
Friday, September 27, 2019

"A Different Kind of Cheese Burger" by Lotus T

      Food runs the world, or at least that's what I believe. From far back as I can remember food has
been, quite frankly, the love of my life. This includes eating and cooking food. From when I had my first bite of food as an enfant to when my cousins and aunt taught me to cook eggs at the age of 11. My recipe for a certain kind of cheese burgers is a perfect example of my love to create and taste different kinds of food. My goal today is to teach whoever's reading this how to make this “different” kind of Cheese Burger. 

Ingredient List:
Warning if a reader is allergic to any of the ingredients listed below the reader can substitute ingredients.
  1. 1 Pack of Hamburger Buns ( there's usually 6 in a pack)
  2. 4 Whole White Onions
  3. 1 Pack of Whole White Button Mushrooms (white or brown appearance)
  4. 1 Can of Green Pre-sliced Jalapenos
  5. 3 Packs of Swiss or Provolone sliced cheese
  6. 2 sticks of butter
  7. 3 packs of 1lb Ground Beef

8. 1 Pack of Season Salt (optional)
Material List:
  1. 2 Large Skillets / Pans
  2. 1 Large Plastic Bowl
  3. 1 Spatule
  4. 1 Can Opener
  5. 2 Large Cooking Spoons
  6. 1 Small Cutting Boards
  7. 1 Large Kitchen Knife
  8. 1 Hamburger Pattymaker (optional)
  9. 1 Pair of Tongs (optional)
First off make sure that both ingredients and cooking materials are clean. Second begin to slice the white mushrooms and onions. After cutting you should have rings of white onion slices and slices of white mushrooms. Then Cut 1 stick of butter in half, placing one of the halves of butter in one of the skillets. Set temperature to low to medium heat and place the onion and mushroom slices in skillet along side butter to saute. Let it cook for 6 minutes and stir twice before turning off the stove. The onions and mushrooms should look bronzed and smell intensely good. Now open the can of green Jalapenos using the can opener. Open up the packs of ground beef and

grab enough ground beef to make a single patty and place it in the large bowl. Using the curves of the bowl to shape the ground beef. The ground beef should look like a mini makeshift bowl inside the actual bowl. Place 3 to 4 Jalapenos inside the makeshift ground beef bowl, and then close(close by pinching and mashing the ground beef together) the top open section of ground beef to form a patty with jalapenos on the inside. Place the other half of stick butter in the second skillet along with ground beef jalapeno patty at a medium to high temperature. Cook the patty for the same duration of a regular cheeseburger. After the patty has cooked place a slice of prefered cheese on the patty while it is still hot. The result should be bulky browned and charred looking patty with melting cheese on top. Last but not least place the burger patty with melted cheese on a hamburger patty and also add the mixed sauteed onions and mushrooms slice on top of the cheese. Finishing the burger off with the bun on top. The result should look like a Carl's Jr. ad, basically a large patty with melted cheese and brown bronzed onions and mushrooms on top. All that in between two hamburger buns. This recipe can be repeated as many times as wanted for larger serving sizes.
Now you may be wondering where did this amazing recipe for a cheeseburger comes from. Well in 8th grade, I took a cooking class and one day there was a group project to create a dish and compete with other groups in the class for a prize. My group wanted to make ourselves stand out from the other groups so we wanted to mixed flavours that usually juxtapose. With this cheeseburger my group made a dish that is both spicy and savory. As amazing my group and myself thought this cheeseburger was the judges for the contest did not completely agree. Instead of winning first place like my group expected we were placed third. Also my group never gave
the cheeseburger a proper name. Even after producing this cheeseburger multiple times for different family members and events I have yet to give this burger a name or title. In fact, I would like to enlist readers to follow this recipe and cook the cheeseburger and eat it and then to send me a name for this cheeseburger.


  1. I can absolutely relate to your love of food! My was mouth watering as I was reading your recipe because your use of descriptive words allows me to picture the burger in front of me. Although I can't eat beef, I will be making these for those who can by using your easy-to-follow recipe.

  2. I love your clear appreciation for food as I too love a good cheeseburger! I also liked how you talked about your history with cooking and how it’s been a part of your life for some time now. This recipe was simple to follow and can easily be replicated at home, and I can’t wait to try!

