
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"Dear 'Mom'" by Oluwadamilola B.


Dear “Mom”

This is your one and only daughter Abigail, but you might know me as Abigiya (yes, my name has changed). I am now 17 turning 18 and my birthday is June 12, 2003, if you can still remember the day you gave birth to me. I have changed and grown since the last time you laid eyes on me; it hurts knowing you were never there for me during my small and big moments. You gave me away when I was 7 and since that day I have been through so much that even my very existence feels like some joke this world is trying to play on me. I forgot how to speak Amharic a language that I grew up speaking and to be honest I know very little about where I came from. When I was 7, not only did you take me away from my country, but you decided I wasn’t worth enough to raise, instead you gave me to the first person who would take me. That was also a mistake because that person you gave me to turned out to be a psychopath who would abuse me every day for about 4 years, but it’s ok because I guess it made me a stronger person. There is so much that you could have and should have protected me from, but I forgive you. My life hasn’t always been easy, but after some time I got better at dealing with whatever life threw at me. I am now 17, leaving for college later this year, living life one day at a time with the help of my one and only God. I leave my past behind by saying I forgive you because although giving me up was your decision, I cannot blame everything else on you. For so long I blamed myself, God, and even you for the position I was in, I thought maybe I did something to make you give me away or God if you could control everything in this life then why could you not have stopped this, but now I understand I was wrong. If it wasn’t for your decision, I would not have turned into the person I am today. I thank you because if it wasn’t for that one decision I would not know the value of family, I would not know how to fall and get back up. Now I am living a better life because I have something to look forward to, I have friends who love and support me and siblings that mean the entire world to me. I did not think I will ever feel whole again, but I now realize that blood is not what makes family; Love is and will always be the only thing that defines family to me. One day I hope to have a family of my own and I want them to never worry whether I am leaving them. To end this letter, I want to let you know that I have a new life in America surrounded with the people that keep me going every day, but I would still love to meet you one day. I can’t remember the feeling of being wrapped around your arm and feeling safe but one day I believe I will have that opportunity.

Sincerely, Abigail AKA Abigiya


  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. It made me respect my family and friends more and it reminded me to never take them for granted. I know you'll have an awesome family of your own one day!

  2. I admire your strength and vulnerability. This definitely is a reminder of how different others lives can be and underestimate your friends and family, blood or not. I wish you nothing but the best and more.

  3. Beautiful... All I see in your story is strength and power. I love your attitude about life and the way you look at the best in every situation. I hope you are headed to a great future and a long life ahead.
    - Anastasia Lamiy

  4. Wow thank you for sharing. Youre writing is very beautiful and has inspired me to try and not take my family for granted. How the character saw the beauty in their situation is inspiring.

  5. I am so sorry this happened to you. I am so proud of you and you should be proud of yourself for getting through that and just having the strength that you gained from this. -Lauren Perez

  6. Amazing story, it must be hard to talk about your personal life problems but I'm glad you used this as a way to let it all out and let everyone know what you've gone through personally

  7. Hey, I know we haven't talked in years, but I still remember you opening up about this and I am so glad you shared it. Although your life has been tough, you keep pushing and striving to be better everyday. You are truly so strong and inspiring. Amazing work!

  8. Thank you for sharing this letter and being so vulnerable. It is truly touching to see how you have experienced so much in life at such a young age. I hope that you are able to grow even more from your past and keep being successful in life. I wish you all the best!

  9. The way you wrote this shows how you've only grown stronger from how much you've experienced and there's so much emotion and strength in your words. I hope things only get better for you from here!

  10. Abigail, you are very strong for sharing this story. You managed to overcome life's biggest obstacles at such a young age and it really proves how strong you are. Keep being you always!

  11. Thank you for sharing such a personal side of yourself. You're truly such a strong person and your writing was insanely touching. Forgiveness is never easy and the fact that you've forgiven someone who has caused you pain and confusion like that shows your true character and how strong you are.

  12. Thank you so much for being vulnerable with us through this letter. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. I'm so glad you've found peace and have forgiven your mom because I know it couldn't have been easy to do that.

  13. Wow Abigail I've known you for a good while now but never learned this side of you. I am so so happy you are willing to share your story and growth. I'm glad that you're able to forgive your mom despite all the hurt and I hope you'll be able to see her one day. Great job sis !!! <3<3

  14. Thank you so much for sharing this heart warming story. I was glad to read that you turned someone to be negative in your life to being positive. Displaying forgiveness is not easy and I was glad to read that you also had forgiveness in your heart. I have been very moved by the piece you wrote and it reminds me of how I should forgive others who have hurt me deeply in the past.

  15. Thank you for opening up about your past obstacles. I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been for you at such a young age but I think it’s amazing how much you’ve grown from this experience. You have so much strength and I deeply admire you for that.

  16. thank you for sharing something so personal to you! i'm sorry that life decide to give you the short ends of the stick, and I'm so proud of you for being so strong!

  17. Thank you so much for sharing this letter and being so vulnerable with all of us. You are such a strong person since you have experienced so much in life at such a young age. I wish you all the best in this life! -gisselle flores

  18. This was so heartfelt! Thank you for sharing such a personal yet inspiring story about your life. I feel a deep sense of admiration for you—you have done through so much at a such a young age. You’re so strong and independent!

  19. Abi, this letter was amazing. You were so vulnerable and honest and I cannot thank you enough for putting your feelings out there. I feel like right now in society we only show bits and pieces of ourselves and you did the exact opposite of that. I praise you for it.


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