
Thursday, February 20, 2020

"How to Make a Seafood Boil " by Hazel K

Food has always been an integral part of my upbringing. Every holiday members of my family come together and celebrate with laughter and a good meal. This year I was given the task of making the first meal of the new year. This may seem like an intimidating task but I have never been one to fold when faced with a challenge. Don’t get me wrong I was a bit worried because my family is made up of some of the toughest critics I know but, I was excited to get started. Since I was the one cooking I got to decide what to prepare and I decided to make a seafood boil. This being my first time preparing a boil I did make a few mistakes but altogether it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. Here is a loose translation of what I did. 

What you will need: 20-quart pan
16 cups of water

3 King crabs legs
2lbs of snow crab
1lb of tiger shrimp
1lb of shrimp (any kind) 1lb of scallops

1 pack of corn
1 bag of small red potatoes
8 lime
butter Garlic cloves
I large onion
1 Zatarain bag
1 bottle Zatarian seasoning
Lemon pepper seasoning
Seasoning salt
Cajun seasoning
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Old bay

Begin by filling the pan with 16 cups of water once filled turn on the stove to medium-high heat while the water is boiling begin rinsing the seafood. When cleaning the seafood use cold water and thoroughly clean items be sure to use special care with shrimp. Once you are finished washing the seafood check on your water if it is boiling proceed if not continue waiting. Once the water begins boiling, add the seasonings. Start by cutting 6 limes and 1 large onion add this to the pot once done with this add 1 Zatarain package and 2 caps of Zatarain seasoning. After you have added these items close the pot and let it sit for a few minutes.Open the pot and begin to season the broth. (I have added a few seasoning I use above but feel free to use your own) As you are seasoning be sure to continue tasting the broth, this is very important. When you have finished adding all spices and the broth is to your liking, it is time to add the corn and potatoes. They should be the first things added to the broth because they take the most time when

cooking. After giving the potatoes and corn an appropriate amount to cook, it is now time to add the seafood. This may seem like the easiest part but if done incorrectly you can be left with a giant mess. Start by slowly adding the king crab legs to the broth followed by the snow crab, lastly add the shrimp do not overflow the pot remember you can always make a second batch. Once you have added all the seafood to the pot place the lid on top and let it sit for about ten minutes, check on the boil periodically to make sure it does not overcook. While that is cooking get a skillet out because it is time to prepare your scallops. Turn the fire to medium-low heat add the slice of butter to your pan, let it melt, Place the scallops in the pan. Add your seasoning onto the scallops allow it time to cook flip the scallops and allow her to cook on the other side. Place the scallops into the boil. By this time the boil should be done cooking, give it a quick stir and remove it from the pot. 

Garlic Butter Sauce
After you have made this amazing seafood you might just want to call it a day and enjoy the meal you’ve just slaved over, but if you're anything like me you will enjoy the meal 10 times better with a nice sauce to go along with it.

What you will need:

1 saucepan
2sticks of unsalted butter
2.5 tablespoons Garlic powder
1.5 tablespoons lemon pepper seasoning
1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning
1 tablespoons parsley
.5 tablespoons Cayenne pepper
1 lime

Add the butter in the pan and place it on low heat to allow the butter to melt, as it is melting begin adding your spices. Once the butter is completely melted and the spices are fully incorporated squeeze your lime and it is ready to be served. In my experience this quick and easy recipe is worth the time. Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Wow Hazel, I didn't know you could cook! This recipe looks very intimidating, but I'm sure your wording and detailed instructions would make the recipe easier to follow along with. I appreciate that you encourage us to go the extra step by also making a garlic butter sauce, I'm sure its worth the extra hassle because based of the ingredients... it sounds very very tasty and it will definitely be a great addition to the seafood boil itself. Nice job!

  2. There are very clear instructions provided and simple ingredients which is always a plus! This recipe sounds delicious and quite tempting to try! Good job.

  3. Although I'm allergic to seafood, I really liked how simple your recipe was, good work.

  4. I do not normally eat sea food, but this recipe sounds good, i definitely want to try it, and maybe i will enjoy eating sea food because of it !

  5. I loved how easy and clear all the instructions were for making this dish! I'm not really a huge fan of seafood, but this recipe might change my point of view :)

  6. This recipe sound amazing! I hope I could try it one day. I love how you put your love and talent into your cooking.

  7. I did not know you could cook. It's cool that you can proudly display your talents for others to see! I hope I can try this one day. It looks great.

  8. This recipe sounds so good. You made clear instructions and it was easy to follow. I will definitely try this the next time I buy sea food.

  9. First of all, I love your topic of choice because I'm a big fan of seafood! Your instructions on how to make a seafood boil is very detailed to the extent that I think I can perfectly make one in my first try just by reading this. Great work and I'd definitely try this recipe soon!

  10. This recipe was easy to follow. I really like seafood so this is a plus.Next time I buy seafood I will try this recipe. Can't wait to try it Thanks!!

  11. This sounds so delicious and I'm surprised you know how to cook so well. I didn't expect that but that's awesome! I really would love to try this out especially with my brother because he no longer eats meat except fish so I think he would love this.

