
Monday, May 6, 2019

"Etiwanda" by Sophia C

I am done. High school has been my biggest blessing and hardship. The things I have gone through in this place have made and broke me. I have cried in the A building halls, laughed til my stomach hurt in the J building and thrown up in the nurse's office. I can remember walking next to the B building because I just had to walk all my friends to class. I wish I knew how dumb that was back then.When I think back to my underclassmen years I think of waiting at school with my best friend at the time till six at night, because our rides wouldn't pick us up. When we were on campus by ourselves and it would get dark we would have some of the best memories together . We would talk about our life, school, dreams and aspirations. It is those days after school that I will forever hold close to my heart. If I had the chance to go back I wouldn't change a single thing because all the mistakes I made helped me grow into the person I am today. I live my life with no regrets because I know if they didn’t happen I wouldn’t be the person I am. I believe that without making mistakes in the past you can’t really call yourself mature. Freshmen year was the year I grew up and I learned that I didn’t always have to listen to my parents and its okay to be disobedient. It’s how you are truly able to find yourself, I believe that it was highschool did for me. I learned that it's okay to mess up and live your life the way you want it.
I have gone through the most influential period of my life in high school. Freshmen year when I thought I was so cool when I really wasn’t. Sophomore year when I just couldn’t get my life together. Junior year when I thought my life was shattering in front of me and I couldn’t survive.Junior year was probably the year where I questioned my sanity. I was in over my head with academic courses and my life as I knew it was falling apart. My parents announced their divorce in the beginning of my junior year. My home life was a mess the constant arguing and the struggles that I was facing wasn't helping me academically. I was drowning and felt completely alone. What made things better was the consistency of school and knowing that no matter what my classes and teachers will always be there. There were alot of times though that I couldn’t even bring myself to go to school. It was when I barely showed up to school and it got so bad that the school sent me a letter informing me that I had missed one hundred and eight periods in the entire school year. That is when I knew I had hit rock bottom. I had to get my life back on track and personal problems weren't going to get in the way of that.Finally it was senior year and my life came together and I met amazing people who I know will be my life long friends. This is the year that I found out what I wanted to do with my life and not having other people decide for me. I have found my passion and what I want to pursue in the future. These past four years have helped me figure out what I want to do my life, with my career and family. I have learned that I shouldn’t base my decisions on other people and do what makes me happy. This summer and the rest of my life will be for me.I will do what I think is best for me and live my life how I want to .Etiwanda has taught me a lot but I am a like a bird who has grown up and is ready to fly into the world. I might hit a few hard breezes but I know that I will be fine. The reason I am so sure of it because of the lessons that Etiwanda has taught me. So I am a positive that when I finally am able to soar away and see the world with my own eyes I will be okay
because I am a eagle. That is what Etiwanda has done for me, it allowed me to grow into the person I am today. Eagle Pride!


  1. this is truly an inspiring post and i agree with you completely on how you said that if you didn't go through those hardships or make mistakes you wouldn't be the person you are today and how you have no regrets, i can really relate to that. thank you for sharing your personal experience at etiwanda :)

  2. This is the perfect topic for this month! I am going to miss Etiwanda so much and your piece really showed what you experienced these past four years here at the E. I totally related to a lot of the memories you shared from when you were an underclassman.Great work.

  3. This was very deep. It really brought back memories from when I was younger. I love the specific examples you gave as well. Great Job!!

  4. I loved this! I was reading this and I could feel the pride you have for this school and how much you are going to miss it. Awesome job!

  5. such an inspirational blog about your reflection of your four years at Etiwanda. We have all had our struggles during high school and I can definitely agree that we are not the same person without our mistakes. loved this so much - jayleen lupian

  6. It has been both an honor and pleasure to read about your journey in high school. I'm glad that despite the hardships you encountered, you were able to push through them all and make it to the end. There is no doubt that these hardships have made you even stronger as a human being and for that reason, I wholeheartedly agree that you will now soar like a bird! You've worked hard these past few years and though things may get even tougher in the future, I hope you find the strength to keep going in life and becoming an even better person! Stay strong and soar high!