  3. I have never thought about adding jalapeno to a burger but now I cant wait to try it! Definitely will be showing this to my family at the next barbecue. Your recipe was nicely explained and seems easy to follow.

  4. I have never thought about adding jalapeno to a burger but now I cant wait to try it! Definitely will be showing this to my family at the next barbecue. Your recipe was nicely explained and seems easy to follow.

  5. You're love for food is something that we can both relate on. There is never a dull moment when food is in the picture, and I feel that you can easily agree with this. I loved your use of detail and precision, it allowed me to easily follow every step and tip needed to make the recipe myself. Thank you so much for sharing your "Different Kind of Cheeseburger" because now I have one more item that I can add to my list of foods to make and eat :).

  6. The only time I ate jalapenos in a burger was with my family in Santa Maria del Oro. That was years ago and I kept thinking about how good it was. Thanks to this recipe and your clear instructions, I can make it for my family and enjoy it even when I'm away from them.

  7. My family loves food. My dad is a chef and hasn't made a cheeseburger like this for the family. The recipe was very easy to follow and the instructions were very detailed. My parents have challenged me to make them dinner one of these days, so I might just make this. Great Job!

  8. It is easy to see your passion behind this burger. The instructions were simple to follow which overall makes it easier for people to consider whether they want to try their hand in creating this burger. You even included how substitute ingredients can be used for people who may be allergic which emphasizes just how much you want people to experience the burger. Overall, very passionate piece.

  9. I love the connection you made to food and the world. I think most people can really relate to such an idea. And about the burger, it sounds very delectable. The way you used vivid description, and specific examples such as "Carl's Jr. Ad" really drives home the features of the burger. I can't wait to try this myself! - Nathan Sandoval

  10. I am a food lover as well and I can totally agree with you when you said "Food runs the world." Moreover, I find your recipe very interesting especially when adding mushrooms to your cheeseburger because that is something I have never tried before. The way you structured your recipe was also very helpful because you listed all the necessary ingredients that makes up your cheeseburger and because it is written step by step. I find this very helpful because I don't know how to cook yet and I have the ability to do this recipe because all the steps are listed! Therefore, I love the fact the it is thoroughly written so great job!! -Tracy H.

  11. I have to say that sounds like a really good burger,i usually don't cook burgers and i don't really plan to anytime in the future but if i needed an easy to follow recipe for a delicious sounding burger, i would for sure be thinking back at this recipe. Your passion for cooking is communicated clearly in your introduction and it only made me more interested in seeing what type of recipe you use to make your burger. - Immanuel Babatunde

  12. This is something I usually get in any restaurants. Reading thoughout the ingredients made my mouth water. The thought of having the convenience of being able to cook this burger at home inspired me to make this at home. Can't wait to try this! - Leigh Rubillar

  13. I appreciate your deep appreciation of food, because same! I am always in the mood for a good cheeseburger and your recipe that includes grilled onions and grilled mushrooms literally combines some of my favorite ingredients in one meal. Although I must admit that I am not a big fan of jalapeños, I look forward to trying out your recipe and giving them a chance. Thanks for a good read! -Tammy Pham

  14. I appreciate your deep appreciation of food, because same! I am always in the mood for a good cheeseburger and your recipe that includes grilled onions and grilled mushrooms literally combines some of my favorite ingredients in one meal. Although I must admit that I am not a big fan of jalapeños, I look forward to trying out your recipe and giving them a chance. Thanks for a good read! -Tammy Pham

  15. There are many different components that go into making a burger yet you were able to create a recipe that was very clear and easy to follow. From the first step to the last, I could just smell and hear the sizzle of ingredients on the pan!

  16. You used the perfect detail on how to create this dish so that the reader can replicate it! Food is a great thing to have in our lives and also a thing that brings us together. Sharing this recipe can inspire others to cook, I know it does for me! I will definitely try recreating this dish at home. -Jaelani Phay

  17. Ibrahim ElhajjmoussaOctober 10, 2019 at 5:12 PM

    Food really does run the world, this post is a great portrayal of that concept, seeing that as I was reading this recipe, I had lost my concentration from reading to burgers. One of the best things about this recipe is that it's not the usual burger recipe that we are all used to seeing. This recipe sounds like a more fancy and sophisticated take on the common burger. I also really like how you provided substitutes for some of the ingredients, that really allows the recipe to include everyone. I love the recipe and you have just added one more thing to my bucket list!

