
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"How to make Salvadoran Cheese Pupusas!" by Breanna C

You have probably never heard what a pupusa is and it is the most amazing thing to eat.
Growing in a salvadoran household is where you find out various of unique items of food that are delicious to eat. Also, making pupusas shouldn’t be a hard task to do whenever you have free time. I am a picky eater and when I first found this out I was tedious about trying it because by the looks of it, it did not look so good. Until I got older, my eating palate has slightly changed and trying it was the best decision I could have made. They are a quick meal you can make with not utilizing a lot of money and ingredients. The most you can spend on making these pupusas is about $15 max and you can feed a lot of people as well not just yourself but mant more. Also, it is a great start into trying new meals from different cultures. For example, the salvadoran culture has many other things you can try like tamales, panes con pavo, and many more. So maybe beginning with cheese pupusas is a easy start to try because it is a simple but good meal to eat. To add, this meal will most definitely fill your stomach for a good time. Usually the people I can always eat my pupusas from is my grandma and my great-grandma because they do make the best ones out there. Pupusas make the Salvadoran culture unique and fun to learn with your loved ones.
So to begin here are the ingredients you are going to need to make this delicious meal.

Carrillo 1
  • ★  Maseca corn flour- 3 cups
  • ★  Mozzarella cheese, Salvadoran cheese or substitute queso fresco - 1 cup
  • ★  Warm water- 1 1⁄2 cups
  • ★  Salt- 1⁄2 teaspoon
  • ★  Patience
    How to make it step by step
  1. You are going to start off by mixing your Maseca with water and salt in a bowl of
    preference. Also, to make sure your dough is good you will notice that it is nice and soft and that it won't crack around the edges. You can use your hand, a mixer, anything you chose to mix your ingredients!
  2. The next step is simple.. Just let the dough rest for about 15 minutes in room temperature; Maybe watch The Office or read this next step.
  3. While you are letting your dough rest, starting on the cheese will be beneficial. So grab the cheese of preference and start grating your cheese, grate all of it so you will have enough to put into your Maseca and make the cheese pupusas.
  4. Now since the dough is ready keep it inside the bowl you mixed it in, and with clean hands you can start rolling them into little balls. (Hint: you can put vegetable oil or water on your hands to make it easier to grab the dough and will make the process of making the pupusas easier)
  5. For the stove top you can use a heavy skillet because that will help when making the pupusas with medium heat. ( Tip: since the heavy skillet is a cooking utensil that heats up fast be careful when applying the pupusa)
  1. Now that your stove is ready, you can make a indentation in the dough ball and add your cheese of preference into it and then start making a circle shape with your hands to make the size of the pupusa. If you are satisfied with how it looks add it onto your skillet! (Hint: by making the circle it's like if you are clapping with your hands)
  2. Finally once you see that the pupusa is turning brown on both sides like how a tortilla gets it should be ready. By Leaving it on the skillet for about 2 or 3 minutes on each side should do it’s justice on making a great pupusa. For an add on you can eat it with a side of curtido or salsa roja. Curtido is a side dish that is consisted of cabbage, carrots, etc. and the salsa roja is a tomato sauce seasoned with other goodness.
TIPS: When eating these they are usually eaten with just out bare hands!
- Also be careful when you immediately eat these because the cheese does get VERY hot.

Hopefully reading this you got a craving of eating some nice homemade cheese pupusas! They really are a delighted food item to try out. Have fun making these with your family, friends, anyone!
Carrillo 3


  1. My mom likes to bring home pupusas from work from time to time and I love it every single time she does bring it home. I never knew how much work is put it into making these delicious things and I've never personally explored the different variations of pupusas there can be. Hopefully I can try to ask my brother to make these for me and I'll get to try them, great work!

  2. As a foodie, I am always on the look out for new foods to try and make. Since I have never heard of a pupusa, I was naturally inclined to take a peak at your article. Your recipe is written in a simple way, making it easy to follow as you cook. I was also excited to see that the ingredients consisted of my favorite food items, cheese. Thank you for sharing this recipe and a part of your culture with us! Excellent job!

