
Monday, May 6, 2019

"Love Galore" by Isabella C

Love. It is hidden within every single living body on Earth. Everyone experiences it at some point in their life, whether their experience is good or bad. As for me, I never want to let go of that feeling. I would recommend to everyone I know, even my worst enemy. It consumes your body from those little hairs poking out of your head to the bottom of your toes. My experience with love has been varied. Starting from the very beginning inside of my mother's womb, I got more than enough love from my family. I would say that I was blessed with such a loving family. They essentially were my first love. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. They have helped me to become the person that I am today. I am forever grateful for them. Continuing on, in elementary school I would have classmates that I would classify as “my boyfriend” and say, “I love you.” to. Years went by and I realized how juvenile that was of me. Middle school was just an awkward phase for me where I was not focused on boys at all. Things never started getting serious for me in my love relationships until my sophomore year of high school. That was the first time I experienced real love outside of my family. It was unreal. The feelings of butterflies that would start to form in your stomach when seeing their face was so unreal. It really was like a movie. Fortunately, I have had my first love, unfortunately, that love was not love that I was meant to keep in my life. Although that was a bad start to my love life, I was still young. I did not give up. There was still so much hope for me! Month after month would go by and soon enough I was a junior who was 2 months away from being a senior when BOOM, love came around. Officially it was April 20th, 2018. The feeling was invigorating, every inch of my body would be thriving with happiness every single day. Everytime he comes around I feel like glitter. From the small moments such as our tiny picnics or running errands together to our big moments like traveling to Spain together, there is nothing that I would change. It is amazing. One thing to know about love is that there are going to be ups and downs. Not everyday is going to be the same. Love is like a flower, it takes a long time to grow but once it blooms it’s beautiful. People just need to remember to continue to keep watering their flowers. Without water the flower begins to die and eventually diminishes. Overall, love is something that different people have different feelings about. Some love it, some hate it. I recommend to go out and find love today! Just remember to be prepared to work for it sometimes. Love can open new doors to yourself and to others, and without love the world may not be what it is today.


  1. Isabella, I really enjoyed reading about your piece. It was interesting because you explained how love is in many forms and that the love you have for your family is different from the one you share with someone significant. I really think you touched base with the different forms of love and i think that it truly did make your piece all that more better. Great job! (Julia A)

  2. Your outlook on love is really amazing and inspiring. I personally have not felt the feeling of love besides with my family, but I do know that my whole life is ahead of me. Your description of love allows me to visualize and feel what love is without even experiencing it. I loved your blog and I hope you continue to have love throughout your life!

  3. This was truly a beautiful piece. I love that you included personal anecdotes, it really helped me connect to the piece as a reader. It was interesting to hear your idea of love, as it is such a universal theme interpreted differently by everyone. Your specific detail added depth to your writing and provoked emotions as I read. I can definitely relate to those butterflies! Great piece.

  4. Isabella, I like how you portray the idea of love and how you also tied along your own personal experiences in order to show the effects of love. I completely agree with you that people may embrace love in different ways. I also like your use of imagery and the strong emphasis that your family is your first love. Overall, this is a great short story that shows how love is abundant in many ways
    - Mayur Chhitu

  5. I really was inspired by your piece Isabella. The imagery surrounding love that you used gave it life, and made me realize how powerful love is. You could say that I loved your piece!-Mirza Baig

  6. Good job on the piece! It was a very detailed passage of the very beginning of family love to the phases of love throughout years of maturity. I think many can relate to the phases of love you experienced throughout the different levels of schooling. Well done on the piece again!

  7. It's nice to see someone describing their experience when it comes with experiencing love. I agree with you on how first love isn't a boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but with anyone you are deeply close with. I can tell you are an expert when it comes with this subject since you not only described how love varies, but added it with your personal experience. I hope you are able to find a more beautiful love out there in the world.

  8. I like the way you define love as it being almost anything you can find in today's world but using your family, boyfriend, and past experiences as examples. These were the right details to use through your phenomenal take on love itself.

  9. Hi Isabella, I really enjoyed your piece on love. I liked how you explained love. I liked how you used imagery when describing love and how love had changed you. I also liked how you showed that love is a powerful thing and that you have to prepare yourself for it cause sometimes you may have your ups and downs with it.
    -Karen V.

  10. This is truly an amazing blogpost. I really enjoyed your writing and the way you talked about different forms of love. How we love people in a different way. This piece made me realize how important and necessary love is. Thank you! - Nufsat Khan

  11. Isabella, this piece was short and sweet, the way you described how love has many forms and how it has affected you personally is easy to relate to. It's also great that you highlighted how love changes over time and how love is always around the corner. Very nice!

  12. I really liked how you gave us your own definition and view points on love. I also agreed so much on your comparison if love with your family and I feel I could connect to this the greatest. Great job in connecting love to a growing flower that was very clever as well. -john IV

  13. This piece was truly delightful and although short, inspired feelings of deep reflection within me regarding my own personal connection to this concept of love. I adored that little bit where you compared the indescribable feeling of it to how "It consumes your body from those little hairs poking out of your head to the bottom of your toes." Amazing. Thank you for sharing these heartfelt words with us!

