
Thursday, January 28, 2021

"Target, Ice cream, and Bubbling Apple Cider" by Michelle W


Initially, when my friends and I decided to go for a little Target run, we were just planning on getting some ice cream and getting out of there. It was going to be a quick in and out type of sitch.


However, my friends decided to get a little preoccupied with my wardrobe choice and play dressup before we left. I remember hurriedly trying to finish a homework assignment as I saw them rummaging through my closet, clothes flying left and right, piling up on the floor. Before we knew it, we were all putting together the most ugly outfits possible in the history of human history. If someone wasn’t looking utterly drop dead ugly, we had to up the ante and concoct some other awful outfit. Then some genius decided it would be funny if we didn’t change out of the outfits and went straight to Target looking like fools.


The night air was crisp and we all piled into one car, gassing ourselves up about how funny the whole ordeal would be when we got there and walked around. But, as soon as we got into the shopping center’s parking lot, embarrassment hit like a train in the face. In fact, we were so humiliated we opted for something instead of Target- a sidequest, one might say: The Dollar Store.


So we head into the dollar store and heads are turning. I mean, why wouldn’t they be? One of us was wearing a tuxedo with flowy pants that looked like a skirt (and some beautiful crocs), and another was wearing a skirt over pants with dress shoes. After walking down the aisles like we were runway models and purchasing some sunglasses we were out of there with a new self of self-establishment and confidence. It was time to hit Target.

Imagine the stares received at the dollar store, times ten all fit with the adrenaline rush of knowing that you are an absolute anomaly to others around you in public. Knowing that people are staring at you in confusion. The ice cream was obtained and we bought two bottles of sparkling cider to commemorate the events.


Have you ever asked the question, “What is the purpose of life?” Well, after that day’s ordeals I can confidently say there is none. I don’t mean that in a negative way. People can interpret this question in plenty of different ways, and plenty have, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. In the grand scheme of things, we are just one of the billions of human beings that inevitably at one point, will cease to exist.

Whenever I start worrying about something a little too much, I take a step back and reevaluate. Is this going to matter years down the line? Absolutely not. So why am I getting so worked up about it? Am I ever going to see those people from Target ever again? Nope. And just like that, I relax. And this concept applies to so many specifics in life. Outwards appearance and how you are perceived by others, for example.

I think it's honestly a tragedy how many people will limit themselves to comfort instead of opening themselves up to new situations or scenarios for fear of making a fool of themselves or not being perfect at something. Just like Hillary Duff said from A Cinderella Story, “Don’t let the fear of striking you out keep you from

playing the game.” Because, in years time, who’s going to remember that you humiliated yourself doing something stupid? Everyone is so preoccupied with themselves that they probably won’t even care for a second glance in your direction. Stop caring so much about what others think and just go for it.

I’m still scared of the social constructs created around me, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to look like some sociopath and lack so much self-awareness that I’m no longer understandable by other people. I’m just saying that the art of not caring anymore is truly beautiful. For so long I’ve been looking at life from a bird's eye view, where I’m walking on a small pathway covered in glass shards and I have to be extremely careful from stepping on anything when I could have been seeing things from a different perspective all along.


So the next time I want to do something but I’m afraid of someone’s opinion or how I’m going to look, I’ll just remember Target, ice cream, and bubbling apple cider.


  1. Yes well said!! What we do is solely based on us and we should continue to remind ourselves, family and friends to not worry about what others see us as if they're even looking in our direction.

  2. Aww what an amazing story Michelle. The beginning was so funny and I could really imagine the scene of clothes flying out. You seem like you have such an amazing friend group and you portrayed your friendship very well in your story. What confidence you all have to do something that’s scary for most. Like you I’ve started to focus on myself and not worry about others' opinions. Your message in the end was truly inspiring and tied your piece in a beautiful way. I’m so glad that experience shaped you into a more carefree person. It’s very true that most people are caught up in their own life to even worry about others. So like you mentioned it’s an amazing thing to live your life without limitations. Great piece! It was eloquently told.

