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Friday, April 5, 2019
"Untitled" by Evanne T
all the way to 2012. I’m 13 years old finishing a tournament in Arizona. I pack all of my luggage and shove it the van
with Nae’s luggage (my partner in crime). she’s only 13 years old too. We are traveling across country to Atlanta
GA. while we are waiting to load the vans my parents come up to tell us to be
safe and kick butt in Georgia. As we
drive to the airport my head dropped and terror fills my body. I have never
been this far away from my parents. When
we get to the airport and I get my ticket, check in my bags and then TSA takes
my carry on totally apart. They took
everything, my gel, shampoo, conditioner, lotion and body wash. You name it, they took it! I’m now full every emotion possible. Who would take all of the necessary items
from an innocent girl wanting to be clean and have silky hair? The total cost
was approximately $70.00. After 30 minutes I finally make it to the gate and
get on the plane. Then it hits me, I am going to be over 2,500 miles away from
my parents. Nae realizing I’m having an
internal panic attack and tries to make me understand that we have each other
and we are practically adults taking care of ourselves. She then says “we go where we want, when we
want” At least that’s how we thought is would be. Until I found out that the basketball camp took up
our whole day. By the third day I had my
routine down pack.
In my 13 year old head, I am grown taking care
of everything that my parents would have taking care of. After that trip it became easier and easier to
travel without my parents. They trusted
me to be smart, safe and of course kick butt on the court!
all the way forward to the present. I’m
basically and adult. In less than 3 months I’ll be on my own 7 hours away from
home, at least for the next 4 years. I
expect my parents will want to spend more time with me, but at the same time
give me more freedom. Day to day it
changes. I’m either their baby girl, a not so young adult, or a prisoner of the
house. My mother wants to do everything with me. From going to the mall to
brushing our teeth together in the morning. Other days they’ll both say “Get
out of my face” and I take that as a way to go hang out with my friends. Then
other days, when I’m on house arrest and cleaning all day or i stay in my cell
also known as my room. I think my parents have officially lost their minds and
forgot that I'm not a kid anymore. My mother tried to put a tracking app on my
phone. I can not figure out what would make her do this in my last couple of
months at home. If I am able to cross the country at thirteen by myself without
a tracker, I can drive around the Southern California without one. Granted i do
come home late sometimes but everyone does that here and there. But i always
inform both of my parents where i am going and who I am with. Having a tracker
is almost equivalent to being on parole with an ankle monitor. Just to
reiterate I have been across the country numerous times by myself and all of
sudden now is the time to get the tracker.
Neither of my parents have really said more than a few words on the
subject which is fine with me. I have been brushing it off and explaining to
both my parents why it's such a weird idea. I would get it, but knowing my
parents they would use it for evil. There is no reason to track me if I tell
them all the information the tracker would provide. It's been about a week or
so of me avoiding getting this app. I'm going to try and avoid it as long as I
can. I will do what it takes to keep this lil freedom I don't really have. I could
give a million and one reason why i don't need it or the extreme and just pass
out whenever the word tracker is mentioned.
I'm 18 and seen as an adult I will not get this tracking app if it's the
last thing I do. Can someone please tell my mom the tracker is a bad idea for
the reason explained above. I am an adult but its her world and i'm living in
it and I would love to continue living.
"Quitting my dream" by Dante C
When I was 10 my mother signed me up for the Jr. Lifeguard class at Fontana Aquatics Center.
They class in the beginning was only 6 kids. From ages 10-15. By the second week of this 8
week program we were down to 5. Then 3. Then 2. It was just this kid skinny kid named Robert
and this other even skinner kid named Dante. Eventually these two knuckleheads became close
friends. We went through everything together. Those 20 lap for 2 hour workouts really got to us
but we pushed each other to finish every single lap of that 20 lap workout. Now it doesn’t seem
like much now, but when you got these like 2 feet 1 inch 10 year olds trying to swim 20 laps...
you can see where I am going with this. Anyways we complete it and gain our certifications of
basic water rescue, first aid, CPR, and to shadow a real lifeguard. Oh yeah by the way, we were
taught by a military manager so we were very serious about our little accomplishments.
However Robby and I were the two little Jr.guards to have the program boost highly where we
were able to teach swim lessons along side with the Swim Instructors. When I was 11 I joined
the Swim Team. It was called FAC. This team was like a second family of mine. This sport of
swimming became my second home. It was my go to, kind of like music. My tv was swimming.
My love was swimming. My headache, desire, pain, hatred, and my everything. I gained so
many friends and I progressed over the years. Until I became one of the fastest swimmers of the
team. Then being the fastest. I went to Jr. Olympics for many years and my coach gave me a
position of like being a captain. (oh yeah I was captain for Jr. Guards too) Life for me was great.
I eventually finally became a Lifeguard at 15 years old and a dream of mine was to teach swim
lessons and be a coach. All my childhood dreams were to teach little boys and girls of how to
swim. I love seeing their little smile when they would learn to have no fear of the water. That
they can do it and swim to the other side of the pool. Seeing them progress and become happy.
Seeing them run to their mommy and daddy of what they learned. I became a Swim instructor
and to top off my dream, a Jr. Guard Instructor this pass summer. What a dream come true it
was. I have my dream sport and it seemed like all my dreams came true. Until I realized that I
could not have all my dreams. Some dreams faded. Swimming for me became a blur and more
of a heavy burden on my shoulders. I wasn’t turning in my times anymore.( meaning I wasn’t
fast enough anymore) My passion for the sport fell apart. I just didn’t want to swim anymore. I
took breaks throughout high school by playing water polo so I was fresh into swimming. It was
just so hard to swim like I used to. I grew tired and I did the one thing I would thought I would
never do. I told everyone and myself that I would be swimming for the rest of my life. I actually
quit swimming. This choice was so hard and still plays today through my last year of highschool.
Seeing others surpass me and where I used to be the leader I was no more. Hearing the ones
who always talked bad about me since day one are now glorifying in the fact that they are
above. The ones who always tried to sabotage my accomplishments It feels as if I had let the
whole team down. Leaving my coaches was so darn hard. It felt like I was a disappointment for
everyone. I felt like the world was crashing towards my heart. My second home was in flames.
Friends of mine that were brothers and sisters all left slowly, painfully, regretfully.
I was given an opportunity by a head coach to become a coach for a swim team. When I got the
title of being a Coach. It changed me completely. It showed me that even though I stopped, all
those countless hours of countless days and weeks reflect back on me. All those times of
accomplishments remain known. I was able to understand that I gave my heart out for the sport.
I had my dream come true. I am still deeply involved in the sport, perhaps I am not the one
swimming but I am leading others that are. Some of my friends that remianed by my side to this
day tell me about how it all fell apart when I left. Many swimmers did not get along and the ones
who thought were above, never and will never surpass who I was to the team that was family.
Even the times I had have not been met by them. The reason is because I had a dream to swim
my heart out. Being the fastest or being captain was just the cherry on top of an ice cream. I’ll
admit I was no money making swimmer and/or the best. At least I enjoyed my time and now I
get to dream some new dreams.