  14. Love is such a beautiful thing and I really think you were able to convey it perfectly. I love how you incorporated you family as your first love and progressed through your journey of love! Awesome read and super easy to connect with!
    -Alyssa Nelson

  15. Great blog, Isabella! The different forms of love you described in this piece gave me a different feel of emotions and you adding your personal experience makes it that much more relatable. -Donyale Thomas

  16. This was such a sweet story. I liked that you explained how love can be difficult and sometimes you must work for it but that doesn't mean you should give up on it. Great job!

  17. Isabella, this piece is so beautiful! You are inspiring me to go out there and spread as much love and positivity as I can. We truly cannot live without love, it keeps us alive and healthy. Thank you for writing this!

  18. Isabella, this piece was so pure. I enjoyed how you described the different types of love and focused on a topic that was so beautiful. Reading this made me happy :) -Chimi Nebedum

  19. Wow isabella this was amazing, the way you conveyed everything was great. As a reader I could really feel your growth when it comes to love. I am happy for you that you have grown and are in love to the point that you can feel it in your toes. -Sofia Canseco

  20. I really loved your piece. Showcasing the different people in your life and how they help you love. As well as explaining different ways people may love. Using your own life makes it very personal and easy to understand. <3
    -Julissa Saenz

  21. Reading your piece put a smile on my face, when seeing your own personal love with your family and others, it made me think of my own family and past "loves." I loved how you showed the beauty of love through a flower and how we as people sometimes don't think about it as much and eventually it can die. Thank you for also reminding me that I need to keep an open heart because sometimes it can close. Great job!
    -Alicia Garcia

  22. Taylor ArchulettaMay 14, 2019 at 2:31 PM

    Isabella, wow this was such a great piece to read about, truly. It was so sweet to hear about your own experience with love and I really like how you relate it to a flower. It's true how a flower has to take its time to grow to be beautiful one day and it's important to always take care of it. Thank you for this!

  23. Good job! I like how you covered all the different levels of love that we as high school students have experienced in our lives by doing so you made the piece very relatable because we can all remember those moments from our own lives.
    -Johnny Gitau

  24. I absolutely loved this I agree with what you said about love being a powerful experience and congratulations on finding love with your partner! Great job!
    Jacob Lopez

  25. What a great piece Isabella I love how you never stopped hoping for the best even when things got rough and difficult I am so glad that you were able to find that person that makes life feel so much better and happier.
    - Ivan Mejia (Per.5)

  26. Nathaniel LanderosMay 14, 2019 at 9:23 PM

    This piece was written so well and it was very interesting. I liked how you described what love is to you. I would like to share that the same love you felt for this significant other is the same but better feeling when I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. It was exhilarating. Anyway it was well written!

  27. Hello Isabella, I really like the insight the you gave on the topic of love. I really like on how you distinguished love from the ones we receives from our parents to the romantic one. Also, I like the use of a flower as a metaphor on how we should nurture love and let it grow, I found that smart and amazing. The use of that analog allowed the audience to know where your getting at. Furthermore, I really like the use of smilies especially the ones when you said that you feel like there are "butterflies in your stomach." It allows the readers to feel on what you felt that day. Overall Good Job!
    -Jean Andre Molina Period 4

  28. I honestly do need this cause of how heartless I am. Your love story was really sweet and something I hope to have one day. Hopefully.

  29. Aw I really enjoyed this piece and how heart-warming it was. I too, receive much love from my family and can relate to how you described it. And I agree! love outside of the family is unreal and an amazing feeling. Overall, great piece!

  30. Isabella, I loved your entry! With each stage of your life or when you have a new meaning of love, I caught myself saying, "me too, girl". Also, you did a really good job at showing how the interpretations can change over time based on circumstance. Great job!

  31. Love is a topic that people are not usually able to put into words however you were able to achieve this! I am glad that you also defined your first love as the love between your family since many people could relate. Thank you for sharing for definition of love because it was very interesting to read. <3

  32. Isabella, I really felt this. With putting your own experience of love within your blog made it feel more real and believable and I'm glad you got to have love and that you still do. Overall you did an awesome job explaining what love truly is and provide others with insight and what there is to look forward to in life involving love. Great job!

  33. I loved how you acknowledged that even the bad part of love is good in some way. Also, thank you for sharing your personal stories with us. I'd have to agree, if not before reading this I surely do now. Love really does open doors and I believe you did it justice with this.

  34. Lindsay SlemboskiMay 15, 2019 at 6:50 PM

    I loved how you defined love and how you explained the different ways you have found love in your life. This was very well written and involved a great amount of detail. Good job!
    -Lindsay Slemboski

  35. Isabella, I really enjoyed reading your piece! It was very inspiring to learn about love from your own perspective and I like the multiple examples that you used. Great job!


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