
Monday, December 18, 2017

"How To Care For Your Curly Hair" by Courtney D

Many people know that I have curly hair and a lot of it, but little do people know that it can be very hard to maintain. There are multiple textures, lengths, patterns, and grades. There are many ways to care for your curly hair along with a great amount of styles that you can perform. CURLS has a line of products that have truly benefited my hair with the richness in vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and antioxidants. So here's the *CURLS* way of caring for your curly hair: 


Estimated Time- 1.5+Showertime 

Hair Products :
Blueberry and Mint Tea Scalp Treatment CBB Reparative Hair Wash
Reparative Hair Mask
Leave in Conditioner
Twist-N-Shout Cream (optional)
Control Jelly (optional)
Curl Control Paste (optional)
*CBB-Curls Blueberry Bliss 

Toolz :
Bottle w/ Distilled Water Paddle Comb Brush
Comb (optional)

Step 1 : Cleanse
  1. Massage your scalp w/ Blueberry and Mint Tea Scalp Treatment 

  2. Wash your hair just like using shampoo w/ the Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Wash
3. After you have rinsed the wash completely out of your hair apply the Blueberry Bliss Reparative Hair Mask 

Step 2 : Condition
1. Once you’ve “cleansed” your curly locks you want to condition with the Curls Blueberry Bliss Leave in Conditioner and use your paddle brush to comb from the ends of your hair up towards your scalp 

Step 3 : Style
1. Now
depicting on the look your going for throughout the day here’s what to do:
*As you style use your spray bottle with distilled water to keep your hair moist and prevent from frizzing
  1. Twist-Out: Apply Curls Blueberry Bliss Twist-N-Shout Cream
  2. Slicked Back: Apply Curls Blueberry Bliss Control Paste
  3. Your Style: Apply Curls Blueberry Bliss Control Jelly
I know this may seem like a lot but it is well worth it for healthy curly hair, CURLS also has multiple products that work great but remember the process works just as well with other brands. Once your hair has a great routine, you’ll notice FANTASTIC results. 


  1. Lauren Elizabeth WrightJanuary 4, 2018 at 2:18 PM

    I really liked this! I have curly hair too, but none of my relatives do, so I've gone through so many different methods of trying to manage it. Recently I've been somewhat successful in keeping any knots from forming by using a detangling brush I recently bought. Can't wait to try your tips!

  2. Thank you for your helpful tips. My mom doesn’t have hair like me and sometimes I just don’t know what do do with all the hair on my head. I like your easy steps that make it clear exactly what to do to have luscious locks. I am always looking for hair textures like mine so I can have someone to give good suggestions because not all curly is made equal, just as you mentioned. Thank you for you suggestions from one curly haired girl to the next. I will definitely give the products and the wash a go.

  3. I have curly hair myself, not intense but it always seems to get frizzy so i just keep it up. Your post is very helpful and well explained and i'm excited to try them. Good Job!

  4. This was so informative! I have curly hair, and it can be such a hassle, and sometimes I just do not know where to start. So this is super handy and helpful. I am also going to go try some of these products. Thanks Courtney!

  5. This entry has by far been my fave out of the whole year. I love this so much because I love how you mention the many different products. You mentioned products I haven't even heard of that I now want to try thanks to you!

  6. My grandmother has VERY curly hair and she always tells my mom, who has straight hair, its super hard to maintain. As English is not a language that she knows fluently, this how-to is easy to follow and simple, so I'll definitely show her this!

    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  7. I really loved this! Your steps were so simple and straight to the point. Having curly hair is a struggle to manage sometimes so these steps will really help.

  8. As a curly girl myself l can relate to this. Im glad you mention Curls because that a brand I truly enjoy. The fact that you did you topic on curly hair to educate people and try to help them makes me happy because having curly hair is way tougher than it seems.
    Avalon Freeman Pd. 2

  9. Not only was this blog entry informative for the curly haired cuties out there but it also gives insight to the ones who don’t have curly hair. Personally, my curly hair is quite unmanageable and kind of has a mind of its own. I appreciate this piece because it helps me to change things up and try something new. I especially loved the product suggestions for the same reason and because it give solid recommendation for new products I can try. Good job!

  10. Although my hair is relatively straight I enjoyed reading this piece as it allowed me to gain a new point of view. In the back of my mind I always assumed “oh their curly hair is natural, must be easy for them” and never did I think that a process should be followed to achieve the perfect curly hair style.

  11. Thank you so much for these amazing tips! i have curly hair myself and while reading this, i can already tell you that I will be implementing more than a few of these tips into my curly hair care routine! Simply a great article and great instructions.

  12. Wow this was highly informative. I have a hair routine that I do in the beginning of each week, then I let it do whatever it wants until a new week starts. However, towards the latter half of the week, my hair tends to get dry and I haven't found the right products yet to keep it moisturized. Well until I saw your "How to...". Not only did you provide suggested hair products, but you labeled what each one does to curly hair! This really really helped! Thanks Courtney!!

  13. I really liked your how to entry and the tips you gave to help maintain curly hair! I alway bounce back and forth between products because I like using different types of creams that have different scents and curling methods. I'm excited to try out these products and the tips that you gave to help maintain my curly hair!

  14. Thank you so much for these helpful tips! The fact that you incorporated specific step by steps really made it easy to follow and understand! Your hair is so gorgeous girl so I’ll definitely be using these tips! -Sabrina Wilkerson Per.1

  15. Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5
    I loved reading this because I most definitely relate with the stress of having curly hair! I am pretty excited to try the products you listed on your reading I liked how you listed everything down and went into depth on how to use them as well. Great Job !

