
Monday, March 19, 2018

"How-to make Vegan Cauliflower Wings" by Mariah T

I know that since I am a vegetarian I get a lot of questions like “what do I eat?” do “I miss meat” and a whole other abundance of questions that would probably feel up a book. So what I decided is that I am going to take a very popular food that my friends enjoy, AKA wings and just give you my non-meat version of it! I know this could also be helpful for those who are participating in no meat Fridays, people who want to be vegetarian but would like to try a meal to get a taste for it, or just for fun to try to make it. Before I start with my tips, a small disclaimer is I suck at cooking but this is what works for me and what I enjoy! 

STEP 1- Is you want to head over to the store and get some cauliflower, as well as the other
recipes if you aren’t sure what they look like this:
STEP 2- Is then making sure you preheat your oven to 450
STEP 3- Is
you want to break the head of cauliflower into florets, so it’s about 11⁄2-inch.
STEP 4- Getting a large mixing bowl, add the flour, paprika, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and almond milk(this is what I drink, but feel free to add whatever milk you drink!), and stir until well-combined
STEP 5- Is dipping the cauliflower florets into the sauce you just mixed
STEP 6- Is after coating your cauliflower put in the pan and put it in the oven, do ten minutes one side and then take out to flip then put back for another 10 minutes for a total of 20 minutes.
STEP 7- Is while that is baking, get a small mixing bowl and put hot sauce, vegetable oil and stir till everything is mixed.
STEP 8- Is after the cauliflower is done baking, put what you just mixed onto the cauliflower and put back in the oven for another 20 minutes.
Step nine is ENJOY!! You can add more hot sauce or ranch or anything really. Hope you all enjoy if you do decide to try this out!


  1. I've made cauliflower mashed potatoes and used cauliflower as a substitute for rice in fried rice before, but I never thought to make wings out of it! Your recipe seems very simple and is easy to follow. Great job!

  2. This "how- to" is great! I loved how you were able to take a type of food that everyone enjoys and make a non- meat version of this. Although I'm not vegetarian, the steps were easy to follow and it actually sounds delicious. Might have to give it a try!
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  3. Sounds delicious! I never knew cauliflower can be a substitute for meat so this is very interesting. Your directions were short and simple, it's easy to understand but i just wished there was a separate ingredients list. I'm glad you shared this recipe! I can't wait to try it.

  4. As much as I love meat, I would love to try this because it sounds good! Great job!

  5. This sounds so good! I will forsure be trying this out sometime! I really enjoyed this because it was so creative and very helpful for people trying to become a vegetarian. Great job Mariah!

  6. This recipe sounds delicious and it is very creative. I am a vegetarian as well so I am always looking for new recipes and I have seen this one on Instagram before, however it always seemed too complex but yours is simple (yet still super tasty!) that I am going to try it! Thanks for the new recipe! Great job!

  7. I loved this.I didn't even know that you could use cauliflower as a meat substitute. I also enjoyed how easy and quick it is to make.This sounds amazing and I'll have to try this one day. Good Job!

  8. I love this. I've been looking for a recipe so that I can make them. This surely will help, I can't wait to make them.

  9. Great job, this simple quick recipe sounds delicious and creative as it being a substitute meal/snack for meat! It's very helpful because of your easy drawn out steps! I think it's cool that even though someone might not be a great cook, they can sure make this recipe. Plus, I'm pescetarian and I'm sure to definitely try this soon!

  10. Ok soo this is out my comfort zone but I have realized I might need to start living a healthier lifestyle. I mean I won't go like full vegetarian yet but with this recipe this could give me good start. I have never tried cauliflower but I love wings so thanks for the recipe. :)

  11. This was such a cool recipe! I loved how you took a popular food and put your own healthier spin on to it. I am defiently going to try this since you made the recipe so easy to follow! I myself am not much of a chef so this is great for me. Great Job! -Sabrina Wilkerson Per. 1

  12. Having many vegan and vegetarian friends I often eat or make foods that are vegan friendly and I LOVE cauliflower wings and will definitely give this recipe a try next time I make them.

    Sean Bailey

  13. This is such a simple recipe to follow! I'm not a vegetarian but this sounds so good I just might have to make it and I like cauliflower too! Good Job! Mariah, I wish I was just like you.

  14. I really enjoyed this "how-to" recipe as I have not experienced any vegan alternatives for food. Therefore, I will be trying this as it seems very simple and unique. Thank you for sharing your recipe, it has made me very curious to try this soon.

  15. Thanks for this. I've never heard of a dish like this. I've always wonder how vegan food tasted compared to normal food. You made this recipe easy to make so hopefully i can make it and try out sometime to compare the difference.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  16. wow, thank you for sharing my family and I are starting to become more vegan. This would be great thing to try. I for one miss meat but I'm willing to try new things.

