
Monday, December 18, 2017

“Remember Me?” By Kimberly L

            Mental illness casts a wide net in both its definition and its understanding. Hence, it is often a topic that is either avoided altogether, or only delicately addressed. In the case of my own family, however, we did not have the luxury to sweep over the topic as a passing conversation piece at the dinner table.  In our home, we had the sad misfortune of watching our mother slowly be consumed by evolving schizophrenia, while life as we had always known it, was slowly taken away from us, too.
            My mother, Gail, was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 43. I was 10 at this time. My sisters and I had historically been children raised in a highly stable family structure, with two functional and supportive parents, the instilling of good civic values, and the warmth and stability that comes with a cohesive family unit. As my mother’s diagnosis began to manifest itself and then progress, my sisters and I were thrust into a life structure for which we were not prepared, as well as into a world of great uncertainty and fear. Through my early growing years, my mother had essentially embodied the role of the stereotypical caretaker. She was a parent above all else, a homemaker, a well-liked community member, and my father’s high school sweetheart.
            However, my mother’s disease challenged every aspect of my life. Our family was propelled into a state of reactive survival, with expected roles and behaviors changing sometimes hour by hour. My parents divorced, resulting in my father having to assume the role of two parents, and I learned hard and fast how to bear not only an adult role in the home, but also a custodial one. As I moved on to my high school years, my mother moved to her own apartment, and was frequently in and out of mental health facilities. My father was often at work, struggling to support both our household and hers simultaneously.
            It was and continues to be an experience I still do not have the perfect word to describe. Imagine visiting your mother for the first time in nearly a year, looking her dead in the eyes and seeing this confused, blank, almost dead look on her face, knowing you were unrecognizable to her. The same woman who my middle name was chosen after and who I loved more than anything in this world could look into the hazel eyes she gave me and have absolutely no idea who I was. If the heart could physically break into two separate pieces, I think this experience reciprocated a merely perfect representation of the pain that would be felt.
            Along with carrying an always heavy heart, I was also a teenage girl, attempting to navigate the unforgiving adolescent stages of my life simultaneously. My mother being absent, I was forced to learn all the typical lessons and essential life skills mothers teach their daughters on my own. I found myself secretly jealous of those who had a fully functioning mother figure in their life, and could even refer to her as their “best friend”. This jealousy consumed me and I became angry and confused as to why I was being denied what I had taken for granted all these years, a relationship with my mother.
            In looking back now, it is clear to me that the most notable aspect of any crisis is the demand that it makes on an individual to both personally and spiritually grow. At age 10, I had to relinquish my defined role as a young person, and let go of all of the standard trials and tribulations that accompany it. I instead became a member of a quick- response team. I learned to jump in and be accountable to my father. I learned to watch over my mother, to assist my sisters, and to help run our home. Above all else, I learned to rely on myself, to independently problem solve, and to survive on my own, when it was necessary to do so. Instead of viewing her role in my life as one of hardship or pain, I have taught myself that compassion and love allow me to live each day as a fuller and richer young woman. With the help of seemingly never ending treatment and medication, I have recently been given the opportunity to reconnect with my mom. Though our relationship is only slowly growing, I have hope that one day it will flourish into what I have always dreamed of. I never thought I would hear the words “I love you too” come from her mouth again. I am extremely happy I was wrong.         


  1. Hi Kimberly, the reason i can totally understand your feelings and what you went through it's because recently i went through something similar too. My dad just had a massive heart attack two weeks ago, and i remember watching him laying down in the CCU bed. In that moment, i just wished t tell him how much i love him and how much i respect him for being the best dad. When your love ones fight to the death, you can feel all the pain in your our body. Anyhow, thanks for sharing your amazing story. Good Job.
    -Taslima Ahamed
    -Per: 05

  2. Reading your story had such a beautiful flow and the vocabulary was amazing! I am glad I decided to read this and it was brave of you to share such a passionate topic. Each day is a gift! I know that you will succeed because through your experiences, it is clear that you are responsible, independent, and motivated.

