
Monday, May 2, 2016

"What does it mean to be successful?" by Hunter F

     Ask yourself, what is your definition of being successful? Is it owning the million dollar mansion in Malibu, with the Lamborghini Aventador parked in the driveway? Is it having a family you can provide for and have many memorable experiences with? Or is it even winning the gold medal in the 200-meter dash? The definition of success claims to be, “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” But then what exactly is your aim or purpose? It seems ideal to most people that having success is having a comfortable and stable income, healthcare, and possibly the Bugatti Veyron sitting out, parked next to the curb in front of your house. But for others, maybe it’s not so simple. The question of being successful has increased in frequency of thought as I have matured and grown through these last years of high school; and with college right around the corner it’s hard to say how exactly I would want to go about answering this question. But like all great accomplishments (Get it, because success is an accomplishment of an aim or goal) we have to start somewhere. To gain some insight into what we define as being successful we have to look at what type of “successful” we want to be. For Example people may say that Bill Gates is one of the most successful people in the world. Now is this because of his net worth of 80.90 billion dollars, or is it due to the contributions of technological innovation and advancement he has and continues to provide to the world today. The great Albert Einstein once said, “ Try not to become a man of success, but rather to become a man of value.” In other words what do we hold valuable to our meaning and purpose for choosing the actions and schools and internships and jobs we take in life. Is it to earn the nice paycheck that provides the shining Bugatti in the drive way, to take pride in the career path we have chosen, or to even have a loving and supporting family that no matter what happens in life you know that someone will catch you if you were to fall or be with you no matter where you travel and experience things some may only dream of. Is success discovering the “God” equation of which all the natural physical principles we live by are comprised into one harmonious symphony of variables? So wait now we’re saying that being successful can take on various forms? The point is there is no true objective definition of what it truly means to be successful; no one person will have the exact same definition of this concept as another individual. Success is subjective to the person that ponders the thought and always will be. For example, Let’s say you ask an individual who has built up a multi-million dollar company from scratch, owns beach front property, and is married to America’s Next top model, what it means to be successful. Then on the other hand you ask a humanitarian chairman who has donated countless hours of work to helping less developed countries out of poverty and has saved millions of lives, but lives in a beat up one room apartment with a car that takes two twists to start, the same question.  Who would you deem as more successful? Why?

Bill Gates Info:


Anonymous said...

Hi Hunter! I enjoyed reading this piece because yes, success is defined by what you make it out to be. To answer the last question in your blog entry, I believe that the “humanitarian chairman who has donated countless hours of work to helping less developed countries out of poverty and has saved millions of lives, but lives in a beat up one room apartment with a car that takes two twists to start” is the more successful of the two individuals because of the fact that he has had an impact on other people's’ lives. In addition, I would personally describe success to be impacting others in a positive manner because I don’t think that wealth or popularity can define one’s achievements. For instance, there are many people who have wealth, but did not work hard to get that wealth, because they are heirs of some sort. To add on, I also liked how you alluded to other successful people such as Bill Gates and Albert Einstein because their contributions to society actually did impact many individuals. So, anyway, good job!
Kimberly Chua
Period 2

Unknown said...

Hunter, great job on this piece! I love your different viewpoints of what people think of as being successful. I agree that everyone has a different definition of success. Everyone wants something different in life and that is what they deem successful.

Hungry Craving said...

I really liked this because i constantly think about what it means to be successful because i hate "failing". And like you, my definition pf being successful has changed throughout highschool. For the me now, i think success os definitely subjective. I think we are truely successful when we are happy. If whatever you achieved, be it being a millonnaire of a successful company or head of charity but personally poor, as long as that indkvodual is happy, then that is defined as being "successful".

Hungry Craving said...

I really liked this because i constantly think about what it means to be successful because i hate "failing". And like you, my definition pf being successful has changed throughout highschool. For the me now, i think success os definitely subjective. I think we are truely successful when we are happy. If whatever you achieved, be it being a millonnaire of a successful company or head of charity but personally poor, as long as that indkvodual is happy, then that is defined as being "successful".

Anonymous said...

Wow. This made me think alot about what success really is. I haven't realized the different types of success as you mentioned that some people would consider success. This really does make you think on what success truly means to you. Great piece!
Ricky Martin

Unknown said...

Hunter, I love this piece! Everyone has their own definition of what being successful is, and I like on how you talked about the different type of success their is out there in the world. I think being successful is just being happy on what you love to do. If you are happy with it, then it is a success. Great job Hunter!

