
Thursday, February 20, 2020

“Green Tea” by Kayla M.

     As I walked with Ari, one of my closest friends, for a few moments I forgot about the heartbreak. Then we happened to come across the same spot that caused all of my memories to flood back into my mind. At that same table at starbucks, we shared so many secrets and made so many memories. I always bought vanilla bean, and he always got green tea. In a moment I flashed back to our first visit. We walked here after school. It wasn’t a long walk, it was perfect. I was so nervous the first time because I was only a freshman. I was still afraid of breaking any rules too. Aside from this, I secretly had the biggest crush on my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were kids. Our moms had also been great friends before we were born so naturally, we were raised together, but it didn’t take long to develop real feelings. I could never let him know. I didn’t think he liked me the same way.
     Ari noticed my mood shift as we walked past the same starbucks that housed so many memories. We continued inside to finish some homework and spotted the same road that my best friend and I used to walk along too. There’s this big ravine with a little hole that we used to try and throw rocks into. He was pretty close most of the time, and I was not. In the blink of an eye he replaced Ari. He bent down to pick up a good sized stone, as did I. He turned to see what I had picked up. “Well no wonder you never make it! A small rock like that ought to get carried away.” I shook my head. “And with what wind?” I countered. I went first and chucked the little stone towards the dirt hole. It landed a little short with a thud. He went next and made it in. Finally. He jumped up with excitement. “Oh! Did you see that? What did I tell you? What did I tell you?” He teased. I smiled at how happy he was and shook my head. “Shut up.” I said laughing. “You only got lucky. But You couldn’t make it again if you tried.” I said. He raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? And what if I threw you?” I thought he was joking. That is until he swept me off my feet. Literally.
     Ari and I found a table at the starbucks. “Listen, I know it sucks, I just want you to know that I’m here for you.” I didn’t look at her. I was afraid she’d notice the tears welling up in my eyes. “Thank you, but I just need some time...” I told her, staying silent.
     Suddenly, I was sitting in my bed texting him. I had just gotten into a huge fight with my parents and tears were streaming down my cheeks. But he could make me smile like it was easy. We eventually fell asleep sometime around 4am. The next day after school, I was waiting for my ride to pick me up when he stopped by in his car. “Get in.” He told me. The next thing I knew, we were at Baskin Robbins eating ice scream and laughing at the silliest little things. Those were the moments that I know I’ll never forget.
     Then as easily as the good times came, they left. He met someone, and they hit it off. But she was a snake. He never saw the bad she did, she only revealed the good to him. She started getting jealous and slowly worked her poison into our lives. I still remember the night so
vividly that he texted me at 12:30am. He asked if I was awake, and I responded. The next words broke my heart. He said, “I’m crying.” Then I started crying. I asked why and he responded saying that his new girlfriend was mad at him, and he wouldn’t give me a reason. I remember trying my best to lift his spirits while I was trying to hold myself together. My mom came in and asked what was wrong. I told her I didn’t understand why I would be hurting so much over my best friend crying. And she uttered the words I’ll never forget. “Because you love him.”
     July 3, 2018, she set me up. His girlfriend texted me from his phone pretending to be him asking if I had feelings for him. I thought maybe this time I could be brave. For the first time, I’d tell the truth because this was the only thing I ever lied to him about. After all these years and late nights, we had come to tell each other everything, so when we ran out of things to talk about, we played silly games. But this time I wanted to tell him the truth, and I did. I told him that I had feelings for him, and I had for a while, but I didn’t want to ruin anything for him. But he texted back saying that I was blocked, and that was when I understood. She then messaged me separately threatening that if I ever tried to contact him again, I would regret it.
     At the time, I never believed he would give into this. He was my best friend, I was his, and he would figure this out with her. Later that night, I got a call. His name lit up on the screen and I eagerly answered the phone. “Hello?...Hello?” Nothing. I heard nothing on the other side, then it hung up. That was the last time he would ever reach out to me. I’ll never understand why he never came back to me. And my heart was shattered into a million pieces.
     “What would you like to order?” The cashier at starbucks interrupted my flashback as I snapped back to reality. “I’d like a green tea please.”


  1. The way that this story ended up as a flashback played out beautifully. This is an insanely accurate narrative about high school girl drama which reminds us of the two sides to all stories. Great Job!

  2. This was an amazing story. Its tough watching the person you love turn away from you but you get through it. I really loved the use of flash backs it made the piece come alive.

  3. I liked how your entire piece was a flashback to several memories. The attention to detail was phenomenal and allowed your reader to feel your every emotion, especially pain and betrayal. I also appreciated how you seamlessly connected your title with your topic and used green tea as a motif to symbolize that phase of your life. Everything was so dramatic but in the best way since it was so representative of real life. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I liked how your entire piece was a flashback to several memories. The attention to detail was phenomenal and allowed your reader to feel your every emotion, especially pain and betrayal. I also appreciated how you seamlessly connected your title with your topic and used green tea as a motif to symbolize that phase of your life. Everything was so dramatic but in the best way since it was so representative of real life. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I really liked how you used several flashback sequences to tell your story! The imagery and description of the small things that matter the most between a friendship made your story all the more real for me. Great job :) ! - zoe picon

  6. Isabella PattersonMarch 1, 2020 at 3:27 PM

    This story was very powerful in its ability to tug at my heartstrings. I really loved how there was the split between the past and the present because even though you new something bad was coming it felt like as a reader I was allowed to reminisce with the speaker. I especially love the speaker ordering green tea at the very end. -Isabella Patterson

  7. I immediately was wrapped up in this story as soon as it started. It had me right along with the narrator in the story wondering if things were ever going to work out but knowing that it was all only a flashback. (P.S I loved how things in the story tied into the "green tea")

  8. I really loved how you used several flashbacks to convey the amount of feelings that you had for this person and how hurt you were when they left your life. I like how you introduced the first flashback saying that you used to get green tea when the two of you were together and how you snapped back into reality when the barista asked you what you wanted. Great piece!

