
Monday, May 6, 2019

“HOW TO: Treat Yourself” by Ella Jane M

There are certain people in our lives who sacrifice themselves for others. Being able to give your energy, love, and sled so that someone else may prosper is a wonderful act, ot even when you’re able to give and completely burn yourself out just to get an assignment done or finish something on time, however, there can be a strain on your mental health. Here are some steps to help take care of yourself and in the end reaching your goal with a whole mind : 

STEP1: stop what you’re doing and clear your mind.It may be easier said than done,but work on focusing your mind and your goals. Having a messy mind creates messy situations and may even lead you to be forgetful, a couple thoughts here and there hidden behind so many others. Keeping track of what you’re thinking and stopping your thoughts from running around is one of the first steps to help clear your head. 

STEP 2: Think about the most important and most realistic goal you need to accomplish as of right now if it’s getting gas in your car or finishing an assignment, know what needs to be done. If there’s a race and no finish line would you run it ? 

STEP3: Put that thought into action.Do what you were telling yourself to do,it’ sgood to have a good mental stance and it’s a big step in completing your goal, however if you don’t actually do it then how is it going to get done ? Putting others needs before yours does make you a generous and thoughtful person, but not doing what needs to be done in your life and within yourself puts you down a path where you’re living someone else’s life, not yours. 

STEP4: Be confident and convinced about the decisions you make.Hesitating on things will cause you to overthink and will overwhelm your brain. Think of a choice as something your can’t go back on. Make a choice, stick with it, be confident, and if anything goes wrong you can move on from there. “Always forward, never back.” 

STEP 5: Believe that you deserve more. Don’t think that because of some mistakes you have made or some thoughts you had thought hold you back from being someone who deserves a good and successful life. You can never change the past, but the future is yours. It’s cheesy and has been said over and over but it’s true. You’re here and alive to see another day, take that and reach your goal not only to show others, but to prove to yourself who you are. 

You may follow hear steps at your own discretion, everyone has their own routines and different ways to cope, but really listening to what your want and letting yourself speak will make you more connected to who you really are.


  1. Ella, I loved reading this passage and I love the topic! Your use of rhetorical questions and well known quotes related well to the topic of the post. You tied up the passage nicely at the end with a last push of encouragement. Good job!

  2. i really enjoyed your piece because i don't think that it gets said enough that people need to treat themselves. most people when they hear treat themselves they think to buy something, however you explained in ways that people can mentally treat themself. Thank you for giving steps on how to achieve treating yourself :)! (Julia A)

  3. Good job on this blog Ella! A lot of people tend to have at least one thing on their mind that weighs them down, so having that time to think about yourself is needed. I enjoyed how you included the different steps you thought could help one treat themselves because it is hard to know just where to start.

  4. this is really inspiring because i'm usually a mess and learning how to treat myself lol. i never realized how easy it was until it was actually put into words, thank you for this piece :)

  5. This was very good. I liked how you organized all very neatly and each set of instructions were all very specific

  6. such a great a great blog ella! I really enjoyed reading your how to because I tend to waste my energy and burn myself out so this was so beneficial. -jayleen lupian

  7. Ella, your steps to “treating yourself” is very true. There is a lot going on in these last few weeks leading up to graduation and I definitely want to focus on myself a lot more. I will set my goal and do what’s necessary to achieve that goal. Thanks for the inspiration to continue and finish strong.

  8. PREACH! There is so much about this article that preaches the truth! In particular, step 5 particularly appealed to me. I definitely agree that it is important to maintain our self-confidence and strive for the best when it comes to our future. I appreciate that you used your blog submission as the time to encourage everyone in maintaining their mental health! Awesome article!!!

  9. I love this! Your blog is very helpful, thank you. All the steps are help a lot and they are all true. My favorite step is four because I personally struggle with hesitation and the lack of confidence.

  10. I really liked how all these steps were so motivating and positive. Treating your self does not always have to be buying yourself things, but a way of healing and renewing your mind, finding ways to focus on yourself and your goals. Reading this blog really highlighted that out to me, good job.

  11. I really enjoyed your piece Ella. It put things into perspective using the analogies that you put forward-gas in a car, messy mind, etc. I am now in a better place!-Mirza Baig

  12. Chad Leron-MadsenMay 13, 2019 at 8:24 AM

    Fantastic instructional piece Ella! I think lots of people need to hear this especially with the rise of hyperactive-distracted people in our society each day. Another point you could add to this list is a meditation practice and to get rid of social media/ turn off your phone for awhile. Social media is a big culprit in the cause of a lot of these mental problems. Keep up the good work.