  7. Sophia, I liked how you started off with the idea of being finally finished in high school and then go off to describing the journey that led up to this point. It really emphasized that going to Etiwanda High School was more than just 4 years at school- it has helped shape your life through many ways, from struggles to the unforgettable memories you've made. Thank you for sharing this experience

  8. Having been an individual who is practically devoid of self thought, I was still able to follow along with this passage and it's really nice to know that it's ok to make mistakes sometimes. I really loved how you were able to set up a background on how you felt about etiwanda and your experiences before laying out the tragic events. It really showed how you were able to build yourself up again and connect it with the school itself and the people that you met there. Overall this was a really great piece and i enjoyed reading it!

  9. I absolutely feel you-high school is a roller coaster of emotions. The toxic mix of academic and social life sometimes suffocates you, and makes you want to quit. However, you just have to keep chugging along, as there is a light at the end of the tunnel! -Mirza Baig

  10. Thank you for sharing your hardships. It breaks my heart to hear your story and I hope you will continue to strive after Etiwanda. Always follow your heart and don't let anybody take you down.

  11. Good job at writing this. You really were able to convey your thoughts and feelings and make it relatable. At this time of the year, I feel like all the seniors are looking back on the past 4 years and thinking of how much they have changed and grown just like you are. I am very happy for you in over coming your hardships and making it to where you are now. Great job!

  12. Thank you for sharing your experience. I was impressed on how you made through these past 4 years. High school is a tough time for us. It is especially hard to get through high school and issues at home through the same time. congratulations for making it to the finish line. Thank you.

  13. Hi Sophia, I first wanted to say that this post was really beautiful especially with you telling/showing us how you changed throughout the years. I really liked how you shared what you went through and how you showed that we all have are bad times and that while we are at our worst we have to find that one thing to keep us above the water and to push through.
    -Karen V.

  14. I really enjoyed reading your blog, Sofia! It made me realize all of the memories that I personally have of my 4 years at Etiwanda, and how much it really means to me. Great job!

  15. I can absolutely connect with this blog. Coming from a different country high school was full of hardship for me too but at the same time it was really amazing to be able to study in this wonderful surrounding. Also congratulations on graduating. - Nufsat Khan

  16. Great job. I was truly inspired and I loved all the details with emotions. Love how much pride you have for our school!

  17. This story was so inspiring. As a senior this was totally relatable and I love the reflective elements of this piece. Good job.
    - camryn greer

  18. This was deep and made me think about my past years at Etiwanda and how grateful I am that it is almost over in just a few days. I honestly like the amount of pride and joy you have for this school, school spirit will really help people through their high school career and they don't even know how much it will impact your views on everything. Thank you for writing this for us! -Aaliyah Mallard

  19. Great work sophia! I really loved the beginning where you make us remember all the ups and downs we all had to get to this life changing point in our lives. Not only did you describe your harships and painful times you had to push through but it was also so greatly motivational to us aswell. Great job -john IV

  20. I really love how you were able to articulate and represent all the emotions and nostalgia that I have been feeling for the past few weeks. I really identify and empathize with what your etiwanda experience was like. Thank you for sharing your personal experience and I hope you success in your future endeavours.

  21. I am so proud of you Sofia. Not many people can admit their mistakes like you have. You're such a strong person for overcoming what you have. My favorite part is when you say you will live for yourself and try not to care what others say. EAGLE PRIDE!
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  22. Sophia, this piece was extremely relatable since we're all in high school right now. However, it was interesting reading things from your perspective and seeing how high school was for you because all of our experiences are completely different. -Chimi Nebedum

  23. I enjoyed this story very much. I appreciate your personal experience, it really just goes to show how nothing is easy. Yet there will be better times. Believe in yourself.
    -Julissa Saenz

  24. Isabella CarrilloMay 14, 2019 at 2:49 PM

    Sofia! This was a great piece! This shows not only your experience with high school but it can also be relatable to other people's experience with high school. Thanks for sharing your personal life with all of us. Good job.

  25. This a great piece it really opens your eyes to how scary the future can be yet so exciting because it is a new adventure that is waiting for us to take part in. I'm glad you enjoyed your 4 year journey, I know I enjoyed mine!
    - Ivan Mejia (Per.5)

  26. thank you for sharing your developed success and fulfillment from your time in high school. It was so inspiring to see how you overcame so many struggles in your high school years, and I am so happy for you and everything you accomplished for yourself. Wonderful piece of writing, great job!

  27. Thank you for sharing your journey to overcome life's obstacles with us. THis piece was inspiring and really calls on the audience to reflect on the past four years that we have spent here at Etiwanda. We all have good and bad memories but overall, we've overcome a lot and we are finally just about done with high school.

