
Monday, March 19, 2018

"How to Make the Easiest & Tastiest Peanut Butter Cookies" by Megan R

Whenever I need to bring a dish for a potluck, family event, party, etc. this recipe is my go to. It is definitely a favorite of all my friends and family and is highly requested by everyone. My great grandma passed this recipe onto my grandma,who then passed this recipe onto my mom,who then passed it onto me. It is the simplest recipe, when you see how many ingredients it takes you will be sure to think I am kidding! It only takes four ingredients to make these delicious cookies and each ingredient can typically be found in either your pantry or fridge, which is why this recipe is perfect for any last minute baking needs. There is not even a need for flour or vegetable oil! It is perfect for those of you who are on gluten-free and dairy-free diets as well! It is also perfect for a family baking session, as kids will be able to follow along very easily. After you have made them once, the recipe will most likely be forever in your memory. In less time than it takes for the oven to preheat, you will have these cookies ready and waiting to be baked. This recipe tends to make around 20 cookies, but can easily be doubled or even tripled if there is a need to make more. I hope you will try these cookies out for yourself and see just how tasty they are, and please be sure to pass it on to your friends and family too!

(Preparation and baking time around 25 minutes).

  1. A mixing bowl
  2. A mixer or wooden spoon
  3. A baking sheet
  4. Measuring Cups
  5. Parchment paper or foil
  6. A fork
  1. 1 cup of creamy peanut butter (I’ve found commercial brands work best)
  2. 1 large egg
  3. 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  4. 1 cup sugar
  5. Hershey Kisses (optional)
  1. First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Next, in the mixing bowl add together the 1 cup peanut butter, the 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, and
    the teaspoon of vanilla, using your measuring cups.
  3. Mix all of the ingredients together with the mixer or wooden spoon until the mixture is
    dough like. The dough tends to be grainy and thick from the peanut butter and sugar. If
    you feel as though your mixture is too thick however, just add water a teaspoon at a time.
  4. Now, take the baking sheet and line the entire sheet with either parchment paper or foil in
    order to prevent the cookies from sticking to your pan and creating a mess.
  1. Use your hands to roll together tiny balls of dough and place them onto the baking sheet. Depending on the size of your baking sheet, there should be around 9-12 balls. Each ball should be no bigger than the size of a ping pong ball. Evenly place each ball 1 inch apart from each other. (Don’t worry, because of the high fat content of the peanut butter, the balls can be shaped in no time without even sticking to your hands!)
  2. To make the cookies look even more appealing, I tend to take the back of a fork and place the fork down onto the cookie dough balls twice, once in one direction and then again in the opposite direction, forming a hashtag like shape in the cookie and flattening each cookie a little bit. Dipping the fork into some sugar before pressing the cookies will help with the sticking of the fork to the dough and will add a little extra flavor to each one.
  3. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until golden brown. Be careful when checking on your cookies.They tend to not look too cooked at first, but once they are pulled out of the oven to cool down, they will continue to cook on the hot cookie sheet.
  4. Let cool for 1-2 minutes before transferring to a wire cooling rack. Let the cookies sit for at least 10 minutes before attempting to eat, or else you will be sure to end up with the crumbs of a bunch of broken cookies.
  5. The finished cookies should be chewy and dense, and not at all crunchy.
  6. For a little extra flavor, you can also add one Hershey Kiss onto the top of each cookie, or
    even any topping you would like to make this recipe your own!


  1. Wow these cookies sound so delicious! Your How-To was very simple and easy to follow. I enjoyed your little background story in the beginning of this post. I will definitely have to bake them someday for my family.
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  2. I always look forward to the times you make these cookies and bring me a few! The recipe you give is so easy to follow and it is very convenient that it only requires 4-5 ingredients. I definitely recommend including the Hershey Kisses because it adds just the right amount of sweetness to the cookies. I liked your introduction and I hope this recipe continues to be passed down for many generations to come!

  3. This is extremely well laid out recipe. It is easy to follow, has exact measurements (which definitely is helpful to the baking impaired), and step by step instructions that make messing up these cookies a lot harder to do. I appreciate you giving a little bit of a backstory about how this recipe came into your hands as it made the entire piece a lot more personal.

  4. This recipe sounds so delicious! It's incredible that you only need four ingredients. I like how you added materials that you need to make the cookies, you don't really see that in recipes. You did an amazing job in putting detail for each step. Thank you for sharing your recipe!

  5. Great recipe. Very descriptive and detailed about every step necessary to make the cookies the right way. The description made it very easy to follow. The personal connection with the recipe also added some depth to the how to which made it more than just a cookie recipe. Gavin Gnaster

  6. Lauren Elizabeth WrightApril 2, 2018 at 10:59 AM

    My mouth is watering just reading this. I have a sweet tooth and peanut butter / chocolate sounds SO good. This was well-explained and easy to follow. Good job!

  7. My older sister absolutely loves peanut butter cookies!! When I saw this entry I couldn't wait to read the recipe and make her some. You really simplified the cookie making process and your instructions were so easy to follow. You gave a lot of detail which made your recipe so much easier to follow. Your recipe sounds amazing and was overall well written, great job!

  8. I absolutely LOVEE peanut butter so much! This recipe will for sure be one I will be trying out as soon as possible!! Thank you for your step by step recipe!
    Diego Armando Carrillo

  9. Wow these cookies seem like they'd taste really good. And there's not even any flour or anything which actually sounds great since you can't go wrong with peanut butter. It's really interesting how far back the family recipe goes too.