"How to: Summer Body " by Mackenzie T
In middle school I was always that girl that complained about running the mile and never
participated in basketball with the rest of the class. Sports just were not my thing (thank God I
get good grades). The older I got, the more important looks became so it was very easy to
always pick things I wanted to change about myself. For example, in eighth grade it was all
about the thigh gap. I was naturally very thin and likely already had this but I was infatuated with
it, don’t ask me why because the answer is that I was thirteen and tumblr was all the rage. I
entered high school and continued to eat whatever I wanted without any repercussions and
refused the idea of working out. Fast forward to junior year; one day I decided to workout in my
garage because I realized complaining was not going to get me anywhere and I ended up
sticking with it for a while and actually discovered that I really enjoyed it. Over the summer my
friend invited me to the gym and I instantly fell in love with the atmosphere and being around all
the gym junkies. I recently hit my one year mark but I can tell you that there has been A LOT of
inconsistency because I get lazy and unmotivated just like we all commonly do with everything
in life. With summer coming up I thought I would share my tips (even though I am furthest from
an expert). The joy that working out has brought me changed my life and I wanted to share the
journey in case it inspires someone else. It has made me love the person I see in the mirror
even more, I’ve fallen in love with seeing results slowly but surely and I’m over the moon for the
moments when I realize each day that I go to the gym I am getting stronger. It is the most
rewarding feeling ever when other people notice how hard you are working, I knew I was doing
something right when people started asking me for tips and telling me that they really respect
what I have been doing.I have set my goals for the future and really look forward to the process.
If you take anything from this, my advice is just to find something that you love doing that makes
you feel good whether its exercise or not.
Tips and things to remember:
-No body is the same and no body is perfect. Keep that in mind when you put on your swimsuit for the first time this upcoming summer.
-You have to accept the body you have now to fully appreciate the body that you can have in the future
-Be kind to yourself and choose health for the right reasons not just to look good
-(amounts are based on your individual goals) protein is your best friend and do not be afraid of carbs
-Know that change doesn’t happen overnight and that consistency is key
-Stay hydrated
Leg Day
*Demonstrations can be easily found on online
*Not every leg day is the same/it’s good to switch it up and try new workouts
Tips and things to remember:
-No body is the same and no body is perfect. Keep that in mind when you put on your swimsuit for the first time this upcoming summer.
-You have to accept the body you have now to fully appreciate the body that you can have in the future
-Be kind to yourself and choose health for the right reasons not just to look good
-(amounts are based on your individual goals) protein is your best friend and do not be afraid of carbs
-Know that change doesn’t happen overnight and that consistency is key
-Stay hydrated
Leg Day
*Demonstrations can be easily found on online
*Not every leg day is the same/it’s good to switch it up and try new workouts
Step 1: warm up
*use resistance band if possible to increase difficulty -fire hydrants (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
-donkey kicks (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
-side squat walk 2 set of 5 in each direction)
Step 2: workout
-dumbell goblet squats (4 to 5 sets of 10 reps) -hip thrusts with weight (4 sets of 12 reps) -step ups (3 sets of 10 on each leg)
-hip abduction machine (4 sets of 15 reps) -hip adduction machine (4 sets of 15 reps)
Step 3: -stretch!!
Some Alternate Exercises:
-squats -leg press -deadlifts
Upper Body
*I personally love training back and shoulders most
*use resistance band if possible to increase difficulty -fire hydrants (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
-donkey kicks (2 sets of 10 reps each leg)
-side squat walk 2 set of 5 in each direction)
Step 2: workout
-dumbell goblet squats (4 to 5 sets of 10 reps) -hip thrusts with weight (4 sets of 12 reps) -step ups (3 sets of 10 on each leg)
-hip abduction machine (4 sets of 15 reps) -hip adduction machine (4 sets of 15 reps)
Step 3: -stretch!!
Some Alternate Exercises:
-squats -leg press -deadlifts
Upper Body
*I personally love training back and shoulders most
My Go To Protein Shake:
-1 to 2 scoop(s) of chocolate protein
-1 to 2 scoop(s) of chocolate protein
-1 scoop of peanut butter -half of a banana
-blend :)
Some of my favorite foods:
-fried egg on toast
-banana with cinnamon
-scrambled egg
-any meat
-protein bars
-1 scoop of peanut butter -half of a banana
-blend :)
Some of my favorite foods:
-fried egg on toast
-banana with cinnamon
-scrambled egg
-any meat
-protein bars
"That Feeling" by Luis M
It is indescribable. A sentiment that strikes all of us when we least expect it, and forces itself
into the deeper end of your soul. It’s very uncertainty can overwhelm us to the point of tears.
We call this feeling, nostalgia.
Nostalgia is essentially a coping mechanism. It often stems from a negative emotion, like being homesick or an inability to forget over the past, but it ultimately results in brightening the overall mood of the person tenfold. This has been happening a lot to me lately. I believe this is the certain day and age of my life where I begin to understand this essential feeling and what it means to me as I grow up.
I often encounter nostalgia in music, mostly in classical pieces. My favorite piece in particular is “Gymnopedie No.1” composed by Erik Satie. When I first heard this piece, it invoked a feeling in me that I couldn’t understand. It was as if I heard this song many times before, or was associated with a memory I never had. Eventually, I came to the realization that I have heard this song before, or at least a similar one at that. This other song was “Sweden” by C418. This song embodies my childhood. It was a part of a popular video game called Minecraft. I remember it as some random song that played in the background while I played, but little did I know, it engraved itself into my head to the point where I could see it in other music. This is where the nostalgia really hit.
I began to look into my favorite Minecraft videos around 2012 and I downspiraled into hours of unraveling my past. It made me really happy to watch and ponder on. But watching them also made me realize how times have changed. The person I look at in the mirror is not the same one who ate Kid’s Cuisine while watching Suite Life on Deck on a weekday . It was so simple back then. Everything was. And no matter how bad you want to go back, to not have to care again, you never can. Those times are gone, just as the version of you that lived them is. But that doesn't mean you have to forget them. Just because you cant make new memories that are exactly like the old ones doesn't mean you can't make more that are just as good. Just because you can't go back to when you were happy, doesn't mean moving forwards is sadness by default. Eventually, I know I’ll be in my 20’s looking back at how good I had it in high school.
So there I was, 12:35pm on a Sunday night watching Minecraft videos; my mind blown and my confidence of the future growing all because I felt the need to relive my memories. So to that, I say give it your all! Go to prom! Travel far and wide! Make memories! Because you never know when you might need that boost of confidence in the future.
“Life can be only understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” - Soren Kierkegaard
We call this feeling, nostalgia.
Nostalgia is essentially a coping mechanism. It often stems from a negative emotion, like being homesick or an inability to forget over the past, but it ultimately results in brightening the overall mood of the person tenfold. This has been happening a lot to me lately. I believe this is the certain day and age of my life where I begin to understand this essential feeling and what it means to me as I grow up.
I often encounter nostalgia in music, mostly in classical pieces. My favorite piece in particular is “Gymnopedie No.1” composed by Erik Satie. When I first heard this piece, it invoked a feeling in me that I couldn’t understand. It was as if I heard this song many times before, or was associated with a memory I never had. Eventually, I came to the realization that I have heard this song before, or at least a similar one at that. This other song was “Sweden” by C418. This song embodies my childhood. It was a part of a popular video game called Minecraft. I remember it as some random song that played in the background while I played, but little did I know, it engraved itself into my head to the point where I could see it in other music. This is where the nostalgia really hit.
