
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"One Day" By Vanessa F

It can take one day just one day for your life to change completely. Someone you care
about so much can just be taken away from you in a blink of an eye. We all knew you were sick but you always had this bright smile that can blind anyone from the pain you felt. Seeing you in and out of the hospital was hard but we all knew you were strong. The doctors told us that we still had awhile with you but I guess God wanted you with him already. Ever since I was nine years old I always dreaded seeing my mom getting a call that brought her to these tears that only one could know. Christmas morning is always the happiest morning of them all or at least that's what we all thought. My siblings and I woke up to set up all our presents so we can open them once our parents came back home from church. We sit and wait from them on the couch when all of sudden my parents burst through the door, my mom in tears and my dad in a panic to get ready and leave. In a blink of an eye im suddenly in the hospital with my whole family in tears around me. All we can do is just sit, wait and hold on to each other praying for a miracle. We all just sat for hours some going in and out of your hospital room getting a chance to be in your presence for one of the last times. Then as the clock hit two-thirty my cousin walks into the waiting room and it goes silently as we all hold our breaths, my cousin says the most frightening words ‘We all have to go say our final goodbyes together.’ Suddenly my giant family is all stuffed in a hospital room, some are talking about stories but all I can hear is the sniffles that
came from me. I just stand there wondering why is this happening again to us, questioning everything. And then I remember my cousin telling us ‘ Don't put a question mark, where God put a period.’ I realize that everything happens for a reason and my family has never been closer and more appreciating of each other. Tell the people you care about that you love them everyday cause one day it can all change.


  1. You are very brave to share such a personal story, which you wrote with such beauty. The message you put at the end is SO important because most people don't realize how quick it is you could lose someone, so it really is so important to tell the people you care about how much they mean to you.

  2. Wow, your story almost brought me to tears, because even though I've never actually been through that, I can imagine the pain being unbearable. I agree, you can lose someone in the blink of an eye, and that's terrifying. I am sorry for your loss.
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  3. Vanessa, your entry had a very strong message that was really compelling to me. You are super courageous for sharing your intimate experience with everyone. I will definitely make a more conscious effort to show my love to my friends or family because you never know when you will have your last moments with them. Thank you for this amazing read.

  4. You piece is a reminder for us all that anything can happen and the we should always be grateful to those around us. You are very strong to share a personal anecdote such as this to reinforce your message in your writing.

  5. This honestly gave me goose bumps because it is so true and you're so strong for sharing such personal memory to you. I think that this piece is very well written and I love the emotion behind it! Great job vanessa!

  6. You're so brave for telling this story. The message from it was such an amazing one as sometimes we don't understand why things happen, but we can survive it if we have family. This message is so important and so is family. This story was so amazing.

  7. I totally feel for you! Your piece was very well written and you did a great job with getting your point across. Great job!

  8. This was written emotionally and in an amazing way. I loved this piece and the amount of heart put in it. you did an amazing job Vanessa

  9. Such aa shockingly personal piece Vanessa. Sharing such a personal piece, especially with your classmates is, must have taken a tremendous amount of courage. Great job at conveying all the emotions you had in such a concise manner as I'm sure you could have written more. Sorry for your loss.
    Gavin Gnaster

  10. Vanessa, I applaud you for being able to write, as well as publish such an emotionally personal piece. You are so brave and it shows not only in this piece, but every time I speak with you. I am in awe of you! What a brilliant piece!

  11. This is truly beautiful. Recently I have lost a couple of family members and reading your story felt all too familiar. I don't know if I coped through it correctly, but I think your story just helped me achieve that. Where I read the line when your cousin said, "Don't put a question mark, where God put a period.", it really hit me. It really forced me to think about how everything happens for a reason. I don't personally know you that well Vanessa, but I would still like to thank you for helping me completely cope through my losses and for sharing your glorious story because I know how difficult it can be.

  12. I found your entry to be very beautiful. The situation felt very familiar to me. Questioning things seems to be our initial reaction when experiencing loss. I loved how you and your family viewed the situation. It reminded me of the saying "Don't Cry Because It's Over; Smile Because It Happened". Nice work; I enjoyed this very much!

  13. Hi Vanessa, your piece although short, strongly impacted me. This made me greatly realize that a tragic calamity of losing someone we love, always brings family and others closer together. Which is difficult and beautiful, I think many others including myself can relate to this, whether we lose a family member, friend, or animal. Also the realization, gives me the motivation to never take everyday with everyone I love in my life for granted because of unexpected changes. You wrote with beauty and thank you for sharing this on the blog. Amazing piece.

  14. Your entry is so short, but somehow, packed to the brim with feeling. The brevity of the piece and the use of second person in the beginning metaphorically pushes the reader into this rollercoaster of emotion. It was nice of you to share these obviously deep feelings with us.

  15. Your story was so impactful. Written in a very heartfelt and genuine manner, I feel for what you went through. The moral in the last paragraph is something I’m going to definitely take away with me.

  16. Your last sentence is so true because you never know when the person you love might die. My mothers father actually died when she was in high school and she never got to say I love you and she regrets that till today. Growing up she has always taught me to say i love you and give hugs when saying bye. Shes also taught me to never leave a someone in a bad attitude always stay positive. Great piece Vanessa.

  17. My condolences for your loss. I'm not that well informed about death or the after effects of losing someone close. All I can understand is that it must have been very hard to experience that loss. For what it's worth, I'm sure you had great moments to cherish with them and your not alone in your grief. I know that life can be unpredictable and things will take a turn for the worst, so I'll follow your advice and love those I care about to the best of my abilities as I'm sure you have as well. As you said, you still have family with you to cherish and they'll love you no matter what.

    - Justin Presto (Per. 1)

  18. Vanessa, this was such a well written piece. It's so raw and emotional, you're so brave for sharing such a personal piece. Reading this was a reminder that you can lose anyone at anytime and that we should always look for the brighter side in dark situations.

  19. This feels so personal and heartbreaking especially since you were addressing your loved one directly. The waiting is always the worst part, and your writing recreated that sense of dread so perfectly. What makes this piece so impactful to me is the way you still write about the positive things like the smiles and God. Finding a positive through hardship is one of the most character building things a person can experience. I really appreciate you addressing the audience directly for the last line because it really brings the purpose of your writing to fruition.

  20. Wow. Your story is so powerful. I cannot describe how impactful this is and how brave you are. Your strength came with every word and the power behind it was beautiful.

  21. This story was so meaningful to me as a reader because I have experienced that, and the way you presented this experience is beautiful. The phrase at the end "Don't put a question mark, where God put a period." was very warming and heartfelt and made me believe that things happen for a reason. Great work!

  22. Wow, I'm proud of you for having the courage to share this with us but furthermore the message you provided in it by telling us to always be thankful for everything and everyone in our lives. Well done.

  23. This really got to me. It was interesting seeing your perspective of feelings and emotion through the way you described the situation.

  24. I can totally relate to this piece because the same experience happened to me. People can just disappear in the blink of an eye and when I read this it was such a heart throbber. Your overall message consisted that people need to be thankful for the ones they love because you never know when they might leave us is so inspiring. Great job!!!

  25. I relate to this piece i had something similar happen to me a few years ago, this was a great short story and you are very brave to share such a personal and heartbreaking experience. Fantastic job.


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