
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"Ceviche Recipe" By Cenia R.

Food! A subject my family and I know all too well. Over the years food has been a way that my family bonds and gets to know each other better. We all talk and joke around while either making these meals or sitting down and enjoying them. Some dishes that we bond over consist of authentic Mexican and Salvadorian dishes like Carne asada and Pupusas all the way to some classic american dishes like hamburgers and so much more! We love to try new food from different cultures all around the world. Ceviche has always been one of my favorite dishes to snack on and savor during our hot californian summers. It is a dish that is very refreshing and can cool you down from the hot weather. Ceviche reminds me of my childhood, from sitting outside and eating it after playing to also being one of the first dishes my dad taught me how to make. Ceviche is a peruvian dish known as fresh fish cooked in acidic fruit juices like limes. This dish eventually spread to Mexico and they took their own spin on the dish as well as many other countries and families. The reason why this dish is so special to me is because it allowed me to bond with my dad and make so many awesome childhood memories. Another reason is that saying that you helped cook a meal or did it all on your own makes you feel so proud of yourself, and it's honestly a different type of satisfaction that you feel if it turns out delicious. As a child I would always convince my dad to make this dish by saying I would do the worst part of it, which was peeling and cleaning the raw shrimp. But in the end it was well worth the suffering of having to peel and clean shrimp just to taste this delicious meal. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this recipe just as much as I do and eventually learn how to make it for yourself!




  2 pounds Shrimp


  ½ pounds Imitation crab


  Cucumbers- 2 (or more depending on how much cucumber you would like in your dish personally i like adding more)

  Tomatoes- 2+


  White or purple onion- 1


  2 bunches of cilantro or less


  Limes- 10+ (depending on how much shrimp you cook and how lemony you would like it to taste I tend to add more as well)

  ½ a bottle of clamato/ tomato juice

  ⅓ cup of Ketchup (I promise it adds good flavoring)


  ½ tablespoon of Salt (and you can always add more to your liking)


  1 teaspoon of Pepper (add more to your liking)


(additional ingredients)


-          1 tablespoon of Tajin


-          2 or more tablespoons of some form of salsa negra/ valentina (it makes it spicier) Directions

-          You will need three bowls for the uncooked shrimp, chopped up veggies, and once the shrimp is cooked.


  Peel and clean all the shrimp and put into separate bowl


  Boil a pot of water


  While waiting for the water to boil, chop up all the cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and cilantro and place into another bowl.

  Next you can crush/ squeeze the imitation crab into smaller pieces (this you don't have to cook) you will place this with the cooked shrimp


  Once water is boiling let the shrimp cook for about 1-2 minutes or until all of them are nice and pink

  You can also cook the shrimp overnight in the lime juice but my family prefers to cook it more thoroughly by boiling the shrimp.


  While waiting for the shrimp to cook squeeze out all the limes into the bowl with the imitation crab (after the shrimp has been cooked you will want to cool it down in ice water so that the dish stays cool and wont have to be refrigerated as long)

  and you will then place the shrimp as well in the lime juice Once that has soaked in the lime juice for a little bit then add all your chopped up cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and cilantro


  Once that's all mixed in, then add your clamato or tomato juice followed by the ketchup, spices and the hot sauces/ salsa.


  You can add more of each seasoning until it is to your liking


  Then wrap the bowl with seran wrap and let it chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes, so that everything can soak up the lime juice and different seasonings.

And boom! You have now made ceviche! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I really appreciate it! I hope you and your family will get to enjoy this dish! Have fun cooking away.


  1. Your little introduction was so cute and I could definitely relate. My family loves ceviche as well and this past month we made it ourselves for the first time in a while. Your directions are very clear and concise and I will most definitely be trying your family's recipe in the future :).

  2. Your family sounds so close and fun! Memories of cooking and sharing special moments with parents and loved ones are the best! I think it is so nice that you have such positive memories connected with this dish! It is also awesome how diverse your family's food selection is, it sounds like you've tried so many different amazing dishes! I will have to try this recipe out, I have never tried crab so this might be a great first dish to try it with! Thank you so much for sharing! - Nicole Lillie

  3. I LOVE ceviche!! This recipe sounds absolutely delicious! I love the stories and memories it holds for you!! Thank you for sharing a recipe that means something to you! Great job! - Samantha Galarza

  4. I love ceviche! Thank you for sharing this so many people can try it out! My mom makes ceviche all the time during parties. Your story about your dad reminded me of how it also brought me and my cousins together because we would also eat them and have small conversations.