  3. This was amazing! It's such a good reminder to know that no one else's opinion about you matters! I love how you and your friends played dress-up! It sounds like so much fun! Great job! - Samantha Galarza

  4. You are so right! I've always heard the term "you only get embarrassed if you let yourself feel it" or something like that... which goes along with what your saying! You only feel embarrassed if you, yourself think it's embarrassing, but if you DON'T then it's not embarrassing! Just live the way you want because no one will care to remember.

  5. Wow. I do remember seeing some quiry kids at target now that i think bout it. Michelle, I really enjoyed reading your piece. I often struggle with caring what others think. How can I not. But, being able to experience this with you and the other baes gave me the confidence to try out new things and learn to not care about what others say.

  6. Amorette Berenice CorreaFebruary 2, 2021 at 12:37 AM

    Michelle, I really enjoyed reading your piece. I often care alot bout what others think about me. But being able to share this experience with you and the other baes made me realize that life is too short to care what others think. Thank you for helping me learn more about myself. -Amorette C.

  7. I loved this because it's so true! The worst part is, is that even though I, like many others, realize this we still let the judgement and care get to us. But the way you phrased not only your experience but the realization itself was so interesting because it was clear but captivating in the way you approached it. Like how you address your audience specifically with a question and then call them out to be more carefree! And I love how you refer back to your story in the beginning at the end, there was just something about it that really tied it all together nicely :).

  8. I always do what I want to do and don’t care what others think, because I used to be worried what people thought about me as well, but after i gave up on that it made me much happier. This really resonates with me thank you for sharing!

  9. Wow I absolutely love this piece. It’s just a great reminder that I should be confident in myself and not have to worry how others perceive me which I believe it is such a strong message. I loved how this piece has brought a whole different perspective to those who could be one sided and don’t realize that there is so much more to life without worrying. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece.

  10. First of all, your title caught me! Second, that sounded like the most fun night ever! Third, I love how you tied in the message at the end! I've never had a crazy experience like that, but over time I've realized, especially in quarantine, that it's so important to be our unique, crazy, wacky selves regardless of what's happening around us. We should not have to walk on paths of glass shards afraid of social constructs, but feel free to accept new situations and make a fool of ourselves sometimes because life is supposed to be enjoyed! Thank you so much for this awesome insight!

  11. I loved reading this!! I especially liked all the details that you used to tell your story, they made me feel like I was there experiencing it. I really like the message that you incorporated as well. Great Job!!

  12. This piece is so accurate! I, for one, am definitely guilty of worrying too much and overthinking everything I do, but you are completely right. I'm not sure why so many of us feel this way, but we shouldn't have to. Great job!

  13. The introduction was so funny, it made me feel like i was reliving the night all over again. There were so many details that tied the story together, not to mention how funny it sounds from a different perspective. I loved how you tied the trip to how many people are too scared to try something new out of embarrassment or what other people would think of them. In the end, the purpose in life is honestly to do whatever makes you happy and don´t worry too much about what others may think of you.

  14. I was ecstatic to see the word "Target" in the title as I was choosing which stories to comment on. This story is extremely wholesome and makes me reminisce on the fun days I had with my friends. Not to mention the message you announce is glorifying and I am glad someone finally said it. I loved the realization and confidence this piece holds!!!

  15. Your piece is great! It has such a great message about only caring about what you think and how other perceive you does not matter. All that matters is what you want.

  16. Honestly you shouldn't care on what people think of you because their opinion does not matter to you, but overall this was such a funny and light-hearted story.

  17. Michelle i love this:D i still remember watching keilan's story and seeing that winnie the pooh fit. instead of humiliating, you guys just seem as if you were having a fun time. I'm so glad i can call you guys my friends because I've never met a more spirited group of individuals.

  18. I loved this piece! It sounds like it was a really fun night with friends. I liked how you reminded us that in the end what we do today will most likely not affect us in the next year. Great job

  19. I love the irony of you tying such a funny, random story to a meaningful lesson. It shows that, simultaneously, there is meaning in everything yet nothing truly matters. The lesson you talk about here is one that I've been trying really hard to learn this year. This is a lesson that seems deceptively easy to learn, but it's so important. Honestly, I think not caring what others think is the key to living a content life. I enjoyed reading this so much! Amazing job :))


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