  13. Ella, I really enjoyed reading this piece! What you wrote gives an amazing insight to how one should care for themselves and I can learn how to do that every now and then. -Angelina Lim

  14. I really loved reading this! It is great advice for the stress of AP exams many of us have been undergoing, so what a perfect month for you to be a blog writer! This treat yourself blog post was a great digestible way to practice self care, thanks for sharing.

  15. I like the instructional piece and believe that mostly everyone arounds us needs to follow it at some point. Because there are times we overstress or work too much, we need to know we have to take care of ourselves still. Good job on the detailed instructional piece.

  16. Love the idea behind this piece, especially in the different ways you suggest. For people that are constantly working, it's important that everyone takes time to treat themselves and lower stress levels.

  17. I think it is really important to take time to yourself especially how rough AP testing can be. It is important for people to remember to take care of themselves mentally so that we don't pass out before graduation. Good Job!

  18. Ella, I loved this "how to"!! I think this is definitely needed by a lot of us right now, under the stress of AP tests, finals, and our futures. Reading your blog made me realize that I should not be too stressed and should take some time for myself.

  19. Loved your piece ella, Great job. I especially like how you provided steps for us all.

  20. Ella, what a great piece with a beautiful message. Everyone in today's society does need to see this because it is so helpful. Great job! -Paul Aureus

  21. I love this piece! Usually when I hear/see "treat yourself" I think of materialistic things and a routine of pampering oneself to destress, relax, etc. However, I never really thought about how this mindset can be quite backwards, as someone can feel like they need to treat themselves more and more often, which can have its own consequences, without a certain goal having been met. Thus, your piece, which really focuses on treating and recuperating the mind, focusing on one's goals, and executing them, is truly what "treating yourself" should be. Your "how to" advises and allows a person to find a healthy mindset to be able to reach their goals, which leads to an intrinsically rewarding feeling, unlike the more material mindset in comparison. Overall, I really enjoyed your piece, and I will most definitely be using it to reach my last few goals I have for the end of my high school career.

  22. Ella, I really needed this thank you. With all the stress and emotion of the end of the school year and what the future holds it is always good to take time and make sure your ok. Thank you for reminding me to breathe, reflect, and take one step at a time.

  23. Jazzelle FigueroaMay 14, 2019 at 1:10 PM

    This piece timely fit into the school year. As high school slowly comes to an end this is a great topic to bring up. You made each step short and concise, but still meaningful. Absolutely amazing job!

  24. I have heard bits and pieces of this advice throughout my life but never seen them all put together in a unified step-by-step guide. Thank you for organizing how to treat yourself as I will probably use your guide for the rest of my life.

  25. Wow what a great read! All of the steps were very positive and the piece as a whole put a lot into perspective. Im really glad that it was not just a routine of spa treatments or shopping for yourself.Taking care of yourself mentally is really importanat. This was a perfect piece and perfect timing for mental heealth awareness month.

  26. Ella!! I'm so in love with this! I think it's so essential for everyone to realize that they need to put themselves and their happiness first, and I'm so glad you brought it to attention. I really enjoyed how it was a step by step process as well, it made it an easy read! Great stuff!!
    -Alyssa Nelson

  27. Ella, this was so beautiful! Sometimes we tend to get swept up by our problems and responsibilities that we forget about what truly matters, which is ourselves and our health. Your how-to guide in taking care of oneself is what we need more of in this world! Your emphasis on focusing on one's goal is so important because our future goals are usually what keeps us going! Good job!

  28. Love this piece, Ella. This is probably one of my favorite blog posts I've read. Very powerful! This is very helpful especially during mental health awareness month -Donyale Thomas

  29. This piece had a very beautiful sentimental message. I believe the most empowering part of this post it that it is all that you must do mentally. I believe it is helpful to those who may be struggling mentally this can be the first step.
    -Julissa Saenz

  30. Good job Ella. This is especially useful now with all the hectic things going on with senior year. We all just need to remind ourselves to take care.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  31. I can honestly say this is my favorite blog comment of this year I really enjoyed and can relate to knowing when your trying to hard to help someone else live their life and not live yours. This was a difficult thing for me to learn but eventually I did learn how to treat myself right. Awesome Job!
    Jacob Lopez

  32. Self care is extremely important especially for people who are recovering after a traumatic incident. Although it is very important to learn to treat yourself and take care of your mental and physical health, it is definitely a hard task to start and keep a good healthy routine. Your blog made it ten times simpler and is extremely insightful. Well done Ella!

