
Monday, May 6, 2019

"Inspiration" by Nicholas S

     What inspires you? When we think of major inspirations some might think of Jackie Robinson or even Elon Musk for some. I asked this question the other day to a few of my friends with varying responses. A few said nothing inspires them, few mentioned real people, and the others just said Goku. But no matter how obscure some of them might be, they don’t mean any less than the more common answers. Living or not, anything has the ability to inspire and help shape the person that you are. The topic came across my mind recently when thinking about who I was, and how I ended up as this weird pile of feelings. When I first thought about what things might have inspired me throughout my life, I could not think of a single thing that I felt inspired me. But that was because I was narrowing down my options to only real influential people instead of thinking about the bigger picture. I might not have been inspired by some famous guy or girl but I found out that early on even now, what inspired me most was music. Music really helped inspire me to create and to go out and do a lot of things that I never knew I could do. It helps motivate and power through rough times and ultimately it helped shape me into the person that I am today. This was just a small example of how inspirations affect us but inspiration is important to our society as a whole even throughout history. The people that inspire a majority of us today were most likely inspired themselves to become the person that they are now. We don’t need to be inspired by people exclusively however. Even things like video games or cartoons might inspire some. Characters from media can inspire people to be brave or even kind to people. More recently, Marvel movies and their characters have been inspire millions even if they aren't real. I can imagine that millions of people either young or old have been inspired by the heroic acts Iron Man might make on screen.
     I believe it’s also important to strive to become an inspiration to others as well. You might already be an inspiration to some, and you just don’t know it yet. To be an inspiration you don’t necessarily need to be talented by any means, but of course you can’t just do nothing and expect people to be inspired by your actions. People might see the effort you put into your work or see how you manage to keep a smile on your face even through difficult times and be inspired by that. Your future or present job may even be inspiring to some, no matter the job. Of course i'm not trying to say that you should do things just to inspire other people. You should be doing things because you want to do them not just to inspire people, but we can also inspire people with what we do.


  1. This was such a beautiful piece. It really made me think about who or what my inspirations really are. Your word choice as well was very good!

  2. This piece was a different take in inspiration! Often times when we think of inspiration we think of our own rather than BEING the inspiration ourselves. In a odd way it can change how you perceive your actions. Good piece that gets you thinking! -Joshua Kidwell

  3. this was such a great blog on inspiration. I can totally agree with everything that was stated because we all have some sort of inspiration if they're real, fake, a certain gender, famous etc. -jayleen lupian

  4. Nick, that was a pretty inspirational speech that I really didn't think about until now. It is pretty weird that when I think of inspiration I think of a person rather than anything else just as you had said. I appreciate the eye opener and keep up the good work. - Joshua Perez

  5. Wow! I like how you included the part of asking your friends what inspire them in the beginning of your piece. This is also very relatable because I also found inspiration in music. And the point you brought up of how even our everyday actions can be inspirational to someone, like how much effort we put into something, I fully agree with that because I see how hard my aunt works everyday to provide for me and my family and be there for us and I find that to be inspiring. Great job!

  6. I enjoyed the motivational tone you put in your piece as it opened my eyes to the near future that is in store for the senior class after graduation. It also highlights the importance of close relationships with friends and family in society and how we can influence others even if we do not know it. Great job Nick :)

  7. this was very motivating and really helped me understand the importance of relationships with those who mean a lot to me

  8. Nick, this really was quite an inspirational blog post. People should really see more positives in life. It is important for people to know this. I do believe that people should keep pushing their limits and not give up. Great blog post! -Jacob Ramirez

  9. Good job on the piece! I think because it's almost time for us seniors to graduate, many of us (including myself) need some inspiration to keep going. I think many of us will have to find new inspiration once the school year is over. Great job!

  10. I loved this Great Job! It truly makes us think about what an inspiration could truly be. Great diction.

  11. Wow this was such a beautiful and heartwarming piece. I loved how personal your story was. Good job!
    - camryn greer

  12. Nick, what a great piece! I truly agree with you that we can find inspiration in anything, and that without noticing it, we may be an inspiration ourselves. Overall, I love the simplicity of your words, as they parallel what you are stating to your audience. Not to mention, the comedic, heartfelt, and motivational elements included also help to make this piece what it is. Great job!

