
Monday, May 6, 2019

"Chance vs. Choice" by Audrie T

There aren't very many things in this world that I know.
I know what I know, and I don't know what I do not, and there isn't much I can do about it. I can try to rationalize why things happen the way they do- why certain things are assured and others are not- but ‘try’ is the imperative word here- because there
is no way to rationalize why things happen the way they do. Is it fate? Is a divine intervention? Are the events of a life the result of some greater plan?
I’m supposed to start living life like an adult with hopes and plans for their future soon, and a part of me wants to believe that things will go the way they're supposed to- that whatever is supposed to happen will happen, and I won't have to make my choices for myself.
But, action is key, and the only way things will happen the way I want them to is to make sure that they do.
I have this friend. She’s a lot younger than me and alot more optimistic- probably something that can be attributed to her youth. She often tells me, when I get a little heated because of school, ‘that's just how the cookie crumbles’, like I have no control over what happens in my life. But I do- despite what some think. We all have choices, and yeah, some things happen that are completely out of our control, completely chance events, but we are always at liberty to make decisions that can change those things for the better. Sometimes I do prefer to think ‘them's the breaks’ and have something else to blame for my bad decisions- but that’d be a terrible mindest to live in all the time. Life doesn't just
happen to you, you happen to life.
Maybe there is fate, or destiny, or divine intervention at play here, but we always have choices, and free will. We can change what happens to us- we just have to actually try.
I don't know very many things- but, I’d like to say I’m pretty sure that things happen because we make them happen- not because they just
can . My only hope is that I’m able to make the good choice, and that things will end up working in my favor.


  1. I loved this it makes you think about a lot of thinks. Awesome job!

  2. I really enjoyed this piece because you shared insight on an aspect of life that many people often wonder about. I approach life with the same mindset as you and worry about my response to a situation, rather than why it occurred. I completely agree with your writing. Great job!

  3. This piece was a real eye opener, although I have thought about life being predetermined before, since I come from a household that's rather strict and things are to be done a specific way in order to work out. However, I do understand a lot of what you're saying! Overall, this was a very nice piece and you kept straight to the point along with providing example! Nice work!

  4. I understand how you feel as I always want to control my life. I agree with you on how our actions affect the way we live, not because of some fate. Tbh, I don't believe in fate that much since everything that happens depends on the choices you make. I appreciated how straightforward you are with the idea of how our lives works since it's better to be straightforward than to sugarcoat the reality of our lives. Nevertheless i hope everything works out on you in the future.

  5. This was an amazing blog post. Differentiating between choice and chance is a deep subject that involves a lot of thinking about life. I really felt this post since I too think about this subject. Again, amazing post. -Jacob Ramirez

  6. I really enjoyed this post because I do believe in the same thing. There may be fate or destiny or whatever it may be, but the fact of the matter at hand is to get things done you have to go do it. Great Job Audrie!!

  7. This was such a inspirational piece that you created. I loved how you not only described but gave an example of how we all make our own choices. I agree with you in so many aspects of this blog like when you said, "life doesnt just happen to you, you happen to life." That was such an eye opener. Great work! -john IV

  8. Jazzelle FigueroaMay 14, 2019 at 1:13 PM

    This post was both thought provoking and concise. These are thoughts that some people may have, but none bring up. I really enjoyed how you used your younger friend in order to showcase the differences in both yours and her opinion. This piece was a great read! Good Job!

  9. I totally relate to this post, we have the ability as humans to control our lives and shape it to our liking! Awesome post!
    -Alyssa Nelson

  10. Audrie, I really enjoyed reading your reflection here. Life is just one of those things where it can be seen as chance and choice, and I for one side with you on believing more in the choices we make and not relying on the institutions of life to correct our course. I try to do my best each and every day to ensure that the choices I make are not in any way for the worst, but for the better. Your post has definitely shined a light on how we live our lives, and I think we all should remember how our choices impact us more in life. Great job!

  11. You are 100% correct. We are in charge of our lives, not anyone else. I hope you are able to take control of your life and not let anything stand in your way.
    -Grecia Sepulveda

  12. This was quite a thought-provoking post! I enjoyed the diction you used; it made your post seem like a conversation of sorts, and that is extremely effective in engaging the reader. This really made me think about how the outcomes of past events in my life would have differed had I acted rather than reacted. Good job!

  13. Now this is the kind of deep and contemplative thought that comes into my mind that I always thought was only by me. It's nice to see that someone else thinks of this and how there is the everlasting conflict between our internal and external locus of control (psychology terms :p).

  14. This piece reminded me that yes life will get us down but we have to keep our head up because that's just what happens in life and the way we make it better is learning from our mistakes and keep on living to make more mistakes. This piece made me very optimistic for my future thank you Audrie.

  15. Woah this was really good. Your piece was very thought provoking. Good Job!

  16. I completely agree with you about the importance of recognizing the choices we have with the chance events in life. Thank you for putting this out there, and for saying something I've been thinking about more as this year comes to an end.
    "Life doesn't just happen to you, you happen to life" Lovely.

  17. Audrie, your perspective of chance and choice was deeply written and well thought out with the way you conveyed it. One of my favorite quotes that you added to this literary piece was "Life doesn't happen to you, you happen to life". That really hit home for me and it reminded me that I myself should really start thinking that I do have the majority of control over the events that happen in my life. Now I really need to make sure that I make the right choices as well. Thank you for writing this brief, yet a splendid reflection of yours!

  18. Many people struggle with the to and fro of fate versus choice, myself included. It can tear you up and cause you to wonder if things are meant to be or are made to be by your decisions. You described this excellently in your piece. A job well done!

  19. Audrie, I agree with your perspective on the conflict between chance and choice. I believe that at times, it seems that the things that happen either happen for a reason, or happen out of pure chance, and it's hard to tell at times. Overall, very well written!

    -Lance Aquino

  20. Audrie, I liked how you talked about how we don't have complete control of the inevitable and I can totally relate to that in so many levels. I also liked how you gave a realistic point of view- that we humans try our best to make the right decisions and just simply hope for the best. Overall, this is a great meaningful message that you have provided!
    - Mayur Chhitu


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