
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"My Problem with College" by Garrett D


    Growing up, my parents always told me about college and how I would one day be heading to one. I have always seen myself heading off to some university after high school. The thought always gave me a drive to do better in academics and made me excited to start a new chapter in my life. Most people feel that way about college, no matter where they go or what they plan to study. I felt that way from the moment I knew about college, but then I got to my last year of highschool.
    I have always lived in the same house and hung out with my same group of friends. These didn’t become apparent to me until college was less than a year away. I slowly began to realize what I would be leaving when I left, and how I would almost have to start over with new friends. I had trouble completing my college applications since I was so bothered with this. For all of the colleges I applied to, I would definitely have to move away from my family and friends. I would have trouble seeing my brother, my parents, and my best friend who has always lived across the street from me. I was worried about my future. I worried about my relations with my friends and family and how I could do my best to see them. I knew they were worried too, but they were also excited for my future.
    Eventually I realized that I wasn’t the only person afraid of the leaving people behind. Everybody has relationships and friendships that will be threatened by college. Even the people that I will meet at college will be going through a very similar situation. Change is often considered a good thing, but I don’t find it necessary. Yet, it is a part of everyone’s life. I’m not really excited for college, even though I act like I am for family friends and other people that apparently care more than I do. I’m excited to meet new people, live in a new place, and also get out of high school. I know I’ll see my friends and family. I also know I’ll eventually get used to my new life. But I wish I didn’t have to go to a college and leave everything I know and love just to have security for my future and career, which isn’t guaranteed. Again, some people can’t wait to leave for college, but I’m happy where I am.


  1. Your post tears at my heart strings because it feels like yesterday that we were just kids playing in the street! No matter what you choose for college you will make a good choice that will be full of exciting and new adventures! I love your post as it is something that we can all relate to as we are about to graduate. Dont worry about college, I know you’ll fit right in wherever you go. :)

  2. Honestly, same. I'm glad you wrote this because it's something I feel like many of us think about at some point or another; yet, everyone acts as though going off to college is without the very real possibility of losing friendships or at the very least, weakening them.

  3. I really enjoyed reading you story and opinion on the matter. It’s super scary thinking of becoming completely independent and starting over. I am also scared to lose the people closest to me. This story really opened my eyes. Great work.

  4. I enjoy this piece very much because I find it very relatable. Your own personal thoughts and opinions actually gave me some reassurance in my own. I myself am scared of leaving to college and starting my future but at the same time Im excited. It's very bittersweet. This blog was just what I needed to read though. Great work.

  5. Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don't like them.

  6. The idea of beginning a new chapter in your life that forces you to start a completely new life without your friends and family sounds scary for a fact! I like how you addressed this topic in a way that you have also tied in your personal thoughts and feelings towards college. In this case, I feel like the way you shared this piece not only allows readers to not feel alone as they can also relate to your circumstance but also gives reassurance to those who also have doubts about college life when you said that "change is a part of everyone's life". Great job! Just remember you'll be fine!!!

  7. I enjoyed reading your blog and relating to it. I also don't like the idea of moving away and having to start over with everything, but I am excited to get a new beginning. I have bittersweet emotions towards the whole idea of college, which is closer now than ever.
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  8. I think that this piece can relate to a lot of us seniors right now. The thought of college seems cool because we do get to leave high school but we also have to leave our loved ones and basically start a new life for ourselves. I think we should take this time to enjoy what we have and like you said, be happy with where we are at before we start something new in our lives. Thank you for sharing this piece. Great Job!

  9. This piece, I think, is something everyone can relate to. I've always looked forward to leaving for college, but now that it has come so suddenly, thoughts have changed and now it seems very scary. Your piece gives us a sort of reassurance that everything will be okay and its something we all think about. This was absolutely great. Good job!
    - Eliana Rodriguez

  10. Reading this and thinking how this thought goes through everyone's head scares us but, I think it will be great for everyone as we can experience something new for a change. This allows for new doors to be opened and multiple possibilities to follow. Good job on your piece!

  11. I can relate almost the same, grew up and hung out with the same group of guys we all lived right next to each other and on the same street and we are all going on different paths in life. About half are going into the service and the other half are going to college but different ones unfortunately. I think JFK put it best when he said change is the law of life ad those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.

  12. This was such a great piece Garrett because I'm sure that many of us are in the same boat as you. I understand your viewpoints and I too am anxious about my future. Thank you for writing this because it was really good. <333

  13. I didn't even realize that college is so close. Learning to become independent is scary during this stage, even for me! Your pose is definitely relatable especially since we are all experiencing the same problem. Great reflection!