  13. Thank you for this blog. I found it very inspiring. This blog reminded me on how inspiration can positively affects one's daily life. I really like the way how you put inspiration into perspective. I also likes the fact that you mentioned people and characters like Elon Musk, Jackie Robinson and even Iron Man. Thank you

  14. This was such a beautiful piece of writing Nick! I like that I can agree on finding inspiration with anything anyone sets their mind to. The tone you had involved with this piece was outstanding! Thank you for writing this inspiring piece for all of us to read. -Aaliyah Mallard

  15. Ashley Sierra-TilleryMay 14, 2019 at 1:24 PM

    Nick, you managed to write an exceptional inspirational piece from a youthful, down-to-earth perspective, refraining from using inaccessible language or a lofty tone, which made your advice both digestible and effective. You injected your personality into this piece and I loved it! Great work!
    -Ashley Sierra-Tillery

  16. Nick, I loved reading your blog! What you said in this piece was so true. We don't need money, fame, or popularity to be an inspiration to others. All we need to do is to be ourselves and to believe that we can make an in impact in people's lives. You taught me that anybody can make a change in this world. Thank you!

  17. Nick, you are my inspiration. I love how you interpreted inspiration in your own way and now that I know that I can take inspiration from anything and combine it instead of just being inspired by one thing, life seems just that much easier. Thank you Nick, amazing job!

  18. Nick, you did an amazing job on this piece. I like how although this was a serious piece, there was a light-hearted aspect to it. This piece made me stop and think about my life and my inspirations. Sometimes people forget that we don't need to look up to millionaires or famous people and i think this piece was a good reminder that everyone has their own goals which means we must all have our own inspirations.

  19. I really like the topic you chose for your piece and I do believe it is very important to find something that inspires and motivates you. I really like how you brought it into perspective along with some examples to get people thinking. Overall, great piece!

  20. Well done Nick! I thought your inclusion of detail like how some people only mentioned Goku as inspiration and finding yourself in a "weird pile of feelings" was very entertaining and served as good pockets of comic relief on an otherwise serious topic. Great job!

  21. Great piece! I love how you mentioned that anything and anyone can be an inspiration, whether it's an individual that lives among us to a fictional character in movies. Moreover, your writing is very well-organized and sophisticated. Brilliant!

  22. A gob well done Nick! I love how you tell us the importance of having something that motivates or inspires you. Keep writing I would love to read more from you.

  23. Great piece about inspiration, especially of how you should strive to inspire others which is very helpful advice to us senior leaving high school and going into the real world. Hope you inspire others everyday!
    -Andrew Macias

  24. Jasmine HernandezMay 15, 2019 at 5:05 PM

    This is such a great piece, very inspirational. I like how you shared what is inspirational for you. It really had me thinking what inspires me. Great Job!
    -Jasmine Hernandez

  25. Nick, this piece was really great! You striving to help others is something I aspire to do as well. Seeing what was inspirational to you and your personal views let me view a bit of how you feel about the world. I hope you achoeve your goal on inspiring and keep writing!

  26. Looking up to people who have accomplished so much in their lives inspires us to do great things. Your message on how inspiration affects our ability to do things is a great topic to write about. Good Job Nick!- Nathan Brown

  27. Hey man, thanks for the great post. Now that our senior year is almost up, I was in need of a little more ambition and drive to continue onto bigger and better things, and your post gave me exactly what I needed. Thanks for giving me some inspiration. Great blog!
    ~Ryan Kang

  28. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own problems and flaws, we forget how others view us. Sometimes, they even look up to us when we feel we are failing and inadequate. This piece helped remind myself of that, great job!!

  29. I really loved how inspirational and eye-opening this piece was. It was very well-written and interesting to read. Good job!

  30. Nick, I agree with the belief that while it's ok to be inspired by other people or things, it's better to make your own life as inspirational as possible. I think that more people should apply your philosophy to their lives, so that they may also be an inspiration to more people, and so on. Overall, good work!
    -Lance Aquino

  31. Your inspiration about finding inspiration has inspired me to find an inspiration that can keep me inspired. With all the jokes aside, I love the fact how you made this piece relatable to everyone and not just the "special" few which isn't bad. Everything you said about how everything can be an inspiration is the truth that everyone should consider, especially since everyone tries to copy the big name celebrities which also isn't bad. Thank you for sharing this wondrous piece Nicholas. - Eric Chang


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