To be honest I was going to write my
piece on beauty….Until I saw that someone had already did that. So, I started
thinking of what else to write about, and it finally hit me. LOVE. There are a
lot of different definitions of love. For example, there is godly, romantic,
and fraternal. I decided to only talk about the romantic aspect. The dictionary
definition of love (like we all don’t already know what it is)…….is a
profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
today’s society, love is just about everywhere. There is literally no escape
from it. Either we listen to love or we see love…....right? The real question
is Tis Love, or Tis Lust? How can you tell if the couple that you’re looking
at, is really in love? Or, do they just want each other physically. Can you
decipher if the artist is spittin’ out bars on love or lust? Just take a moment
and think. Does anybody ever really know what love looks like? Personally I believe
that nobody truly knows what love looks like unless they have been through it
At school, literally everywhere I go I
see couple after couple after couple. The bad thing about that is as I get
older the couples get younger and younger. Do the couples even know if they
truly love each other? Finding a couple that truly loves each other is
difficult. It’s almost like an enormous game of Where’s Waldo? Sometimes people just get together for the
physical part. Which makes absolutely no sense to me because once you interact
in that sort of activity, you can never get back what you have given. Is
anybody ever truly ready for that? I remember this like it happened yesterday,
and I truly believe that it is horrific. It was during my freshman year in 6th
period, in Mrs. Roger’s biology class. I really don’t remember how we started
talking about this, but next thing I knew this girl was telling our lab group
that she had lost her virginity in 8th grade……SKERT…… I said “is
this a joke, are you for real”? (In my head). All I wanna know is, was it for
da love or for da pleasure?
I feel like when you act on physical
attraction alone that nine times out of ten it won’t end so well. Unless of
course it’s in a book. The revolting thing about love is that it can be because
of a person not having anywhere else to go. Or, because they have become
brainwashed. In the sense that they know and everyone else knows that they are
being abused, and when confronted about it; they reply with the infamous, “I
love them too much to leave” or “They didn’t mean too” or “It was my fault
because I didn’t listen.” When I hear that I think, NOOOOOO. Clearly you have
not read Twilight. When a couple is
asked about love they need to respond with these few words from Stephanie Meyers,
“Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew- knew it in
the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my
head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest- was how love gave
someone the power to break you.” That right there is just a snippet of what
true love should be like, is that something that is possible to achieve? Sure
it is, you just have to find it. Or, you can take the easy way out and ask
Bella Cullen because I’m sure she would gladly enlighten you on what true love
is. Or you can just ask your parents. (0_0) < (^3^) >