
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"The Wonders of Dreaming" by Ivan M

       I never realized the significance of dreaming, until very recently. I think this is because

since we do it so often we forget how amazing it. I never really cared much about my dreams until something just clicked inside of me. See most people just see dreaming as something normal but it is something so beautiful. I realized that dreaming, takes you to your own universe that no one can ever even imagine. With dreaming there are no limitations, no boundaries, nothing to hold you back. When you dream, it’s as if you are the author of your own personal world and only you can understand what everything means. 

     In this world of yours, you are free to do whatever you want. I don’t think people realize the significance of something that we do almost every night. As humans, we are trained to follow laws and rules set by others from a very early age. When we dream, there is no one that tells us what to do. You are the controller of everything. Everything. How can it be possible to do anything and control everything and that is with dreaming. It difficult for me to wrap my head around that idea because in this life we are so limited to things, the idea of being able to do whatever we please while we sleep is just absolutely mind blowing. The fact that our brains are so powerful where they can form a world, a universe based just off our thoughts and ideas is utterly incredible.

     Not only are we able to create what we want, but we are also able to go back in time. It’s amazing how past events and memories help shape the person we are today and that’s the beauty behind dreaming. We can relive memories from years ago and experience the same emotions we felt when we first went through that event. I always think of this as gift because this way one can never truly lose someone or something. As long as we have that person or thing in our minds, we are able to dream and through those dreams we can go back in time and relive something that we may not have in the present. In a way, dreams allow us to time travel and that is something we should never take for granted. 

     So what are you waiting for. Sleep more and nap more because you never know what you are gonna dream of. Remember being able to dream is a gift because we become invincible and unstoppable in these dreams. That is why we should never forget the importance and significance of something so simple like dreaming.


  1. Ivan, I really like her personal reflection and thoughts concerning dreams and what they mean to us. I agree that we are restricted in how we act nowadays and our dreams are free opportunities to do whatever we desire. I like how you tied up the entry by pushing the reader to sleep more and dream more in order to never forget the importance of dreaming.

  2. This was a very interesting abstract idea! You explained the basis of dreaming and what we can do with it. Personally I have reflected on this abstract idea before and like you said "It difficult for me to wrap my head around that idea because in this life we are so limited to things, the idea of being able to do whatever we please while we sleep is just absolutely mind blowing." For that's the main point of dreaming. To me, you gave a better abstract idea of dreaming. Thanks!

  3. Hey, Ivan I think this is an exquisite piece! Already in the first paragraph I was drawn in by the wonderings of such a simple occurrence as dreaming. I especially love the quote "it’s as if you are the author of your own personal world" which makes for an uplifting interpretation of how we dream. Also, the quote "The fact that our brains are so powerful where they can form a world, a universe based just off our thoughts and ideas is utterly incredible" again, an uplifting thought! Lastly, I like how the tone slightly shifts toward the end by telling the audience to sleep more, which makes for a great conclusion. Nice work!

  4. I found that your blog was very interesting because like you said people don't often think about the significance of their dreams. Your piece reminded me that our dreams are incredible and tell a lot about who we are as individuals and that our minds are capable of doing amazing things.

  5. I understand exactly how you feel as I always daydream a lot 99 percent of the time. I love the way how you compare how humans were evolved to follow rules, but with daydreaming, anything is possible.

  6. I really liked your piece because of your own perspective of what dreams are like and for. I also liked how you ended your piece with an assertive and commanding tone to tell your audience to "Sleep more and nap more..." to get us to explore the realities of dreaming ourselves.

  7. Ivan, I really enjoyed your entry because it shows how you connect with your dreams and how dreams should be sought for. I also liked how you related the topic to a greater idea, that we can create worlds in our minds. Great job! -Amber Rich

  8. I usually don´t think about my dreams too much but now looking back at them, its crazy to think about how much of them were relevant to me at that time. But other than that, I really liked your piece and appreciated how insightful you were.

