
Sunday, November 29, 2020

"My Past, My Image, and My Future" by Jesse O.


*Trigger Warning* - thoughts of self-h*rm, and su*c*de

~~Before I begin, I appreciate all and every single one of you who have chosen to read or comment on this blog post, thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~~

It's dark. Very dark. The silence is deafening, but my heart beating is all that can be heard. The words that might emerge from my mouth, can change my life forever. Am I not good enough, what am I doing wrong? Why does this hurt, words shouldn’t hurt, right? The weight that I carry, around, my shoulders every single day of my life. My past, it beckons, calling back to me, weighing me down. Past lies, past mistakes, a fake personality, a mask. The pain of never being able to be your true self, is not visible, but is felt with unimaginable pain.

What lies led me there, what words did I say, to gain that image? The questions I could never stop thinking, and the actions that I will never forget, and the words that were forever burned into my memory. Middle school, the days that I was not myself, and the actions I did out of impulse, the lies that were spoken, and said as if they were the truth, and the reputation I gained that still remains in people’s mind. At school, I was someone I thought I was, and someone who was lost, and confused, only seeking to gain some form of approval from my peers, but ultimately was perceived as an outcast, and someone who said things that should not have been said. Acts, words, sentences, things that I will never forget, that defined the image that was perceived by everyone.

The nights, the tears, the thoughts, the feeling of not being enough, the feeling of giving up, and the feeling of regret. All of the friends, all of the bonds, and the possibilities, all gone. Was it worth it, more importantly, was I worth it? The question, why don’t people like me, why did people hate me, why did I do the things I did? Two contradictory questions, that would eventually be answered. What was my purpose, what was it? A question that kept running through my mind, and lived in my mind. The most defining question, and the one that caused this: “Who am I?” What would people think if I were to suddenly die? It wouldn’t be relevant, right? People wouldn’t bat an eye or care. So many questions, so many inquiries, so many thoughts, but no answers. The silence of my brain, and the actions that carried on into my freshman year of high school. The dangerous mentalities, and the unanswered questions, and the impulsive acts, irrational and spontaneous, remained.

The days, the days I spent doing all of my work, earning good grades, but not in honors classes, out of the fear of knowing who is in those classes, those who know my mistakes, those who know my past. My image and my reputation was wrapped around my body, like a serpent awaiting to eliminate its prey, constricting my every move, and slowly suffocating me. I remember it, I remember it well. My older brother, a senior when I was a freshman, was never

there to guide me in this once scary place we know as the first year of high school. I was on my own. My past, my past remained, and it still hung onto me. I had no guide, but I had a motive. A motive that will forever change my life, and how I perceive how precious life really is: I want to be myself, I want to do what I love, and I want to be who I really am.

The thoughts, the thoughts of the question that kept running through my mind: “How?” All of my passions, all of my interests, seen as odd, seen as abnormal, and worthy enough to disassociate from me. The one passion that I had never truly pursued, ended up being what helped me escape from my past reputation. Music. Music essentially saved my life. It was something I never thought I could pursue, but I tried it. I began to create a new image, people from the past, still perceived me as how I was back then. It was still freshman year, almost sophomore year, and I hardly spoke. I wore the same clothes, and didn’t try to speak to anyone from my middle school. My one purpose in school was to go, do work, and get good grades. I did those tasks, but I did them silently. The times I did attempt to speak, create friendships, and talk to others I did not know, I failed. I was being the same person that people from middle school perceived me as. My image remained, but I was struggling, begging, and pleading to leave the darkness, and be who I really was.

Eventually, it did happen. My passion for music, a student who was in the school’s piano program for 4 years, and co-taught for my junior year. I became myself, I became the person I wanted to be. I found my purpose and my reason to remain here on Earth. People remembered my past, but little did I know, things would change. Friendships would be healed, and created from peers who looked at me as an outcast, and not as a friend. And to all of those who still perceive me and know me from my past, there’s really nothing I can do about it, but I can be who I am now, in the moment, and now that I have crossed paths with some of those people, I hope they can see that I am not the person that they think I am, and I am not an enemy, but wanting to be a friend and fellow peer. I enrolled in AP U.S. History my Junior year, knowing darn well exactly the kind of people who could be in that class. Sure enough, I was correct. I made new friends, with people who looked down on me, and people who I was isolated from. I realized that no matter how you acted in the past, it is never too late to change your future.

No one’s future has been written yet, not even in times where things seem so definite, there is always another path that can be explored. It is only up to us, to change how we are seen and how we are perceived to others. I know that it is never too late to change things. I found my true self, and I found friendships that I thought I could have never had. I found my reason. I am so grateful for the friends I now have, and those who were willing to talk to me again, even after they have witnessed my past that I so desperately tried to escape, and break free from. If you have a passion for something, pursue it. To all of my classmates and peers, both past and present, I appreciate you all, even if we have never talked, I am grateful for everything I have received, and look forward to joyous times in the future.


  1. This was absolutely amazing and I loved every bit of your writing. The constant questions you ask yourself help the reader to engage and relate with what is being said. Really well done !