  28. I loved your piece! It is relatable in many ways and depicts a full high school experience. I love how you show both the good and bad things that happen in high school. But I think we can all take away four years of growth through high school. Perfect piece to end off the school year...We are all going to do great things.
    ~Kailee Hinds

  29. I love this post! I think this does a good job of showing how alot of us feel about leaving high school behind. We're gonna miss it, but we're looking forward to our futures. I really liked that you included the little things, like staying at school late into the night and having deep conversations with your friends. This was really great!

  30. High school was the biggest journey of our lives thus far, and this story perfectly described how much of a roller coaster ride high school has been with its ups and downs and multiple twists an turns.

  31. I can completely relate to the feeling of looking back on underclassmen years and realizing just how much we have changed. This blog is very well put and has great content, with it being the end of the year, I can feel the emotion radiating from the piece. Good Job

  32. Im scared. I hate this i wanna go home, give me $5,000 dollars. I hope u get the reference but anyway im glad that you enjoy your mistakes and grew from them. Eagle Pride! - Adam Huizar

  33. Your piece was very relatable to me, as I also believed that high school was just a rollercoaster of emotions. I especially loved when you mentioned how Junior year made you question your sanity and honestly, I cannot relate more, as Junior year was when I struggled the most academically and emotionally. Brilliant Work!

  34. Sophia, I enjoyed your piece. I think the fact that you were able to provide your own feelings in this made it feel more relatable to everyone else. I really enjoyed really the last line and seeing how all of us Seniors will be soaring out in the world and continuing our journey in life and reflect on how what we've been taught so far will help carry us on. Great job!

  35. Wow, Sophia this piece is amazing it really shows us how the future is scary. That everyone goes through obstacles and we gotta fight against it. Thank you a job well done.

  36. Jasmine HernandezMay 15, 2019 at 5:00 PM

    Awww this was so cute. It's so reliable too!! I'm happy you became stronger stay strong you have amazing things ahead of you I wish you luck. I love your blog. Eagle Pride!
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  37. You are totally right! We cannot grow as a person without making any mistakes. Receiving my freshman letter today, I realized how much I have grown as a person, but for the better. I am sure that we all make mistakes as human beings, but the most important part about mistakes is our ability to learn from them and stand right up, and I firmly believe that you have already acquired that ability from high school. Great job Sophia!

    -Xiaoqing Zhong P.4

  38. Lindsay SlemboskiMay 15, 2019 at 7:05 PM

    I loved this piece! I think it was very relatable and I love how you are able to look back and realize what each year has taught you. The way you incorporate how you felt at the trying times in your life made the piece so personal for the reader, great job! -Lindsay Slemboski

  39. I'm so happy to see you grow into a stronger and better person. Freshman year was really hard for me but I grew from that. This really makes me reminisce on all of the great times I've had at this school. Great Job!!

  40. Santiago RodriguezMay 15, 2019 at 8:08 PM

    I found your experience was similar to mine making your piece even more interesting. Im glad you survived all your hardships and are finally graduating. Great job!

  41. This was such a heartwarming entry and it couldn't have come at a better time. I appreciated the fact that you shared your hardships and how you learned from your mistakes because it isn't something that's easily done. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
    -Brooke Leslie

  42. Your essay truly captures the high school experience and the stress that comes with it. You did a really good job of expressing your school spirit. Great job Sophia! - Nathan Brown

  43. High school has definitely been one of the craziest roller coasters that I've been on so far and I completely relate to you. It's up to us to understand that mistakes are inevitable and that unless we learn from them, we will stagnate as individuals. I really enjoyed your nostalgic and introspective post. ~Ryan Kang

  44. This really hits the mark on what I viewed myself as during these years of high school. My perspective wasn't as bad as yours but I'm still able to empathize with you since there are times when I've felt like there was no way I can remedy this situation at hand. You and I were able to push through it all and persevere. I'm glad it all turned out ok for you.

  45. Sophia I am so glad you were able to overcome these obstacles and learn from your mistakes to become who you are today. Thank you for sharing your story because I enjoyed it!
    ~ Tanner Antonucci

  46. I am glad that I can relate my feelings with someone else. I highly respect your journey and your courage to share to us all your struggles and hardship, not a lot of people can do that and I am glad you were able to pull yourself out of it. Good Job. - Eric Chang


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