  9. Ivan, this was so inspiring to read, it made me want to go straight to my bed and drift to my universe. The way you described dreaming as being a form of time travel really opened my eyes to the amount of times I have dreamed about people or things no longer in my life. You did such a good job at expressing your fascination with dreaming and the power of the human mind.

  10. I really liked your viewpoint on dreaming. Dreaming for me is always a chance for me to escape reality and forget about all my worries. Although I saw dreaming like this, I had never though about it in a more detailed way like you did. I'm glad I read your blog, good job!

  11. I really enjoyed this blog post! It was so thoughtful and I really liked how you said that because of dreams we never truly lose someone. I found your perspective on the value of dreams very intriguing, great job!
    Lindsay Slemboski

  12. It was interesting to me how you picked the subject of dreaming and i do agree with you on people taking them for granted. I can especially relate to the way you used to feel about dreaming and taking them for granted myself. I love how you were able cause me to think of dreaming in a different perspective, it made me want to go to sleep and explore within my own brain! It is so amazing to see your positivity and aspect on dreaming now. Great job on your piece!

  13. I enjoyed your insight on your connotation of dreaming and how important it is for us to dream. I agree that we acquire a complex and amazing ability which is not always thought of because it is a subconscious concept we undergo. Great job.

  14. I agree that dreaming is something we all kind of take for granted- and that we definitely should take more time to nap and experience the wonders of dreaming. I love the way you portrayed dreaming as a sort of of mystical experience rather that something we all experience every night, and also as a constant in a world full of things that are mostly fleeting. Great job!

  15. i love this piece so much! i can relate, i love to daydream and dream. everything you said in this is exactly how i feel. infact, i try to sleep as much as possible just so i can dream. your blog was by far one of the best ones i've read :) -saima shahzad

  16. Such a powerful blog! you made me realize how amazing dreams really are I should pay more attention to them. It truly is awesome hoe our brain can create its own universe and bring past events to the present in your brain. You did a great job bringing your point around and great blog! - jayleen lupian

  17. I never saw dreaming as such a wonderful thing. I always thought it at times unrealistic, but now reading this piece, It has really shifted my view of dreaming to the positive side. I found this blog very inspirational. Thank you for this blog.

  18. Ivan the way you described day dreaming and the escape that it brings to our lives to make up our own ideas or relive important events in our lives. I can relate to daydreaming all the time thinking about scenarios that would never really happen but they help me get through the day anyways. You did an extremely well job.

  19. This work inspired me and maybe others as well because of how you displayed sleep to be, a different dimension that one could go into to not only control but feel emotions that a person might have not experienced before, and in such a way you structured it in your analysis that it makes me feel desire it even more. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go to sleep and dream.

  20. I never thought about dreams that way butit is so true. They help in so many wasy and its like your freedom in a way. Great job Ivan
    -soraya viteri

  21. Ivan you brought up some great points about dreaming that are very true. The way you conducted your thoughts in this post was great and very convincing to the audience. I really enjoyed reading and you did a great job! -Sofia Canseco

  22. Ivan, I like how you capture the true picture of why we should dream and what significance we can get out of it. Especially if we want to dream and have more control over a fantasy then we should try to get more sleep which is a good thing so there's always a bright side to it.

  23. Hi Ivan, amazing job writing this piece. I really liked what you said about dreams' "With dreaming there are no limitations, no boundaries, nothing to hold you back." I also liked how you said that dreams are somewhat like time traveling where we can go and see something different from reality.
    -Karen Villanueva

  24. Hey Ivan, I never really gone into the depths of dreaming but I’m so glad that you did. I love how you explained how dreaming is like time traveling because it’s amazing what our minds can do while we are sleeping. It’s also so true how much we take dreaming for granted because we are so immune to it but I agree with you on how we shouldn’t do so because it is beautiful thing.

  25. I enjoyed how you wrote your blog in such a sophisticated way. You thoroughly explained the beauty behind dreaming and how you emphasized that "You are the controller of everything. Everything." Your deep thoughts were clearly stated in your work, Great job!

