles away from her. How
she could go more than one day without holding me in her arms, without yelling at me for
procrastinating and not cleaning my room (I mean, whenever we facetime she still yells at me for
not cleaning it). But that is one more lesson this incredible woman taught me. Regardless of the distance, I can still say that our relationship is the ​most ​ valuable thing I can have in this world. She sacrificed so many delightful moments together, so many cheerful laughs, so many
heartwarming hugs. That’s what this is all about. True love is really about putting someone else’s
happiness before your own. No matter how bad it’s going to hurt, no matter for how long it’s
going to hurt. At the end, as long as the other person ends up happy in a better place, you won’t
mind going through whatever you have to go through. Her love is what keeps me going. Because
her love is patient, her love is kind, her love is not self-seeking, and her love always perseveres.
There’s nothing that I admire and treasure as much as her unconditional and heartening love.


  1. This was such a cute piece, having to live without your mother must be very difficult but I am glad you are here. Even though she's in El Salvador you will always have more people here that love you. Great piece - Jaeyeon Romero

  2. his was a great, heartwarming story. I loved how you showed how much you love your family, and showed how you felt about living in both countries. I think it's great that you were able to adapt to this country with also keeping and loving your El Salvadorian roots. This was great!

  3. Rinel-Christian AlbaniaMarch 17, 2020 at 11:21 AM

    What a heartwarming piece! I love how you began and ended your work discussing your mother's unconditional love. It resolves the piece well, making it feel even more wholesome than it already is. I also love how you started with a time frame for each paragraph so that, in a sense, it feels chronological and emphasizes how hard of a time it was for you to make the transition of moving to a completely new environment. Great job!

  4. Hazel I love this so much first thing that drew me on this was your title, I like how you incorporated a part of yourself in there. I also love how you voiced out your circumstances and wrote how you were able to overcome them as I can relate to how it feels like leaving a whole other country and start a new life in an unfamiliar place. I've been through that same experience so I feel the sincerity of your writing.

  5. Beautiful :'). Knowing you personally, both as a friend and classmate, reading this piece was nothing but the truth. My favorite part of your piece however wasn't your experience but your take on that "Stuff Happens" mentality and it shows tremendous growth and maturity. Although I don't know your mother, I am certain she is proud of the young woman you have become.

  6. Ahh Hazel! This piece was so interesting to hear all about your big move. It was so good to read that even though you are away from your mom, she can still get on you about your chores haha! Really good job!

  7. This piece was written very well! I liked how you wrote from the heart, since it's hard discussing our feelings as a whole, great work

  8. How this encompasses the relationship of a mother and daughter as well as the immigrant struggle is beyond what I expected. I love this Hazel! Being able to see such a loving bond solely through your writing is what makes this piece so much more enjoyable and heart-warming, especially with the elaboration on adjusting to new a lifestyle and discovering new cultures. I feel you embodied love to have no limits, no distance, and for that I applaud you.

  9. You depicted the weight that your mother had to carry letting you "stay 2000 miles" away in a new country, and probably what seemed like a new world, very well. The effort you describe your mother having goes to show the unconditional love she has for you. Well done.

  10. This was such a sweet story of your life about the hardships of what it is like coming to a new place with new challenges and difficulties. I applaud your ability to adapt while also being understanding to the overall situation and to top it all being away from your mother.

  11. I can totally relate to this story; I feel the same way about my mom. She would do anything and everything for her family. I can really sense the strong emotional connection you and your mom have despite the distance. It must be hard to be away from her

  12. The manner in which you wrote the story really depicted the love you have for your mom and how much you value her. She's taught you many important lessons and she sounds like an incredible women. Also, your hook was very unique and captivating. It was like you slowly removed the layers to reveal who you were talking about and characteristics of that person. Great job!

  13. Annabelle EricksonMarch 30, 2020 at 1:35 PM

    This is a wonderful piece. Showing the reader your unique experiences and how they affected your family was a good literary decision because you put together a beautiful story that helped me to understand what this experience was like. -Annabelle Erickson

  14. Hazel, this was such a beautiful piece and your understanding nature holds even more beauty. I am glad that you had such a hard worker as a mother who taught you many things which have all shaped you into being the person I know and love. Con mucho amor <3

  15. I admire the way in which you depicted your relationship with your mother while also demonstrating your ability to adapt to an entirely different environment and culture. Just as you write your mother out to be, this piece was beautiful and inspiring.

  16. Hazel! This piece is truly beautiful. I agree when you say that a mother’s love is kind, patient, and not self-seeking because I feel the same way about my mother. A mother’s love is indeed the purest form of love a child can receive. I had a similar experience as you when I had to leave my mom for a long time for the hope of a better future here. Additionally, I like how you incorporate your experience to the piece to fully show your perspective and how you adapt to the culture changes. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece with us.