  2. Jesse, you're exactly right, it is never too late to change your future, and we are not defined by our past. We all need room to improve. Anyone who says they are proud of who they were in middle school is a liar, we've all grown so much since then and we all must consider that today. I am so sorry for the emotions you went through, I know how hard those feelings can be on a person. The transition from middle to high school was difficult for me too. Just know that people want you around, you are worth living, the progress you've made has not gone unnoticed, you mean something to people. No one's life is meaningless or irrelevant. We all have so much progress ahead of us. As dark as this year has been we all have bright futures ahead of us, and we have to remember that. I hope I never made you feel like an outcast during middle school, and if I did I deeply and truly apologize. We all have to become a lot more aware of each other and the struggles we face, we have to become more understanding. Thank you for sharing your story, and I am glad you are doing better now! - Nicole Lillie

  3. To begin, I want to thank you for sharing your story, I know it is much harder than it seems but whether you believe it or not, you are a survivor. You did not let suicide get a hold of you, you fought it, long and hard, even when you were in the darkest place, you did not let it get the best of you. Even through all those restless nights when you felt done, you fought the biggest demon of them all: your thoughts. I am so proud of you, beyond proud of you, and I pray that you have found your true purpose and continue to pursue your dreams. Don't let anything or anyone get in the way of that.

  4. Thank you for sharing your story and I am really glad you are improving and have found your passions. As I was reading this, I couldn't help but think "dang I had those exactly same thoughts dueing my lowest times". The emotional pain was more painful than the physical pain as you feel such heaviness on your whole body and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I am so happy that you are able to overcome your intrusive thoughts and focus on making progress. Im so proud of you!

  5. I loved reading this! It was very well written with plenty of details. I really enjoyed the message that it portrays, that it's never too late to change. My favorite part was the last paragraph where you personally engaged with the audience.

  6. I’m proud of you. I’m so sorry that you had to experience those feelings, but I’m glad you were able to fight those demons in your head. This took a great amount of courage to share, so thank you for not only opening up about your past but for proving that it is possible to overcome something like this. I’m happy to hear that you’re doing better. Keep that mentality of yours, your life is so valuable and you deserve everything. -Charmaine Luciano

  7. You should be so immensely proud of your progress! Taking the leap to find something you are passionate about can be so scary but so rewarding, so I am truly so glad you are doing what you find joy in. Other people's opinions do not matter, and all that matters is your freedom, joy, and progress. However, that is obviously way simpler in writing than in practice, especially when intrusive thoughts and self-doubt creep in. Just know that you are so much stronger than you realize, and your writing here was so well done. Each question you posed in your piece gave a perfect insight into what you felt like. Keep going, everyone is rooting for you :)

  8. Jesse, no one deserves to go through the turmoil that you have endured, but I envy your strength and your determination to make an identity for yourself that truly reflects who you are inside. The world is a cruel and unforgiving place, but it is important to hang on to what you enjoy and making the most out of everything. The past is just that, the past, and to just keep pushing forward to make the best life you can is what it truly means to be alive. You will always have a special place in the world and friends to help you along, so never let go of what you enjoy most.

  9. Thank you for being completely vulnerable about what you've gone through. Your writing is immensely inspiring! I'm glad you took hold of your life and found a passion worth living for. No one's story is written yet for it continues to be told everyday, and we are able to change how we want it to be. Thank you for these amazing insights!

  10. I love the sources of imagery that you use to portray yourself and to deeply explain how you feel. I am glad that you persevered through it and found your passion through music and a way for you to escape from these thoughts. I enjoyed hearing your story and how you changed your life by realizing that no one's future is written out yet. This is very inspiring to those who might be going through the same thing or feel the same way.

  11. I really enjoyed reading this. I love the imagery you used to describe how you felt. I am very glad that music is how you were able to free yourself from these thoughts and how it became your passion and gateway to redeem yourself again. This can really help people that have the same thoughts you had and can honestly inspire them to find their passion. This also can help others realize that their story isn't written out yet and they still have days to come until they can realize that they matter.

  12. This was incredibly well written! I like the growth in this, including the lesson you learned. It is never too late to find the passion that really changes who you are and how you see the world:)

  13. This literally made me tear up!!! I'm so sorry that you had to face such hard things by yourself.. I hope and pray that you never have to again and if you do, I know its not much but you can always reach out to me!! Feeling that way is always the hardest thing and the fact that you found yourself makes me so happy. I feel this way sometimes too and I'm sure many do too, so thank you for the hope & making me feel as if I wasnt alone. Youre amazing!

  14. The way that this was written made it so easy to step into your shoes and truly see what your experience was like, and it made me realize that something similar happened to me, too. I totally understand what you mean when you say that music saved you because it saved me too, and I am so proud of you for not only finding a way out of that dark hole, but for being able to open up about something so personal. Thank you for sharing this! - Estella Poirier :)

  15. This was so well written! Thank you for sharing your story and opening up like you did! Your entire piece was so moving and I thoroughly enjoyed reading every part. I'm very happy that you've figured out your calling and who you truly are because that's definitely very difficult to do.


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