I began to look into my favorite Minecraft videos around 2012 and I downspiraled into hours of unraveling my past. It made me really happy to watch and ponder on. But watching them also made me realize how times have changed. The person I look at in the mirror is not the same one who ate Kid’s Cuisine while watching Suite Life on Deck on a weekday . It was so simple back then. Everything was. And no matter how bad you want to go back, to not have to care again, you never can. Those times are gone, just as the version of you that lived them is. But that doesn't mean you have to forget them. Just because you cant make new memories that are exactly like the old ones doesn't mean you can't make more that are just as good. Just because you can't go back to when you were happy, doesn't mean moving forwards is sadness by default. Eventually, I know I’ll be in my 20’s looking back at how good I had it in high school.
So there I was, 12:35pm on a Sunday night watching Minecraft videos; my mind blown and my confidence of the future growing all because I felt the need to relive my memories. So to that, I say give it your all! Go to prom! Travel far and wide! Make memories! Because you never know when you might need that boost of confidence in the future.
“Life can be only understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” - Soren Kierkegaard
"Words Hurt But They Also Heal" by Celine G
Everybody has a limit, varying from simple things like how many miles you can
run in ten minutes to more complex things like how much emotional baggage can you actually carry around with you in one day. These limits can either push you to do better or drag you until you give up. My mom tells me all the time that there is only so much that a person could take. There is only so much that a person could take, but so much of what? My mom had made me listen to a song called “Too Much Love Will Kill You” by Queen and right then and there, I understood. Too much of everything can kill you, so there is only so much we could take. We have limits.
About 5 years ago, I had went through the darkest times of my life. I was in the 7th grade, so the pre-teen emotions heightened every single feeling that I’ve ever felt. When I was annoyed, I became livid. When I was happy, I became overly excited. When I was sad, I became depressed. This was also around the time where I started to realize that I lost my dad, he didn’t pass away, he was just gone. I was always so innocent before 7th grade, not knowing what was happening around me, I didn’t realize I didn’t have a dad, I thought he was just away and that he will be joining the family soon.
Being a 12 year old, this kind of thing really hits you, sadly it hits you hard and
Unknowingly, I turned to poetry. At first, it was only pages upon pages, front and back, of feelings that I managed to spit out. I didn’t think I could turn something so rugged and broken into something so refreshing and beautiful. I found comfort in words and was completely wrapped in its arms. I remember the first poem I’ve ever written, it was for my sophomore english class and solely for extra credit. My teacher had told the class not to be afraid to get emotional and deep, I thought to myself, ‘this is the perfect opportunity for me to release everything I’ve been holding in’. That same day, I went home, immediately sat down on my bed and closed my eyes. I tried to picture where I wanted this poem to go, then my dad came to mind. I remember this so vividly, he walked in the door wearing his military uniform, my sister and I, without hesitation, ran into his arms and he carried us to our room to put us to bed but we were too happy to see him, we could not sit still. The sound of laughter and girlish screams can be heard throughout the entire apartment, my dad was chasing us through the hallways and when he managed to catch us, he’d throw us into the air repeatedly. This specific memory that came to my mind that day unlocked the pain I had locked away for years.
I grabbed my journal and began writing, paper after paper wasted, crumpled up, thrown away, but by the end of the night, everything came together and I was able to call what I wrote, a poem. I read my poem in front of the class a couple days later, two sentences in and I was already in tears, I can never explain into words the feeling I felt as I choke
Unknowingly, I turned to poetry. At first, it was only pages upon pages, front and back, of feelings that I managed to spit out. I didn’t think I could turn something so rugged and broken into something so refreshing and beautiful. I found comfort in words and was completely wrapped in its arms. I remember the first poem I’ve ever written, it was for my sophomore english class and solely for extra credit. My teacher had told the class not to be afraid to get emotional and deep, I thought to myself, ‘this is the perfect opportunity for me to release everything I’ve been holding in’. That same day, I went home, immediately sat down on my bed and closed my eyes. I tried to picture where I wanted this poem to go, then my dad came to mind. I remember this so vividly, he walked in the door wearing his military uniform, my sister and I, without hesitation, ran into his arms and he carried us to our room to put us to bed but we were too happy to see him, we could not sit still. The sound of laughter and girlish screams can be heard throughout the entire apartment, my dad was chasing us through the hallways and when he managed to catch us, he’d throw us into the air repeatedly. This specific memory that came to my mind that day unlocked the pain I had locked away for years.
I grabbed my journal and began writing, paper after paper wasted, crumpled up, thrown away, but by the end of the night, everything came together and I was able to call what I wrote, a poem. I read my poem in front of the class a couple days later, two sentences in and I was already in tears, I can never explain into words the feeling I felt as I choke
up word after word of the cause of my brokenness, it was like relief with a mixture of
Throughout my entire middle school years, I was a very soft-spoken person. I only talked when I was spoken to, I was afraid to get close to people, and I was never truly happy. Everyday felt like the same exact routine, I would wake up, shower, go to school, go home, do my homework, and cry until I fall asleep. There were times where I told my mom I felt sick so she would give me Nyquil, but I wasn't sick, I just wanted to go to sleep. Multiple voices haunted me as each hour passes by, they took over my mind and my body. These voices tells me that I would never find love in the future because growing up, I never knew how it felt like to be loved by a man. They tell me that I deserve to go through the pain and heartache. I still live with these voices, I've just gotten better at controlling them. Sometimes, my thoughts race in circles, destroying every little bit of happiness I believed I had, and I can still sit there, unfazed.
As the years went by, burdens have been lifted off my shoulders, but not all of them. Things from the past still linger in my mind from time to time. Going through heartbreaks and fall backs doesn't make things any easier either, this is where I would tell myself that there is only so much I could take and I have the power to choose the things that I want to handle. I strongly believe that forgiving is the only thing you can do to handle situations, you don't have to forget, because once you've forgiven the people that have hurt you and, most importantly, once you've forgiven yourself, that's the first step to healing. You should never forget because your breakdowns carve a path to your breakthroughs, and the more you try to forget, the more its going to hurt you. Since
Throughout my entire middle school years, I was a very soft-spoken person. I only talked when I was spoken to, I was afraid to get close to people, and I was never truly happy. Everyday felt like the same exact routine, I would wake up, shower, go to school, go home, do my homework, and cry until I fall asleep. There were times where I told my mom I felt sick so she would give me Nyquil, but I wasn't sick, I just wanted to go to sleep. Multiple voices haunted me as each hour passes by, they took over my mind and my body. These voices tells me that I would never find love in the future because growing up, I never knew how it felt like to be loved by a man. They tell me that I deserve to go through the pain and heartache. I still live with these voices, I've just gotten better at controlling them. Sometimes, my thoughts race in circles, destroying every little bit of happiness I believed I had, and I can still sit there, unfazed.
