
Monday, March 19, 2018

"How -to babysit young children" by Brittney B

As an auntie to two- two year olds i have learned a few tips and tricks that i'm going to share with all of you when you have to babysit your little monster. In no way am I saying babysitting is easy because i've experienced the tantrums, hair pulling, and screaming but i've noticed that these few tricks help me tame the little ones for longer.

1. First things first, always make sure the monster is fed. Babysitting a full child is way easier than babysitting a hungry kid. When they are full they become more lazy and are way less cranky then when their tummy is grumbling.

2. Next, toys,toys,toys. Always make sure they are entertained! Remember children's attention span is even worse than high school students. Therefore keep it moving at all times! Whether it's watching tv to playing barbies always keep them moving and playing. This will also help at bedtime because they will feel satisfied and tired.

3. Another trick is to keep them eating or drinking. Giving them juice or a little snack here and there will cause them to feel less hungry for longer. This also reduces the amount of crying and whining because they cant cry and chew at the same time!

4. If you're experiencing the dreadful tantrum then always try a distraction! A good distraction is to go to the park or maybe try arts and crafts, anything that keeps them distracted is good.

5. If you want to make bedtime a little bit easier than heavier physical activities like playing a sport or going to the park is a perfect way to tire out your little one out and make them ready for bed!

6.  Finally, never mention the B word. When young children hear the word BEDTIME it's like hearing they have to write a five page essay or miss their favorite show. This horrific word will only result in attitude and crying. Instead just lay down with them and watch some tv or read them a story this is much better than trying to force bedtime upon them.

I hope these tricks help you because I know how challenging babysitting the little ones can be and when you start to getting irritated just look at their cute tiny faces!

 Brixton Isaiah Berglund


  1. Your How To was so adorable and cute! Unfortunately, I won't have the need to babysit for a long time, but it was still very fun to read. I liked how you included a picture of your "little monster."
    Period 1

  2. I babysit, and I must say this is extremely accurate! These tips are super helpful and come in handy with most kids. Keeping them busy and fed is key! Great job!

  3. This is such a cute little tutorial. Taking care of kids can be very difficult, and although all kids are very different, the tips you included seem to be pretty universal and can probably help making the babysitting experience go more smoothly. There is a nice amount of humour integrated in this step by step which made it not only informative but entertaining.

  4. Very nice post! I babysit my 3 year old cousin sometimes and the bedtime step cannot be stressed enough. Getting the kids to bedtime was such as hassle the first couple times but then it got easier as she would just fall asleep to TV. Great post!

    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  5. This was such a cute "how-to". I loved how you would refer to your nephew as a little "monster", and how you emphasized to never mention the "B" word. This was very creative, and I enjoyed it alot.
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  6. I have three younger cousins that have driven me crazy when babysitting them in the past. I will definitely have to try some of these helpful tricks. All of the steps were clear and fun, nice job.

  7. Awesome post! I sometimes have to babysit all 3 cousins and the oldest is 4. These tips are very useful and will help me make my job a lot. Nice job on giving different variations on babysitting and not what to do as well! Erick Gutierrez per.4

  8. Great How-To! I like how you compare small children to monsters and kept the post short but informative. I rarely have to deal with small children, but when I do I'll have you to thank!

  9. I've always wanted to babysit but I never exactly knew how to; this is a great how-to and it's just what I needed now that summer break is approaching! Great job adding your own advice and input it really helps people who want to give babysitting a chance. Great Work!

  10. Great How-To! I like how you compare small children to monsters and kept the post short but informative. I rarely have to deal with small children, but when I do I'll have you to thank!

  11. Aww this was such a cute and playful How-To. I work in childcare and sometimes it can be hard to control the children and make sure that they have the best time at childcare so i love hearing extra tips and tricks to see how other people do it. Good job I like how you were able to give a general steps because all babies are different.

  12. This was fun and interesting to read because i have a little cousin who is the biggest definition of a brat and it is so hard to babysit him because there's so much patience needed, i don't understand how you do 2. I never thought of doing these things to make them tired or easier to take care of them and it makes sense on why you would do them without harming or just brushing them off. Great job!

  13. Thanks Brittney for your how to! As a cousin of a 15 cousins on my dad's side, all under the age of three, I know all about little monsters. I really appreciate that you mentioned continuously giving them something to eat and drink. Keeping them busy is a hassle, but they are all too cute! Thanks for the positive reminders to make me a good caregiver for my monsters!

  14. Brittney! This was such a creative and cute how-to. Now having a niece these trips and tricks will be great for m in the future. Great Job! -Vanessa Fernandez

  15. This How To was very useful and informative! I rarely have to babysit children but next time I do I know im set with this How To! I also loved how you used the phrase "Little Monsters" as a way to describe the children!
    Diego Armando Carrillo P.1

  16. This was a good How To. I usually take care a lot of my younger cousins and god brothers. These tricks can help me in the future. Thank you so much!
    Eric Duong Period 4.

  17. This was the cutest thing ever, having a four year old niece and constantly babysitting her wasn't the highlight of my Friday night. I'm happy this was so easy to correlate to and your tips were small, but EXTREMELY helpful. Thanks for erasing future headaches!

