
Thursday, February 20, 2020

"The Talent Show Auditions " by Aleeyah S

“Did you guys hear that next month is the school talent show? Do you think that I should try out Karlie?” which I heard while eavesdropping into Jessica and Karlie’s conversation. I looked at the clock for the 3rd time already hoping that 2:55 would come so I could go home for the day. 10 minutes later which felt like forever, the bell rang and everyone packed up. While I was packing up, I couldn’t help but think about Jessica and Karlie’s conversation about the school talent show. I knew that I wasn’t going to try out or anything but the thought of it distracted me. As I walked out of the classroom I saw my best friend Treasure waiting for me at the door so that we could walk to the bus stop together. “Paris have you heard about the talent show? Everyone is talking about it!” I nodded my head but I didn’t really want to talk about it so I changed the subject. “Yeah... but today in class when Bryce walked past me we made eye contact. I swear it was a connection.” we both chuckled and then hustled to the bus stop so that we wouldn't be late. The bus came and then dropped us off at our destinations. When I got home I ran to my room and went on instagram. Right when I opened instagram I saw a flyer that said “Don’t miss out on your opportunity to show your best talents! If you are interested , go to the auditorium after school tomorrow.” Yes I absolutely loved singing and was pretty good at it but, I could never go in front of the entire school and perform. I could barely sing in front of 3 people without sweating like a pig, let alone the entire school. The next day at school I felt like I walked into America’s Got Talent because everyone was preparing for tryouts. I even walked past Jessica singing the Star Spangled Banner. She was a little pitchy but that was none of my concern. The bell then rang to go to first period and everyone ran to class like it was some race. “I hope you are not trying out Paris because if you perform how you look then I wouldn’t recommend it.” Everyone around giggled and sat down in their assigned seats. I was so embarrassed but I ignored Jessica’s rude comment because Bryce was near and I didn’t want to humiliate myself anymore. Bryce then looked at me and said “Hey Paris are you trying out for the talent show?” I looked at him and couldn’t quite get any words out because I was focusing on his perfect teeth and beautiful curls. “Yes she is.” My friend Treasure said as if I couldn’t speak for myself. Or maybe I couldn’t, at least not at the moment. I just nodded agreeing with her not realizing what I had gotten myself into. “Greater than I guess I’ll see you at tryouts” he said smiling. Tryouts?! It then hit me that I agreed to try out for the school talent show and now I was more nervous than ever. All day I thought about my situation playing out different scenarios in my head. Maybe I can just say I forgot there were tryouts, or maybe I can say my fish died and I had to go home and take care of it, or maybe I can just suck it up and sing Best Part by HER. None of these are my dream choices but I think that I am just going to try out with Best Part and see what happens. Normally I want the day to go by fast so that I could go home but today I was hoping the clock took it’s time. When the bell rang everyone ran out the door and created a line by the auditorium. I decided that before lining up I would use the restroom. I went to the restroom and then became even more nervous than before so I came to the conclusion that my fish died. As I walked out the restroom I bumped into Bryce. “Hey Paris I was about to be on my way to the auditorium. Did you want to walk together?” I smiled and said “sure let’s
go” As we walked Byrce looked at me and said “So what song are you singing?” I glanced to the floor and then said that I would be singing the song Best Part by H.E.R. Byrce then got really excited and told me that he was going to be playing that same song on his acoustic guitar. Wow we even think alike! Byrce then asked me if I wanted to sing while he played the guitar. I mean I couldn’t really say no. “Yeah sure,” I murmured. As we walked to the auditorium I set my bags down and Byrce and I waited in line. In my mind I was thinking of excuses to tell Byrce that I couldn't perform until the last minute.... We were next in line for tryouts. “Goodluck!” Byrce smiled as we walked into the auditorium. The judges didn’t really say much except for, “Go when you're ready.” I wasn’t ready at all but I guess this was the most ready I would ever be. Bryce began to play the chords and I closed my eyes while holding the microphone with my sweaty palms. As I sang I forgot that I was even standing in the room and began to drift into my own world. Right when I heard the chords stop I was done and when I opened my eyes there were so many people that I didn’t even notice standing there. I did it! The judges started clapping really loud and Byrce ran up to me and hugged me. Jessica stormed out the door with her friends. But I didn’t even care, I accomplished my worst fear. I accomplished The Talent Show Auditions.


  1. This was a great piece, I imagined everything as if it was a Netflix movie from all the imagery and dialogue you incorporated. Good Job!

  2. This story is written so well! I love the amount of detail that you used because I really felt like I was there watching those auditions and the whole situation play out. This piece seemed like it could be from a movie, I really enjoyed it!

  3. Amazing piece! I loved your use of imagery, I felt as if I was right there in the setting with your main characters. Great job!

  4. This was a great story. I liked how you described you and all of the people in the story to give it a real feel. I also liked how you accomplished your goal in the end!

  5. This piece was very well-written. I love the amount of detail that you used because it really made me feel like I was there and was able to see every situation play out. This could become a movie! Great job.

  6. Wonderful job! I was so intrigued by your story that just like how Paris didn't notice the song ended, I didn't even notice the story ended. I loved the descriptive imagery and detail you put into the protagonists' thoughts and feelings while she faced her biggest fear!

  7. You wrote an amazing piece. It was truly something that once you started to read it you couldn't stop. Imaging it just like a movie scene.

  8. This was really nicely written. your diction and story structure allowed me to clearly be able to imagine the situation. Honestly this could be made in to a movie or short film. -Dahrien trotter

  9. I can really relate to the feeling of nervousness and uncertainty before a performance because I too have had to audition for talent shows before. Overall an excellent and relevant piece.

  10. Great Job! Really made the readers feel like they were watching the story take place. With expressing all the emotions and imagery, it was really relatable and helped convey everything the character was going through.

  11. Your use of detail really brought this piece to life.I could feel the characters emotions really well,which made this super relatable.-katera Perry

  12. This piece is really relatable to me because i get really nervous to perform as well. The emotion was conveyed very well through out the entire piece. I appreciate the plot line of this story, Great job :)

  13. Such a good story! Paris got over her fear, she got the boy, and Jessica got what she deserved LOL. This gave me flashes back to old Disney Channel movies, Loves it! ;) <3
    -Madia Wright

  14. Bruh I related to the Nervousness that we can feel when preform in front of people. I have a similar experience doing a talent show too! The through way that you told your story made the reader feel like they were really in the story. Amazing story! - Hannah Colunga

  15. You have a very vivid writing style and your characters description and introductions to them makes for a very compelling story.
    -Rebecca Clinton

  16. This was a very well written story. It was very easy to understand it and it caught my attention from the very beginning and even made me feel like I was reading one of my favorite tv shows. Great job!
    -Aneika Madrigal

  17. The amount of detail you put in the speech of literature is truly amazing. His story was written very well I give this a A+.

  18. The amount of detail you put in the speech of literature is truly amazing. His story was written very well I give this a A+.

  19. First of all what is up with Jessica! She needs to leave. I really loved your plot it was really entertaining and I’m so happy that Paris was able to perform and kill it. I can’t help but see the similarities between you and her, since you are such a great singer!


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