
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"The Fool Dressed in Crimson" by Jolyei G

      ThumpThumpThump.My heart begins to beat out of my chest as I realize the magnitude of my
situation. I lay paralyzed on the cold forest ground-partly out of pain, partly out of fear- with only the pale moonlight shining through the trees illuminating my field of vision, atop of the plethora of dead, brindle fall leaves and a pool of warm crimson, as I hear the hustle and bustle of nature coupled with the nearby freeway intersection. I use all the energy left inside of me to ponder, still and silent. Ponder how someone could adore me for one second, then ruin me the next. I still remember the brazen, animalistic look in your once caring, angelic green eyes. I lay and begin to weigh which pain hurts more: physical or mental. My consciousness continues to fade in and out and I panic. This cannot be how it ends. I refuse. I grab a leaf and start to trace my eyes over the intricacies of it. At this point I needed to keep myself focused on anything but what I feel, until help arrived. I thank God that I practiced breathing exercises during AP season last year, but nothing could stop me from thinking back on us, and what we used to be... 

     I glanced at you, from a healthy distance of course. My interest in you particularly peaked when I saw you at Goodwill with your good friend. I still remember the happiness in your eyes-what initially attracted me- and I could see you glowing from within. I was terrified to approach you, dear God I wish I trusted my gut. I stopped you before English and began to ramble and ramble,
but you stopped me, grabbed my phone, and put your number in, no questions asked. We texted all day, all night, all the time. It was my addiction, my infatuation, whatever you want to call it. You were magnetic, from your humor, your curiosity about the world, and your loving spirit. We hung out everyday. No matter how trivial the activity was, we could not bear to be apart. The months and months of joy and life we brought each other came to a sudden stop, and I still have no clue why. You checked out mentally. You were void of your humanity. You demanded for me to leave you alone.   But I was foolish. I refused to live with the idea of abandoning you and everything we built. I leeched onto something dying, no scratch that, dead, and tried to revive it with one sided effort. I should have acknowledged your sudden switch in demeanor, and in the way you treated me, but I was foolish, I thought it was love. Love would not have led to this. You finally had enough of my endless efforts.    You finally had enough of me. You grabbed me, restrained me by the very hands and feet you once adored, slammed me on the dirty and barren forest floor as if I were nothing more than weightless cargo, and began to tear away at everything you once coddled. I am ashamed to say you words hurt more than the dagger. The words that contradicted everything you once told me, caused me more pain than you physically ending my life. I wish I would have left well enough alone a year ago, but I was a fool for you. 

      Am I mad for wanting to text you once more? I hate you. I despise you. I loathe you. In my most vulnerable state, dying, I still wish to hear your delicate voice. It is hard to understand what I am feeling in what i know are my last moments. I could ponder about what my life once was, the family, friends, and legacy I am leaving behind, but I cannot help but to feel you were my entire life. I think you still are my entire life. And that terrifies me. I could blame my illogical and
strange thinking on my loss of blood and lack of oxygen flow, but i know for a fact that does not change a single thing. My heart pace is slowed, slowing at the moment along with the growing pool of crimson, and what felt like hours of pondering, was only 7 minutes, according to the watch you gave me for my birthday, shining dimly in the forest light, taunting me. I take one last deep breath and feel my eyelids feel as if there were sandbags on them. My body lays numb and tired on the lonely forest floor and I am thwarted into a hazy dream state, where I could hear the vicious sirens, but could not stop myself from feeling so drained. I lay, in the warm pool of crimson with my eyes shut, feeling cold, defeated, and foolish. This is it.


  1. The emotion used in this piece was very impactful, in a tugging at the heartstrings type of way. Your usage of grammar was very well put, making your story flow. The imagery used was very well put, and the placement of flashbacks really helped to tie your story together. The forest story line used in the beginning and ending of your piece was well rounded and skillful. Great job! :) - Zoe P

  2. The choice of vocabulary you use to describe your surroundings and feelings establishes a clear tone of reminiscent regret and foolery. Your title inflicted so much curiosity and desired knowledge of who it was representing throughout your whole piece. At the end of your writing, I finally found out who the "fool dressed in crimson" was, but to me your title represented both in part of your experience. Your work speaks to people in many ways, whether allowing them to relate with your situation and emotions, teaching and giving insight to those who have yet to be in a relationship or experience what you did, or in many other forms that inflict notions of realization that make them better as people and more proactive towards these occurrences in human interaction and connection.