As the years went by, burdens have been lifted off my shoulders, but not all of them. Things from the past still linger in my mind from time to time. Going through heartbreaks and fall backs doesn't make things any easier either, this is where I would tell myself that there is only so much I could take and I have the power to choose the things that I want to handle. I strongly believe that forgiving is the only thing you can do to handle situations, you don't have to forget, because once you've forgiven the people that have hurt you and, most importantly, once you've forgiven yourself, that's the first step to healing. You should never forget because your breakdowns carve a path to your breakthroughs, and the more you try to forget, the more its going to hurt you. Since
middle school, I've learned to learn from my mistakes, edging out every single detail that
I did wrong or the other person did wrong, and bettering myself in the process. I've
learned to heal from past pains and heartaches, controlling my thoughts and emotions
so the only things I think about are the things that make me happy. Diving into the world
of poetry is the best thing I could’ve ever done in my life, now I have my own little world,
my own little sanctuary where I can be vulnerable and fragile and not have to worry
about what others might think of me. These past years have felt like a very dizzy and
traumatizing rollercoaster, but just like any rollercoaster, you can either get off or keep
riding it, and I chose to get off.
"An Empty Hell " by Ryan K
As the red gloom and mist clears before your eyes, a loud sarcastic clap starts to ring out from the distance. The claps get louder each time until finally, it sounds like the clapping is right in front of you, but the source is still obscured by heavy black-red smoke.
“Bravo... well done” said a deep, sarcastic voice “I never would have imagined that someone like you would end up here.”
The source of the voice starts to approach you, as he gets nearer you notice something strange about it. The man behind the voice has dark red skin clothed with a classy black tuxedo, viper-like yellow eyes, and white horns sticking out from his slicked back hair. The man in front of you is Satan. Shortly after you notice Satan stands in front of you, you come to the realization that you’ve ended up in Hell, in fact, THE deepest layer of Hell.
“You see, this place was never intended for the likes of a human, in fact, you’re actually the first human to arrive in the pits of Hell. Now, you’re probably confused since that religion of yours describes this place as the place where all evil and demonic people end up. Well, I’m sorry (not really) to tell you this, but humans have had it wrong all this time. Hell wasn’t designed to be an eternal prison for just any old terrible person, it was designed for the WORST person to ever set foot on the Earth. That person is you. Now I know what you’re thinking, ‘But Mr. Satan how am I the worst person to exist? I haven’t done anything to harm anybody or anything. My intentions were always good. I don’t even curse. Please explain.’”
You’re a bit offended and awestruck as Satan takes the words right out of your mouth in a patronizing and mocking tone. In truth, you were thinking exactly that. But come on, what were you expecting, he’s Satan, he can read your mind. Don’t be surprised.
“Well, to be frank, even I find you to be quite a despicable person, and I’m frickin’ Satan. Sure you’ve never murdered anyone, harmed a fly, told a lie, or destroyed other’s lives in order to reach your selfish goals, but you have committed some of the worst moral crimes known to Earth. Here I have a little speaker that will list off your crimes to you.”
Satan reaches down into his pocket and conjures an Ultimate EarsTM BluetoothTM speaker. Satan then pulls out his iPhone Rawr xD OwO and connects it to the speaker. He fiddles around with his phone for a bit and then playing an audio file that contains a play by play of your heinous crimes against humanity. Suddenly, a robotic female voice (similar to Siri’s) rings out from the speaker.
“Welcome to Hell! I am Satan’s personal sin evaluator, Diri. I will now begin evaluating and
listing off the numerous sins that you have committed in your lifetime. I will begin by evaluating
your life on Earth and the average severity of your crimes. It appears that you are the worst
person to have ever existed on Earth, your crimes against humanity prove to be so heinous that
they are even comparable to the dark lord himself. I will now list off some specifically severe
crimes that you have committed, they are as follows. ‘Thinking it’s funny to shout out fake
spoilers for films that people are planning to watch’, ‘Posting any form of Minion meme on
Facebook’, ‘Singing along to every song on the radio while at work’, ‘Using your phone rather
than talking with your friends when you are eating out’, ‘Texting while watching a movie and
then being surprised when others become upset at you for it’, ‘Listening to music through a
speaker while in public’, ‘Stopping in the middle of a sidewalk or street while others are walking
behind you’, ‘Obnoxiously taking pictures of your food’, ‘Using the word ‘literally’
inappropriately’, ‘Blindly supporting companies with mediocre products and terrible ethics’, the
list goes on and on.”
After hearing about your consecutive crimes against humanity, you start to come to terms with your current situation. You start to understand that being an absolute prick to everybody around you, whether intentional or unintentional, will put you down there with the rest of Earth’s terrible people.
“Well not to worry, see I don’t plan on giving you an eternity of punishment and torture, in fact, I’m going to give you an opportunity to live out a much more meaningful existence. You see, I lied about Hell’s design, I was never supposed to receive any humans down here whatsoever, but somehow you ended up here. You see, your beloved creator never intended for me, the arbiter of all things bad to even get close to a human, he foresaw that if I were to influence a human that the Heavens themselves would potentially be flipped upside down. I am going to offer you an opportunity to join me in my quest for domination between the physical and metaphysical dimensions, for you and me will become an unstoppable duo according to prophecy. On the other hand, if you deny I’m going to condemn you to an eternity of pain and torture. Whaddya say? Do you want to help rule the multiverse? Okay, okay, I’m really just using that entire domination thing as an excuse, I really just want someone to talk to and interact with. In reality, I’m actually pretty lonely, there’s not much down here except me, myself, and I. My question still stands though, will you help me?”
And in response, you gave the most mundane, generic response that one could think of when offered an opportunity of this magnitude.
You just said “Yeh, whatever I guess.”
After hearing about your consecutive crimes against humanity, you start to come to terms with your current situation. You start to understand that being an absolute prick to everybody around you, whether intentional or unintentional, will put you down there with the rest of Earth’s terrible people.
“Well not to worry, see I don’t plan on giving you an eternity of punishment and torture, in fact, I’m going to give you an opportunity to live out a much more meaningful existence. You see, I lied about Hell’s design, I was never supposed to receive any humans down here whatsoever, but somehow you ended up here. You see, your beloved creator never intended for me, the arbiter of all things bad to even get close to a human, he foresaw that if I were to influence a human that the Heavens themselves would potentially be flipped upside down. I am going to offer you an opportunity to join me in my quest for domination between the physical and metaphysical dimensions, for you and me will become an unstoppable duo according to prophecy. On the other hand, if you deny I’m going to condemn you to an eternity of pain and torture. Whaddya say? Do you want to help rule the multiverse? Okay, okay, I’m really just using that entire domination thing as an excuse, I really just want someone to talk to and interact with. In reality, I’m actually pretty lonely, there’s not much down here except me, myself, and I. My question still stands though, will you help me?”
And in response, you gave the most mundane, generic response that one could think of when offered an opportunity of this magnitude.
You just said “Yeh, whatever I guess.”
Finally, with that response, Stan disappeared with a snap and a puff of smoke. Later, Stan, along
with the help of his new despicable friend would go on to rule across every dimension.
