
Monday, April 13, 2020

"How to make: The Flourless Chocolate Coconut cake " by Rebeca S

Growing up I have always loved cooking and baking. Coming from a family that is from Brasil it takes a huge part in my culture as well. I have been making this coconut cake since as long as I can remember. On top of the cake is this Brasilian dessert called Brigadeiro. If you want to, you can eat it by itself too. It is a bit different than most cakes because you make this one out of the microwave which is what most people I know do. It is a quick and easy thing to make especially if you have a sweet tooth. 

Ingredients for Cake:

❏ 6 eggs
 ❏ 1 ½ tablespoons of sugar
 ❏ 6 tablespoons of chocolate powder
 ❏ 1 teaspoon of baking powder
 ❏ 6 tablespoons of butter
❏ Half a bag of coconut shreds  Ingredients for Brigaderio:
 ❏ 1 can (14 ounce) of condensed milk
❏ 2 tablespoons chocolate powder
❏ 1 teaspoon of butter

How to make the brigadeiro:

 1. Gather all the ingredients
 2. Have a medium size pan ready to put the teaspoon of butter on it
3. Have the heat at medium as well
4. Once the butter has melted add the whole can of condensed milk
 5. Add the 2 tablespoon of chocolate powder 
6. You need to stir the condensed milk constantly while mixing the chocolate  powder
 7. Keep stirring until the mixture get thick and has a fudge consistency
8. Once at the fudge like consistency turn off the heat and let it still until needed for the cake 
    a. Know that it is sticky to deal with so keep that in mind

                                                  This is how the consistency should be. 

   ➢ Now there are two ways to make this cake: one with a layer of cake, then  a thin layer of brigadeiro than another layer of cake with brigadeiro on top  Another way is just making the cake and only with brigadeiro on top. It is all in preference and the time you personally want to take to make the cake. 

How to make the cake with brigadeiro layer inside -
    ➔ I recommend this one be out of the microwave as it gives you the best results
1. Gather all the ingredients but the coconut shreds into a bowl
 2. Mix the ingredients in the bowl a. Either by hand, a mixture or a blender
3. Add the coconut shreds into the mixture  a. Slowly fold the coconuts shreds
 4. Add half  mixture to a pan
   a. Preferably a silicone baking pan for best results in microwave (wet before putting in mixture)
5. Put the mixture into the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes 
   a. Make sure the first half isn't fully cooked but has firm hold
6. Pour the thin layer of brigadeiro onto the cake
   a. Be careful with is process brigadeiro can be sticky
7. Pour the other half of the cake for 3 to 4 minutes until fully cooked 
8. Now pour the brigadeiro on top 
  a. This can be tricky since brigadeiro can be stick once you start it will come along
  b. You can also add toppings like sprinkles as well 

  ★ If you want to use the oven just add the mixture into two metal pans at 350degrees for about 6 minutes but depending on the oven will be longer or shorter in time. Just add the thin layer of brigadeiro in the middle. Just top with brigadeiro as you would. 

How to make the cake with brigadeiro on top

 1. Gather all the ingredients but the coconut shreds into a bowl
2. Mix the ingredients in the bowl
    a. Either by hand, a mixture or a blender
3. Add the coconut shreds into the mixture
    a. Slowly fold the coconuts shreds
 4. Add half  mixture to a pan
    a. Preferably a silicone baking pan for best results (wet before putting in mixture)
    b. Make sure you use a nonstick spray in the metal pan
5. Put the mixture into the the microwave for 6 minutes or the oven at 350 degrees for about 6 as
6. Once done just add the brigadeiro  on top 
   a. Remember it can be tricky to deal with, just take your time.

Tip:  As long as you have the ingredients and bake it fully you will have a delicious cake. Just know there are ways to make the simple cake fancy with the topping. Either way you choose to make the cake just keep an eye on it because it does cook quickly if you don’t.  When dealing with brigadeiro butter is the best way to go. If you want to smooth down the brigadeiro on top of the cake just just any tool you see to fit best and just add butter. This will make sure that the brigadeiro doesn't stick to your tool. 

                                     Have fun making flourless  chocolate cake and enjoy!!


  1. I liked how easy and quick it was to follow your list of instructions, with this extra time now I can bake something new. Great work!

  2. Oh my gosh… firstly, let’s just appreciate how delicious that cake looks. Since quarantine, I’ve been craving soooooo much junk food, but I cannot obtain any :(. But anyways, your writing style in your blog post is detailed, bu concise and straight to the point. So, as readers, it is really easy for us to follow along your writing and really understand what to do step-by-step. Keep up the great work! I think I will also try to make some coconut cake when I get the chance :’(.

  3. First of all, this cake looks super yummy! I love the added visuals to see what it should end up looking like. I am definitely going to try this out since quarantine baking is in full effect! Great job :)

  4. As soon as I read the title, I knew I was going to love it !! I have a big sweet tooth, and this seems like a tasty and fun recipe to try out. :) - Breana Plascencia

  5. The cake looks delicious!! You made the directions very clear which makes it easy to follow along. I have all of these ingredients in my pantry so I will definitely have to try it out! Thank you for giving me a new recipe to bake during quarantine :)

  6. As soon as I saw the words "Chocolate Coconut Cake" in your title, I clicked on your story immediately! That cake looks incredibly delicious, and I'd definitely be willing to try baking this to pass time during this quarantine. Thanks for such a detailed, straight-to-the-point tutorial; this is definitely helpful for amateur bakers!

