
Monday, January 29, 2018

"Ayre" by Genesis S

Hello reader. My name is Kirazera which loosely translates to “Sky Nova” in the unnecessarily complex language you call “English”. Either way, I have found it is easier for humans to pronounce “Sky Nova” rather than Kirazera so I have decided to stick with it. I have been on Earth for a month now and so far I’ve created two friendships with humans named Pyrant and Arez. They do not fully perceive who I am, but they do know that I am, what you humans call an “alien”. I find it so strange that you call me an alien, a being from another planet, yet you also call beings on your planet alien as well. Clearly, there is a lot that I do not yet understand about your planet Earth, and still much you have to learn about my planet. I suppose that I can start off with the name of my home. It is graciously called, Ayre. I am told that your atmosphere consists of something with the same name as my planet. That seems rather odd. Your atmosphere contains a faint, yet rancid scent. That is quite an unusual thing that the people of my planet were not expecting. Still, I am sure there are many things that you were not expecting from my people either, such as our powers. You may think of it as an embodiment of some sort of mystic art but to the people of my planet it is quite average.
Ayrians have the ability of x-ray vision. Please do not take my abilities as an Ayrian to use this for an excuse to look at under garments! The ability is much more. We can see within people, not just what they physically look like, but the attributes located inside. I suppose the imagery surrounded by this is imagining a chart of pie. Reader, let me put this into your perspective. I would like you to imagine every single adjective that can possibly be used to describe you. Now with those terms inputted into your mind, you are able to see percentages of every single characteristic known to your humankind. An example, Narcissistic-23%, Timid-18%, Kind-16% and etcetera. We may also calculate any emotion someone is feeling at any given time. It allows Ayrians to see the beginning of a relationship before it even begins.
            I want to share with you a glimpse of my time on your Earth, a planet I have grown to despair yet long for.
            “Sky! Arez! Let’s go! We’re gonna be late to Hamilton!”, screams Pyrant eagerly. Oh! I excluded the mentioning of how no human cares about my physical appearance! I can shapeshift into the human form, along with two additional forms. An explanation is for another time since I am telling you my story on a blog.
            “Pardon Pyrant. What was The Hamilton again?”, I ask curiously.
He clutches my shoulders and excitedly yells, “Just the best modern musical in all of history!” How wonderful is this!? Pyrant then lets go of the embrace.
            Arez joins in the conversation and plainly utters, “That defeats the purpose of saying modern, dummy.”
            “No need to ruin the moment and be all depressing Arez. Gosh.”, Pyrant sits as he is complaining.
            Arez continues, “What the heck are you talking about. I’m not depressed.” I examine her. I’ve noticed humans enjoy misusing that word quite often.
“She is not depressed, she is sad. Why are you sad Arez?”
            “I said I’m not! Why don’t you ever leave me alone Sky!?” I continue to calculate her emotions. “And why are you looking at me like that!!??”
            I attempt to be at confusion resulting out of panic, “What do you mean?” I cannot help it but to still look at her. Her anger level rises.
Pyrant stands up from the ground, “Hey! Hey! No need to argue ladies. Cut Sky some slack. She is an ALIEN.” Thanks common devine being(s) you worship. “But that stare was kinda creepy.” I shall take back my gratitude.
“You’re right. I’m sorry Sky.”, Arez says apologetically as she goes in for a hug.
I too go in for a hug and genuinely say, “I accept your apology.” Pyrant invites himself into the hug. We all stay there and intertwine in infinite time.
“Now let’s go!”, screams Pyrant!

Editor Note: This is an excerpt from a novel I am currently working on called Ayre.


  1. I remember when you read this aloud to me. Once again, I'd like to praise your subtlety in distinguishing Sky as extraterrestrial without rubbing it in out faces. Looking forward to when you're done with the novel!