"Delicious Meals" by Nathan B
Waiting patiently in
the white room, the cracked earth that’s my lips begin to blister. Today has
been pretty typical, woke up at approximately 6:00 AM, got ready for school and
wasted the next seven hours of my life without a single drop of nourishment for
my body. Curse my parents for having a loving relationship, I’ll never qualify
for the free lunch program as long as they’re married. Forgot to ask my mom for
lunch money, and there’s no way I’m putting in the effort to make myself a
now I sit here in the secret white room seven hours later waiting for the meal
fit for a king. My hunger knows no bounds, the four legged table mirroring the
color of the room looks to be a fresh piece of beef in my eyes. So tender, so
enticing, but I know better. The nectar of the gods awaits me, so I take my
time doing nothing in the room. On the outside I look calm and collected but
really I’m ready to burst.
the white coated man walks in the room two crystalline glasses in hand. The
decorated clear visage of the cups cannot distract my eyes from the transparent
mirror like liquid in one hand. In the other is a swampy filth with minerals
and dissolute salts dancing around the surface of the liquid. This is the price
I have to pay, at least that’s what I try to convince myself. When the classes
crash to the table I down the filth in one fell swoop of my jaw. The instance
the mess has traveled down my gullet the warm texture of the liquid forces me
to gag, but I keep it down for I know if any of it comes back up the holy
visage in the corner of my eye will not be presented to me. I quickly grab the
second glass and peer into the surface, completely translucent. If one were to
look too quick, the juice wouldn’t even be noticed inside the glass. I take my
first sip of the vial. The cooling sensation of this liquid pressed against me
heals the heaping crevices inside my lips. This euphoric sensation attacks my
central nervous system producing nothing but joy. When I gently place the glass
back down on the white table in the white room, I think to myself, “ Dasani
really is better than Arrowhead huh?”
"How to change a flat tire " by Santiago R
I believe it is extremely important to know how to change a flat tire for your safety
and convenience. As seniors, a lot of us drive already and although some may not
drive yet you most likely will at some point so this information can still be useful.
Most people don’t know how to change a flat simply because they do not need to.
It is estimated that about 60% of Americans do not know how to change a flat tire.
All they have to do is call AAA and wait for a roadside assistance specialist to
arrive and take care of the tire for you, or call a friend or relative to come help. For
some people who rarely leave town, this is more than enough. But what if one day
you find yourself with a dead cellphone and in a remote area? What if it’s the
middle of the night and you caught a flat mid road trip? Roadside assistance is not
always a guarantee, and even when it is available many things such as traffic and
weather can have you waiting for hours. Working at a tire shop i've seen similar
scenarios play out countless times and people wishing they had known how to
change a flat before. That's why I will teach you how in a few simple steps, so if
you ever find yourself in a similar spot you will know what to do.
Tools: Spare tire, Lug wrench, jack Optional: Hazard Triangle, Reflective Vest
(Note: These tools are provided for most cars, they should be under the trunk carpet lining)
Tools: Spare tire, Lug wrench, jack Optional: Hazard Triangle, Reflective Vest
(Note: These tools are provided for most cars, they should be under the trunk carpet lining)

STEP 1: Be aware of your surroundings and make sure it is safe. Also make sure
your car is on a flat surface. Park the car and engage the emergency brake. Turn
your hazards on to warn other drivers you are working on your vehicle. If you have
a reflective triangle place it near your car facing oncoming traffic. Wear a
reflective vest if you have one available.
STEP 2: Place the car jack underneath the frame and lift the car up. The jack will
come with a small wrench which you will use to turn the circular knob on the side
of the wrench. Lift the car until the damaged wheel is off the ground. (Note: Do
not get under the car for any reason,as it can be unstable)
STEP 3: Remove the lug nuts. These are the small bolts in the middle of the tire.
Most lug nuts follow the righty-tighty lefty-loosey rule. Attach the lug wrench to
the nut and turn until it is loose. Do this for all five nuts and remove them with
your hand. Remove the tire after all nuts are removed. (Note: Lug nuts tend to
roll away, so make sure they are all in a safe spot)
STEP 4: Mount the spare tire on the wheel lugs. Once it is centered place the lug nuts on and tighten them by hand and then follow with the wrench. Make sure you tighten the lugs in opposite pairs so the tire remains centered. (Note: make sure all the lug nuts are tightened as hard as possible)
STEP 4: Mount the spare tire on the wheel lugs. Once it is centered place the lug nuts on and tighten them by hand and then follow with the wrench. Make sure you tighten the lugs in opposite pairs so the tire remains centered. (Note: make sure all the lug nuts are tightened as hard as possible)
STEP 5: Lower your vehicle all the way and remove the jack. Place all the tools
and the damaged tire in your trunk. The tire shop workers will try to salvage your
tire if all it needs is a patch. This can help you save a lot of money. (Note: Spare
tires are not meant to be driven at high speed. Your owners manual should
have the maximum speed for the tire, if not a safe bet would be not to drive
over 50 mph)
After completing these steps you’ve successfully changed a flat tire and are now
part of the 40% of Americans who can replace a tire on their own. Now you can
get yourself to the nearest tire shop and they will patch or replace your tire. It’s
important to remember it is not recommended to drive on a spare tire for a long
time. Get it replaced as soon as possible. If after reading this you realize your car
doesn’t happen to have the tools needed, you should go buy them at your local auto
store. They are fairly inexpensive and could possibly save you hundreds of dollars
in fees if you ever have to change one of your tires.
"Lion King as a Feudalist Memoir " by Anastasia Y.
If you do not want a new perspective of Lion King that you cannot unsee, do not read on!
According to Wikipedia, a noble lie is a myth or untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda.
Lion King’s message embodies Socrates’ suggestion to instill a “Noble Lie” into his ideal
republic; the lie entails convincing citizens that all humans were infused with a unique metal that
would determine social class. Rulers are gold, Warriors are silver, and Artisans are iron. The
purpose of the lie was to keep the citizens in their respective class. Socrates calls this lie Noble
because it would bring content and satisfaction to the lower class in regards to their role in
society. The lie would also prevent citizens of the lower class from attempting ascendance
toward nobility because their infused metal has already ordained their value. Such a system
would justify an order of Hierarchal Feudalism. The Lion King ’s “circle of life” is an allegory to
the system of Feudalism; the movie justifies the practicality of a fixed societal system. The Lion
King i llustrates a message: the Noble Lie brings abundance but when social order is disrupted by
attempts toward equality, chaos will ensue.
Simba’s character manifests the message that value is determined by birth as opposed to merit. The newborn Simba is immediately held above Pride Rock while the rest of the animals bow before him, exemplifying a power dynamic. He is instantly praised for simply being born because he is the son of the king. The future is ordained as Simba will eventually inherit his father’s position. The immediate praise received for his mere existence reiterates the Noble Lie: some people are inherently more valuable than others. This famous scene of Rafiki clutching the newborn Simba tells the animals that Egalitarianism is unobtainable because value is already determined at birth. The worshipping of Simba is a method to convince and remind the other
According to Wikipedia, a noble lie is a myth or untruth, often, but not invariably, of a religious nature, knowingly propagated by an elite to maintain social harmony or to advance an agenda.
