
Thursday, January 28, 2021

"Change Isn’t Always Bad" by Muskaan S



Sometimes moving to a different place can be hard for many people. Change is something that takes time to get used to, and several people don’t like change. In my experience I never thought I would move. Every time someone moved from, they would share their experience with it. When I heard what they said about change and different settings, I would say, that is never going to be me. Until my parents told me that we were moving. It was hard to hear, because of the fact that I grew up in the place where I lived since I was in kindergarten. I had to leave the city where I was born, and the place I knew like the back of my hand. It was even more difficult when I had to leave my friends that I’ve known since elementary school behind. It was the end of my sophomore year when I got told this, and like a lot of people it gave me anxiety to go to a new place. I started to think of the worst that could happen instead of all the good things that might come out of it. The moving process got harder for me because I was angry and sad that we were leaving as well as adding to my anxiety. I was entering a new school in my junior year, and I didn’t know anyone, or the environment. I feel like it could have been way easier if I wasn’t so negative about it. I remember it didn’t even feel real until I went to my school and started filling out transfer papers, and packing everything. All I knew was I had a couple days left before I left everything I was used to behind. My friends came over for the last time, and we hung out and cried. They tried to tell me to enjoy it and be happy because I couldn’t do anything to change it but I didn’t listen. I didn’t give it a chance to be a new chapter in my life. Instead I thought it was the worst thing that was happening at the time. The regret I have is that I didn’t want to accept it and go with the flow of the situation. When we fully moved here I probably cried for like a week. Finally, I decided it was time to move on and accept it. I still had anxiety and was scared of what was in store. After all that negative thinking, I went to school and was completely shocked. Everyone was so nice, and didn’t make me feel nervous or scared. I got help from a lot of students as well. I made new friends and it didn’t feel like a big change. When I went home, it was unbelievable that a new change could be good. The thought of what I was going through, and the fact it could have been 10 times better if I just had a positive mindset. This one experience made me realize, this is something I did often in my everyday life. Looking at the bad over the good was becoming a natural thing. People often do this whether they acknowledge it or not. The fact that I let a negative mindset ruin an experience I could have enjoyed was not sitting right with me. So I started to change my perspective and opinion on things. Everytime I had to do something new or out of my comfort zone, I changed the bad thoughts to positive ones. This made me get less anxiety, and also made me look forward to whatever I was doing. I think everyone should try doing this if their anything like I was. Being scared and anxious of a new situation is normal and just human nature but the important thing is that I learned from the experience and to enjoy the good times and learn from the bad ones. At the end of the day, I am glad that I got used to my home and the area just like I was in my childhood home. I’m in a new home now and still have the memories from my childhood home. I also accomplished a lot of things here that I could not over there. I learned not to overthink and judge something that I haven’t given a chance. Even though it took me an experience like this to see what mindset I was in, I can say I am happy that it happened.

Learning about yourself and growth can be done by anyone in any way. You just have to be cautious about your mind, and how you decide to go about the situation.


  1. I really enjoyed how you wrote about what you learned from your experience and fought through the challenges. Concluding your story by describing how you started thinking about the positive side of things instead of negatives really shows your growth and improvement especially since it's common to only focus on the negative side of things. I had a similar experience since I moved here my sophomore year and I can totally relate and understand how difficult it was is to remain positive in that situation.

  2. William James Smith IIIFebruary 11, 2021 at 10:51 AM

    William James Smith III: Great job showing how you can choose to be happy to make your situation better for yourself! I like how you show how change can be good, and this shows how moving /immigrating is something that is done because the new situation in this country can be so much better that the life before! I still think that this is the greatest country in the world, and your new home can be a great place too once you are out of your comfort zone! :)

    Great Job! :)

    William :)

  3. This was amazing and was very rlatable as well. I can see the emotion you put and what you were trying to portray about hardships and how to overcome them. It motivated me as well thank you.-Arnold Porter Jr Period 4 2/11/2021 1:49 P.M.


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