  17. I love this recipe SO much, my mom makes this all the time for small parties and get togethers. I love that you included an intro on why you wanted to do this recipe. I would have liked to see the measurements of each of the ingredients, but besides that, I was thankful for the details of the process. Awesome job!

  18. I found this how to very interesting and unalike from the others. I love that you picked a vegan recipe because we don't usually read about vegan or vegetarian food options. This sounds very appetizing and I want to try and make this myself. Good Job!
    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  19. You know, I've heard of cauliflower wings before, and while they've always sounded appealing to me, I've never had the chance to make them for myself, as I'm always so busy and haven't had the time to find a decent recipe, until now at least. Your instructions make it seem so easy to make vegan cauliflower wings, I may just have to go make some for myself soon, thanks for the tutorial! :)
    -Carianne Lefebvre Period 1

  20. After I read this post, I went on YouTube and couldn't stop watching videos on cauliflower wings! I am very picky with my meat but I enjoy all greens - the videos match well with the steps provided and left my mouth watering. My family enjoys fried chicken a lot, however I dislike the taste (but the smell of food is very attracting), so I am glad this is available for me!

  21. I have heard about vegan wings before but wasn't quite sure how they were made so thank you for sharing what seems to be like a delicious recipe! You give easy instructions this sounds awesome!

  22. Cauliflower is one of my favs and finding it I could make them taste like wings was one of the best things I could have ever discovered after reading and analyzing your recipe I realized that it’s very different from the ones that I have tried overall great job and can’t wait to add this to my list!!!

  23. I've made these before, the the recipe I used was far more complicated. This was very easy to follow and I can't wait to use this recipe to make them quicker! I liked how easy you made it sound and how you gave the option of changing some things like the hot sauce and milk so that whoever makes this recipe will enjoy it.

  24. Although I'm more of a carnivore than an omnivore, I've thought over recently on trying to lessen the amount of meat I consume on a day to day basis. So I've been glued to Pinterest for no-meat recipes, but it's hard to find any variation with the types of no-meat meals I can choose from. I've yet to see a recipe on vegan cauliflower wings and it's piqued my interest! Thanks for sharing this was really cool to read. :-)

  25. Cauliflower is such a great substitute for meat! I've tried the buffalo Cauliflower "wings" from California Pizza Kitchen, and they are very delicious. I've been wanting to learn how to make it at home too, so finding your recipe was very convenient for me. The steps seem very simple and easy to follow. Excellent job!

  26. This sounds bomb! As an avid vegetarian, finding recipes like these that sound fun and delicious is great. Your directions were very easy to follow and the story was even better.

  27. Although I myself would never be a vegetarian because I love meat, I admire the creativity of food choice and thriftiness that non meat eaters must have and this recipe does not sound all that bad and worth trying. Great post.

  28. This is a very intriguing entry and I am definitely the complete opposite of a vegan but the title definitely caught my attention. Even if I don’t try this recipe, I appreciated how easy it was to follow and understand. I especially enjoyed the disclaimer I thought it was a cut touch that helped the reader identify with you.

  29. I’ve always wanted to try a vegan dish and I’ve been very skeptical about others recipes because sometimes I feel it’s not genuine. Im now thinking that these wings and some vegan Mac and cheese would go really good together. I can’t wait to try this.
    Avalon Freeman

  30. Mariah, this recipe is perfect for my mom as she is a vegan as well and is always making comments on how delicious chicken wings appear to be. This recipe is very straight forward and easy. In step 4, you mentioned that you can use any milk you drink but do you think it is okay to use water? This recipe sounds delicious and maybe I will surprise my mom by making this. Fantastic "how-to" guide Mariah!

  31. I've heard of recipes with cauliflower substitute, but not with wings which is very interesting. I've always eaten meat, but have never went on vegetarian, and/or vegan diets and cleanses. Whenever I try the diets/cleanses they tend to be short lived due to the very complicated recipes, however this recipe is very easy to follow and simple.

  32. These sound so tasty and I've been looking for vegan recipes!! You did really well explaining everything step by step and I'm actually going to try this :) Thank you for sharing!!!

  33. Not usually big on vegetarian foods but this definitely is unique and intrigues me. Definitely want to try some!

  34. My mom's boyfriend is a hardcore vegan, so I can't wait to share this recipe with him! I'm sure most of us will probably experiment with new eating patters once we leave for college or gain more independence after high school, so this recipe is very useful. Great organization!

