
Monday, January 29, 2018

"My Ghosts" by Sara P

      As most seven-year-old’s ask for stories from their parents, I asked for them too. But for

me, I liked the ghost stories. I liked then so much that I even started to imagine a ghost would follow me around. He would always tell me jokes and make me feel better whenever mom and dad yelled at me for doing something that I didn’t even know was wrong. The weird thing is that he only talks to me when we are in front of the neighbors house, and he wears the same things every day. I thought that ghosts were able to change how they looked depending on how scary they were, maybe he never changed clothes because he was not actually scary and because he actually helped me. That seems like a good thing to me.
     My mom always tells her friends that having imaginary friends is good and it means that I am independent. I mean I have friends and all but I just have them in different places. There’s this old man that walks around the parking lot at the grocery store and asks for spare change ( I always give him the spare change in my pockets even though dad says that I should always save all of my money even the change) and the two girls with the pigtails I walk across the street with and even the teenage boy in the gas station who always waves at me. They don’t change either. The only one who actually changes is the teenager at my older sister Jessica’s school who walks through the crowd everyday while we pick her up. Maybe he was a police officer I always see him with the guns in the movies my dad and mom watch that Jessica doesn’t let me watch. Maybe it is a really good thing that Jessica, my older sister, never says anything to him. He seems mad though so maybe she should... maybe he needs a friend. Maybe if I become friends with him then he will stop changing all the time.
Anyways one day while I was waiting out front for my mom the ghost friend in my neighbors yard he told me the story of Little Pudy. It went a little like this: “Once upon a time, there was a little blob of God knows what named Pudy. Now little Pudy was just a little blob, and had no good talents. So one day, he was tired of being a good-for-nothing blob, so he went away from his little blobin' place and went for an adventure. To other real animals and things, little Pudy looked quite delicious to them and 15 minutes into his adventure, sweet, little Pudy was eaten.”
    While I found it funny Jessica didn’t think that it was that funny. In fact she looked very serious and wondered where I had gotten it from. When I told her about the ghosts on the way to school she got very still and stopped me on me. She asked me how many I could remember seeing.when I explained them to her, she said,”I used to see them too. Before mom and dad died. I think they were like a warning sign of how something bad in the future happened.” Just then a little boy came out of the house next to mine. He was real but looked just like my ghost friend. I laughed for a little bit, we had just gotten new neighbors the other day.


  1. Very interesting story of the imagination. I can relate to this as well, because I had many "imaginary" friends as well. The ending part was a little confusing, but I read it over again and understood it. Well written.

    Jeremiah Credo

  2. I can relate to this story as well. "Imaginary" friends were my only friends only because I used to be anti social and not really talkative. The ending was pretty interesting ending.

    Eric Duong P.4

  3. This story was super captivating and very unique. I thought it was interesting because it is such an out of the box, original piece dealing with ghosts and supernatural ideas. Also, it made me want to know more about the ghosts since they played a major part of the story. What I really enjoyed was the mysterious vibe I got from reading and also how well organized the story was.

  4. Sara, i really think this a wonderful story because we all live in a imagination world. And i am pretty sure everyone have imaginary friends, specially when you are not having the best time in your life. So i really appreciate that you share this story. And also there isn't any best friends than a "imaginary" friends. Anyhow, i like your writing skills and Good Job.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per : 05

  5. Entertaining story. I also had a little trouble understanding the end of the story but definitely a story of a childhood that's relatable

  6. Sara, I enjoyed the story because it encapsulates the imaginative world of those who seek to live inside of that more than the real world. This was a very captivating and relatable story.

  7. This story was very unique and I really enjoyed reading it! I really liked how you talked about sprits and ghosts because it gave off an eerie vibe talking about something taboo. I also enjoyed the ending of your story, I definitely wasn’t expecting Jessica to have dealt with the same thing as her younger sister, it sent chills up my spine!

  8. I enjoyed this story, but the ending was a little confusing. I read it again and it was clear. This story was unique and very well detailed. I wish it was a little bit longer because I like the imagination in this story!
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  9. I enjoyed how you kept me guessing, and foreshadowing using the school shooter kid that was really pretty cool. I really enjoyed your story, the ending really got me interested. Good story!

  10. This story was quite entertaining, and though I personally never had imaginary friends, this is exactly what I would imagine it to be like. I really liked how realistic you made it. Good work!

  11. This story was quite entertaining, and though I personally never had imaginary friends, this is exactly what I would imagine it to be like. I really liked how realistic you made it. Good work!

  12. Wow this story was amazing! I loved the plot twist at the end. I liked the use of imaginary friends as I had them when I was little too. This is a great story and the end just hits you. Great job!

  13. I really liked your story. I can see that it is relatable to a lot of readers and that shows that people are able to understand and connect this to their past and their childhood.

  14. Very interesting. Although a bit confusing, we can all relate to having imaginary friends. As a young child, adults played along with me. Sometimes our creativity runs wild.

  15. I enjoyed your story a lot- it was quite an interesting read and it shows how far one's imagination can go. I find it especially interesting how there are different ghosts in different places with different auras, and how each aura was described in its own unique way. The ending was very mysterious and something that kept me thinking.

  16. Hi Sara! I enjoyed this story a lot. This really was unique, and I thought the ending was great. The supernatural element in this story was awesome. Good job!


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