
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"Loss" by Elianna W

      The word loss according to the dictionary is, “the fact of losing something or someone.”
Some people may think of it as just losing materialistic things like their keys and they do not think anything about it. Or people who play sports lose games and are probably used to it. Sometimes people can lose important things such as a pet, a sentimental item, a house, or even a loved one. That kind of loss affects someone the greatest. It causes grief, depression, and the feeling of loneliness.
     Loss of a loved one does all of that to someone, and even more. It puts a huge, empty feeling in the heart that can never be all the way repaired again. The person is always on the mind, and one cannot do anything about it. They just have to sit alone, and process it in their own way. There is a mix of weird emotions that where the person has no idea what the right way to feel. Of course they feel sadness, but sometimes in some moments, they may feel alright about it. But then they feel guilty about feeling alright. It is a big cycle and it starts all over again. The worst part is, is that if the person wants to talk to their late loved one, they cant. All they have is the memories that were left behind. They even appreciate all of the bad and ugly moments of the relationship. They miss everything about that person, even the negative things. Even more so, all of the amazing moments of the relationship.
     Despite all of those things, loss can be a good experience for someone to go through. For example, a person can learn to fight through the pain and remain strong, which is probably what the late person wanted for them. They can learn new ways to love and appreciate other people too. They learn that they need to not take their loved ones for granted and always tell them they love them. The focus on other relationships can be good for the heart. They will have many other family members and friends supporting them. Loss can grow and ruin a person in many ways. Every single day, it is hard for them to live their life without the person, however it can draw together better relationships of others, and grow the mind and soul in a way that it cannot grow with other experiences. That is the true meaning of loss.


  1. I totally agree that loss comes with its negatives along with its positives. Loss can be a good thing for someone who is in need of change, however, loss is something that can be dreadful to overcome. Great job on your piece, you were able to make me realize that losing something in the end can also lead to something positive whether or not I chose to see it.

  2. Your piece made me reminisce about a recent loss my family experienced the past year, and it is definitely true that experiencing loss helps you grow as a person and better connect to those who have gone through similar events. Although everyone has their own experience with loss, it is universally agreed that loss does hurt. Nice work!

  3. I like how you put to words the complexities of loss that a dictionary cannot define in such a sparse word count. I also really liked how you considered that loss can be beneficial to a person in certain lights or destructive if not dealt with properly. -Cameron Hunter

  4. I enjoyed the description of the meaning of the word loss and the effect it has on people who have lost people. Almost everyone has suffered a loss of something or someone, whether the loss is of a person, pet or personal belonging. The feeling of emptiness and the feeling of having a piece of yourself missing is very accurate. Great Job! - Yishai R.

  5. I like how you used the dictionary definition and made in to something more complex. Explaining the after math of losing someone close to you. The pain the never goes away it just there forever but life goes on and so do you.

  6. I really like how you detached yourself from the writing and used 'they' a lot. When you lose someone you love, you tend to become detached from the world for a while, so you detaching yourself from the writing through the point of view it was written from really captured that feeling. Overall, you did a great job on the writing!

  7. Rinel-Christian AlbaniaOctober 31, 2019 at 9:45 AM

    I 100% agree with your description of loss, and that vicious cycle of emotions we undergo as we lose a loved one. You really highlight how important it is to not only look at the loss of a loved as something that will only negatively impact you, but to also look at the lessons you can learn and relationships you can form during your darkest times. Great work!

  8. I like that you know that loss can have good and bad connotations. Freshman year my loss was a childhood friend but I became more positive on my outlook in life. Although there is bad loss such as losing a family member or an emotional object loss comes in many ways. I love how your piece made me think and remember the past.

  9. I really liked how you did talk about the hardship of loss, but also included how it can be seen as a good thing in the long run. A lot of people, including myself have a hard time seeing the good in loosing something in the moment because we are so quick to be negative and not realize better things are coming. Great job bringing up both, the good and the bad in loss.