  3. Great recipe, very descriptive! Your attention to the detail and outlining each step with importance makes following this recipe trivial. The connection of the dish to the culture also makes reading the recipe and getting interested in it very interesting although many might not have heard of it. Great job on writing it and I look foreword to trying a Paupusa at some point down the road. Gavin Gnaster

  4. Omg I love Pupusas! I like how you added patience in the ingrediants because that is a need more post recipes when people are cooking. I also enjoyed the tips at the end of reciepe it just top off the whole piece. Good Job!!

  5. I would love to try this! I've never had pupusas before but I've heard they're amazing and I've always wanted to try one. The steps you listed are easy to follow, and I'm sure I'll love them after trying this recipe!

  6. OMG!! Pupusas is an absolute fav of mine also due to the fact that I love Mexican food in general. I'm so glad that you created a "How-to" for this because now I can make these within the comfort of my own home your recipe was very descriptive, also including tools and ingredients that are easily accessible.

  7. My sister and I have always wanted to make pupusas, but all the other recipes were to long or complicated. I am definitely coming back to this recipe to make them! Thank you for sharing this recipe.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  8. This is great! I love love pupusa they are so good! Your recipe was so descriptive and it sounds east to make! Great job.

  9. Other then this recipe sounding delicious, I'm so happy you posted this "How To" because it's really hard to find good Pupusas if you aren't in the LA area. Also I'm Mexican so my mom has attempted to make Pupusas, but has not succeeded. Now we finally have an easy and solid recipe to follow, Thank you and great job !

  10. Great job on this recipe. Your helpful and patient instructions make it all the easier to execute such a famous dish. Thank you!

  11. Didnt know Papusas were this simple to make! Always hear about them alot when it comes to food. Will give these a try. Good Job.

  12. Great job on your blog entry. Your recipe was very well described and not very complicating to understand, hopefully one day i'll try this recipe.

  13. My dad's side of the family is Salvadorian so when I saw the recipe I just had to click on it. I loved the tip at the end about eating them with your hands. It reminded me of the first time my cousin's girlfriend came over to try pupusas and tried to eat them with a fork and my grandma laughed at her. This recipe was simple and easy to follow so I can't wait to try it out for myself!

  14. Man, I’ve always wanted to find a good pupusa recipe, but it’s always been really hard to find a good one. A lot of pupusa recipes I’ve seen end up being pretty vague in their descriptions, but I’m glad that now I’ve found a truly great one! Thank you for posting such a great recipe!
    -Carianne Lefebvre P.1

  15. I love pupusas! Yet it never once occurred to me to try and make them, and given how easy you make it seem in your recipe... I will definitely be giving them a go.

  16. I've never tried this dish before. Seems like something I'd enjoy. The directions you gave made it seem real easy to make. Hopefully I can try to make it sometime soon.
    Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  17. Pupusas are my favorite Salvadoran dish. I loved the way you explained the cultural connection and the reason why its such an important aspect. With these helpful and very precise instructions i cant wait to introduce this recipe to my Mexican household.

  18. This recipe is great! I love south american food and your directions were so in depth and very easy o understand. I look forward to trying this out!

  19. This is my mom's favorite and seems simple to make. These are great instructions that can help me cook a dish that my mom loves to eat.

  20. This is my first time learning about what a Pupusa is and now I am so eager to try it for myself! I thought it was really funny how you mentioned you needed "patience" for one the ingredients. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us so that we now have the opportunity to make this dish for ourselves!

  21. My mom and my abuela make pupusas all the time! I've never actually read a recipe on how to make them, though, and now seeing how easy it is, I'm excited to try and make them on my own. Seems very easy to follow. Great post!

  22. I've always loved cheese pupusas and i always wanted to know how to make them, so thank you for showing me how to make them for myself and my family in the future.


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