
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"The Law of Attraction" by Samantha S

Have you ever wondered how to attract a better life? From meditation to gratitude journals Ive been through it all. Lately Ive been looking into the Law of Attraction. It states that the energy you put out into the universe is the energy that you will get back. Although this sounds a lot like karma, this principle focuses on how people can attract anything they want into their lives using that energy. As the saying goes, “like attracts like.” It is based on the idea that what you believe is what you will receive. This means that what we think about will essentially happen, whether they want it to or not. If you have an optimistic outlook, doors will open and bring a chain of positive experiences into your life. In contrast, if you have a pessimistic outlook, a series of unfortunate events will unfold and block your path. An individual can attract anything they desire into their life utilizing the Law of Attraction whether it is a successful job, an ideal lifestyle, a soulmate, or a winning lottery ticket. In life, this universal law can work in your favor and bless you with the fulfillment of all of your desires. Just remember to be positive and truly believe it will occur; whatever “it” is. According to believers, you must visualize what you want and imagine how happy and grateful you would feel to have it. One technique used to increase the power of your visualization for attraction is the 17 Second Rule developed by Abraham Hicks. To practice this rule one must close their eyes for sixty-eight seconds and picture what the fulfillment of their wishes would look and feel like. With each series of seventeen seconds, similar thoughts should occur and create a strong vibrational frequency of energy to increasingly attract what is imagined. You must also have an unshakeable faith that your vision will come into existence. In order to manifest your desires, you must already accept it as yours. For example, my grandmother trusts that she will have a “princess parking spot” wherever she goes. Whether it is the Law of Attraction in action or coincidence, she always finds an open parking place in the front row. In case you were wondering, no she does not have a handicap parking placard.

Remember to take the proposal of this theory with a grain of salt. Many people accept this idea as a real law of nature and many others believe it to be mumbo jumbo. In my opinion, the success of the Law of Attraction can be explained more by psychological principles rather than by the will of the universe. Rewiring the brain to think positively can attract flowers and sunshine because our mind creates the experience of our reality. According to research from the field of Positive psychology, by visualizing our desires we align our thoughts and feelings with our goals. This pushes the reticular activating system (RAS) and the overall consciousness in our brains to focus on our desires. When people have faith in the idea that “like attracts like” and continually visualize attaining their goals, they are training their minds to unconsciously conjure up an action plan.

Whatever the truth is behind the Law of Attraction phenomenon, people are convinced it will create a better life. Try it out for yourself to see if you can bring your wildest ambitions and fantasies to reality.


  1. Interesting read, especially the psychological bit. I agree that having an optimistic outlook motivates people to take advantage of opportunities and seek initiative. How does the law of attraction hold up to confirmation bias though?

    1. I feel like confirmation bias definitely does have a major impact on the whole concept of the Law of Attraction, it could be the secret behind it! Can’t believe I didn’t even think of that

  2. I have never taken this approach on viewing life before. This was truly a very interesting and mind challenging read for me. I admire your deep thinking and wisdom that you have. I had never heard of the "17 second rule" before and I actually plan on using it to see what comes of it. Great job!

  3. Lauren Elizabeth WrightFebruary 23, 2018 at 10:35 AM

    I had never heard of this before reading your blog entry, so I found it really interesting! Even though I usually am not interested in this kind of stuff, your writing did make part of me want to give it a try. You did a good job of explaining the whole concept. Nice job!

  4. This piece is so intriguing! I myself have never really heard of the law of attraction, but your interpretation of the concept has enlightened me. This idea is so complex, but the way you have interpreted it, in my opinion, makes it easier to grasp. I like how you incorporated a real world example of the law being tested and in your own personal experience to justify its effect. This is such an encouraging piece to influence others to think positively for a better life. Amazing work!!!

  5. This is a really interesting concept. I've known about the law of attraction before but I never knew the 68 second rule or the magnitude of the law. I previously thought it would only work for small things, like making a free throw during a pickup basketball game. However, I really enjoyed reading this, and I learned a lot about something I thought I knew. Overall, great job!

  6. Reading this changes my perspective on everything. It makes me want to look more into this topic because taking psychology and seeing how some of these things are involved in other things it begins to raise questions for me.

  7. Great job on explaining the Law of Attraction. You started with a nice hook and kept the reader wanting to read more. You also managed to explain the science behind the Law of Attraction.

  8. I've always found the Law of Attraction fascinating and I'm glad to see there are other people out there who do also. My favorite summation of this concept is the Biblical precept As ye sow, so shall ye reap. Nonetheless, Great Piece!

  9. This is a very interesting topic and I am impressed by your explanation of it. I was enticed by your hook and was completely mesmerized throughout the entire read. I remember someone telling me this before and they have the same parking lot experience! Great job!

  10. I enjoyed the theories and laws that you introduced to attraction. Also, that you had scientific/philosophical information to back your statements up. This challenged me to try using the Law of Attraction and the 17 second rule. Great job being out of the box!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  11. Samantha thank you for writing about this. I always thought about this but i never knew there was an actual term for it! also, the way you wrote it was great too, amazing job!