  10. The way you described the meaning of loss is truly amazing. It really made me realize that its more than just a word, but a reality. You did an amazing job on your piece.

  11. I definitely agree with your definition of loss, I do not usually think about that aspect of loss all that much. There are many who have a difficult time with a lost loved one, but thinking about their positive and negative things made you love them for who they are. This was a great piece!

  12. I like how your piece went beyond the dictionary definition of "loss" and chose to explore the in-depth meaning of it. Not only that, but you tried to portray how "loss", a term associated with a negative experience, could also be positive. Good job!

  13. This piece made me reflect on my own past experience of loss and the different ways in which people cope with this loss. Your positive tone in saying how loss can be a good thing with time, created a sense of optimism and hope that shows me and others reading this that things will be okay, even if it seems that they won't in that moment. Thank you, Great job! - Isabel Quintanilla

  14. I agree that there is both positives and negatives with loss and that the positive aspects even if they may take time and talking to other loved ones can make a person feel better accustomed to the loss but still have the memories of the lost loved one without them.

  15. I completely agree with your definition of the word loss and can absolutely apply what you had to say in real life. I recently lost someone very close to me and I have been able to take that event and use it to really display my love for others as you never know how long they will be with you. All I have now are memories but i am still able to know that they would have wanted me to stay strong and appreciate those around me. I really liked this piece and was able to connect with it a lot. You did a really good job!!

  16. After reading this piece, I couldn't help but relate to the loss of a loved one or a pet and how those experiences change people forever. The loss of a loved one can be the most difficult thing to endure and this piece underlines that pain. I like how you related loss to "normal" every day losses such as games or common items which really put the definition of loss into perspective. Great job!

  17. November 5, 2019 at 9:35 AM
    I really enjoyed how you defined the word loss in terms of intangible things. I have experienced this type of loss so it was also enjoyable to read something that I can relate to. Good work!
    -Joshua-Zion Hunter

  18. I like how you include the general denotation of the word “loss” in order to set a foundation of its meaning for the reader. This post includes the tragedy of loss, specifically of a loved individual, and ends on a positive note of shining light on the purity of loss. All in all, this post connects the pros and cons, the necessity of loss in an intelligent, well written way.

  19. Everyone in this world has to deal with loss. As humans, loss is inevitable. Your piece exposes what unfortunate effect loss has on many individuals. Your piece is able to talk about a sensitive topic that should not be ignored. I really enjoyed the last paragraph of your writing because it made me start to ponder about looking for the good in the negative experiences in our life. I overall really apprieciate you writing about something that everyone could get knowledge and growth from. -Nathaniel Alvarado

  20. Your outlook on what it means to lose something is very unique and insightful. I like how you included the good and bads of loss in how you describe it and the feelings that everyone goes through as we lose something or someone, especially someone that we lost. Seeing the good in losing something is also very important as everything happens for a reason and everyone has to move on. Well done! -Aaron P

  21. Loss is especially difficult when it's a loved one who you admire or love the most. There can be so many hurt feelings and feelings of doubt or insecurity. Throughout the experience, though, that pain yo go through really does make you stronger, as you said. What really is terrible is when people go their whole life without feeling loss and then finally have to endure it; they don't know how to feel. That kind of experience is something you would not want to wish on somebody. However, relative to your essay, I thought you really developed it nicely and included some great examples. While the dictionary definition refers as loss as one thing, it has such an entirely different meaning that words just can't explain. You made this crystal clear.

  22. I agree to this on a personal level. I too have experienced true loss. I’ve experienced the grief and pain when a family member and close friend passes away. Your definition of “loss” is very true and the way you described the scenarios of loss are beautiful and give a very clear image of the feelings and emotions one goes through when someone close is lost.
    -Cedrick Martinez

  23. I totally agree with your definition of ‘loss’, it really is something we need to experience in our lives to grow as a better person. Your examples that show why loss brings positives and negatives nicely flows with your definition of loss and really does show why we need it in our lives.