  16. I always wondered how you managed and took care of your hair so this was very interesting to read what you use!

  17. This may be a life changing solution to better my curly hair...Thank you for writing a "How-to" piece that not many people would consider a problem. Curly hair is difficult, frizzy, and frustrating in so many ways, but your steps are simple to follow and easy to work with. The last touch on how to style it was even more helpful because sometimes with so much curly hair I tend to just give up, but your blog entry has provided me with new options.
    Thank you very much!
    -Valerie cortez

  18. Courtney I feel like you made this for me because I always ask you how you accomplish that beautiful look. I will definitely be trying out these products. I like how you included that it will take time to achieve your desired look.

  19. Mekka Johnson January 16 at 10:24
    I really enjoyed reading your piece. I have always had some thoughts on whether or not I should go natural with my hair, but you know black hair can be really tough to manage. It was nice to see all the products that you use in your hair, in fact its quite informative. You thoroughly explained the steps and made them easily understood, overall you did an awesome job at being descriptive.

  20. Even though I don't have curly hair I really enjoyed reading your "How To"and it was very informative, simple, and interesting how you keep curls intact! Good Job!

  21. I really liked this because naturally my hair is supposed to curl but due to damaging I'm looking for methods to revise my hair. It really helps to see these steps and products to create a healthier curl. You did an amazing job in describing this routine to help others keep up with their beauty routines.

  22. I really liked how detailed your entry is and how many products you included. I do not personally have natural curly hair, but this made me realize how complex caring for curly hair is. You did a wonderful job!

  23. This is something i definitely can relate with which makes me love it even more.I have curly hair and i know the struggle it is to make sure it doesn't look frizzy or bad. I am constantly looking for new products to see which one is the right one and I appreciate you sharing not only the products but the process you go through. I know this will be very helpful

  24. Hi Courtney! I thought this was super interesting because I have straight hair that doesn't curl so I have no idea how to take care of curly hair. Now I know how much work it is; these tips seem to be super helpful! This was great, good job!

  25. While I don't have curly hair myself I can really appreciate the effort you go through to maintain it and your how-to has really shown me how difficult the up-keep can be. Good job on this insightful post!

  26. I have curly/wavy hair, I will definitely try this out on my hair soon. Also, this was very easy to follow and hopefully my hair will become more healthy!
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  27. As a fellow curly haired girl, I was immediately drawn to your post since I'm constantly on the look out for ways to care for my hair. While comparing my personal hair care routine to yours, it was very interesting to see the things we do similarly and differently. I use Miss Jessie's Multicultural Curl cream and Shea Moisture's Curl Smoothie. Though after reading your post, I'm curious to try the "Curls" products as well. I thoroughly enjoyed your tips and felt I could relate to it on a personal level. Well done!

  28. I found your piece very interesting and relatable because I have curly hair and I know how hard it can be to deal with sometimes. You gave a lot of good detail in each of the steps that you included in your piece. Not only did you give your own opinions and methods to taking care of hair but, you also considered the other side of the story in which to explore your own hair and what works for it. Good job Courtney!

  29. Thanks for sharing Courtney!! I too, have curly hair and it sometimes can be overwhelming to manage. I will be sure to try these steps out.

  30. This piece was very informative, because managing curly hair is definitely a difficult task. I especially loved the different methods inserted in the how to using various protective and setting hairstyles, such as twist outs. You did a great job at addressing curls that is understandable, and I also appreciate that the how to involves materials that are inexpensive!

  31. Destiny Freeman
    This piece was very informative, because managing curly hair is definitely a difficult task. I especially loved the different methods inserted in the how to using various protective and setting hairstyles, such as twist outs. You did a great job at addressing curls that is understandable, and I also appreciate that the how to involves materials that are inexpensive!

  32. I really enjoyed this post! It was informative, easy to understand, and detailed. Should I choose to grow my hair out, I know where to look for tips to keep my hair healthy. Thanks for sharing!

  33. I really enjoyed your "How To," because I have naturally curly hair, so it is nice to see what products is good for my hair.
    Samantha Ehrlich Period 1

  34. Thank you! This how to was very helpful actually. I also have curly hair and a lot of it. I never really know what to do with it when I go natural for a little while, so this how to really gave me some good tips and products to use!
    Nysiah LeGardye
    period 6

  35. I really enjoyed your piece about curly hair products and I know this will be help full in my future because I have been recently taking care of younger family members with the same hair texture as you and I needed some insight again great piece. David Ekelem per 6

  36. This was so informative! Curly hair is so hard to manage, I am definitely going to try this routine. Thanks Courtney!

  37. Courtney! I really loved this piece because I too have curly hair and I just started going natural so I know nothing when it comes to managing my hair. However, this 3 step process is really informative and I will definitely use these steps & hair products next time I wash my hair. Thank you!

  38. wow i relate on such a huge level, and so little people are truly educated on curly hair of a different ethnicity outside of their own. this was great to read and just so detailed and could truly benefit someone who has curly hair and is unaware of the beginning steps to take care of it to their best ability. because not to long ago i was completely ignorant as to care for my own hair and i really could've used this blog post a few months ago hahaha. but this is beautiful and i encourage you to continue education on curly hair to benefit the next individual. and you did great advertisment for this product "curls" they should pay you! (:


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