
Monday, April 13, 2020

"Albondigas Soup Recipe " by Luis G

1.) Preparation of ingredients: We will be starting off by just getting our ingredients together and prepared to make this process easier especially for people who don't often cook.

Start by taking 1 large yellow onion and finely chopping it into little squares, to make this easier if a chopper is available use that instead of cutting by hand with a knife. Then proceed to take 1 large garlic clove minced and wash, peel and clean it. You also need either 2 quarts of ​chicken stock​ or beef stock which is up to you on which brand and flavor you want. 1 quart of water is also needed obviously to pour in eventually which should be available to everyone at home. There are various brand names of tomato sauces but we use the “hunt” tomato sauce, 1/2 cups will be needed. Next prepare 3 large potatoes, by peeling and cutting them into halves. Carrots are optional but if you are putting carrots in, either buy 2 large carrots or baby carrots, if using large carrots cut and peel into the size of baby carrots. Next we need to get 1/3 cup of raw white rice preferably Jasmine Rice found in almost any grocery store. You will now need to have 1 pound ground beef or ground turkey if possible 80% lean. 1 egg will be needed and 1 and a half teaspoon of salt along with 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper. You can use cayenne if some extra flavor is what you want this is optional. For the last bunch of ingredients 1 and a half cup of frozen or fresh peas which is also optional can be bought almost anywhere, 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, crumbled, or 1 tablespoon fresh chopped oregano and for the last ingredient needed, Limes cut into slices is the last touch to it all. This sums up all ingredients in order to make albondigas.


2.) Now that all your ingredients have been prepared to make the albondigas your first step would be making the soups broth. You’ll need a large soup pot at least 9 quarts or bigger, to cook all the ingredients. Add chicken stock, water, tomato sauce and salt to the pot. Bring water to a boil and add potatoes and carrots to the mix you already have going. This can vary depending on what you personally want in your soup, some may leave some vegetables out or some may add other vegetables they want. 
3.) Now for the second part you will be preparing the meatballs In a large bowl, mix rice into meat, adding salt, pepper and oregano. Get a good mix of those ingredients and mash them into a ball shape to get your meatball shapes. Then proceed to mix the meatballs you have made in raw egg to help the meatball stay together when you throw it in the pot to cook. Add the chopped garlic and onion you already have prepared into the pot of ingredients now. Also on a side note the meat ball sizes shouldn't be bigger than about 2 inches, don’t stress on measurements of the meatballs and just eye it and your meatballs should be perfect.
4.) To start the third step add meatballs to soup now, when adding the meatballs be sure to gently place them one by one in the soup as you don't want them to be thrown in
there, that may break your meatballs in half and ruin their shapes which also can speed up how fast some meatballs cook depending on their sizes, and we don't want some cooked more than others. Add peas last since they cook fastest and anything else that you have decided to add that is cooked quickly. Cover the pot with the lid and let everything cook for half an hour.
5.) Now for the finishing touches add a few pinches of oregano and also add some sprinkles of salt and pepper, and a small dash of cayenne for some flavor, the amount you put in can vary on how you prefer your soup to taste. That being said you will have to experiment a little with your soup to get it just right for your own personal liking. You can also add lime juice to give extra flavor and if available some chile also for some extra spice. 6.) Now you got a tasty soup that in my opinion isn’t very complicated to make, I hope you enjoyed this “How To” tutorial about making (Mexican) Albondiga soup.


  1. I love this soup especially during the winter!!! I love seeing how different families have their own twists on making this classic dish. Overall well done!

  2. I love albondigas !! My mom makes this and it is one of my favorite dishes. I love how your recipe includes other ingredients that my mom doesn't normally use to show how there are various ways to make this dish. - Breana Plascencia

  3. This sounds amazing, I will have to try making it this way one day. I was very intrigued with the ingredients you mentioned, I will definitely be trying this soon. Also great job making this recipe so easy to follow. -- Hannah Ekelem

  4. That sounds delicious Luis! Thank you for sharing this recipe. I will probably try this in the future! I like the way you organized this piece, it is simple and easy to follow. Great job :)

  5. That sounds delicious Luis! Thank you for sharing this recipe. I will probably try this in the future! I like the way you organized this piece, it is simple and easy to follow. Great job :)

  6. As soon as I started reading your recipe, I could imagine the albondigas soup in front of me! It’s one of my absolute favorites that my grandma makes, so there’s a lot of memories attached to the soup, like when she makes it in the winter or during 98°+ weather haha. Great job explaining the tedious process of making the soup! :) - Zoe Picon

  7. Isabella PattersonApril 21, 2020 at 2:51 PM

    I love how specific you were as it made the recipe easy to follow. I also found it interesting how you use different ingredients than I am used to. It is always cool to see what people put in the recipe and have arguments with friends at the lunch table over if rice belongs in albondigas. -Isabella Patterson

  8. This looks so delicious and with the cold weather seems like the perfect thing to make. `Your instruction were clear and the pictures are very helpful when making this.

  9. Luis, I loved reading your recipe bro. I'm glad that you shared this because I’ve been cooking a lot during the quarantine so now I have another dish to try. Thanks for sharing!!

    ~Joshua-Zion Hunter

  10. Luis, I loved reading your recipe bro. I'm glad that you shared this because I’ve been cooking a lot during the quarantine so now I have another dish to try. Thanks for sharing!!

  11. This is one of my all time favorite dishes to both make and eat! Thank you for sharing your own version of the recipe, I will definitely try your version, it looks really tasty!

  12. Personally I’ve only ever had albondigas one time because I’ve never had it at home because I’m as white as white can get. The only time I’ve had it was at my girlfriends house was when she tried to make it for me but she failed miserably. It was still good but it just didn’t really work how it was supposed to. But the point is next time if she were to follow this recipe I think it would be a great way for her to actually make it the right way because you make it so easy to follow and know exactly what to do.

  13. This sounds really delicious, and you’ve gave us an easy detailed way on how to make it. I’ve never tried making it but I’ve seen my mom do it. There are some different ingredients my mom uses, but overall it’s a pretty good soup!
    -stephanie cabrera

  14. This sound delicious Luis. I love when my mom makes this food for me especially when the weather is cold or when I’m sick. Thanks for the recipe. Now I can make his whenever I want to.

  15. I personally don't eat meat but I do have a family full of meat eaters who i love to cook for and share recipes with. I love how detailed and organized your writing was because that makes it easier to follow the steps.
    - Kerin Bynum

  16. This looks so good! Hopefully it will get cold again so I can attempt it! Thanks for sharing!

  17. This is one of my favorite dishes that reminds me of family. It's usually cooked when a potluck is happening so thank you for reminding me of something i can look forward to after all this is over :)

  18. Isabel QuintanillaApril 23, 2020 at 3:49 PM

    I love this soup especially when its cold outside or when i'm sick and its interesting to see people make it with different ingredients than what I am used to, but it did make me very hungry by reading this.

  19. I love how you organized the instructions, it is easy to follow and the meal is delicious. I enjoy eating this at home with family but as most Latino households go we eat soup on the hottest of days.

  20. This soup looks good super good, when I get sick again i'm most definitely making this dish thank you for this recipe. -Camren Littlejohn


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