
Monday, May 6, 2019

"Warmth " by Simran T

     As an Intern on the Pediatric floor, I saw a lot of things, things that made me happy but also things that saddened me to the point where it would affect my whole day. One specific instance still resides deep in my heart, however, and this incident helped me realize that, although the hospital is a place of pain and sadness, it is also a place of healing, happiness and warmth.
     I was roaming the halls, doing my usual rounds. It was cold, the eerie hospitable type of cold that rattles your bones. I wasn’t having a very good day and was just patiently eyeing the clock to see when I would be able to go home. Then, a low cry started filling the halls, I rushed to the source of the sound and my heart dropped. A two day old baby girl lay in her hospital crib wailing. I notified the nurse and asked where her family was. The nurse looked at me and said, “Honey, brace yourself because I am about to tell you one sad story.” I braced myself, and listened as the words came pouring out of her.
     In short, the baby’s mother was a severe drug addict. So severe, that the baby was born an addict herself. A two day old, innocent baby was addicted to a lethal drug. The nurse then continued about how the mother didn't even realize that she had given birth and how the baby has no family to be with her. The mother herself was in the ICU in critical condition due to her drug abuse. The nurse looked at me and said, “Can you do me a favor? That baby needs warmth, she needs human contact to calm down and rest.” I was nervous but I said that it would be my pleasure. I walked into the room, sanitized, and sat down in the rocking chair. The nurse unhooked the baby from the tal machines around her and set her into my arms. She instantly stopped crying and lay there in silence. I rocked her back and forth and made sure she was warm, that she felt warmth from my touch. Then, me being the emotional girl I am, I started crying uncontrollably. She was just so small and so sweet and I felt this wave of pain because I didn’t know i she was going to have the life she deserved. I didn’t know if she was going to be okay or if she was going to be mistreated. I suddenly felt responsible for her and was overwhelmed by this weight I felt deep in my chest. I cried for about an hour and then calmed down. I decided to instead enjoy the moment and pray that she would be happy, that she would be loved and taken care of.
     My time with her had come to an end because my shift was about to end. I reluctantly rose up an placed her little sleeping body back into her crib. She looked as if she was finally at peace, finally warm and content. Thankfully, as soon as I set her back, a lady walked through the door. She was beautiful and young, probably about early 30’s. She seemed nervous but excited at the same time. She turned out to be the sister of the baby’s mother. I was relieved beyond words that this little girl would have someone to comfort her, someone to hold her like she deserved to be held. The baby’s aunt told me she was grateful for me and that she would take custody of the baby if the mother does not proceed with rehab for her drug abuse. I was relieved at this turn of events and left the room at ease because I knew this baby would be okay.
     I want to be a Pediatrician, and this experience taught me that although there is so much wrong that goes on within the hospital walls, there is room for good, too. There is room for beauty and for love and warmth. I had the beautiful opportunity to be a blessing to this sweet
little girl who just needed the warmth of another human being. Not only did I impact her, but she impacted me. She taught me that I have the power to do some good, however big, however small the act may be. I have power to impact the lives of others and I should never stop searching for moments in which I can help someone out. This small baby girl clarified my dreams of becoming a Pediatrician and I wish I could tell her how much she has impacted my life since I got the privilege to be there for her.


  1. I really enjoyed your blog Simran! I also have a love for children as I do want to be an elementary teacher so your story hit me in a different way. It really made me look back as to why I wanted to be a teacher and what influenced my decision. Your use of imagery made it easy for me to imagine the scene you described, to where I even felt like I was there watching the whole thing. You did great and I hope you become a wonderful pediatrician!

  2. Simran, thank you for reflecting on this experience! You really elaborated the stress and how tense the hospital is with your imagery, I can sense the ominous atmosphere. Your word choice and close attention to details really showed that this experience has influenced you into becoming a pediatrician and demonstrated the passion and care you have for others. Really well written, and I wish you the best of luck for your future career!

  3. This experience was REALLY well written out and although I've never really experience something like this, it was really an eye opener, since I too also thought that hospitals were a place where you get treated and full of serious individuals (which depends on the situation, obviously). Other than that, I really liked how you were able to follow through and keep the whole piece extremely organized! Overall, I really like this piece! Good work!

  4. This was such a beautiful story. I loved the way you described the story with every emotion you felt and every action that took place. I also liked how you mentioned that the hospital can be a place where good things happen like this little girl and the special moment you had with her.

  5. Sim, this was such a touching story to read. I enjoyed the vivid descriptions that made me feel as if I was standing next to you. I also want to be in the medical field (nurse midwife) and since I has younger siblings,the blog post impacted me too. Great job! - Angelina Lim

  6. i really loved reading this story and i loved the descriptions you used to describe your emotions and everything that you were feeling

  7. Simran, your narrative truly touched me. It was such a personal experience that gave me insight on your career choice. Your intro really grasped my attention and I applaud your writing. I hope that baby is doing well and I wish you luck on your pediatric endeavors!