  3. I'd like to start off by thanking you for sharing such a personal experience with us. I can't imagine what it is like to be thrust into an entirely different and uncertain lifestyle like the one you found yourself in. Although I myself am not so close to my own mother, I still love her and would be utterly devastated to know if something bad has happened to her. However tragic it maybe, it is good to know that you've found some semblance of happiness in your life and have gained valuable growth from it as a person. I believe that no matter what happens, your mother will always love you and the rest of your family appreciates what you've done to help. Thank you again for sharing your story and I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your life.

    - Justin Presto (Per.1)

  4. Very well articulated, Kim! I love how you were able to take such a daunting misfortune and look at it as a growth experience. No one as intelligent and loving as you should have to go through such heartbreak, but it definitely speaks to your independent and mature mindset. It is inspiring that you are able to step back and analyze challenges like these from a mature perspective.

  5. Great job Kim! The way you described such a miserable experience was phenomenal. I am astounded that you turned such a tragic and life altering event into a strength builder type of moment. I can deeply relate to your struggle because at a young age my aunt became sick and it was an unfortunate effect for my family. I can personally see the independence that you've gained.

  6. Your story was put together so great! Thank you for sharing something so personal and showing people how you can take a bad experience in your life and become stronger as a person from that situation. This shows how strong of a person you really are. Great Job.

  7. Thank you for sharing something so close and personal, you have demonstrated inspiration and motivation from your tough experiences and you executed it perfectly. I am moved as anyone that reads this. Great job!

  8. Kim, I first want to say that you're one of the strongest people I know and sharing a very personal part of your life solidifies that. Your strength shows a lot throughout this narrative in which each detail of your childhood is very well articulated and flows into the perspective you have developed in the end. Your anecdote is truly inspiring and can teach others to be like you in difficult situations. I hope for nothing but the best for you and your mother

  9. This was a very touching and heartwarming personal experience that I thank you for sharing with us. Your description of the entire ordeal was eloquent and it shows how intelligent and mature you are. You've taught the reader how to be strong like you are and keep living and persevering despite this hardship. My heart goes out to you and I hope your mother and you develop a beautiful relationship. Great job!
    -Elizabeth Rivera

  10. Thank you for this entry. You opened up about something really personal and I give you a lot of respect for it. Throughout the story I saw how you were able to grow as an individual from being so disconnected to learning to understand why things are the way they are. Overall, you have definitely shown that you are stronger than you were before. Great Job Kim!!!

  11. This is such a beautiful written piece. I loved how you expressed how you overcame this hard obstacle in your life, it shows how you can grow as a person. Hats down to you Kim !

  12. Wow Kim what a way to share an experience from your life. Truly a touching subject that is sure to give any reader some insight into your character and how you came to be who you are today.

  13. Wow. i am in complete and utter shock. you have simply outdone yourself here. Splendid job and you are truly courageous for sharing your life and your feelings to the world like that. I can really see your intelligence and maturity as i read through this. Sensational job kim!

  14. You're incredibly brave for sharing this with us. It was not only touching but beautifully written. I'm sorry you've had to experience this but I'm proud of how you've handled it.

  15. Kim, this was a very touching piece that I really enjoyed reading. From this piece, you were able to express and grow as an individual through understanding while facing `many hardships. This was very well put together, great job.
    - Eliana Rodriguez

  16. Kim, thank you for sharing this experience. The way you expressed having a parent who dealt with mental illness and the way you had to adapt to that situation is something I hope I never have to deal with myself. I could feel how personal this is to you because of the raw emotions that reflect through your writing. Great job.

  17. The last sentence of your piece gave me the chillies. (: Knowing what it's like to look back on a difficult time period in your life, and take how you felt then comparing it to how much positive change has occurred since then and how you feel now... Its truly indescribable, but you captured that mature and amazing atmosphere perfectly in the last paragraph. Your'e a very strong person, and I admire your willingness to learn from this and let it contribute to your growth.
    Imani Crenshaw, per. 2

  18. Thank you for sharing your story with us. This is such an amazing and beautiful piece and I was touched by how you gave me insight to your mother's disease. I hope you know you are not alone in this and that you can rely on others to bring happiness to your world as you do for your mom.

  19. Kim this was absolutely beautiful and having a mother with an illness I can relate to most of your issues. You were very brave to write this. Never give on your dreams or your mom.