  2. Oh my gosh Genesis, this story is so amazing and very entertaining. I love how you made it as Sky writing the story and how she says things in a funny way like "chart of pie." I also love how you included Hamilton in the story and how you ended the blog with how the conversation sky had was an exerpt from the novel being worked on! This is one of the most creative and entertaining pieces I have read and I want to thank you for sharing this piece with us.

  3. I absolutely love this piece! It was so simple but fun. As I read Sky Nova's narrative of being an alien, yet humans use the word "alien" for humans too, I laughed. The diction used, for example, "Please do not take my abilities as an Ayrian to use this for an excuse to look at under garments!" put a smile on my face because it resembles that of a child's simplistic talk. I also enjoyed the confusion of Sky Nova experiences when dealing with her human friends. I related to Sky Nova in more than ways than one. I cannot wait to read your novel "Ayre"!

  4. I don't think I've ever read something by you before, but I'm glad I have now. The characters are realistic and natural. I can't wait until you finish it so I can find out what happens to Sky.

  5. This was so intriguing!! I feel like you could write an entire book series based on this concept. I really appreciated your use of higher level vocabulary with the incorporation of slang, it really helped contrast the characters. I want more!!!

  6. The concept of your story is very much new and unique. It's really too bad you were only limited to one thousand words here, as I would have loved to learn more about Sky's interactions with the world. Perhaps it's only a glimpse of the whole story, but for this sub-plot, you're doing a great job in laying out where this is going. I'll be sure to look for this in the future if you ever publish it.

  7. I am in love with this piece! I love the imagery you give and that the main character is an alien. The small banter between friends is quite amusing and I can't wait for you to actually release novel based off of this! I guarantee I'll be the first one in line at Barns and Nobles!!!

  8. This story is so interesting!You really brought the characters to life and I liked how you used Hamilton in your story. Great job Genesis!

  9. I'm so excited that you're writing about this! Your many talents always surprise me! I like the idea of a piece written from an "alien's" point of view. It gives us a chance to see ourselves from another's point of view, not to mention the idea of Sky Nova's "x-ray" vision power being more than just a tool to see the anatomy of a person, but also their inner character is brilliant! I can't wait to see how you develop this story in the future! Nice job as always Genesis!

  10. Amazing job. The concept of your piece is very cool & fresh. Making the main character an alien is very creative and I love how you did that. You should make this into a book.
    -Dominique Madrigal per.1

  11. Great story! I always enjoy watching people try and predict what it is like for an outsider to literally see into someone's life. I can not wait for your novel to come out it seems to be a great read. Keep us updated on how that's coming along!

  12. You're such a talented writer! I love how you managed to bring the characters to life in a way that wasn't so overwhelming. Overall, this piece was fantastic! Thank you for sharing Genesis!

  13. This story was really different as it's more of a set up for a longer story and your great execution of that set up honestly left me wanting to know more. You did a great job at giving a detailed set up for the characters in this story, to the audience. Well done!

  14. I really enjoyed this snippet of writing! I've always enjoyed fictional books with some kind of extraterrestrial being involved and this is a perfect example of it. I enjoyed your implementation of modern day terms and also how you showed the complexities of the english language.

  15. This story really had me drawn deep into what was going on. It was well written and is based on an interesting subject. Good luck on the rest of your book!

  16. Genesis, I must say I am left speechless. I notice hints of, I suppose the best term I can think of is satire, that poke at Western Culture. Such as the play Hamilton, and the misuse of the word 'depression', etc. And these little pokes just really ground this fictional piece into reality. In addition, the perspective is so unique, how the character is the one writing the blog entry and her interpretations to these rather casual interactions that we take for granted. Absolutely wonderful story, such immense creativity, and insane dedication to be writing a novel in your free time. You should be proud.

  17. After reading this excerpt from your novel, I can already tell that it’s going to reveal a lot of things about humans and our planet. This was very intetesting, and I look forward to reading the whole novel! This definitely seems like a novel that I would like.


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