Lion King as a Feudalist Memoir
Simba’s character manifests the message that value is determined by birth as opposed to merit. The newborn Simba is immediately held above Pride Rock while the rest of the animals bow before him, exemplifying a power dynamic. He is instantly praised for simply being born because he is the son of the king. The future is ordained as Simba will eventually inherit his father’s position. The immediate praise received for his mere existence reiterates the Noble Lie: some people are inherently more valuable than others. This famous scene of Rafiki clutching the newborn Simba tells the animals that Egalitarianism is unobtainable because value is already determined at birth. The worshipping of Simba is a method to convince and remind the other
animals that Feudalism is a higher order. This birth scene is depicted as vibrant, abundant, and
peaceful; therefore, perpetuating the notion that a hierarchical system is in the best interest of the
citizens. The creators’ representation of social order substantiates The Lion King as a Feudalist
King Mufasa’s outcast brother, Scar, and his subjugation of the throne represents the lower class attempts to achieve equality. He steals the throne from Mufasa who previously echoed the philosophy that there is a “circle of life.” In other words, there is no argument against the present hierarchy: Lions are the aristocrats because the rest of the animals are simply their prey. Such a system parallels Socrates’ Noble Lie and models Feudalism. However, Scar subjugates Mufasa’s throne and brings about an era of equality between the lions and marginalized hyenas. Scar’s rule represents a lower class revolt. Although his agenda is progressive, his dominion proves futile as the land is depleted. The animals starve and his kingdom’s scenes are depicted as decaying and dark. Scar’s failed attempt to challenge the order perpetuates the notion of a Noble Lie to the audience. It tells the audience that an attempt toward upward mobility is vain because there is a natural order that foretells social class. The character of Scar substantiates The Lion King as a justification for Feudalism. Scar’s failure is the creators’ attempt to illustrate a message: “know your place and be content there.” This is Socrates’ noble lie.
King Mufasa’s outcast brother, Scar, and his subjugation of the throne represents the lower class attempts to achieve equality. He steals the throne from Mufasa who previously echoed the philosophy that there is a “circle of life.” In other words, there is no argument against the present hierarchy: Lions are the aristocrats because the rest of the animals are simply their prey. Such a system parallels Socrates’ Noble Lie and models Feudalism. However, Scar subjugates Mufasa’s throne and brings about an era of equality between the lions and marginalized hyenas. Scar’s rule represents a lower class revolt. Although his agenda is progressive, his dominion proves futile as the land is depleted. The animals starve and his kingdom’s scenes are depicted as decaying and dark. Scar’s failed attempt to challenge the order perpetuates the notion of a Noble Lie to the audience. It tells the audience that an attempt toward upward mobility is vain because there is a natural order that foretells social class. The character of Scar substantiates The Lion King as a justification for Feudalism. Scar’s failure is the creators’ attempt to illustrate a message: “know your place and be content there.” This is Socrates’ noble lie.
"A" by Kaley C
Since the beginning of time humans have been running.Whether it would be
running from something that causes fear,to get to an important destination, or just for
fun, we’ve always ran because running is a natural human instinct.Despite the fact
that it is a natural yet an essential part of life it can cause great pain and thrill similar
to the pain and thrill it caused me April 25th, 2017.
I could remember this day so clearly.The hot,intense sun beaming down,the wind blowing occasionally,the few cirrus clouds moving ever so slowly complimenting the clear blue sky. This beautiful Thursday would hold my first varsity race but unfortunately my last league meet of my sophomore track season.As the last event of the meet, the 4 by 400 meters relay race approached I was feeling extremely apprehensive.I was the anchor which is the last person running in the relay and it was up to me whether or not my team would be victorious against our opponents from St.Lucy’s.My palms were sweating and my heart was racing as I stretched and practiced handoffs with the 1st three legs of my relay.
At last,over the stadiums intercom I heard,”girls 4x4 report to the starting line immediately”and it was then I knew I couldn’t let my team down and they’re depending on me to bring home the final win of the season.The gunman slowly
I could remember this day so clearly.The hot,intense sun beaming down,the wind blowing occasionally,the few cirrus clouds moving ever so slowly complimenting the clear blue sky. This beautiful Thursday would hold my first varsity race but unfortunately my last league meet of my sophomore track season.As the last event of the meet, the 4 by 400 meters relay race approached I was feeling extremely apprehensive.I was the anchor which is the last person running in the relay and it was up to me whether or not my team would be victorious against our opponents from St.Lucy’s.My palms were sweating and my heart was racing as I stretched and practiced handoffs with the 1st three legs of my relay.
At last,over the stadiums intercom I heard,”girls 4x4 report to the starting line immediately”and it was then I knew I couldn’t let my team down and they’re depending on me to bring home the final win of the season.The gunman slowly
said,”leg 2 stay on the track, legs 3 and 4 stay on the field until the runner ahead of
you has began their race”at that point my body was shaking with a mixture of fear
happiness and pure anxiety.
As the white haired gunmen quickly climbed up his miniature ladder he made the announcement that proclaimed,”runners to your mark...set...” and he fired his gun with an ear blasting “POW!”.First leg Ladaijah Wright took off on the first curve which consisted of 100 meters.She continued to accelerate and became neck and neck with our tall blonde headed opponent from St.Lucy’s.With her short yet quick stride for the next 200 meters,she passed our opponent and gradually gained more distance between the two of them.As she approached the final straightway of her race she was now a good 20 meters ahead of her opponent.As she crossed the finish line she immediately passed the gold baton to our second leg,Candice Velasco.Similar to Ladaijah, Candice sprinted the first 100 meters all out.The next 200 meters she maintained speed all while widening the gap between us and our opponent. As Candice reached the final 100 meters she ran with all her might and widened the gap even more to about 30 meters despite the fact she was in pain which you could tell by the grimace on her face as she finished and passed the shiny gold baton onto Donyale Thomas our 3rd leg.While she began running her first 100 meters I nervously stepped onto the track.I turned my head in Donyale’s direction while she was running and I realized we had just lost our lead.I could tell she was trying her hardest to close the gap but it was too late.St.Lucy’s had us beat unless I could miraculously bring back our lead which I was infamously known not to do.However, my time had come to run.As St.Lucy’s quickly handed off their baton I was still waiting for Donyale.After about 5 more seconds of waiting,Donyale aggressively handed me the baton and I
As the white haired gunmen quickly climbed up his miniature ladder he made the announcement that proclaimed,”runners to your mark...set...” and he fired his gun with an ear blasting “POW!”.First leg Ladaijah Wright took off on the first curve which consisted of 100 meters.She continued to accelerate and became neck and neck with our tall blonde headed opponent from St.Lucy’s.With her short yet quick stride for the next 200 meters,she passed our opponent and gradually gained more distance between the two of them.As she approached the final straightway of her race she was now a good 20 meters ahead of her opponent.As she crossed the finish line she immediately passed the gold baton to our second leg,Candice Velasco.Similar to Ladaijah, Candice sprinted the first 100 meters all out.The next 200 meters she maintained speed all while widening the gap between us and our opponent. As Candice reached the final 100 meters she ran with all her might and widened the gap even more to about 30 meters despite the fact she was in pain which you could tell by the grimace on her face as she finished and passed the shiny gold baton onto Donyale Thomas our 3rd leg.While she began running her first 100 meters I nervously stepped onto the track.I turned my head in Donyale’s direction while she was running and I realized we had just lost our lead.I could tell she was trying her hardest to close the gap but it was too late.St.Lucy’s had us beat unless I could miraculously bring back our lead which I was infamously known not to do.However, my time had come to run.As St.Lucy’s quickly handed off their baton I was still waiting for Donyale.After about 5 more seconds of waiting,Donyale aggressively handed me the baton and I
took off.While I was running all I could think of is how will I close this gap or if it was
even possible for us to win at this point.Then as I approached the 200 meter mark I
noticed my opponent who has started off running so fast had slowed down
tremendously.I remember thinking I can’t pass her now she’ll just run right back
ahead of me and make me look stupid.So after waiting a couple seconds I realized
she wasn’t speeding up so I strided past her and I was now in the lead.As I ran faster
and faster her breathing became fainter indicating she was now far behind me.When
the last 100 meters came I quickly sprinted and as I did,my legs but more specifically
my hamstrings started to burn as I ran and came closer to the finish line.The last 50
meters of my race I could indistinctly hear my teammates,friends and family cheering
me on.At Last I crossed the finish line. I had an extreme burning sensation in my
chest and I could hardly breathe but it was all so worth it bringing my relay to victory
despite the fact that I initially doubted myself.So the question I’ve asked myself is how
did I become a better athlete from this experience?
