
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"How to M ake Samoan Panikeke" by Jaeden A.


Ever since I was young, most people I encounter assume I am primarily white based off my looks and skin color. Now, this may be true, but it surprises most people when they find out I am half Samoan, with my Dad being Samoan and my Mom being White. However, to some, it makes sense off of my 6’4 stature, broad shoulders and hips, and the fact I started growing facial hair in 8th grade. One thing about being Polynesian and being a part of a culture that is primarily based on being family oriented and having the love and care for nature and others is that there is always one thing that everyone loves no matter your beliefs, political views, and ethnicities: food! Growing up in a Samoan household allows me to embrace the polynesian culture and foods that provide a way for families to come together as one and share one big meal at gatherings, parties, and special events. Food is a way to bring anyone and everyone together to talk, sing, dance, and just enjoy each other as family, friends, and strangers. Furthermore, I could go on and on about countless Samoan dishes and meals, but I am going to provide my favorite one because you can eat it at any time of the day and give off that warm, family, comfort food that has the ability to bring others together! Today, I am going to teach you guys how to make Samoan Panikeke, or also known as, Samoan Pancakes. Samoan Pancakes are basically large pancake balls that act as finger food for when my family gets together. You can add peanut butter, chocolate, whip cream, bananas, pumpkin spice, syrup, and anything else you desire. They are sweet, soft, and crunchy on the outside with a pillow-like consistency in the middle. Hopefully, you all can try to make some for yourself some day to experience part of the Samoan culture with others. Hope you enjoy!


Tools You Will Need:

-Measuring Cups



-Medium Size Pot

-Mixing Spoon

-Paper Towels

-Mixing Bowl 

-A Sifter 

-A large Spoon (depending on how big you want your final product)



-4 cups of All Purpose Flour

-2 cups of sugar

-2 tablespoon of baking soda

-1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

-6 cups of vegetable oil (truly depends on how many you make, so cut in half if you want less)

-4 cups of water


Optional Ingredients:

-2 diced bananas

-2 tablespoons of pumpkin spice

-1 cup of chocolate chips

(These ingredients are some of the various ways you can make different types of Samoan Pancakes)


Step by Step Directions:

1.    Pour out 4 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a mixing bowl.

2.    Mix the dry ingredients together.


3.    After mixing, sift the dry ingredients into a separate bowl.


4.    With your dry ingredients now sifted, slowly pour 4 cups of water over the dry ingredients while mixing with a spoon until you get a thick, batter-like consistency.


5.    Once you have your batter, mix in 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.


6.    (Optional) Mix in any other ingredients such as bananas, chocolate chips, pumpkin spice etc.


7.    Pour 6 cups of vegetable oil into a medium pot.


8.    Heat the vegetable oil until it reaches a temperature of 350°on medium heat.


9.    When your oil is ready, take a spoon and remove a little bit of oil and add it to your batter to prevent stickiness.

10.  Depending on how big you want your Samoan Pancakes to be, get a spoon full of batter and drop it into the heated oil.


11.  The batter should form into a ball, large or small, depending on how much batter you put in.

12.  Cook the Samoan Pancakes until golden brown.

13.  Take out the Samoan Pancakes, one by one, and lay on top of paper towel sheets to release any access oil.

14.  Let your Samoan Pancakes sit out for 5-10 minutes until eating.


15.  Finally, add any toppings you desire and enjoy!



My recipe, not my image! Credit:


Here is what your final product should look like! A nice golden-brown exterior with a crunchy texture. Then, the inside should be fluffy, airy, and have a lighter color. The taste should resemble a delicious, sweet flavor that tastes like a dessert, breakfast, or lunch depending on the time of day. As you can see, the recipe is pretty simple and easy to make at and can feed a lot of people for everyone to enjoy! Samoan Pancakes is a great meal to try for a hint of what Samoan cu


  1. I loved your little intro! You especially got my attention when you started describing what they were because they sound delicious! Your directions are very easy to follow and I'm very excited to try and attempt to make these in the future :).

  2. These are seriously the BOMB! I've seriously been thinking about them since you brought them into class a couple years ago lol! But I love your beginning entry about being portrayed a certain way. I feel you there with having a full white parent and then having a different ethnic parent but still having a fair skin tone! lol! But, I can't wait to make these at home! I'll let you know how they go!

  3. Those look so delicious! Ah! You're recipe is going to wreak havoc on my diet! Thank you so much for sharing! It was very interesting to read about your family background, it is incredible how little we know about kids we've gone to school with for years! Your family, and your culture sound amazing and so connected. Family oriented cultures provide such great memories, and experiences to pass on to others, and the next generation! -Nicole Lillie

  4. These Samoan pancakes sound absolutely delicious!!! I love the story behind them and how you enjoy them together with your family! The directions were very clear and written perfectly! Well done! - Samantha Galarza

  5. These look and sound absolutely amazing! I cannot wait to try out this recipe! Thank you for sharing this recipe as well as its importance to your family!

  6. It took a while for me to actually read the ingredients because my eyes just gravitated to the picture, they look good! I will definitely try these, thank you for sharing!

  7. This almost looks like a dish I have made before but I remember it tasting really good. I will have to use your amazing recipe in the future. Thank you for the cultural background to this recipe!! -Abigail

  8. Benjamin Galaz Jr.March 8, 2021 at 10:50 AM

    I feel like I have tried these before but I can't be sure where, thanks for the recipe I look forward to making some.

  9. We have to try these with Landon, Ben, and Kaleb dude, they sound so good! The recipe is easy to follow and well explained, I felt like I could already taste it.

  10. There are so many food entries this month my grocery list keeps growing. This is for sure another thing I need to try out. I am not cook but I think I can manage to put this together. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Your intro was so cute i loved it! and i am definitely trying this receipt it sounds DELICIOUS!

  12. These look and sound absolutely delicious! I will definitely be giving this recipe a try! Thank you for sharing!

  13. I like how detailed your instructions were and how you talked about your identity/culture in your introduction!

  14. I literally need to try these oh my gosh!! they look and sound delicious!! thank you so much for sharing this!

  15. I love trying new recipes and this one has definitely caught my eye. With all the ingredients you have listed, this dish sounds and looks very tasty, I am looking forward to trying this one out. Good job!

  16. Wow I am actually going to try this! I really liked that you put what appliances we will need in order to make this. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  17. Those look and sound amazing!!! I'll definitely have to try making these!

  18. Oh my gosh.. my boyfriend is Samoan and maybe one day I can surprise him with these!! Im sure he'll be super excited and just looking at this recipe I am!! Thank you for making the recipe so easy to read rather than making it difficult. I WANNA TRY THEM SO BAD NOWWWW.

  19. These sound so yummy! Your recipe is very easy to follow and I think it’s really cool that you can add bananas or chocolate chips in them, I would definitely add both! I liked your little intro as well and please let Mrs. Alo know I said hi lollll

  20. This looks so good, I can't wait to try it myself! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  21. I have been craving pancakes for about a week now and your recipe sounds perfect to have right about now. Thanks for sharing your recipe and your story, I'll make sure to try these out later.

  22. Wow this looks really good I'd love to try these.

  23. Wow this looks simple and delicious, I will be for sure be making these sometime soon! I also really like the cultural ties with the dish as well.

  24. AnthonyEarl VillegasMarch 12, 2021 at 11:49 PM

    I love learning cooking, and these Samoan panikeke sound absolutely delectable. I especially love finger foods.


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