  14. I really enjoyed reading this as I think we can all relate to what you’re feeling. Your attitude towards college is what I’m feeling with my mixed emotions about leaving, as well. The part where you said nothing’s guaranteed made me more anxious, but excited for what’s coming. Good Job!!

  15. I loved this because of the fact you really related to me and how we all are going to be starting a new chapter in our life. Starting college isn't an easy process and I'm glad someone relates to me because honestly I'm kind of nervous to start this new chapter in my life and not to mention it is literally right around the corner.

  16. Your piece was very relatable. I think almost every senior can relate to this. It is scary and strange thinking about leaving high school and starting the next chapter in our life.

  17. I like how you share the reality of leaving college. You are upfront saying how you don't want to leave everything behind. The fears of a new beginning that isn't guaranteed. The college I am going to is a whole other state but, I know that I will grow and it will be worth it in the long run! Overall great post and wish you luck in college!

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  18. This piece is extremely relatable. Growing up, graduating, and going to college brings me many mixed emotions and I cannot determine if I am excited or terrified. However, as you said, it is just a part of life. Great job!

  19. Woah. Its funny, reading the comments, how many of us relate to this but are afraid to speak up because of how it may ruin the vision for our family. I love the structure of your blog post, and i very much enjoyed your openness and honesty. -Imani Crenshaw, per. 2

  20. I can relate so much to this piece but I'm am honestly scared of the fact that I don't know where I will be next next August or September. The uncertainty of where I will be gets to me. Also it sounds weird but I loved high school so much like the extra curricular actives I was involved in and the friends I had. But I do believe change is apart of life and where ever I will be it will all be okay.

  21. This piece was so relatable and I enjoyed reading it. The thought of college seems so exciting yet so scary. And now we have 3 months before graduation. It's nice knowing I'm not the only one who is contempt with life right now and who wishes it didn't have to change. I agree wholeheartedly that change is inevitable in life. And I have no doubt you'll adjust just fine. Great job with this!

  22. I know exactly how you feel when you say that your relationships will be threatened moving onto college. I'm pretty worried about this happening to me as well, especially since I will be starting at community college, then transferring. Hearing that im not the only one who has worried about this has given me a bit of closure. Thank you for sharing.

  23. I somewhat feel the same way you do during this piece. It is completely overwhelming to think about how much life would change and being split between the enjoyment of change and the contempt of current life. In 3 months, we'll all be adapting to a new livelihood either where we currently are or in some other place.

  24. I think this blog entry is how a lot of us are feeling about college. Its scary and I like change but the thought of moving away far and starting over really terrifies me. Moving forward in life from being so dependent on others would terrify anyone so the fact that your post is what you wrote about give me comfort along with the other comments.
    Avalon Freeman

  25. Garrett I feel the exact same way. When I drive down the streets I’ve known my entire life and realize it’s all about to change. I loved your piece because I completely understand. Very well written! Great job!

  26. This piece can relate to others including me. I often think about what's going to happen when I am constantly studying in college and not having enough time to spend with my family and friends. Great job on this relatable piece.
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  27. I definitely feel the pressure more and more as the school year is ending soon. When I was in elementary school, I thought the high school kids had it all figured out. I thought they were so cool. Now, being a senior, I realize that we're all terrified and have no idea what we're doing. Time needs to slow down. Well written piece, good job!!

  28. This entry hit home, even if you are going to a college nearby it;s hard to see all your friends go and watch your responsibility grow. Thank you for writing this piece and updating it because the majority of the people reading this feel the same way.

  29. Garrett, this piece was very insightful and is very relevant since many of our peers are taking steps towards college. Thank you for sharing this fascinating and relatable opinion! Great job!

  30. This is great, I never really thought about this situation. I've tried to avoid this topic as much as I could. I'm staying local, so I don't have to worry about leaving my family. I have some friends that are going to be in your situation and I've never thought, that they might feel scared.

  31. I can really relate to this because this year I've made so many more friends that I'm not ready to leave yet. Although I'm only going to school an hour away from home, I'm sure so many other kids are going out of state and won't get to just meet up in the weekend with their sibling or best friend. I'm glad you wrote about this because I feel like it made me think more about what I should appreciate while I have it.

  32. I totally understand the way that you are feeling. At first, I was so afraid to start applying for colleges because I didn't want to leave the environment that I am so used to, my family and all of the friends I have made. We are thrown straight away into the "real world" and so much pressure and responsibilities are placed on our shoulders but in the end, change is inevitable just like you said. Whether or not we want that change to occur, it will happen, and we should embrace it the best way that we possibly can!
    (Jalynne Reyerse Period 2)

  33. It's always been scary for me to start college. With college, we are more on our own now. Even though we may feel independent in high school. We'll really be on our own when we get to college. But we have to get through it, and sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. Thanks for sharing!