  7. I like how your blog included some backgound, it really benefits the basics of the recipe. I would definently try this recipe because it has coconut, and i am a really big fan of it.

  8. Oh my goodness looking at that made me so hungry right now. Thank you for putting time into this to create a nicely detailed and helpful recipe that I really hope to use some time during this quarantine. Great work :)

  9. Wow! This is such a perfect recipe for this quarantine since everyone has a lot of time in their hands. Your recipe is very easy to follow and it looks very delicious. Good job!

  10. Wowww this sounds so good! I love chocolate so much so I will definitely try making this while in quarantine. I absolutely love how detailed your recipe is, that's something that will be very helpful when I try making this. Great Job. - Hannah Ekelem

  11. I absolutely loved reading your recipe Rebeca. I’m not really a huge chocolate or coconut person but reading the description of the cake honestly convinced me to attempt to bake it. Thank you for sharing!!

  12. Thank you for the easy to follow recipe ! I started baking as a new pass time. I can't wait to try this out!

  13. This recipe sounds absolutely delicious! This will definitely be added to my list of baking items to bake. I love how easy and understandable you made the recipe to follow, I will be making it soon!

  14. I really enjoyed how easy it was to follow your recipe you made it very simple to understand and for someone like me who has literally no baking experience and is absolutely garbage at it. Overall I think you did a great job and made it very clear and concise and it’s something I have never heard of so bonus points for that!

  15. This recipie is especially interesting as there are two ways to make the cake. Very interesting but I am not to fond of cake so I don't really see myself making this one D:. However, the word choice helps define your instructions and I applaud you for that. ~NATHAN SANDOVAL

  16. This looks super delicious! I cannot wait to try this out whenever I get the chance. This guide was super easy to follow and looks really fun for a beginner baker! Thanks for sharing! -Aaron P

  17. I love coconut and chocolate so I'm definitely going to have to try this recipe. I found your directions easy to follow and I appreciate how you offered both ways to bake the cake. I also like how you provided tips on how to make this dessert turn out delicious. Amazing job!

  18. This recipe was easy to follow and I like how you added two different ways to make the cake, all in preference. I’m not a fan of coconut but this cake looks really good.
    -Stephanie C

  19. I have never been a super huge fan of coconut, but maybe this will be the one to turn my tastes because this looks delicious! I will definitely try to make this with the extra time I have been given by the quarantine. Thanks for this great recipe! - Cameron Hunter

  20. This recipe seems really simple and it looks even better. This looks delicious and when I get the chance to, I will definitely make this cake. Thanks for this awesome recipe and tell us some of your own background. :)

  21. How unique!! The pictures look amazing and I'm sure the cake tasted great too just by the looks of it. You made your steps short and to the point of what needed to be done. I think that it was very well planned and well explained. I love chocolate cake so I will give your recipe a try. Thanks for sharing!! -Linda Hung

  22. I absolutely love baking and will have to give this one a try, especially with all this free time on our hands. I'm gonna try to make the brigaderio layer on the inside. omg it sounds so good thank you for sharing this recipe!!! - Hannah Colunga

  23. I'm a sucker for anything and everything chocolate or coconut so the title already had me hooked. I love learning about other cultures especially through the means of cooking. Thank you for sharing a piece of you with me.
    - Kerin Bynum

  24. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaApril 22, 2020 at 11:58 PM

    THIS LOOKS SO GOOD!!! I would love to try this, especially since it’s flour free so it should be quite interesting! Please keep this up and continue sharing such delicious recipes with us!!

  25. Yes Becca! This honestly might be my next baking adventure during the quarantine haha! It looks really yummy, I will text you if I end up doing it!

  26. This cake looks so delicious, and is even more impressive because it's flourless and you can bake it with a microwave! I love how simply you listed each of the steps (with alternatives) needed to complete this cake; its very concise yet organized and striaght to the point, and makes baking feel easy haha. I also love how you can either incorportate the Brigadeiro into the cake or place it on top. This recipe is very versatile, and with chocoalte being one of my favorite sweets to eat I cannot wait to try this healthier alternative.
    - Julia Lozano

  27. this looks really good i should try it now that i’m at home. i love chocolate cake and i can’t wait to make this (and probably eat all of it in one sitting). i like how there is not flour which is quite convenient considering flour is difficult to find these days. thank you for sharing your recipe :) -kayla j

  28. you explained this very well, it seems easy and fast definitely something i look forward to making in the future. - kate sainz

  29. Overall this recipe is very thorough and easy to follow which is what I look for in a recipe. Flourless chocolate cake is one of my favorite desserts of all time but I've never made it before. Although I'm usually not a big fan of coconut, maybe it's time to try it with an already amazing dessert.

  30. You had me at COCONUT and CHOCOLATE. This instruction is very descriptive and I can follow along pretty easily. And thank you for sharing a food with two of my favorite flavors:)

  31. With all this extra time on our hands I will definitely be trying to make this recipe, it is easy to follow and from the images looks delicious.

  32. This looks super delicious, I can't wait to try this AND its flour free so i'm gonna enjoy making this thank you for the recipe. -Camren Littlejohn


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