-Brenda Do
Period 3

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your piece! It made me ponder about what my definition of success is. My definition about success has also varied throughout high school and currently, I think success is being content with what I am doing with my life and how also positively impacting other people's lives. This was a great read, thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I absolutely loved this! I really enjoyed how casual the piece was because it was almost as if the author and reader were having a conversation! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! It was truly enjoyable and I hope that you find your version of success in the near future!

Jace Andersen said...

I liked this. It gave all kinds of perspectives on what is means to be successful. It may even changed my idea.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I can tell you put a lot of thought into this piece. This is very well structured, and as a reader gave a sense of importance to your words with strong diction. The simple well-rounded examples you gave for different types of success are a perfect juxtapose of each other to compare peoples different ideologies regarding success. Keep up the amazing work!

Jordyn France
AP English

Unknown said...

I can tell you put a lot of thought into this piece. This is very well structured, and as a reader gave a sense of importance to your words with strong diction. The simple well-rounded examples you gave for different types of success are a perfect juxtapose of each other to compare peoples different ideologies regarding success. Keep up the amazing work!

Jordyn France
AP English

Unknown said...

I absolutely love pieces like this. They make you think and ponder the important things in life and compare their values to that of another. Just like how you did in your piece. Truly amazing and a wonderful job.

Unknown said...

Very inquisitive, insightful to the very nature of what it means to be successful. And in that sense as you state it, it depends on who you talk to, and why they act upon the motives that drive them. Accomplishments vary, and cannot truly be measured on one scale, unlike how society as a whole sees value today within an individual. The sentence structure being short had an excellent contrast to how extensive this simple topic can become in conversation. An excellent work that adds a wrinkle to the comprehension of who we truly are. Awesome job!

Unknown said...

Hunter I really liked your piece . I love the incite that you gave to us on what "success" is to you . Many people can view success in different ways. But I believe that success is when someone makes something out of there life no matter how big or how small . I believe that it's someone who has people who love and care about them , someone who made a difference in someone else's life ,to me is a sign of success . Or when someone is happy and content where they are is there own success . So I agree with you that success in one of those words that cant just be put under one definition because it may mean something completely different to someone else.

Unknown said...

This piece really made me think of what success I've had in my life. Many people would find me to be successful and many would think I wasn't, but I believe that the only person that determine whether you're successful, or not, is yourself. Good job!
Period 5

Unknown said...

This piece really made me think of what success I've had in my life. Many people would find me to be successful and many would think I wasn't, but I believe that the only person that determine whether you're successful, or not, is yourself. Good job!
Period 5

Unknown said...

Hunter! I really enjoyed reading this piece because it really makes you think about your life and what successes you had. It really makes you realize that you are the only person that determines how successful you will be. Love it, great job.

Jazlynn Garcia
Period 2

Unknown said...

Really enjoyed this piece man! I'm not surprised you wrote on being successful. Cause most of us know you will. Nice job
Christian Ortega
Period 5

Anonymous said...

This story reminds me of my accomplishment in life. It make me want to be more successful, and to strive for greatness. This story change my point of view of what success is.
Ray Kemas

Unknown said...

Hunter, a man that I know will truly be successful in his future. I love this topic you have chosen to write about: it's ambiguous, controversial, thought provoking and actually comedic. The two examples you chose to focus on made it seem which choice was morally correct, but then you state that it's simply not that easy, and I whole-heartedly agree with you. The fact that you chose to talk about this before graduation is such a convenient time in our lives that such a short piece could be filled with valuable wisdom. I specifically enjoyed the quotes you incorporated with Einstein and his ambiguous definition of success that one should choose value in itself, not just monetary and that goes a long way and to know this now before we head off to college to make the best and worst of mistakes, it warms me to know that my version of success should not primarily be based on monetary motivation (although it's a nice bonus) but on the value and connection I create with those I meet along the way that either inhibit or enhance my goals. Thank you for sharing this piece and happy graduation!!
-Samar Elshekh P.3

Unknown said...

For the senior "I believe" assignment,I'm writing something similar to this in a sense. No one determines your success but you yourself. No one should dictate your future but you and yourself only. Success is something you earn by devoting your time and effort to what you believe will gain you success. Great piece Hunter, really gets people to think.
Period 2 Paul Chong

Unknown said...

The idea of successful and the question "what is success?" often runs through my life. I used to think it was owning a mansion or a nice car but as I've gone through high school I've realized it means very different things for different people. Even today I'm not completely sure on what exactly it means to me. This piece was very well written and once again allowed me to ponder this question. Good job! I enjoyed it very much.
-Annika Joshi p. 5

Unknown said...

This is an excellent piece that will inspire many to not let other people determine their success because their opinion doesn't count. Instead, this piece inspire to tell themselves how successful they really are. I personally appreciated this story a lot. Keep writing!

Unknown said...

