
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"What God is like to the eyes of a believer " by Tanner A

     God to me is my Savior. He is the one person I can talk to without feeling judged. The one person I can speak to and know he is always listening no matter what. God is the one person who has been there for me through the easy times and the tough times. I really love the bible verse Isaiah 41:10 because it says “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” This quote to me is very important because it gives people a backbone of what God is like as an individual. God is a very loving and strong person to know because he can do ANYTHING as long as you let him. Many people may have their own opinions and/ or beliefs about a holy figure have their own way of describing their God because know many people but this is what I think. I think God can be anybody's interpretation of a holy figure. God is said to be apart of the Holy Trinity. For those of you who don’t know what a Holy Trinity is, it is the christian doctrine describing God as these three things.One would be “our Father.” He is called our Father because he is said to have created the earth so therefore he can be a fatherly figure to all of us. The second term God can be defined as is “the Holy Spirit.” The reason for this is because the Holy spirit is considered to be the third person of the Holy Trinity. Last but not least is that God can be associated with “the Son” because of his son Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is also somebody who I also love dearly because he was sent down by God to be our Savior for all the sins we have created as people.
     Just because people have their own way of dealing with hardships, does not mean I will fall in the cracks like some others. I know that the relationship I have built with God over the years of me growing up is not the best but it’s how I have obtained a relationship with him. God has helped me countless of times throughout life from praying in the car with my sisters, on our way to school for a happy and safe day to praying to thank him for just simply being in my life and helping me to get where I am at this moment before I go to bed. A lot of people I know find it weird to pray to someone but I believe it’s a way of getting to be heard. I truly don’t know where I would be in my life without him being around because MAN have I gone through some good and bad situations. A verse that I hold really close to me, that I feel is just a daily reminder of how things happen through God is Matthew 19:26. “WIth God, All things are possible.” I know God is a holy figure to some people but just know he is always there for you when you need him because he never gives up on you and he wants to see you succeed as said in the verse, Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know I have plans for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


  1. Tanner, I really enjoyed reading your blog! I am a Christian as well, and I completely agree with your view on God. God is there for us and can help us through any hardships in our lives, we just have to open up to Him. I think you wrote amazingly about your beliefs and how you see God. Great job! - Ashley French

  2. Wow, this personal reflection of how believers (Christians) see God and what He is to them. I loved how you backed up the information with verses for it gave a reason to why you said what you said. Overall it was a good overview of how you see God. Personally I'm a believer (Christian) myself and I encourage you to read your Bible and to keep praying!

  3. I really like your piece of writing because I share the same kind of love for God. I feel like your piece is thought through thoroughly and truly defines the thought process of someone who is a believer. Thank you for sharing :). (Julia Avalos)

  4. Tanner, I enjoyed reading this piece so much. Honestly, it was so relatable and God is my source of strength as well. Every line of this was just so amazing.I really liked how you didn't just narrow God to one particular being but rather said God could be any holy figure that people want him to be. I really enjoy the way you ended your blog with that scripture because it was the perfect ending. - Chimi Nebedum

  5. I liked the piece you chose and can relate to your perspective of God because I myself am God-fearing and devoted to my religion as well. I agree with you in which God has a plan for our future and hears our prayers just as you mentioned with the last bible verse and I also believe he gives us these hardships to test our loyalty and our strength to endure the bad times. - Anthony Mamaril

  6. I really loved your writing subject because I was able to relate to it so well. Being Catholic, I find God as my strength and everything as well. I love how you aren't ashamed of your faith and how you are so open to express your love for him. I especially loved how you incorporated verses into your writing piece and how you explained the meaning of the Holy Trinity so others can better understand the faith. Well done!

  7. I truly enjoyed this piece because you voiced your opinion very well and I also can relate. You supported your opinion by defining who God is to you, but also who he can to be to others. You explained how believers view God and, in being a Christian, I agree with your words and the meaning behind them. You used your personal views to express and shed light on such a big aspect of life. You also remained very neutral and unproblematic in this piece, which I loved because it allows for you to have a broader audience. Great job overall!

  8. This was a beautiful piece. I, myself, am a believer but not really in touch with my faith. Your love for God is beautiful and the way you see him is something is inspiring. Well done!

  9. Tanner, I really enjoyed reading about what you believe in and how you see everything in a positive way, especially towards God. I like how you expressed your feelings throughout your story and it made me see the way you're able to have so much trust in God for he is always here for us. Awesome work!

  10. Hi Tanner! First of all, your title was very eye catching and meaningful. The way you expressed your relationship with your religion was compelling because of the personal and impactful tone you used. I especially enjoyed how you would refer to passages from the bible, it educated the reader on the thematic elements of the bible while also allowing room for your interpretation and introspection. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love this religous blog Tanner! Its something I could not agree more with and give u praise for not being afraid to express the gospel. The second I real the title I knew I had to read this, and im glad I did. Having that faith in God is so good Tanner good job! - john b.

  12. Tanner, it was so beautiful to read a piece where someone views God the same way I do. Thank you for being courageous and expressing your faith and possibly strengthening others. It was beautifully written.

  13. Tanner, this piece was truly amazing. My family is majorly religious, my grandfather and uncle are preachers and I just felt I can relate to this piece. This was also amazing because you allowed those who don’t understand religion as much to view it from your perspective. And for those who don’t believe in religion they can simply replace god with what/who gives them strength and can relate to this also. This was a really good read. -Kyleigh Leonard

  14. Tanner, I really enjoyed your blog and how you chose to share your religious believes with us because many people are scare to do so. This is very dear to my heart because I also go to God whenever I need to, whether it be in good situations or bad ones. Amazing work!

  15. Coming from someone who isn't much of a faithful person, Tanner, I must say it is pieces like this that makes me understand those who are faithful. I admire you're outspoken commitment towards your faith, being well expressed in your piece here. You really do guide the reader into understanding and articulating the tenets of your belief, and how your faith has overall aided your life. Best wishes - Ethan Ford

  16. I really enjoyed reading this piece since I was able to connect with you and your writing. This piece is very impactful and really does portray how it is to be a believer to some. Your strength in your religion is admirable and I hope you continue on your journey with faith. Great piece!

  17. Tanner, your blog was absolutely beautiful. The title caught my attention and the thoughts you incorporated into your blog held my attention until the very end. I understand your love and adoration for God and am blessed by reading our blog.! -Simran T.

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