  8. Hi Simran, I really enjoyed your story. I loved how you described how holding the baby had changed you. I also really liked how through each word you made me feel so many emotions with how you described everything. Amazing job.
    -Karen V.

  9. This was such a heartfelt and touching story and I am honestly at a loss for words and I also plan to go into the medical field and from my experience working at an urgent care it is very important to see the good in everyday no matter how dim the situation because as a doctor not everything goes the way you hope it will but that the reality of the job.
    -Johnny Gitau

  10. This story was a beautiful display of compassion and empathy. I love how you acquired something as pure and valuable as the drive to make a positive impact on the lives of others from a child who came from unfortunately dreary conditions; also, the way you wrote about it perfectly displayed your warmth towards others. You will make an amazing pediatrician! Great job!

  11. Simran, this story was heartwarming and beautiful, you were able to capture the reader's heart from the very beginning. I liked how you used the word "warmth" because it perfectly describes how we as humans need emotional warmth from the very beginning of our lives. The part when you talked about how small things can make a huge difference in each other's life's was a perfect ending to your experience. Great job!

  12. Simran, this post was very powerful and very emotional. Babies do need to be nurtured and cared for and the fact that you were able to give that to her was amazing. Thank you for sharing this with us!-Ella Macaraig

  13. This was a really beautiful story! I like the idea that all a child needs to feel safe is the warmth of another- Mother's especially. The whole story of the Mother really got me thinking about my own parents, and how much I appreciate them. I hope your dream comes true and you do become a pediatrician- You'd make an amazing doctor! Amazing job!

  14. Ashley Sierra-TilleryMay 14, 2019 at 1:15 PM

    Sim, your ability to convey emotion and create an image of your experiences in the reader's mind through your writing is incredible. Bits of your nature, your kindness and tenacity, shine through this piece and give it life. Your choice of title was skillful and intentional and I couldn't be more impressed with the piece as a whole. Great work!
    -Ashley Sierra-Tillery

  15. This was such a touching story and it was very emotional. I liked the contrast between the cold of the hospital and the warmth of the little baby girl. Good job!

  16. Wow simran the amount of detail your blog held was amazing. I really enjoyed reading this and am glad that this experience has taught you what you want to do in the future. Great Job! -Sofia Canseco

  17. Taylor ArchulettaMay 14, 2019 at 2:26 PM

    Simran, this was such a beautiful peace to read about and also so sad about the mother of the baby. I'm glad you were able to be there for the baby in time of need and until the aunt came around. I want to become a pediatric nurse as well so this was a really good look into what I should expect, thank you and good job!

  18. Isabella CarrilloMay 14, 2019 at 2:44 PM

    Simran, this was an amazing piece of work. Your real and raw emotions showed which makes it clear how much you love children. This shows how humans can have such beautiful hearts and project their "warmth" to other humans. Good Job.

  19. Wow what a powerful experience Simran it's crazy how these events that we never imagine happening really open our eyes and makes us see our situation differently, what a great story and what a happy ending.
    - Ivan Mejia (Per.5)

  20. Simran this was so beautiful! You got the opportunity to have an experience that was so unique, life changing, and heartwarming yet painful at the same time- and I'm so glad you decided to share it with us! Your writing was sophisticated and still easy to understand, I don't think you could've told this story any better! Great job!

  21. Simran, This was such a beautiful piece and I'm so happy that you have such a strong passion for the babies that need the most love. You did a great job explaining all the emotions you were feeling, it was like I was there. I'm glad that at the end the baby had someone who was going to be there for them. Great Job!

  22. Simran, you did an amazing job and thank you so much for sharing this experience. It still amazes me that situations like this in the world happen and you conveyed this so well, with genuine emotion. Great job!

  23. This was such an amazing Blog, it really made me feel the pain by the way you told the story, the way you are able to convey it so powerfully is amazing, thank you for this and I sure hope the baby has been doing well.-Leslie

  24. In short, i got chills reading the start of the third paragraph. It was more from personal emotion that I know people with drug addicted parents who, well, dont live the best lives. Its sickening, and to know there actually are babies that are born with an addiction saddens me.
    - Adam Huizar

  25. Wow, this piece really brought me to tears. It really shows how even the youngest need love too. The fact that the child had a drug addiction without knowing really got me. Thank you for sharing this life changing experience and I hope that you are able to fulfill your dreams of being a pediatrician to deal with cases like these <3

  26. Simran, I really felt the emotions you put into your blog to the point where I could feel it. I like how you convey this with your own feelings and made it more real along with powerful. It also proves how much of a heart you have towards others and how it makes you admirable. Awesome job!

  27. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. I love the amount of detail and emotion that you put into this and how interesting your experience was to read. Great job!

  28. Simran, your blog piece was beautiful! I too want to work with younger children. I loved how you were able to describe something that has happened to you personally with some very detailed sentences. Great job!


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