
Monday, March 16, 2020

“Date Cake” By Vibhuti P

     Do you have something in your pantry that you haven’t liked all your life? Was your mother able to turn that into one of your favorite desserts? Well, when I was little, my mother went on experimenting with different recipes to see which ones would be tasty and would be beneficial to my health. She soon came across a recipe called “date cake” and for a while, she didn’t tell me what it was made of.

(pictured without cashews or walnuts)


 - 18 dates
- ¾ cup milk (to soak the dates)
 - ¾ cup sugar - I cup all-purpose flour
 - ½ cup oil (or ¼ cup oil + ¼ cup applesauce)
 - 1 tablespoon cashews + walnuts (optional)
 - Chocolate chips (optional)

1. Soak the dates in warm milk
2. Add the sugar and grind them to a smooth paste
3. Add oil and mix
 4. Sieve together the flour and baking soda
5. Add flour 1 tablespoon at a time and mix slowly
6. Add nuts and chocolate chips and mix
7. Preheat oven at 350F and bake in a greased pan for 35 - 40 minutes

     As you can see, this recipe is really easy to make and also eggless! One of the reasons it has stuck with me for so long is because this recipe made me realize that if I didn’t like a certain
type of food, I could always turn it into something better! Also, this is the cake that my mother prepared on any given occasion, no matter what.


  1. This recipe looks so good and I'm so glad that you were able to use this experience to turn something you didn't like into a delicious dessert! Your clear instructions and descriptive directions make the recipe very easy to follow. I will definitely try this out!

  2. Yummy! Just like you, I hate dates and I think this will be a very delicious recipe to try out. I appreciate how clear your directions were, especially the precise measurements. I hate when some recipes say "add to your liking"; please just tell me how much to add because I don't know what I like. I agree with you that you should never just completely avoid the ingredients you dislike because there is always a way to enjoy them (even if it means hiding it in a cake). Thank you for sharing this recipe!

  3. The steps, as you said, were very easy to follow !! I never thought about adding dates into a cake, thank you for the idea. - Breana Plascencia

  4. You gave very clear instructions and I love that it I eggless! Definitely going to try this. Great job

  5. I've never been a fan of dates and I have never tried date cake before but with your explanation, it seems very easy and delicious. The steps are very easy to follow so I can't mess up :). It's nice how you recipe is eggless so I can make it for my grandma, who doesn't eat eggs.

  6. What an interesting recipe, I would have never thought to incorporate dates into a dish like this. You had me really intrigued, this is something that I would definitely like to try, as I have never heard of anything like this before. Thanks for sharing! You made the recipe super easy to follow.

  7. Thank you for the recipe! This is a refreshing change of pace from the previous blog posts I have been reading. I appreciate that you mom is very experimental when it comes to baking. That is how new delicious dishes are made, through people creating new ideas. I am definitely going to try this recipe you have shared with us since I have never tried dates especially in a baking process.

  8. I really like this recipe considering how your mother turned something that is healthy and shouldn't be good, into a tasty dessert. Especially since this recipe is egg-less, being that I have an intolerance to eggs, I really like this recipe and will surely have to try this. It's healthy, had no eggs, and is a sweet treat. This definitely covers all my bases, way too good to be true. Great job!

  9. This seems like such a yummy recipe that is also simple to make! It was nice to hear the origin story of the recipe and how hard your mom tried to get you to like dates. You were specific and straight to the point which was very helpful for a baking recipe. I’d love to try this out sometime, great job!

  10. I really enjoyed how something healthy was turned into a dessert that you have come to really enjoy! I also have not ever really liked dates and this is encouraging to try it and see if I might change my mind as well.

  11. This looks very delicious! I thought you did an excellent job on explaining the ingredients needed and the steps which were very well organized. I also liked the message behind this recipe which is that you could take something you thought you'd never like and turn it into something more appetizing. Overall, great job!

  12. Angiolina SeminarioMarch 30, 2020 at 10:30 AM

    What an interesting recipe Vibs! The steps to make it is as simple and easy as you explained it. I really liked how you were able to use the recipe as experience to where you can make something you're not interested in, into something that you can gain interest. In all, a great recipe!

  13. I like your introduction to the recipe. The directions are clear and easy to follow, I've never really been a fan of dates, but I'd love to try this!

  14. I like your introduction to the recipe. The directions are clear and easy to follow, I've never really been a fan of dates, but I'd love to try this!

  15. This looks like a delicious cake and easy to make. Your instruction very clear and it was interesting to know that for a while you didn't know what it was out of.