The answer is that I became a better athlete from my experience by believing in myself more and not doubting my abilities.Another lesson I’ve learned from this is that the journey is the destination of success.
The answer is that I became a better athlete from my experience by believing in myself more and not doubting my abilities.Another lesson I’ve learned from this is that the journey is the destination of success.
"The Mailman" by Sara A
as a mailman isn’t extravagant but with time, I’ve accepted it. What people
don’t understand about my job is that I know their names, can match them to
addresses and connect family members that look nothing alike. With my job, you
grow strangely attached to people you don’t even know.
A few
years in, I held a wedding invitation to be delivered.
haven’t seen any wedding invitations lacking a fancy envelope before, so this
one caught my attention. It had a picture of a woman with a spider chasing a
man, and I can’t help but smile at his horrified face. The caption says, “I
lost the bet. She used the picture,” and I find myself grinning at their
genuineness. I tuck this memory away fondly, and mentally congratulate the
soon-to-be Becketts.
couple years later, I delivered a baby shower invitation for the same couple.
My heart warms at the sight of the letter, still without an envelope. This
time, it’s a picture of the woman with a badly drawn mustache and the man
holding a marker with the caption “I lost. Enough said.” Despite this, they’re
both smiling.
I look
at the happy pair and wonder how much I’ve changed in comparison, but disregard
the thought because I feel the same.
first letter from their kid’s school (Elizabeth, I believe) comes in five,
maybe six years later. Occasionally, I catch a glimpse of her and her father
playing outside. I always wave to them, and they always wave back.
older now. I’ve stopped growing and my back hurts more often, but I’m still the
same as ever. I still deliver mail, still wave to Elizabeth and her family,
still drive around the same neighborhoods.
gets a letter from someone in Texas. When I approach their house, Elizabeth is
excitingly bouncing at the mailbox. I smile and hand her a stack of mail with a
“Here ya go, champ.” She digs through the pile until she finds a letter from
the stranger and runs to the front door squealing. I chuckle and start walking
back to my car when she suddenly turns around and waves at me, grinning and
showing off her missing front tooth. I wave back, feeling as if years of my
life have passed in an instant.
years continue on. I find that my back hurts more often and I’m starting to
feel strained when climbing stairs, but I’m still fine to roll out of bed to
deliver people’s mail.
is taller now, and I watch as she grabs her father’s arm to help him out of
their car. His wife goes to his other side, and he gives her a silly smile
before wrapping an arm around her shoulders, rustling her hair, and bolting to
the door as she lets out a screech. He’s slower than before, but still plays
tag with Elizabeth.
I walk
back to my car slower than I used to.
next time I visit, Elizabeth and her father are outside again, except this time
he’s sitting down. His hair is thinner, I’ve noticed, and he lets out a few
brutal coughs before quickly sending a reassuring grin to a worried Elizabeth.
I meet his tired eyes and am surprised to find traces of grief. I smile grimly
and nod, and he sends a small grin back. It’s only a fraction of the one he
usually gives, and that’s all the confirmation I need. I walk back to my car
with a heavy heart.
takes less than a year before I don’t see him playing outside with Elizabeth
anymore, and not much longer before the hospital stops sending bills. I don’t
see Elizabeth for a while after that.
write my own letter and place it in their mailbox.
The next
day, Elizabeth’s mother is waiting for me and when I hand her their mail with
the usual “Good evening,” she responds with a sad smile and a weighted “Thank
you.” I see Elizabeth watching from the window, holding my letter in one hand,
and wave to her. She returns it, and for a fraction of a second I think I see
her smile.
to the letters, Elizabeth is in high school. I see her behind the wheel of a
car with her mother in the passenger seat, and it jerks forward before stopping
abruptly. They both burst out laughing, and that’s when I know they’ll be
noticed that my eyesight is worsening. I have to start wearing glasses and my
posture is getting worse, but I’m still the same old me.
waiting at the mailbox one day, and I give her an encouraging “Good luck champ”
before handing her an envelope from a prestigious college. Nervously, she opens
it and scans its contents before bouncing in excitement and bolting to her
house. She pauses at the door before turning around and waving at me wildly,
and the scene is so familiar that I feel myself tearing up as I wave back. I
turn back to my car (it has gotten old) and try to stop thinking about the
smile I just saw. It was an exact replica of a man’s I saw over a decade ago.
next time I see Elizabeth, she has a backpack and some luggage. She catches my
gaze with a joyful “Good morning!” I respond with a stack of mail and a final
“Good luck, champ.”
a second, I remember and pull one more envelope out of my pocket. She looks at
it with a hint of confusion before reading the name and smiling warmly. Her
eyes are watery as she thanks me, and I remember a time when a father stood
with a cane by his mailbox to hand me a letter.
have a favor. Give this to her when she gets into college, alright? I don’t
know if I’ll be there, but I know you’ll be.”)
was the last time I saw him.)
I see
her mother come out of the house and give her a tearful hug from my rearview
mirror. My own tears distort the image.
never see them again.
old. I can’t get out of bed on my own and instead lay there trying to remember
the moment I’d deteriorated to such a fragile state. I close my eyes with the
intention of taking a nap, wishing I had worn gloves because my hands are so,
so cold.
new mailman starts work a week later.
"Mama Bear" by Natalie C.
Ever since I was a little girl my mom and I have always had a special bond with
each other and unfortunately this bond was never built with my father. Although
my dad wasn’t really in the picture I was fortunate enough to have uncles who
loved and cared for me. I was the very first niece so I got an extreme amount of
attention but that only lasted for so long because next thing you knew it babies
were popping up out of nowhere I could barely keep track. As a little girl it didn’t
phase me that I didn’t have my dad around but as I grew older I began to notice
and it started getting to me. At school I would see girls wearing “Daddy’s Little
Girl” blouses and I wouldn’t know how to react to them. I wasn’t sure if I was
sad, angry, or jealous but now that I’m older I realize that I was all of the above
because I wasn’t daddy’s little girl. Some days after school I would see my
friends running up to their dads and jumping into their arms. When I won awards
at school I would hope my dad was with all the other dads holding flowers and
waiting for his little girl. At my cheer competitions I would pray that my dad was
in the stands cheering me on. I started to notice the pattern and realized that a
little girl like myself could only hope and pray for so long. I started to question
why my dad never wanted to be apart of my life and I told myself that I did
something wrong and that it was my fault. As years went by nothing really
changed, I rarely saw my father and still felt emptiness inside of me. The times I
would visit my dad I felt like he connected more with my brothers than he did
with me. This was strange to me because I would think that being the only girl
out of three brothers I would get spoiled but if anything it was the other way
around. So even when I was with my dad I wouldn’t spend any time with him
because he would be too busy for me. My mom would always say, “If people
want to be apart of your life they will make the effort and show you they care.”