  26. I loved your concept. I love how profound you went and you really gave me something to think about next time I go to sleep. Loved your piece!! Carlos Villegas

  27. Your writing has made me really think recently about my dreams I have had. It's crazy to realize that I really hadn't thought about them much. You brought up many good ideas and the view of dreams opened up my way of thinking as well. The way we can go into our dreams and have a god like power was cool to remember as well so thank you for reminding me of the things we all can easily forget. Greta job Ivan! ~Alani Sullivan

  28. I loved your concept. I love how profound you went and you really gave me something to think about next time I go to sleep. Loved your piece!! Carlos Villegas

  29. Your piece was very interesting Ivan! Its very true that we do take things for granted and you definitely brought to light that dreaming is part of what we take for granted. You were able to teach us such knowledge in an inspiring manner that helped to convey your thoughts on the matter.

  30. This work is so inspirational and lighthearted. You can feel the passion in your speech and it really makes you realize the importance and beauty of dreams, great job!

  31. Ivan, your writing really made me think in depth of dreaming, something I usually paid no mind to. You made a connection with the audience in the beginning by sharing that you never really cared about your dreams, and you used that connection to persuade the audience that dreams should not be taken for granted. This was so much fun to read. Good Job!
    -Brooke Leslie

  32. Your piece was very interesting Ivan! Its very true that we do take things for granted and you definitely brought to light that dreaming is part of what we take for granted. You were able to teach us such knowledge in an inspiring manner that helped to convey your thoughts on the matter.

  33. Hey Ivan! I think your piece was great. I loved they way you described how dreams are developed and also how you basically said things should not be taken for granted in the dreaming world. The part where you said "When we dream, there is no one that tells us what to do. You are the controller of everything. Everything" was my favorite part because sometimes us people don't realize we are more than capable of doings things on our own instead of using someone ~ Tanner Antonucci

  34. I really enjoyed reading your perspective on dreaming and it was very eye-opening to see how truly free we are when we dream. You did a very well job being able to analyze a complex situation such as dreaming and to bring meaning out of it. Dreaming is a great way of coping and being able to relive memories and I 100% agree with you. Overall, an interesting perspective and a good analysis, well done!

  35. This is so amazing honestly, I love how you chose such a different tooic to write on from others. The depth at which you talk about dreams and how important they are was refreshing! -Leslie Rodriguez

  36. This is so amazing honestly, I love how you chose such a different tooic to write on from others. The depth at which you talk about dreams and how important they are was refreshing! -Leslie Rodriguez

  37. Ivan, I absolutely love this! Personally, I dream a lot, like literally every time I nap or sleep I have not one, but multiple dreams! It truly is an experience like no other and it always fascinates me how we as humans have the capacity, the imagination to create these intricate stories and scenarios in our head. You beautifully captured the essence and mystery of dreaming in your blog!! :) -Simran

  38. Ivan, I like how you address to everyone the impact that dreaming is to everyone. I would most definitely agree that dreaming is a gateway to which we have our own universe to control every single night. I also like how you concluded your personal experience with a suggestion to the audience of dreaming and the true important of it.
    - Mayur Chhitu

  39. Ivan good job writing this piece! I never looked at dreaming in the perspective you described, this was an eye opener for me. It is true that dreaming is so common that some don't see the value of dreaming, one can be imagining the future or reliving your past all in the same night! I was able to realize this because of your piece. Keep up the good work!

  40. Ivan, your work was a pleasure to read. I enjoyed and appreciated your insights and opinions on the abstract concept of dreams. Fantastic work.
    -Braden Bailey

  41. This is something I've always thought about as well!! I'm glad you gave it the light it deserved because it's absolutely nuts how much we overlook the power of dreams. A personal paradise...

    - Luis Matute Period 4

  42. Your blog was so interesting Ivan, I truly loved it. It's crazy to think about how we really take a lot of things for granted in our lives and you really made me realize that a whole lot more, thank you. Good job Ivan, keep it up!

  43. Ivan, you wrote an amazing opinion here. Vivid imagery is something that we do take for granted when we dream, and we should break those barriers and continue to dream. Amazing piece!


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