  20. Kim this was so amazing! I loved the way you articulated your words within this and getting to know more about your past makes me understand why you are such a strong person. I appreciate that you chose to write about something personal because I could feel the emotion through your writing. I really loved this and I hope you and your mother's relationship continues to grow.

  21. Kim, this is beautiful. I'm so happy for you. Cherish your mother despite the pain. At the end of the day, she's still the same person you love. Thank you for sharing this. In a way, I was able to relate to your story and empathize with you. Good job, Kim!!

  22. This was an amazing piece and very well written. You did a fantastic job and expressing the emotions you felt and the struggle you went through. Great job
    - Dominique Madrigal per. 1

  23. This was very well articulated and truly allowed the reader to feel the sincerity and seriousness of piece. With your personal tie to this situation, I admire your bravery in sharing your story. I read this whole thing very intrested and wanting to know more because I would have never been able to guess this was apart of your personal journey.

  24. This is an amazing story of yourself. You were able to grow in a tough time and become independent while still offering a helping hand to your family.

  25. This was such a well written and deep piece and I'm glad you are able to talk about your experiences and the issues that mental illnesses can bring into one's personal life. I have deep respect for how you were able to grow up and become such a strong and independent person based on your circumstances.

  26. It definitely took strength and courage to write about such a deeply emotional and personal aspect of your life. I think it is wonderful that you shared your story since it shines a light of truth upon the supporting families behind schizophrenics and the absolutely real struggle it has been for you and others who face this. You were able to tell this story about your mother's mental illness with beautiful language and grace. Honestly I'm so glad that you were able to feel her love again recently and I hope that you continue to connect more and more with your mother in the future. Wishing you blessings!
    -Sammie Sandoval

  27. Alejandro QuintanillaJanuary 17, 2018 at 7:14 PM

    Kim thank you for sharing your story with us, I had always viewed you as a smart and capable person, but I never truly knew you. To see that you have been able to do so well despite your circumstances, circumstances that I could not even begin imagine is amazing, I hope you and your mother's relationship continues to progress successfully.

  28. It must've been very hard to have the courage to put this on here. Not only did you share a painful experience, but you did it in an eloquent, articulate fashion. Honestly, great job with this piece, I'm proud of you for sharing your experience.

  29. You've always been such a strong and independent person and that is one of the many things I admire about you. My heart is currently shattered because no one, especially you, deserve this. I love the way you were able to find a bright side to this tragic event.

  30. Opening up about something this personal that has affected your life truly demonstrates the brave and strong person that you are. With your amazing vocabulary and descriptions I was able to sense the pain that you felt and are feeling on the inside. You conveyed a very important message with this piece and that is to cherish your loved ones which is extremely important.

  31. Thank you for sharing this with us. I can deeply relate to the l details about dealing with crisis. Most often they are due to external circumstances that are out of our control, and we cannot "fix" the situation no matter how much we want to. I delt with my own struggles at home, and while it was extremely stressful, I would not be the person that I would be today without having faced those challenges.

  32. This was a beautiful piece Kim, thank you for sharing such a personal story. The story of your quick coming of age and the emotions you expressed coupled with your word choice made for a really emotional and beautiful piece.

  33. Wow, this piece so much because it has a personal connection with me. So, being able to make a very descriptive and informative that can allow anybody to be able to enjoy, you did so very well here, is fantastic and great !

  34. Hey Kim, I thought your story about your mother was extremely moving. Mental illness is not talked about as often and people tend to forget that the loved ones of those suffering a mental illness face hardship as well. Your words made the entire piece more personal, allowing readers to relate in some way. Great job

  35. Kim, the description within your writing made me very emotional. With my brother also currently within a mental facility, I can somewhat relate to what you’re going through and I truly hope your relationship improves with your mother.

  36. That must have been such a turbulent time to go through, especially starting at such a relatively young age. It's amazing though, how you took a horrible situation and made yourself a stronger person out of it instead of simply giving up. The end was incredibly heartwarming. Great emotional piece!

  37. Kim thank you for sharing this. This really opened my eyes. You expressed this in such a beautiful way that it made me realize that I don't appreciate my mom as much as I should.
    -Steve Martinez P.1


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