  12. This recipe is simple and easy to follow. I'm going to have to make this for myself soon. - Cameron Hunter

  13. Apart from the well written and clear instructions, I really like how you created a work around the idea that anyone can do this even though it is intimidating as well as the context of this being a "feel-good" food by talking about the significance to you. All in all, a really good recipe that sounds exciting and fun to make that anybody could do without a doubt!

  14. I read this while hungry and it didn't help me that much because this sounds amazing to eat. Although i'm not a big big seafood person I still eat it every now and then but this makes me want to eat seafood. Can't wait to try it for myself!

  15. I like how you made a little introduction talking about why you cook, I thought it was cool so we can see why you enjoy it. The steps you provided were easy to follow. - Breana Plascencia

  16. I liked how clear everything was from the instructions to the ingredients being used. It is already clear from the sheer number of things going into the boil that it'll be a huge meal. Nice!

  17. This is making me so hungry it's not even funny. I've always seen seafood boil videos on youtube but have never thought of making it myself so thank you for this recipe.

  18. I loved the clear ingredients and directions for making these dishes, it makes it easy for someone like me who doesn't know how to cook very well to follow the directions and successfully create the dish.

  19. Hazel! Thank you for sharing this recipe! I love seafood and will probably try this recipe of yours in the future. The instructions seems so easy to follow and yet very specific and detailed. Overall, I thought this was very good!

  20. This recipe was very straightforward and simple, as anyone could follow it with ease. Seafood is very delicious, but this recipe can take it to greater heights! Thank you for sharing, as this might be a recipe I have to try for myself. - Aaron P

  21. I can relate to you because food has been a really important part of my upbringing as well. I absolutely love seafood and will hopefully be trying this boil!!

  22. This just sounds so amazing, I can't imagine how good it must have been! I like how you included that you had to make it for the New Year and your family being big critics.
    -Stephanie Cabrera

  23. Woah! This was a very detailed recipe Hazel. What really amazed me about your recipe is how much stuff goes into it! I never expected so much food to go into a seafood boil. Just imagining all those flavors meshing together is making me so hungry. Your recipe just sounds so good. I hope that one day I can follow your recipe and make this because it just sounds delicious.

  24. This recipe sounds amazing. I'm usually not the one to cook the fancy meals but I might have to try this one. You made it very clear to follow. Wish me luck.
    -Dahrien Trotter

  25. Thank you so much for sharing! This was very well-written and easy to follow. I like how you included your own personal connection to food and family traditions in your introduction. I can't wait to try this one day! -Isabela Vergara

  26. Great recipe! I have to agree, seafood boil is great for any occasion and never fails to fill the family up so it’s nice seeing a guide to making it. In the instructions paragraph, some sentences could’ve used some commas but despite that, this was a clear and helpful guide!

  27. YES MA'AM, FOOD FOR THE SOUL!! This is one of my favorite dishes to eat, especially during the holidays! The directions were very thorough and clear, great job! ;) <3
    -Madia Wright

  28. I love all the thorough instruction that you gave and one day I will have my mom or maybe myself make this. Great job on the instructions

  29. Personally not a very big fan of seafood but hey you did a good job of making this sound semi okay and edible to me. Haha jk you did a good job a lot of your instructions are very clear and even though I would never make this because I know I wouldn’t like it I feel like i would be able to make it because you were very clear

  30. I gotta say these are very clear and specific instructions, down to the decimal! I am a huge fan of places like Boiling Crab and Mad Claw so this is a recipe I am highly interested in. One note is maybe some crawfish because they're like tiny lobsters but I do understand if some people don't like them. -MJ Ibarra

  31. Sometimes, when I'm commenting on the recipe blogs, I'll say that I am going to try this recipe for myself, but this time I actually mean it. The instructions you provide are so clear, and it seems doable. Great blog! ~Nathan Sandoval

  32. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaMarch 5, 2020 at 8:57 AM

    Hazel!!! My mouth is watering!!! I love how specific you made the instructions and you gave us a step-by-step guide on how to execute a proper seafood boil. Personally, I’ve never tried a seafood boil, but one day I do hope to try a seafood boil after reading this! Hazel, please keep giving people recipes that are as amazing as this one!

  33. thank you for sharing your recipe with us! i cant wait to try it. the recipe instructions were clear and easy to follow. i like how you shared how the recipe connected to you and your upbringing. great job - kayla j

  34. This was such an interesting recipe especially since I love seafood. As a child, I grew up eating a dish similar to this and it’s very interesting to see the different says people generate their dish to their liking!

  35. The way you explained on how to cook seafood boil is very understanding which makes it much easier and fun. I would love to try and make this at home one time. Great job hazel!

  36. This recipe sounds so delicious!!! I’ve always been afraid to cook seafood for fear of not doing it right but your recipe makes it sound so easy. Adding potatoes and corn sounds so good! I definitely want to try this at home.

  37. Wow! this sounds delicious i cant wait to make it on my own! also this recipe is written amazingly and is so easy to follow! - kate Sainz


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