Once I started maturing I realized that all these years I was so focused on
forcing my dad to love me when I already had my mom who would take a bullet
for me. My mom was always there after school to pick me up and although I
didn’t run into my dad's arms I ran into my moms. She was at every single one
of my award shows, even if she had to reschedule appointments at work just to
see me get a ‘student of the month’ award that every student got. My mom was
not only at all my cheer competitions and practices but she became a coach as
well. If I'm being honest if it weren’t for my mom driving my brother and I all the
way to Hacienda Heights almost every weekend to spend time with my dad I
would have less of a relationship than I have right now with him. Don't get me
wrong I love my dad and i'm glad he's making an effort now but I am forever
grateful for my mom (a.k.a. Mama Bear) for everything she has sacrificed so that
my brother and I could have everything. The reason I call her Mama Bear is
because she’s probably one of the most kind hearted person you will ever meet
but she’s not afraid to get in your face if you mess with me. I truly feel bad for
any guy who breaks my heart because instead of a dad with a shotgun I have
Mama Bear who will come out of her cave. Without my mom I don’t know where
I would be right now, probably feeling sorry for myself but I’m glad that’s not the
case. She has been the best mom/dad a girl could ever have and if I got the
chance to change anything I wouldn’t. We share so many great memories
together and I can’t wait to be able to tell my children what a down to earth
grandma they have. I know that many people say this but I really do mean it
when I say that I am going to repay my mom for everything she has done.
"The Unexpected Phone Call " by Brianna J
It was the summer of 1968, in a little town named San Luis Rio Colorado in Mexico. My grandpa worked as a carpenter and my grandma worked as a maid to feed their four kids. During the winter months, my grandpa became ill and was unable to work. Months went by and my grandma discovered she was pregnant. Nine months later she gave birth to my uncle, Angel Jimenez.
Within six months of Angel's birth, my grandma was tired of working two jobs and my grandpa was still sick in bed with no signs of recovery. My grandma was basically feeding a family of seven. With her unable to make ends meet, one spring in early 1969 she decided to come to the United States. Her plan was for everybody at home to come with her but my grandpa was still sick. He was unable to move and the newborn baby became ill with bronchitis. My grandma became desperate, so taking advice from a doctor she decided to leave my grandpa and her newborn baby behind. That early spring, my grandma along with my uncle and three aunts came to the United States. The agreement was that my grandma would keep in contact with my grandpa and provide some financial support until he was able to go back to work. Also, for them to reunite in the near future.
During my grandmas time in the US, she struggled to find employment and a place to stay. She felt fear and desperation because she couldn't find shelter for her kids. This lasted for about a week until one of my grandma's sisters moved from out of state, to California. She provided them with a place to stay until my grandma was able to find a job. Under a month later, my grandma discovered that she was pregnant with my dad. The only means of communication that my grandma and grandpa had were phone calls and letters. Suddenly, my grandpa's phone was disconnected and my grandma's letters never got a response. The letters included money that was for my grandpa and the baby.
After about a year my grandma decided to go back to San Luis Colorado to look for my grandpa but, when she got there the house was empty. During her time there, she put his picture in the newspaper as a missing person. She also put an announcement on the radio that she was looking for him. She never heard anything back so she decided to come back to the United States.
Years went by and unfortunately, my dad grew up without ever having a chance to meet his father and his brother. The only thing he had was a 3x3 black and white picture of his dad that he carried in his wallet. During my dad's youth, he suffered emotionally. He lacked a father figure in his life. He always wondered what it would be like if he had a father to coach him through the challenges he was facing at that time.
Fast forward 49 years and it was Sunday, September 23 of 2018. My dad received a phone call from his older sister telling him that they had found my dads father and brother through Facebook. At that moment my dad was filled with joy, confusion, and shock. I also was in shock because I never thought they would be able to find him. It took a while to process this information. A few hours later my dad spoke with his sister to confirm that all this was actually legitimate. My aunt told my grandpa about my dad, he was shocked because he didn’t know that my dad existed because my grandma was never able to tell him she was pregnant.
Later on, that evening through Facebook Messenger, my dad, grandpa, and my uncle officially met for the first time in 49 years. I could not help but to get emotional because I knew how important this was for my dad and that this day would be a day he would never forget. I was also excited because I now had a new family.
A week later out of excitement, all my immediate family decided to go and reunite with our
missing family. We didn't know what to expect, but we were just so eager to meet them. Especially my
dad since he was going to meet his dad and brother for the first time. When we met them, it was such a
warm-hearted moment they filled our hearts with love.
I would never forget the look on my dads face when my he met my grandpa in person for the first time, his eyes filled with tears and his arms were wide open to embrace his father's presence. Months have gone by since then and we still keep in touch and hope to see them soon again. Overall, this whole story has shown me that God works in mysterious ways and I am so glad God gave us another chance to establish family ties. This whole experience has taught me to cherish my family and to be thankful for my parents.
I would never forget the look on my dads face when my he met my grandpa in person for the first time, his eyes filled with tears and his arms were wide open to embrace his father's presence. Months have gone by since then and we still keep in touch and hope to see them soon again. Overall, this whole story has shown me that God works in mysterious ways and I am so glad God gave us another chance to establish family ties. This whole experience has taught me to cherish my family and to be thankful for my parents.
"Choices and Mistakes " by Karen V.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, there are many definitions to the word choice. Some definitions that show are, “the act of choosing,” “ the act of picking between two or more opportunities,” and the “power of choosing.” While I agree to those definitions, I feel as though there is more to say about the word choice. My definition for the word choice is the act of choosing between a decision which with the decision made comes with many consequences along with it. A choice is made by someone’s own free will and is based on someone’s own opinion of a topic, thought, or etc. An example of a choice is that I have the option of doing either my geology homework or government homework first. My geology homework isn’t due until Friday while my government homework is due tomorrow. I decide to do my geology homework first rather than my government homework even though I know the consequences of my own choice. So if my teacher asks me why I don’t have my government homework, I won’t say I made a mistake but instead I made a choice and that I will accept full responsibility for my decision/choice. I made the choice to do my geology homework rather than my government homework. I didn’t make a mistake when deciding instead I CHOSE my decision. Another example would be choosing to drink or not to drink. To smoke or to vape. It’s not that I am giving you ideas to do these things but rather it is an example to support my thoughts on the word choice and to get your attention. With those examples in mind, a question that I have for you is, Is choice and mistake the same thing? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition for the word mistake is, “ to misunderstand the meaning or intention.” In my opinion, I believe that the words choice and mistake are the same thing. To be more specific, a mistake is made when you choose the wrong decision. As stated before, a choice is something decided knowing the consequences of your own decision. Because of your choice in making a decision for something, you know what to expect when facing your choice. You know that with the choice you made their can only be two outcomes: a happy ending or a sad ending... Actually, there can be at least three outcomes, as stated before, a happy ending, a sad
ending OR a combination of both. The same thing can be said for making a mistake.
Before you made that mistake, you CHOSE to make the decision knowing that there is a
possibility of it going wrong or being bad. When some people say they made a mistake, I
believe that those words are just a way to help your mind cope with the bad choice one
has made. After awhile that phrase starts to be used over and over again that it starts to
become a habit for people to say in order for them to not be misjudged and to get away
from their bad choice. Is choice and mistake the same thing? It’s now your decision.
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