  18. This was helpful. My little brother is five and his friend's moms have been asking if I could babysit for them. I never babysat before except for my brother. Thanks for the tips for the tantrums.

  19. I have babysat myself before and babysitting children isn’t always easy especially if there is more than one this was extremely helpful and gave great tips as far as caring for multiple children simultaneously I really appreciate your useful tips!!

  20. This was so adorable! My sisters and cousins are such a handful but these tips and tricks will surely be there to help guide me! The playful use of words ere entertaining as well as informative with each step mentioned. Thank you!

  21. Overall this list is very accurate. I babysit quite often, and this is essentially what I do. The one thing i disagree with is to keep them eating/drinking. I find that if you give the kids juice or cookies or something then they won't eat their dinner. Also I wouldn't distract them if they were throwing a tantrum. I usually just let them cry until they decide that the tantrum isn't working. Overall this list is very good and will help people who are new to babysitting. The thing about Bedtime is a good tip, so I'll try it the next time I babysit.

  22. This was a cute post I too have to take care of young siblings and cousins and I know how much of a handful they can be. Thank you for all the insightful tips on how to make watching the "little monsters" a little easier.

  23. This is a great tutorial and a well organized piece that highlights how well you really know children. Honestly I’m pretty bad with kids, hopefully I can pull a few of these tips out the next time I have little cousins to keep and eye on.

  24. Great advice! I have a little sister I'm always babysitting and I find myself doing things you've mentioned here. Children are difficult but if you come in with a game plan like you've proposed it won't be that bad. I specifically agree with keeping them fed, hungry three year olds are scary!

  25. Brittney I loved this! I often babysit my two little cousins, so getting them to relax and cooperate can be so hard. I feel like this could really help me keep my sanity. I cannot wait to use this on them thank you!

  26. Wow. This is so cute Brittney, good job. I have a baby brother and I love being with my baby cousin so these steps will make it so much easier to watch them.

  27. This is going to be useful for me if I ever need to resort to babysitting for some income. I hate children, so it'll be nice to have such an easy-to-read list of ways to manipulate them.

  28. Mekka Johnson April 5, 2018 at 11:13
    This was really cute of you, I can tell you are a very loving person. you're right, babysitting is really not easy. Especially when kids can't yet tell you what they want. It was very beneficial for you to insist that we keep the kids fed and full because it makes them a little tired. As a whole, your blog was very genuine, and sweet. The baby is really adorable by the way.

  29. I loved this How-to! It was so adorable and the tips will definitely help those who are just starting out as a babysitter or even those who might need a little extra help with their little monsters. I especially adored the picture of your nephew!!

  30. first of all, I LOVE THE PICTURE. i have two twins cousins and I babysit them all the time and i would like you to know this piece was SPOT ON. All your tips could easily be applied to babysitting.your piece was informational and adorable all in one. loved it!
    Tori Esquivel - P.2

  31. How to babysit small children... DONT! I'm just teasing, kids are great especially when you can give them back! All of your tips were very logical and very realistic, like the one about tiring them out with activeness. But I noticed you mentioned keeping them full and eating, what would you recommend I do for a child who refuses to eat ever. Ive done the whole tea party cramasmanyteasandwhichesinherasIcan but, but she's tiring of that.

  32. This was actually extremely helpful I have so many your cousins and it’s so hard to get their attention. I will definitely be using your tips the next time I see them. Thanks!

    Alaijah Solomon-Jackson
    Period 4

  33. I really enjoyed this how-to and will be using these tips as a new big brother. There was great explanation and reasoning to your tips which make them more solid statements. Thank you for the help!

  34. I love this how to, i absolutely adore children, reading this was super cute and I've done my fair share of baby sitting so everything you said was so on point and ending it all with that adorable little baby my heart couldn't be happier to have read and seen this.

  35. That is such a cute photo first of all! Thanks for all the tips on babysitting! It was really well written and I learned a lot from it (:
    -Jacqueline Cortes

  36. I used to babysit, and I really wish I had read this when I did. Your tips seem so useful and the next time my neighbors call me because they need someone to watch their kids, I’m definitely going to pull this up

  37. The picture is so cute! Thank you for sharing your babysitting tips with us, it was so well written.

  38. Brittney! I absolutely love this post! I can totally relate to everything you mentioned because I am so used to babysitting! Also, the picture you chose is absolutely adorable and I honestly am so glad you decided to share this how to with us!

  39. I really enjoyed reading this it made me think of about all of the times I have gone crazy trying to babysit. Thank you for these helpful tips on how to keep kids entertained. Also, that little boy in the pit is super cute !!

  40. Just reading this post kind of made me think of all the times that I have to baby sit my three year old brother. Well reading this will definitely help me in learning out to be a better babysitter to him when I have to watch him thank you!!

  41. Thank you for posting a very insightful guide on taking care of young children. I usually don’t take care of young children, as I’m quite terrible accounting for their needs, but I’ll keep use this information as a step in the right direction. I do recommend checking over your grammar, as it detracts a bit from your post.

  42. Thank you for the tips! I absolutely love babysitting the babies and toddlers in my family because they bring so much joy to me. It's funny to see the lengths other people go to to babysit other kids, and also how universal the curse word bedtime is across all babies and toddlers. Man I would pay for some bedtime right now.


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