  9. The description of the raw emotion, pain, and memories you experienced made the piece extremely vivid and impactful. The feeling of sadness alone was vivid enough to make the reader consider your tough position at the time. Good job.

  10. Annabelle EricksonMarch 3, 2020 at 10:45 AM

    this story reminded me of some of my own experiences in life with heartbreak. the vivid imagery helped to wrench those out of my brain lol. Great writing!

  11. This made me feel so nostalgic and sentimental. It was so pretty that as soon as I read the opening lines, I didn't want to stop reading. I'm sorry that you were put through this craziness but I hope that it made you a more mature and grown person. Thank you for sharing.- Zoe Corbett

  12. Wow... Not only can I somewhat relate to the experience, but the way you portrayed it was flawless. The flashbacks were so vivid, I got so caught up in them. Really well done!

  13. You did a great job of smoothly switching back and forth between the flashbacks and the present time, yet you made the flashbacks feel so real. With every flashback and part of the story, you so vividly gave details and descriptions, allowing the audience to see why you were so hurt and feel your pain. Good job!

  14. This was really an amazing story. I was really captivating by everything, and was especially sad that your best friend would allow something like that to split you two apart.

  15. I appreciate that the flashbacks give the story personality as to how the story is told and it's executed well. It's emotional and grabs the reader.

  16. Such a bittersweet story. The attention to detail you had really draws your readers in and captures the exact feelings of love that your character had. You are a very talented writer and I can't wait to see what else you will do with this gift. - Kristin Harris

  17. Nathaniel AlvaradoMarch 4, 2020 at 11:16 AM

    I absolutely loved your piece! Your story telling that consists of dialogue and insight to the narrator's thoughts and emotions really enhances your writing. I also really appreciated the structure of the story as it is set up as a flashback that comes back into reality at the very end followed by a sweet end comment. Overall, great piece of flash fiction. :) -Nathaniel Alvarado

  18. Wow this was really interesting to read. The fact that it mostly revolves around a flashback to really give context was a great idea. I really liked how you built up the climax all the way up until the end when she asked for a green tea. I really think this was a very good and exciting piece to read. Amazing job!

  19. You constructed this story very good, from the flashbacks, your emotions, and the symbolism of green tea, very thought out. Plus it was really interesting!
    -Stephanie Cabrera

  20. I love how you added really intense imagery to capture your thoughts about heartbreak! This addition really brought out the story as a whole

  21. Your story is very captivating from the very beginning. It has the ability to resonate with anyone who reads it, no matter whether or not they have been in love like you describe your personal experience (if that's what it was). The symbolic meaning of the green tea also shows the heartbreak, and the ability to want to be with someone even though your relationship came to an end. -Sofia Riccobelli

  22. This was a very heartwarming story. Your writing really brings the reader in to gain further insight and connect with this memory. It was a very powerful and emotional piece.

  23. Well written! I love how you decided to tell your story in a flashback point of view and then end it off returning back to the present, revisiting the green tea that was mentioned earlier. I was also intrigued by your story due to the great use of imagery you provided.

  24. I like how in the beginning you gave us a little background between your friend then transitioned to the flashback. The story seemed pretty intense especially with the help of you quotations. Overall I liked your piece, Good Job Kayla.

  25. i enjoyed your story it was well written. i liked how you told it as a flash back you had and i thought how you connected the past and the present with green tea was a good touch. good job -Kayla Johnson

  26. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaMarch 5, 2020 at 10:06 AM

    I feel like I was just time traveling! I loved how you were able to tell the story as a flashback and as the present, because it gives the reader a sense of adventure. I quite enjoyed my time reading this. Please keep up the good work!!!

  27. I loved your piece! One of my favorite parts was how you played with the timeline to keep the reader focused to be able to understand and I loved how you were able to explain well our daily lives as a high school student. Great job.
    -Aneika Madrigal

  28. I enjoyed the way the piece was structured, it was very easy to keep track of what was happening. This is a very accurate account of what happens to many high school students and the last line really finished the piece off strong. Great piece!

  29. This story legitimately gave me chills. You kept the reader emotionally involved in your story, and did a really good job with the snap back to reality at the end. This piece was amazing! I am sorry about your heartbreak, or the character’s heartbreak, but the story was very engaging.
    - Eddie Yanez

  30. I really liked the way you added a lot of flashbacks in this piece of literature. This also relates to real world high school drama in a very big way. Great job on this piece!

  31. The way that you presented the story kept me intrigued and yearning to know how it would end. The way you concluded it with snapping back into reality and ordering your green tea was a perfect set up for this being the title of the piece. -Lauren White

  32. I like the transitions between flashbacks and the present. You did a great job at including dialogue in the story which made the readers more involved in the story.

  33. Emotional. There's really not much I can say about it, this really took me away. Your delivery of the story was incredible, the passion, the meaning, the hurt. Everything about this was amazing, your story hit me very hard. Sharing your experiences to the audiences was very well done. Amazing.

  34. Your use of flashbacks was amazing. Your transition from the present to the past flowed very smoothly. I like how you expressed your genuine emotions in this piece. I also thought the switch from vanilla bean to green tea by the end of the story was an amazing touch. - Hannah Ekelem


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