  33. Wow Ella your piece is very inspiring and motivational. I love how you focused on the mental aspect of "treating yourself" I feel that your approach leaves a more long lasting and positive effect on those who are unhappy with themselves. Your detail and multiple examples allows us to visualize what you are explaining and gives us help with understanding the meaning. My favorite example you provided was " If there’s a race and no finish line would you run it?" Overall great piece!!
    ~Kailee Hinds

  34. Ella, this was amazing. When I first read the title I thought it was going to be about face masks bubble baths but this went way beyond that. Self care is extremely important and I think we all forget that sometimes. I'm so glad you wrote this amazing piece to remind us.
    -Lexi Smith

  35. This was such an inspiring post to read and I definitely feel that it is something that all of us needed. thank you for sharing so much positivity with us all!

  36. I really enjoyed reading this piece and I really like the message you're putting across. Mental health is extremely important and not enough people realize that! I'm glad your focusing on bettering other in your piece. Overall, a really great piece with a great message.

  37. Ella, this piece was amazing. When I first read the title I thought it was going to be about doing face masks and taking bubble baths. I'm glad you went beyond that to create this very informative guide. Self care is important and I'm glad thet you were able to remind us.

  38. I really enjoyed reading this piece and I really like the message you're putting across. Mental health is extremely important and not enough people realize that! I'm glad you're focusing on bettering other in your piece. Overall, a really great piece with a great message.

  39. Ella, fantastic work. I loved your step by step guide to self care. Its so important.
    -Braden Bailey

  40. I really enjoyed reading this, it is a good reminder to us to take care of ourselves despite our past troubles, especially with all that is going on now as we reach the end of the year.-Leslie

  41. This post is something I can look back on and follow the steps for whenever I need to make a decision or just troubled with how life is gong along for me. I'm sure you're going to help people with stress or tension in their life, whichever it may be, with these posts. Overall, a good read to clear the mind, good job Ella!

  42. Ella! This piece will be so useful when we all head towards different directions in life. Sometimes, we are too focused on chasing after our dreams and goals in life that we would forget to take time and relax ourselves. These advices will be so helpful! Thank you Ella!

    Xiaoqing Zhong P4

  43. Thank you Ella! Self care is very important to all of our well beings and we tend to forget that our self importance is extremely important. This would be especially helpful considering how summer is coming up and we would have time for ourselves. Thank you for sharing <3

  44. Your piece really made me stop and take a deep breath. This piece came at a great time because finals are here and its been really stressful. Your piece made me take a moment and "Treat Myself" Good Job!

  45. This is so true self care is very important. Without it we can’t do many things. We shouldn’t always focus on our dreams, but on ourselves. Thank you for sharing this piece.

  46. I loved your twist on this assignment, and the implications of it. Too often we in society fall into a trap of not being able to take care of ourselves, and with no clue how to begin. Thank you for sharing this and for reminding me that self-care is important, even with the stresses of finals and graduation coming up. :)

  47. Jasmine HernandezMay 15, 2019 at 4:57 PM

    Wow I really needed this. Your piece was very positive and motivating and we needed this. Many people forget to take care of themselves and love themselves. Thank you for this Ella I really enjoyed it.
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  48. Santiago RodriguezMay 15, 2019 at 8:15 PM

    I liked yor piece because its something not many talk about. We all need to unwind and take care of our mental and physical well being but most just dont. I liked your instructions and tips as well as the small little sayings you added. Good job!

  49. Isabella CarrilloMay 15, 2019 at 8:42 PM

    Ella! This was an amazing piece. The way that you worded everything makes the reader learn how to treat themselves. Many people including myself can learn from this.:).

  50. Your step by step organization really helps convey your message on the need for self care for everybody. Thank you for the tips on how to take care of myself better your piece was really well made!-Nathan Brown

  51. Ella, I really enjoyed that you wrote about how to treat yourself because many people do not focus on things like this and I believe taking care of yourself is important. Self love is something people should do everyday and not skip out on it. Great job!


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