  5. I absolutely love ceviche! I remember cooking this with my grandmother and eating it every single time I was with her. I actually cant wait to share this recipe with her and trying this out. Thank you.

  6. I really liked the opening to your recipe and how food really is the best time to bond with family and friends, ceviche is so good and I've never tried it with ketchup so I definitely will next time. Thank you:))

  7. Ceviche is like my favorite thing to eat in a BBQ. The fact that now I can learn off from different various recipes, Im literally so excited.

  8. Ceviche is one of my favorite dishes and it was this recipe that got me hooked! Thank you for sharing this recipe and all the memories that came with it, I can't wait to try it!

  9. Ceviche is brought to every family gathering we have so I know a good ceviche recipe when I see one! Excited to show my family this one!! Thank you for sharing!

  10. I have honestly never tried Ceviche before and I don't know why because it sounds so amazing. I hope to try it very soon and thank you for this wonderful recipe.

  11. Benjamin Galaz Jr.March 8, 2021 at 10:54 AM

    My family also is fond of this dish whenever we have a family bbq. I personally didn't like it at first but recently I became fond of it. I totally agree that peeling the shrimp sucks but it is well worth it.

  12. Ceviche is a go to for my family gatherings and I haven't had some in a while. I will have to try out your recipe since we can't really have family gatherings right now. Thanks for sharing!

  13. My dad used to make ceviche in the summer all the time! But he hasn't made it in a while, so I’ll definitely share this recipe with him. I thought it was really interesting seeing your family’s twist on this recipe, and hearing how cooking is a great bonding experience.

  14. This sounds delicious! I will definitely give this recipe a try! Thank you for sharing!

  15. CENIA! I love ceviche and your recipe is definitely something I'm going to try one day. I love how family orientated you are and how cooking/foods bring you guys together to make amazing memories. The intro was both informational and adorable and the instructions were very clear. Thank you for sharing this recipe!

  16. This recipe sounds so delicious. I was glad to read that this recipe helps you to bond with your dad. Hopefully when I plan to make this recipe I can bond with my family as well. Thank you so much for sharing I can’t wait to try it.

  17. I like how you talked about your family and the way food helps you bond with them--and ceviche is super good, i love it!

  18. After being hesitant about it, I eventually tried ceviche and I realized I was definitely missing out. The recipe you have provided is very organized and easy to follow, as well as sounding absolutely delicious. I can't wait to try this one out with my family, amazing job!

  19. My dad loves ceviche and I have never had a recipe to make it. I really appreciate you sharing this with us cause now I can make him something with mariscos :)

  20. Thank you for sharing this recipe because it sounds amazing! I have tried ceviche before and every time it different, but in a great way! Definitely will try this and thank you for sharing your back round!

  21. Thank you for sharing this recipe, my mother always makes ceviche during the summer but since Ill be moving Ill no longer have her ceviche making services. This is perfect because now I can finally make it on my own !!!

  22. My family and I love ceviche, I'm so glad to see a recipe so I can surprise them one day! I usually skip out on the shrimp but I'm still excited to make ceviche after so long.

  23. I LOVE how this recipe is formatted. It looks so easy and simple plus I loooove ceviche so thank you for this. Im glad you shared your own experiences!!

  24. Cenia thank you so much for sharing this recipe !!! I haven't tried ceviche yet but you've convinced me to try it in the near future !!

  25. I love love ceviche! Thank you so much for sharing! This recipe brought back a lot of fun memories with my family. :)

  26. This sounds amazing! I've never had Ceviche before and honestly I feel like I'm missing out on it after reading this! This recipe sounds delicious! Thank You for sharing!

  27. YEEEESSSS!!!!!! I love ceviche and my family doesn't make it unless we all get together so I'm excited to try and make it myself. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  28. My family loves ceviche! My mom literally made it last week and her recipe is pretty similar to yours. I definitely recommend others to try it if they haven't because its fairly simple to make. Thanks for sharing

  29. Cenia.. How did you know i was craving ceviche right now?? I love how easy to follow your recipe is. I think I'm gonna have to make this SOON because i can't remember the last time I had it. Love it!!

  30. I loved your introduction!! I also cannot wait to try this recipe. It sounds so good and I love making new recipes. I've tried Ceviche before but now I actually have to make it on my own. Thanks for sharing! -Savannah Fitz

  31. OMG I love ceviche, my family makes it most of the time, like we made some two days ago.

  32. This sounds so delicious and your introduction was so sweet! I loved hearing about how this recipe let you make lasting memories with your dad. Your directions were so easy and entertaining to read and it really made me want to try this recipe. Thank you for sharing this! :)


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