  18. I really enjoyed reading this piece because it made me want to go in the kitchen and cook, but this is coming from a person that is not so good in the kitchen. Also, it made me feel as if I was watching a Tasty video on YouTube. Lastly, I like the description of it all and I really learned some new things while reading this piece.

  19. CHRISTIAN MIRAFLORES JROctober 10, 2019 at 9:25 PM

    In the food world, there are endless possibilities regarding the ingredients that can be utilized for even the more simple dishes, such as a burger. The recipe presented made me admire my appreciation for food even more. Additionally, I would like to also point out your statement of how food runs in the world, which has always been extremely prevalent. Great job and thanks for sharing this recipe!

  20. We can definitely relate to the love of food. Great job writing out the recipe. It really makes me want to go out and try to make this too!

  21. This recipe is amazing! Great introduction as well, the recipe feels more personal and direct since you have such an attachment to food. The ingredients and instructions were very thorough and you even provided substitutions for certain food items, which is very considerate. Your piece shows that food itself is an actual language, with the combo of english and measurements. Overall, the recipe was concise, direct, and descriptive, leaving very little room for error since everything is spelled out clearly. Usually I stick with the run of the mill hamburger, but this recipe is very unique and I am curious to see how this turns out

  22. I am absolutely starving by the time I finished reading your recipe!!! Just like you I am also a food connoisseur, and really appreciated that you included a allergy warning since I myself have food allergies. The jalapeño inisde the patty really drew me in since most recipes are pretty straightfoward with basic ingredients. I never even thought of combining grilled onion with jalapeños, definitely will now!!

  23. I love to cook too! I can’t wait to try this recipe over the break. Your use of words helped break each step down as if I was doing it right now, which allows your instructions to be easily understandable. -Katera Perry

  24. Your recipe is so delicious, as I read my mouth watered thinking about it ! Especially when you described grilling the patty with jalapeños and onion. As a cheeseburger connoisseur I will definitely be trying this at home. Thank you !

  25. This burger truly sounds amazing! The overall instructions as well as the necessary ingredients to make this burger are super easy to follow because of your amazing sensory and explanatory details. I could see many people being able to replicate this burger as you have envisioned and made it yourself. I love how you included the readers of the article into the experience. I hope you come up with a name for this burger you worked so hard to share with others!

  26. We can both agree that food has our hearts and makes the world go round. It instantly changes my mood for the better. The instructions in this piece were easy to follow and got me excited to start cooking up a meal.-Kerin Bynum

  27. Reading this recipe makes me regret my keto diet so bad! the uses of mushrooms and jalapenos makes me want a burger more and more, let alone a cheeseburger. As a fellow food lover, I can definitely give this recipe a 10 out of 10 I'll make sure to try this burger as soon as I'm off of this horrendous diet.

  28. I love burgers and this recipe looks awesome, definitely going to try it. Nice and clear instructions as well. - Tyler Denton

  29. Your introduction really hits home for me. Food has been one of the loves of my life as well and I am envious of that cooking class you took. I also really like how you clearly stated each step I need to take in order to maximize the potential of your recipe. I never thought about putting jalapenos in the patty and adding sauteed mushrooms sounds amazing. I actually also have a burger recipe that I'm very proud of and it's based off of Gordon Ramsay's recipe. When I try this recipe, I'm probably going to combine our patty recipes because I usually mix eggs, breadcrumbs, seasonings, and ketchup along with the jalapenos in the meat to really give it flavor and have it almost melt in your mouth with soft the meat gets with the eggs and breadcrumbs. I will also be sure to add sauteed mushrooms. This is an amazing recipe that I cannot wait to cook with some friends!

  30. This writing made me curious and I might just try and make this unique hamburger. Without even trying you have convinced me to try this burger, I can’t say a name for this burger but good job on making me super hungry! I love this.


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