Great Job! You did a really good job on this piece. You really got me thinking about what success is to me. I like how you made it inspiring and made it relatable. Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

Great Job! You did a really good job on this piece. You really got me thinking about what success is to me. I like how you made it inspiring and made it relatable. Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

Great job Hunter! I enjoyed how you cultivated the mind with ' what is success?' It had really got us all thinking of what we interpret success. Awesome!

samantha Quintanilla said...

i really loved your explanation for success because i think it is something all of us have dealt with and one point or another. I define success as stability and happiness both of those words encompass a lot of positive words themselves and imply an immense amount of joy to me. I'm glad you chose this topic because i feel it is something all of us need to hear and consider since we are graduating next week and we have to all grow up soon, it was well written and genuine and contemplative, thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is a very excellent piece! Its true that in our society now people believe that being successful means making a lot of money and having expensive things as an adult. Being successful can mean many different things it doesn't just mean making a lot of money. Great job with this piece!

JC Bagro
Per 3

DanelleAngeline said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this insightful piece! It resonates with your audience particularly because so many of us leaving high school are stuck wondering whether or not our decisions now will lead us to the life we want, to success. Your reflection has certainly given many to think about when considering our own success. I especially enjoyed the questions you posed throughout this piece, and it was definitely writing of someone destined for success. Keep it up Hunter!

Danelle Angeline Baronia
Period 2

Unknown said...

I agree that people will have different perspectives of what it is to be successful. I myself, have tried to decipher what it means to me as well. Very insightful, well done! I especially liked the ending with the though-provoking question!

Michelle Sanchez P.5

Unknown said...

What does success mean, you are completely right it can mean a lot of different things I really like how you use a quote and had links at the end of the story I enjoyed it a lot.
Zya woody

Unknown said...

This was a wonderful piece that i can relate to a lot. Recently, I have begun to think about finances and how i will reach for my goals. I think many other students can relate as well. College and our future lives are becoming more and more real. I especially enjoyed how you structured your piece in the form of questions and answers.

Unknown said...

Hunter, this was a fantastic piece. For many of us, our families define success as having buckets of money. As for me, success isn't defined by just the physical currency we make but by the emotional satisfaction we receive. If I enter the medical field after college, I believe my success will be measured by the amount of people I will be able to help. Thank you for making me reflect on my own definition of success. Again, wonderful piece.
Joseph Jacinto
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Your piece really made me think about what it truly means to be successful. I always thought it was about the money but now i can see the other side of your argument. It was a good piece and i really enjoyed seeing both sides and different ways in which the word "success" is interpreted as. Good job!
-Alicia Alcaraz
Period 5 cogswell

Unknown said...

I really like how you brought out the different definitions of success and how it means something different to each individual. It seems that society has set a qualification on what is deemed worthy of being called a success. Its pleasing to that our classmates will read this and develop their own definition and hopefully reach their version of success.

Alexis Carmona said...

Hunter you continue to amaze me! This piece was beyond great and it really developed the idea that success isn't all about what people think of you but of how you think of yourself. I absolutely loved it and I completely agree to this not frequently mentioned point of view. Plus your knowledge of sport cars was pretty cool. Great job!
-Alexis Carmona
Period 5

Alex Zapata said...

I really like how it means something different to each individual. This is an amazing part of piece of writing relating I believe to everyone. I also agree that people will have different perspectives of what it is to be successful. You have got me thinking on what success me in life.

Alex Zapata said...

I really like how it means something different to each individual. This is an amazing part of piece of writing relating I believe to everyone. I also agree that people will have different perspectives of what it is to be successful. You have got me thinking on what success me in life.

Joelle Boulos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joelle Boulos said...

Hunter, I absolutely loved and enjoyed reading this piece. It was very inspiring and eye-opening, especially as a graduating senior going into the "real" world and starting this new chapter of our lives. The idea of what we define "success" to be is really important. You did an amazing job writing this piece! Keep up the good work!
-Joelle Boulos
period 3

Anonymous said...

You wrote this piece at the perfect time, Hunter, because us going out and graduating we need this motivational and inspirational piece when going out into the real world. You did a great job at defining success, and how we can achieve such. We all strive to do so, and I think that you described it in the perfect way.
Rodrick Hill
Period 2

Unknown said...

Great job on this piece I can see that there was a lot of time and effort put into this. This piece is very inspirational and can show many people many different ways on how to be successful great job.
Lailah Harris
Period 1

Unknown said...

I really enjoy the insight of your idea of success. This peace really makes me think if I will ever truly be successful in my life. Great job on this piece for making the reader think about their own lives.

Unknown said...