  24. This is a very interesting piece and a very interesting take on the idea of losing someone. It was very effective how you backed up your opinions with examples of real life situations that everyone can relate to or that people will be able to relate to in the future. You really drove home the idea of making the most of the time you have with a loved one while they are there with you because you never know when it can all go away. Overall a great piece! - Yuan Maneje

  25. I could not agree more with what was said about your definition because we all have to deal with loss within our lives, it is just a matter of how we are going to deal with it and how are we going to bounce back from our losses or cope with them. I really enjoyed reading this story as well.

  26. Your definition of loss is so potent and real and i can relate to growing form that tyoe of loss. Your vocabulary and your use of diction is very powerful and reflective, you make the term loss into something that you can grow and strengthen yourself from which many people hope for in those situations, great job.
    -Rebecca Clinton

  27. I remember when I lost my grandpa to cancer it was so hard for me to move on I still to this day feel so sad and get into these moods where all I can do is think about him and how much I miss him. I did learn a lot from losing him though. I remember when he got really sick I always made sure I told him I loved him before saying bye and now I do it to everyone in my family because you truly never know when you could lose someone. - Kate Sainz

  28. I love how you introduced loss and all of the possibilities it could mean and ended it with your definition/understanding of loss. I felt a connection through your piece, as if you had lost someone in your life recently.
    Overall, you did an AMAZING job!
    -Stephanie Cabrera

  29. I agree, the word loss does have a negative connotation, however "loss" can be a positive remembrance of someone or something.

  30. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaNovember 6, 2019 at 8:32 AM

    I absolutely love how you had started your essay with the definition of “loss,” because then it allows the reader to compare the international standard of loss to the loss which you have experienced, and that gives the reader a perspective on how loss is different for everyone. Great job and keep the great work up!!!!!

  31. Your outlook on what it means to lose something is very unique and insightful. I like how you included the good and bads of loss in how you describe it and the feelings that everyone goes through as we lose something or someone, especially someone that we lost. Seeing the good in losing something is also very important as everything happens for a reason and everyone has to move on. Well done! -Aaron P

  32. I absolutley loved the sincerity and message you portrayed in your writing. Turning something that harms your everyday functions into something that makes you a stronger person is truly inspiring. I can say I relate to this because my dog past away about a year ago and this message brought me back to that moment. I told myself that she is happier and in a better place. Thank you Elianna for a great message for me and everyone else.

  33. This piece alone made me reflect and those I lost, both friends and family and it really opened my mind to what loss really is and how it made me, me. Thank you for this amazing eye opening piece.-Jacob Higgins

  34. I love your description and take on loss. Everyone can relate to this somehow, which also makes it so important and touching to everyone. Although loss is very different to everyone, your in-depth description made it very easy to understand, and show us how we relate to every else around us. Well Done! - Kayla M.

  35. I really enjoyed your meaning of the word "loss" and how you describe it in the last paragraph as being a good experience since not that many people would think of "loss" in that way. I also agree that experiencing loss could make a person stronger. Awesome job! -Halie Montes

  36. I love how you showed that there was more to loss that meets the surface, your description of loss made it easy to relate and understand more about it :)

  37. I really enjoyed that you didn’t just focus on losing objects, like you said a key or something of that sort but also a loved one. Losing a loved one can have a huge impact on a person and on families all together. It’s one of the hardest things to deal with that unfortunately everyone has to go through and it sucks but hopefully they find peace at the end of the day. Very well written!!

  38. Your piece was very well written. I liked how you defined an everyday word into something more. I also thought that the example you used is a reflection of the reality of life. The positivity that you brought to a word with negative connotations, is very inspiring. Fantastic job!
    -Linda Hung

  39. This essay was absoulutly amazing. I loved how how you described the word "lost" and the way you portrayed it. And i really enjoyed how its your writing is kind of detached from yourself in some sense.


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