  35. My friends moms boyfriend is definitely gonna love this, he loves home style recipes like thanks and I know he’ll start cooking as soon as I show him. I’ll let you know how it tastes! Thanks for the recipe!

  36. Wow this sounds really good! I to am a vegetarian and sometimes I don't really know what to cook for dinner other than a salad. This recipe will definitely go under my belt as something to cook next time I'm not sure what to eat!

  37. I've had vegan wings in the past and were surprised that I actually like them. Your take on vegan wings sounds really healthy and delicious. I wish there were some measurements stated for the ingredients but other than that the steps were really easy to follow.

  38. I like how your "how-to" is so simple and easy to follow as much as i love regular wings , its always good to try something new ! Thanks for sharing (:

  39. I loved this,im vegetarian as well so Im always open to trying new recipes and expanding my food option since were very limited on what we can eat, I also appreciated the opening background since it allowed me to connect and have a great understanding.

  40. I'm also a vegetarian and am constantly looking for new recipes! One thing I miss is definitely eating wings from Buffalo Wild Wings. This recipe looks so good and I can't wait to try out this alternative!

  41. Your recipe was very easy to follow and seems very appealing. I cannot wait to try these at home! Good job (:

  42. This is such a good idea! Even though I am not vegetarian, I still really want to try this recipe. Your step by instructions were very clearly written and made the process easy to follow.Thanks for sharing!

  43. I have never thought to use cauliflower as a substitute for meat before! I don't usually eat vegetarian foods, but this recipe intrigues me. I might just have to try out your recipe and see what your lifestyle is like! Love this Mariah!

  44. I never thought I would be interested by a vegan recipe but this blog entry opened a whole new world for me! The details you used in this how to made your vegan dish seem so interesting and delicious. I thoroughly enjoyed this entry. Great job!

  45. Great Piece Mariah! I wish I would have seen this during lent time because this would have been a perfect meal to have had on a Friday. I liked how in the beginning you explained that you were vegetarian and that showed me that you had a personal connection to this "How to". Your tips were very helpful and I'll have to try your cauliflower wings soon!

  46. Being a vegetarian myself, I’m always looking for new and creative recipes to try out and when I tried these previously they were delicious! Thank you for putting a twist on a common dish! I enjoyed reading your instructions and will definitely try to make these for myself sometime!

  47. This sounds so good! I never would of thought cauliflower being made into wings! Your How-to was so detailed and sounds easy, i'm excited to try it! Good Job!

  48. I have tried to go vegan many times and this post boosted up my confidence and attempt to go on this journey once more and i’m glad you posted a recipe of one of my favorite foods. You did great with explaining each step and I can’t wait to try these. Good job!

  49. Great job on your blog entry! Your how-to seems very interesting i would like to try it one day.

  50. Wow! this how-to was really interesting. what caught my attention was that youre able to turn wings into something vegan. great work, I think ill make some for myself now!

  51. I never knew cauliflower could be used as a alternative to meat. I'm not vegetarian, but I'm not a huge fan of meat either, so I'll definitely have to try making it. Also, because there isn't a bone in the middle of the wing, it seems less messy as well.

  52. I've never thought about eating vegan, but after reading this recipe I might have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

  53. Mariah I would first like to applaud you for becoming vegan and sticking with your commitment. Secondly I like your creativity in doing this and I also like the fact that you have set yourself apart from everyone else.

  54. This is a very unique recipe! It’s cool to know what different recipes vegetarians use. Good job on your blog post!
    -Jacqueline Cortes

  55. Mariah I am always so intrigued by your vegetarian diet and I’m always so curious as to what you usually eat! Your dish not only sounds delicious, but seems so easy to make! I can’t wait to make this at home and find out what it tastes like!

  56. Thanks for sharing such a unique recipe! I always love to learn what different recipes vegetarians like to use. It was very well written, great job!

  57. I have always been interested in becoming a vegetarian just to try it. After reading this how to, I have taken it more into consideration thanks to you. I found your how to bey helpful for those who are vegetarian or are interested in becoming vegetarian.

  58. Wow. This is such a nice recipe. Easy to follow and sounds delicious. I never thought of going vegan before of even trying it but I would be open to trying this.

  59. Cauliflower has always been such an out of the ordinary food to me, but after reading your clear cut instructions on how to prepare it I am very open to the idea of trying them out! This dish actually sounds pretty fulfilling and who doesn't love filling their body up with something healthy for once. You did a good job sharing your recipe.

  60. wow this instructional guide on how to make vegan cauliflower really opened my eyes up to trying new foods and i will be more than willing to make a lifestyle change depending on how these taste! splendid job mariah! easy to follow instruction and a delicious treat at the end.


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