  16. This recipe is well thought out and it sounds as if this is very good to enjoy for dessert or anytime of the day. Great job with the details and I hope to try this myself one day

  17. This gave me a craving for some dessert, I like how your recipe was simple for anyone to make. With these description even someone who has never baked a day in their life would be able to follow these instructions and successfully make the dessert.

  18. This looks super yummy and delectable! This guide is very linear and easy to follow through, which makes this recipe much more appealing to those who are shy of baking. I cannot wait to try this out during my Spring Break. Thank you for sharing ! -Aaron P

  19. I enjoy how you have created a desert out of a date! I myself am not a fan of dates but this recipe makes me want to try it out for myself! Its simple, easy and healthy. I'll be looking forward to tying this for myself.

  20. I just might give this a try the recipe seems pretty straight forward and you did a great job of articulating the steps. From what I can see this "date cake" looks delicious, i've been trying to get into baking so i think this is a perfect start.

  21. It was interesting to read about how your mom came across the recipe and what you got from it as well. I don't really like mixing fruits into my deserts but I might just have to try for this simple yet healthy recipe.

  22. You do a great job. You were very concise with everything you did. To be honest I almost thought that there was really no instruction on how to make it because the instructions were just so short and sweet. You really got to the point on how to do it and still made it incredibly easy to follow so I really found that to be helpful because the worst thing in a recipe is when you have to look through a bunch of stuff to figure out exactly what to do.

  23. Vibhuti this looks delicious! I will definitely try this recipe in the future when I am given the chance to. This piece truly encouraged me to experiment and try other things. Thank you for sharing your recipe!

  24. this recipe looks really good! i'll have to try it some time. it looks really simple and a yummy treat. the recipe is super easy to follow :)

  25. Thank you for sharing this recipe! It was very easy to follow and I could totally relate to your introduction when you explained how your parents implement ingredients you don’t necessarily like! It’s crazy how some of our favorite dishes can include ingredients we really do not like alone! Great Job!

  26. This looks yummy and totally could trick me for chocalate bread. I've never tried a date just because they aren't very appealing, but I'm a fan of cake so I'd totally try this recipe.

  27. Your guide was very clear and straightforward and looks delicious! I will definitely try to make this with my mom in the near future! - Cameron Hunter

  28. Nathaniel AlvaradoApril 1, 2020 at 10:55 AM

    This was such a great recipe. I really like the simplicity of the recipe and how the recipe is eggless. Your steps along with your provided picture definitely made this recipe very appealing and one to try. Good Job! -Nathaniel Alvarado

  29. I am such a huge fan of dates and I respect how short and concise the recipe is. With quarantine and all, I am definitely going to try this recipe soon, so thank you!

  30. I really liked the picture you used to create a visual of the final product from the recipe you described. Your instructions were very detailed and easy to follow. Amazing job!! -Linda Hung

  31. This recipe looks so declicious! I can see why you didnt know dates were the main ingredient, lol. Not only is this recipe super simple, but it is much healthier than a lot of other pastries. I also love your formatting, it makes this recipe super easy to follow. As someone who loves to bake and try new recipes, I cannot wait to try this. This will also give me the opportunity to try dates for the first time!

    - Julia Lozano

  32. I’m not the biggest fan of dates but this recipe sounds so good ! :)

  33. I love trying out simple and easy recipes mostly because i'm lazy. the instructions were easy to follow and i thought it was an interesting idea to turn a bunch of random ingredients into something amazing-Kerin Bynum

  34. Vibhuti,

    Thank you for sharing your mother's recipe for Date Cake. On reading the title of your post, I admittedly was confused at how you could make cake out of dates. After reading your instructions, however, it became really clear to me and has made me want to try it during quarantine! Thank you for your simplistic instructions as cooking can be confusing when following a recipe!

    - Joshua Lechuga

  35. I love dates and I've had a dessert similar to this but this recepie looks really good and I might be making this during quarintine ,thanks so much!
    -Rebecca Clinton

  36. The way that you used very few instructions is very nice because it shows how simple it is! Nobody wants to read a recipe searching for the actual instructions. Great job! ~Nathan Sandoval

  37. This was a great recipe! I loved the way you introduced it to the reader in the beginning by those two rhetorical questions. The addition of the picture makes it easier for the reader to figure out what its supposed to look like. You listed the ingredients and the steps in a way that makes it easy for the reader to make this dessert. Overall, Great job! - Yuan Maneje

  38. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaApril 3, 2020 at 12:20 AM

    I love the way you went straight to the point, giving us a recipe and such in depth instructions on how to make such a mouth-watering desert. I can’t wait to try it out one day and see if I’m a chef (haha). But keep on doing what ur doing!


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