This story was very well typed and made me think about myself as a person. You put alought of time into making this as strong as you can and you succeeded
Alejandro martinez
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Wow, great work Hunter; this is truly an inspirational piece. I agree that many people want to be the wrong kind of successful and you really offered persuasion here that we should all try to be "men of value" as Einstein puts it. Good job once again!
Taylor Sandoval

Unknown said...

Hunter this was such a thought provoking piece. Defining "success" has always been hard for me as I've struggled to find a balance between the side of me that wants to act for happiness and the side of me that puts pressure on me to be realistic. your piece really made me realize that a lot of these "pressures" come directly from society and their own preconceived notions of what constitutes someone as successful. Even by observing the media we can see the discrepancy between different sources like E! who praise reality TV stars and others like Forbes 30 under 30 who recognizes individuals that prosper in their respected niches. Thank you for offering so many differing perspectives on what it means to be successful. You did an amazing job of forcing your reader to question and think.

Anonymous said...

Wow this made me question myself and about how i view success. Personally when i think of success, i think of the nice cars, the mansions, and all that unnecessary stuff. When in fact all that stuff is just stuff that you dont need. You dont need a fast car to be successful. Success is whatever you want it to be. Thank you for enlightening me with this well written piece. -Salman

Unknown said...

This piece was so inspiring. You made me question the way i start viewing success. I love how you wrote about your own meaning to the word and how you connected it to the ways society view it to be. Now a days celebrities wave their "success" in the faces of the viewer but the way you wrote your piece it made it seem like its not the success they should really be showing off. It opened my eyes to see a whole new meaning to the word. I love how you incorporated a quote from Einstein and how you included the little people! Good job!

Anonymous said...

Can you say perfect timing or what? This piece was absolutely wonderful. I love the way you described the definition of success. When you really think about it, there are so many different definitions of success because it depends on how that person views the world and society as a whole. You structured this piece very well, with a lot of great diction; that really helped make this piece so inspiring. Great Job!!!!
Kayla Weathers

Unknown said...

Hunter I really enjoyed reading this and you brought up some great points on what it means to be successful and how are there are different ideas of what success is depending on the individual. I also loved the fact that you added in that quote from Einstein. Well done hunter!

Alexa Ayala
Period 2

Anonymous said...

When people measure success they always look toward the tangible, the money, the wealth. They dont take into account the knowledge and the ideas that are. Like you said in that last part of your piece while one person is commercially successful having money and power. The other has done things not for himself but for the world community and who knows how many people he has reached and has influence. How exactly can you measure that form of success.
-Marvin Virola

Anonymous said...

This was a really good piece because many people have this idea of what success is but you made a very good point of stating that there is no true definition of success.
-Noah Andrus Period 5

Unknown said...

I think this piece was very well put. As you said success cant be measured through wealth, but the intellect you gain, Well done!

Unknown said...

I think this piece was very well put. As you said success cant be measured through wealth, but the intellect you gain, Well done!

Caitlyn Ryan said...

really love this piece! its teaches something important and m,aks me think. Love it keep up the good writing.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your piece from beginning to end, and you had me wondering what is my definition of being successful? You made a valid point, as well as providing examples in order for us readers to place ourselves in the shoes of others.
-Diana Godinez
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Hunter your piece was very inspirational and thought provoking. It was definitely and eye opener for me as well as many others. I am so proud of the man you've become and if anyone is guaranteed to be successful, it is you. Amazing job!
-Legend Holman

Unknown said...

Hunter I really liked this piece and how you presented the question of the true meaning of success. This a very interesting piece to read and was very well written. Great job!
Leslie Rocha Per.2

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed reading this because everyone has their own perspective on how to be successful. I enjoyed reading your perspectives and expectations you have for yourself.

Anonymous said...

this was a good piece i enjoyed how you described success and how to achieve it
- Eric Edwards

Unknown said...

Hi Hunter! While reading this, I found myself nodding my head up and down a lot because everything you said, in my opinion, was pretty much true. Success is a very subjective topic and it's not the same for everyone. Some people have higher standards for success than others and I think you made that point very clear in your writing. This was very well written! I enjoyed your perspective! :)

Unknown said...

This was so well written, it explained how life is beginning and hard work will give us that paycheck we desire. It was really organized and it got me thinking that this is it the beginning of something new.Goodjob on this.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This was really well written and very applicable to many of the seniors that are graduating soon. Everyone has different meanings of success and that doesn't mean one is more successful than another

Unknown said...

Wow I'm really touched by what you said and how you through out there other versions of being successful. -melodie baptiste period 1

try said...

I really enjoyed this especially since we are graduating so soon. It really was a nice way to end off the grueling four years of high school and know that success is what we make it. I like your inclusion of outside sources and I really think this was inspiring, thanks for that.