  10. You did a great job at making the recipe for the cookies very simple. I can't wait to try your recipe and make the peanut butter cookies.
    -dominique Madrigal p.1

  11. I have not had cookies in a while, and this recipe sounds absolutely delicious! I will be trying this as soon as I have a chance as the imagery that was used made me want to try them even more. Thank you for sharing, I look forward to eating them.

  12. Amazing post! Not only do you deliver delicious directions, but your story behind it was just as good. I can't wait to try your recipe and see if I can make them as good as they sound.

  13. Megan I cannot tell you how much I love both peanut butter and cookies, so this recipe is perfect for me. I have attempted to make peanut butter cookies but they turned out really bad (I had put in too many spoons of vanilla extract). But reading over this recipe leaves my mouth watery. I find it really crazy that we don't have to use flour. Also, do you think using butter would be a bad idea? Finally, I loved the fact that this recipe is passed down generation to generation through your moms side. Great recipe Megan, I can't wait to try it!

  14. Peanut butter cookies would not typically be my first pick of cookie but your recipe sounds amazing. You did a good job on explaining the steps clearly and making them easy to read and simple enough to understand. I thoroughly enjoyed that fact that this recipe was passed down through you family because it makes it that much more special. I also enjoyed the fact that this recipe is gluten-free and dairy free. Overall, good job :)

  15. This sounds delicious! I would love to try make this recipe with my family. It will be a great bonding time because we all love peanut butter cookies! Also, this recipe was very easy to follow, I will be coming back to this for sure!.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  16. I love peanut butter cookies so much! I'm really excited to try your recipe. Thank you for providing a more personal connection as well, it really adds to the effectiveness as a whole. Thank you for making the steps really easy to follow as well and I was delighted to find out that it only really calls for 5 ingredients.

  17. I'm definitely going to have to try this! I love how this recipe has stayed in your family for generations. It also makes it easy that there are very few ingredients. Your instructions are really clear and they'll be easy to follow when I try this. Thank you for sharing!

  18. This might be the only cookie that sounds better than sitting down and opening a box of thin mints! I’m a big sweets person and I can’t wait to give these a try. Great organization and it’s nice and easy to follow!

  19. Wow okay this is really cool. I used to hate peanut butter but I'm starting to see the light. I didn't know I could make my own! Your directions are very clear and easy to follow, I for sure will try this out one day and see how it goes!

  20. One of my favorite things to eat are cookies and your take on peanut butter cookies sounds easy to make and really delicious. The steps were thoroughly written out and easy to understand and having only a few ingredients make these cookies really hard to mess up. Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe.

  21. I made these and they are absolutely great. I love peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I actually wrote it down in my cookbook for college! Thank you again for sharing this with us!

  22. While I'm not crazy for peanut butter, these actually sound really good! I'm very excited to try this recipe, I thought it was nice of you to share your family recipe. Great job!

  23. I absolutely love peanut butter cookies! Your blog gives such an easy to follow guide on how to make that even people are completely cooking inept (just like myself) are able to make such delicious cookies. Great work!

  24. Mekka Johnson April 5, 2018 at 10:31 AM
    Peanut Butter cookies are a fast and delicious treat to enjoy at any time of the day, in any weather.I liked the fact that this is a treat your family has passed on for generations. It made your blog more warm in addition to your descriptions. I also liked the fact that your steps and directions were really understandable, it's something the entire family can participate in and enjoy.

  25. I read your title and was like PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES SAY NO MORE!!! I like how very simple these instructional directions are and how the ingredient list is very minimal. I really cant wait to give your recipe a go!

  26. I love peanut butter cookies and was surprised to see how few ingredients are actually required to make these! I really appreciate how simplistic the ingredients are and how clearly you provided the instructions. I cannot wait to try these!

  27. Good job Megan! I feel pretty much everyone loves cookies so your peanut butter cookies is something everyone could enjoy. Not only is your recipe easy to follow but you were able to give good tips on making it. Your "how to" was really good and I liked how it connected to you and your family!

  28. Great job on making your recipe very simple. I can’t wait to try these cookies one day.

  29. These cookies sound absolutely amazing. The how to was extremely well written and really easy to follow. I can’t wait until I get into the kitchen and try to bake these myself.
    -Steve Martinez P.1

  30. I absolutely LOVE cookies, and peanut bitter is also one of my favorite foods. I’m very excited to try out this recipe, and it also makes me happy that this has been going through your family for generations, nowadays it’s very uncommon to find recipes like that

  31. I love this piece so much because it has a personal connection with me, coming from a household of cooking, it is simple eating, and yet enjoying it is so pleasant. So, being able to make a very descriptive and informative tutorial that can allow anybody or any family to be able to enjoy such a nice simple meal like you did so very well here, is fantastic and great !

  32. Superb recipe and super easy to follow, peanut butter cookies are just about the best cookies you could ever make and adding hershey kisses to is such a great idea it's sure to make it even better. Thank you for this recipe im sure to also bring this to a family event now.

  33. Honestly, I've never even tried peanut butter cookies. But now that I have access to your simple, lauded recipe, maybe that will change. Thank you for sharing!
    Zachary Judson

  34. Oh wow these sound just delightful. I might have to go and try this recipe out, but after prom gotta try and keep some weight off.

  35. easy tutorial! I like peanut butter and I like cookies. What a perfect idea!


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