    Jeremiah Credo Period 1

  34. Wow this was so deep and true.I think all seniors can relate to this, we all have conflicted feelings on graduation. We are so ready to have the responsibilities that college comes with but we aren't ready to leave our friends and family. As much as we say we are, we aren't ready to say goodbye to high school.

  35. This is such a great post because I believe that everyone can relate to it. I can personally relate to it because like you I too am excited to finish high school but not really excited to lose my friends and start a new life.

  36. This piece was so relatable! I'm excited to see what the future has in store for me, but apart of me also knows that things are not going to be the same. It feels good to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

  37. Your piece hit me hard. I'm nervous to leave everything behind when I go to college too and I love how you made the situation feel relatable. Everyone is probably feeling this way but you put your emotions into words and made it seem real. I love how you put college into perspective now that it is coming faster than we expected. Amazing Job!
    ~Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  38. This is actually the first time Im hearing someone admit this, so you have really opened my eyes to a new side of the story. Im curious why didn't you decide to stay local? None the less, the structure of your piece radiated genuineness and I admire you for still taking on the challenge of leaving what you love.

  39. Reading this felt so familiar, I used to feel the exact same way until eventually i grew out of it, change can be scary and sometimes feel unnecessary, but we face it anyways, thank you for sharing something so relatable and so true.

  40. I felt the same way applying for colleges recently. It's hard hanging out with friends and family everyday knowing that the clock is ticking on the time until everything changes. It's a great weight on our shoulders, but the new opportunities are sure to weigh out the sadness of leaving things behind. Beautifully written piece.

  41. This really made me realize what I've been trying to oversee. I thought i was the only one who felt this way. You've made me realize that everyone goes through this and that we are all going to miss people and make new friends. Even the new friends we make are going to feel the same way and we can all support each other through our journey. This is beautiful and thank you.

  42. Your story was definitely relatable, being that I’m a senior as well and graduation is around the corner. I love that your point of view was very honest with yourself about the reality of missing your friends and family after high school. Great job on using reality to create such a personal yet relatable story for other seniors to connect to.

  43. The topic of college is relatable to everyone at the moment because we are all getting out acceptances and having to decide where we are going to go. Your blog post is an eye opener to all of us that we're going to have to leave the life and people we are used to. Good job!

  44. Entering the real world as an adult beginning college is very challenging at first. This post made me realize how much we take for granted, and if I eventually decided to leave for college i'm not sure how I would be able to cope. I definitely feel a connection with this wonderful piece. Good Job Garrett!

  45. I always say that I'm ready to graduate and leave high school behind, but I'm terrified of what's to come in college. I loved your piece, great job!

  46. Great piece of writing, it was so informative and descriptive that I enjoyed it very much so. I really liked the idea that you put together such a nice piece that is very important to our contemporaries. You definitely provided something constructive, and we very much appreciate it !

  47. This was extremely well written and it was something that I can relate too. I went through the same exact thing. I did not feel like leaving everything behind and starting again in a different place. Im happy to hear that I'm not the only one going through this.
    -Steve Martinez Period 1

  48. Great job I believe you voiced your views of college very well and articulated I think your story of how college was brought up in your house hold is something that we can all relate to as seniors again you did a great job David Ekelem Per 6

  49. This a great well written piece that I am sure is relatable to a lot of our peers, but I honestly can't wait to go to college even though i'm going to miss a lot of my friend I will do my best to keep in touch.

  50. This piece was so relatable. Entering a new chapter in your life can be really scary sometimes I can't tell if I am excited or nervous, but that's a risk we all have to take and hope for the best. This post is very well written. Good job!

  51. This piece is so incredibly relatable. The idea hit me while I was going through the application process: nothing is quite going to be the same as it was in high school and we only have a fleeting 3 months left. Thank you for vocalizing an opinion shared probably by a majority of our peers.

  52. The reason why your blog post is great is because in a sense, every senior can relate to this post in one way or the other. The fear, the reluctance to move on, etc when it comes to college is well captured, and I applaud you for doing so.

  53. Garrett, this piece is so heartfelt and i can truly relate to many of the points you touched upon in this passage. Its so relate and i thought a lot of this while i was in the application process believe it or not. Nonetheless, good job you have truly outdone yourself.

  54. I found this to be extremely true this is a great description about saying goodbye and parting from your home and the difficulties of moving on to college great job interpreting emotion!


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