  12. Interesting way in which you tie a philosophical concept and science together into a enjoyable read. The law of attraction is a great analogy to having a positive outlook on life and the way in which you explain it attests to that. I also enjoy the personal connection you give to your life with this topic giving your piece a bit of credibility that many others might not have by doing some random research. Great Job! Gavin Gnaster

  13. This is an incredibly beautiful piece. This is the first time the Law of Attraction has been brought to my attention and, personally, its a dope feeling to see that there is a name for an idea i have been trying to incorporate into my life. I also appreciate how informative you were throughout the entry providing us with a strategy (the 17 second rule) that might assist someone who is interested on changing their energy. -Imani Crenshaw, per. 2

  14. I think the piece you have written is so so important, especially in today's world. It is so important to always put out a positive attitude, and for some who may not know how to do that, this piece should help. Thanks!

  15. At first, I thought this post would be a bunch of unrealistic pseudoscience garbage, but I was pleasantly surprised when you incorporated an explanation grounded in science. This is the sort of post that can persuade a wide range of people, from weirdos who blindly accept anything to weirdos who need a logical justification for everything.

  16. I found it very interesting when you mentioned "What you believe is what you will receive." This is sort of like The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, otherwise known as the frequency illusion. Essentially what the phenomenon does, is when you think of a random piece of information you suddenly happen to come across it. For example: You think of your favorite song, and later that day you hear it playing. This is sort of how the "law of attraction works." not necessarily because you are actually influencing an outcome, but because your positive attitude is making you see the good in an outcome. All in all this was a very interesting read.

  17. I found this piece very interesting lately because I've been trying to look into phenomenons such as the Law of Attraction myself. Although I have some doubts over the legitimacy of this, I find it interesting to keep open to the information and have a clear basis until I have no definite doubt. Thank you for discussing this in more of a logical sense whereas I've heard more of a pseudo-scientific approach to this.

  18. When I first read the title of your piece, I was expecting this to be about love. However, as I was reading I realized that the law of attraction can be applied to many aspects of your life. Great job with creating scenarios where this law can come into play.

  19. I loved this piece! I absolutely believe in the Law of Attraction, so it was not that hard for me to grasp the concept of this. I loved reading this piece and I can totally see how this matches your personality, well done!

  20. I loved this piece! I absolutely believe in the Law of Attraction, so it was not that hard for me to grasp the concept of this. I loved reading this piece and I can totally see how this matches your personality, well done!

  21. This piece is very inspiring! I have always been a firm believer of this theory simply because positivity and a imaginative mindset will always attract a more positive experience. I can definitely see you implementing this principle in your lifestyle as you continually radiate positive energy. The alluring way you described this phenonenom with real life examples kept me intrigued throughout. Good Job!

  22. I found this extremely interesting. Although I can see why a lot of people may think it is mumbo jumbo, I believe a positive outlook can make you life better in most circumstances and with reason. I really appreciated the fact that you seem to practice what you preach. You appear to have a positive outlook all the time and I can see that your positive outlook can even affect those around you. I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Your blog piece was thoroughly intresting. The theory on the Law of Attraction is a quite intresting one. You very well used description and made this concept very understandable for what it is. Personally I don’t take this concept as good karma or believe that likes attracts like, but I’m definitely going to have to try it out.

  24. This piece is very interesting and holds a very common but abstract idea on the outcome of events in our lives. I can definitely see the correlation between mood and outcome. Good job on writing a great piece on an idea that is difficult to explain.

  25. I loved this piece so much it was a huge eye opener for me. The way you described everything was perfect and easy to understand.

  26. I've always heard things about this theory and the cliché quotes but hearing an actual experience and point of view on it has expanded my horizons. Thank you for sharing your insight with us I will apply this to everyday life.

  27. You know, this publication gave me a number of reactions. I kinda just laughed at the irony of it all. Optimism is not the forte of the modern age, at least in my experience; the world seems worse off than ever before and many would agree. But according to your theory, the world will always be worse off than ever before as long as people continue to believe that. I have limited knowledge in positive psychology, but your approach is one I love. I draw a connection to cognitive restructuring, essentially having to do with the remapping of your schemas from negative or detrimental thoughts to positive and cultivating ones. It goes beyond just optimism, but I personally attempt (with more effort than should be necessary) to consciously realign my thoughts to have more optimistic tendencies when they begin to stray. And this alternative perspective that you offer is one I never much considered. It's enlightening, though quite a bit to digest if I must admit. Nonetheless, I applaud you for your pondering and have found it wonderfully written. Fantastic job Samantha

  28. wow! this seems to add up to most of my ideals. I'm impressed with this philosophical view on what life can give you for what you give for yourself

  29. I found this piece really interesting. I have known about the Law of Attraction but in a very abstract way. You used good description and an amazing hook which made me want to keep reading your piece. Good job Samantha!

  30. I am so inspired by your willingness to go out and find happiness wherever you go. I admire the description of the Law of attraction and how it affects your personal life, pertaining it to your grandma. The reason why I liked your story so much is because it showed true honesty. I believe there are many struggles in life that people face on a daily and you have a slightly better outlook on life. This is such a positive piece, Great job!!!

  31. This was an interesting read. I've personally been thinking about this subject a lot lately, seeing as my life has improved since I started thinking more positively. I hope others who read this vlog post will begin to believe the same.


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