  17. Your piece demonstrates how no matter how far you and your mother are, the love between the two of you is forever. Bringing the hardship about moving to another country into light was so refreshing and not often talked about and I definitely related to your piece as my mom is from El Salvador as well and came to this country for a better life. You wrote from the heart and I thank you for that. Great job! :)

  18. This piece of literature was very uplifting. I really like the way you shown the amount of love for your wonderful family. I myself can relate to this piece as for I also have an unlimited amount of love for my family as well.

  19. This was such a beautiful piece. I loved how you wrote in different types of point of views and told your story with great use of detail. I also thought the message towards your story, which you reveal at the end, was very touching and I couldn't agree any more. Amazing job!

  20. I love this piece and the feeling that comes with reading it. The love that you have with your mom is something great and that no one can take away from you. Great Job!

  21. This was a beautifully written piece! It so inspiring to see how positive you are despite the difficulties you have faced and how these experiences helped you grow as a person. It was also heartwarming to hear about the relationship between you and your mom :) Thank you so much for sharing!

  22. This was so heartwarming and i'm sure everyone agrees! Family can mean so much to people and you really show that. Family will get through the thick and thin no matter what even with distance.

  23. I can tell this piece really came from the heart Hazel, the way you described your mother then transitioned to your life gave us the relationship between both perspectives of adapting to life and even a whole other country. Overall you overcame your journey as a person, as a daughter, and as a student. Keep up the good writing!

  24. I loved it!! You made it very evident that the relationship that you have with your mother is extremely strong, regardless of the distance that the two of you have from each other. Overall great piece! Good job Hazel!:)

  25. Amazing is the first thing that came to mind when I read this. You're so strong for being able to just move away from your mom and in with your dad. I can imagine that it would be very hard to change your life so drastically. As someone who rode the bus with you every morning during your first years here, I can say that I'm so glad you came! Amazing piece Hazel. I really liked how you portrayed the importance your mom has in your life and how that impacted you as a person.

  26. Thank you for being able to share something so intimate. The way you described your mom reminded me of my own mother and how she has sacrificed so much for me. I feel that so many people can relate to your story in every way from leaving someone loved behind to experiencing a whole new world.

  27. This was such a touching piece, its evident how grateful you are of your mother's hard work and sacrifice. I really admire the didactic purpose of this piece was to show the reader that although we may face adversity, we must carry on because that is how life works.

  28. Personally, I understand you completely. Having family that lives in such a far country, only accessible by plane and with thousands of dollars to get there, is really difficult. Th good thing is that you at least see your mom often enough and you still have a strong connection with her. Great story, and I hope everything turns out well (with your room clean of course lol) -Sofia Riccobelli

  29. This was such a nice and heartwarming piece to read. I can't imagine the big changes you went through yet you found ways to adapt to your new way of life. I love what you said about love being about making sacrifices to make the other person happy which is what many moms do for their children. I'm glad we got to see how much she means to you, loved the reflection!

  30. Hazel I absolutely loved reading this!! It was very heartfelt and I can only imagine how much you and your mom had to give up in order for you to come here and leave El Salvador. I’m very glad to hear that you guys visit each other often though because that goes to show that your love for each other is stronger than anything!

  31. I loved your story and how well written it was. It was very relatable and I appreciate it that you shared. You were able to capture the importance of family and how much love you have for them. And I love how you were able to show with detail your relationship with your mom. Great work! - Aneika Madrigal

  32. The Story was very beautiful and touched a deep spot in my heart. It must of took a lot for you and your mother to come here and you both are very strong individuals. - Camren Littlejohn

  33. Sabrina MusharbashApril 2, 2020 at 4:47 PM

    Hazel I loved reading this so muchhhhh!!!!!! I love the allusion to 1 Corinthians in the last few sentences and I'm so glad despite the distance you have been able to maintain a close relationship with your mom. That kind of sacrifice that mothers often have to make for their kids sakes goes unnoticed a lot so the fact that you acknowledge it here is beautiful. So glad you moved here and I got to meet you though :)

  34. Your story is very well written and the transition of leaving a family member is a very heartfelt. Your description of how important family is was amazing. But you were able to tough it out through the transition which shows anything can be overcome.

  35. Hazel this piece was absolutely amazing and so well written. I am very impressed how you captured those emotions and turned them into words. I can’t imagine how hard it was leaving and joining a new community. But I’m glad you were able to adapt!

  36. ibrahim elhajjmoussaApril 3, 2020 at 12:15 AM

    Wow. First of all, I love the title!! Second, I love how emotionally connected I felt with the story about your family and the lesson behind it all, that being that it is what’s most important in life. I loved your story and please keep on writing!!


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