  3. I love the attention to detail that was put into this piece. Heartbreak is something we are all bound to eventually endure in our lives and this piece encapsulates the healing process in a nutshell perfectly. Keep up the good work! -Simerpreet Dhesi

  4. This is amazing Jolyei. You did such an incredible job describing every single detail. Every line I read felt more intense than the previous one. The story is so good too, how you went from having a close and healthy friendship to basically strangers. I feel is pretty relatable, how nowadays friendships and relationships end out of nowhere. It's amazing how well you explained every feeling and every scene. Good job!

  5. I love the way in which the story was told and how it switches from present to past and back to present. The use of emotion within this piece was incredible and it shows how strong love can be despite the pain it brings. Overall, the piece was very well written and thought out and the use of vivid imagery and detail even with just the title of the piece. After reading it all and realizing the meaning of the title and how crimson represents the pool of blood. I just loved how the whole story tied together in the end.

  6. Wow, this is a really good, well put together piece of writing. This took my breath away and now I want part two! The only critique I can think of giving is instead of using so many commas, you can instead use more semicolons and range in sentence structure. Other than that, it was amazing!

  7. This was amazing! I love the way you started your piece with imagery and continued with the switch of present and past events. I felt the tough emotions on the heart through your astounding use of detail.

  8. I loved your whole story! I thought it was very impactful and there was a lot of use of imagery. I thought your story was very well thought out and very detailed. The ending was the most powerful because it very strong in the beginning but then the ending was just peaceful. I thought it was a great way to end the story. - Ariana Hernandez

  9. This story was so deep and personal that I felt like I was intruding on someone's most inner thoughts. The way you incorporated a wide variety of syntax in your sentences shows the depth and change of emotion in the character's mind. Amazing story!

  10. Your writing is so compelling that I was hanging on to every word! The imagery and diction brought me right into the narrative and kept me invest the entire time as I wanted to know the outcome of the story. For example, the title intrigued me and I later learned that the fool was the speaker and the crimson was their blood. What a beautiful masterpiece full of emotion about a universal experience concerning the illogic of love!

  11. This piece left me breathless, the way you described this experience had my eyes glued to my computer screen. It was an amazing and emotion rattling piece, that I truly enjoyed reading. Your use of imagery was executed so very well, and gave life to the story.

  12. Wow. Just wow... What a crazy story mixed with delicate diction and elevated vocabulary. The story has so much vivid description of the event that it's possible to imagine it all happening. While reading I got the chills. A messed up overall occasion told in such a calming tone. It really made me feel like the poem we read "La Belle Dame sans Merci" Where a one sided obsession leads to the "death" of that person. Overall, amazing story, you really delivered the emotions you intended to deliver.

  13. I absolutely loved your piece! I love how I was hooked from the very beginning to keep reading, especially because I'm not the type to be reading stories. I really liked how detailed everything was and it almost felt like I was living the moment and how it was a roller coaster of emotions that lead to heartbreak. And finally I liked how it was so ironic since it was mainly about death and the character was saying it in such a relaxed tone. Very well written with diverse vocabulary.

  14. While I was reading this piece, all I could think of was the amount of power the writing had through its tone and diction. Every single word that was chosen for the writing had a specific purpose and each developed the feeling of the speaker who was not only hurt, but angry. I would definitely read more if I could and that shows the power of each sentence to keep the audience involved in the piece. Your hard work can definitely be seen to the fullest extent!

  15. The effort in depicting the separation of love from the situation is a cool choice. The title played brilliantly in it and by the end I wanted to know more of what was going previously and led up to this climax. It's always interesting to question what people think about in their last moments and your character is able to capture those thoughts and bring them home to the reader. Well done!

  16. I loved how you described your heart break as if it was a hunt. I think anyone can relate in some way to your story. The description and imagery you painted of your feelings and how they were high and then low was really well executed. I really enjoyed reading !

  17. You're descriptions for this story were written very well. I almost felt like I was in the story myself. I related to the inner thought process.

  18. Wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL story!! You have such an amazing way with imagery, I want this to be a full book!

  19. I thought your story was very well written. I especially liked your use of imagery throughout the entire story. When you said "I refused to live with the idea of abandoning you and everything we built." That really stuck with me through the story because although I'm not on my deathbed like the speaker, I felt it.

  20. Your emotional diction plays extremely well with your highly descriptive story-telling that makes this truly a wonderful read! It felt more than just having a conversation, but as if we were seeing it through your eyes. Switching to the present and past flowed well here to capture months of built-up emotion into one short story, great job!

  21. The diction you used to explain and paint not only the beautiful and twisted scene but also the emotions and divided tones is absolutely beautiful and terrifying at the same time. The idea of both love and death and how matter of fact and eerily calm add to the overall theme and tone of your story adding to the effect overall. Your ending sentences as well really geniously finish the story and tie everything together in such an artful and well thought manner; great job it was absolutely fantastic!
    -Rebecca Clinton

  22. The diction you used to explain and paint not only the beautiful and twisted scene but also the emotions and divided tones is absolutely beautiful and terrifying at the same time. The idea of both love and death and how matter of fact and eerily calm add to the overall theme and tone of your story adding to the effect overall. Your ending sentences as well really geniously finish the story and tie everything together in such an artful and well thought manner; great job it was absolutely fantastic!
    -Rebecca Clinton

  23. The sense of desire and conviction in the beginning of the story really set the idea of the narrator as they seek to talk to this mystery person. In additon, your descriptions and imagery of not only the surroundings but of your characters is amazing. I especially loved the use of “dressed” and the separate connotation you added to it at the end of the story. Amazing piece.
    -Justin Lim

  24. The sentence structure and diction really brought to life the emotions of the narrator! Your attention to detail within each moment, and even with the title, is especially notable. I loved the way in which you developed the story line, keeping each scene more interesting than the last. All in all, this was a beautifully written piece!

  25. The intensity that I can feel written in this is so good. Not a sentence went without expressing the seriousness of the situation. After reading, I still had many questions which is great in a piece like this. Really good job! - Hannah Colunga

  26. This is by far the most powerful story i have read on this blog. There was not a minute while i was reading it that i stopped in awe of how amazing it was written and how each sentence filled me with a new sense of feelings. The content of your story was the essence of your success. Not a lot of people have the courage to write about something as deep and impactful as the events you described in your story. Not only did you choose a great topic to write about but you wrote it so well. I never knew how much of a great writer you were until now. Your words painted a captivating picture and there was not a moment in the story where i felt lost or indifferent. The way you started with,"ThumpThumpThump" was genius and pulled me into your story in a heartbeat. Truly a masterpiece of writing.

  27. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaNovember 6, 2019 at 8:20 AM

    Wow! Wow! Wow! Not at one point through out the duration of my reading did I get bored of this story. After I had read it my eyes had hurt, because of the long time I was staring at the blue light of my monitor. Your use of imagery and diction had me absolutely breathless and you made me feel so sad after reading this. I love it and keep this work up!!

  28. You had me on the edge of my seat at every single moment of the story, trying to figure out what happened and how did this relationship come to such a demise. Also, your mix of the different types of diction, such as cacophonous, euphonious, and concrete, emphasized the contrast of the feelings you once had and how the relationship once was, compared to now. A completely jarring recount of the whole situation.

  29. I love the imagery used throughout your piece, it helps set the scene and tone clearly, and the way the story begins and ends in the same place. I was immediately drawn to your work by the title, the ominous word choice is captivating. - Valerie Chavez

  30. The sheer amount of imagery and diction that you put into this story is amazing. I love the way you described the pain the character felt about a loved one leaving her.


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